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Macromolecule Worksheet
Cross out the word that doesn’t belong.

1. carbohydrate protein sugar potato

2. keratin strength monosaccharide structural protein

3. amino acid growth energy repair

4. monomer monosaccharide amino acid glycogen

5. chicken fat butter lipid

6. DNA glucose RNA nucleic acid

Categories: For these examples, tell the category to which they belong.

7. steak, chicken, fish, legumes → category: Type of proteins

8. glucose, fructose, galactose → category: Types of monosaccharide

9. starch, glycogen, cellulose → category: Types of polysaccharide

10. insulin, hemoglobin, myosin → category: Types of protein

11. amino acids, monosaccharides → category: Types of monomers

12. sucrose, maltose, lactose → category: Types of disaccharides

13. butter, oil, margarine, fat → category: Types of lipids

14. candy, bread, pasta, rice → category: Types of carbohydrates

Analogies: Complete each of the following analogies

15. amino acid : protein : : monosaccharide: carbohydrate

16. butter : lipid : : candy: carbohydrate

17. DNA : nucleic acid : : insulin : protein

18. cellulose : polysaccharide : : sucrose : disaccharide


Arrange the following words on a scale (largest molecules to smallest molecules)

19. maltose, galactose, amylose (aka plant starch) amylose, maltose, galactose

20. monosaccharide, cellulose, table sugar monosaccharide, table sugar, cellulose

For the following definitions, you write the vocabulary word.

21. Vocabulary word: monosaccharide Definition: A single sugar

22. Vocabulary word: ___carbohydrate_______ _ Definition: A carbon compound consisting of

carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in the molecular ratio of approximately 1C: 2H:1O. Sugars and
compounds built from sugars are the most commonly encountered carbohydrates.

23. Vocabulary word: Glucose Definition: A six carbon simple sugar (C6H12O6) commonly
used as a source of energy by the organism.

24. Vocabulary word: ____glycogen_________________ Definition: A polysaccharide produced by

animals for short term energy storage. In humans and other mammals this molecule is stored in the
liver and in the muscles. One of its uses is to help regulate blood glucose levels. Runners load up
on "carbs" the day before a race to increase short term glycogen reserves in the skeletal muscles.

25. Vocabulary word: __monomers_________________ Definition: A large molecule

made out of repeating molecular subunits. These subunits may be exactly the same as in cellulose
which is made out of thousands of repeating glucose subunits, or they may be similar as in the case
of proteins which are made out of slightly different amino acid subunits strung together like slightly
different box cars of a train.

26. Vocabulary word: ___proteins_____________________ Definition: A compound made from

smaller molecules called amino acids. The amino acids are strung together by specialized chemical
bonds called peptide bonds. This class of macromolecule serves many important functions in the

27. Vocabulary word: ____triglycerides____________________ Definition: A lipid with usually

three relatively saturated fatty acids attached to a glycerol molecule. Oils are similar except that the
fatty acids are unsaturated. Fats and oils together are collectively called triglycerides if they have
three fatty acids per glycerol.

28. Vocabulary word: ___cellulose_____________________ Definition: A polysaccharide made of

repeating glucose subunits characterized by its inability to be digested by humans.


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