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EN5G-IIa-3.9 Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate

grammatical structures: -subject-verb agreement
1 Good morning Virtual Learners, How are you? It’s nice to see you again.
I am Ms. Jonarie A. Macasling your English teacher for today. *click*

2 Finally it’s December, the month of Christmas! Let me start our day with a quote.

"Christmas isn't a season. It's a feeling." —Edna Ferber

3 For todays lesson we are going to learn about
Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical
structures: subject-verb agreement EN5G-IIa-3.9


4 Let us have an attendance. Kindly type the word “PRESENT” slash your name/
name your school in all capital letter, on our comment box.

Just like this:

I will give you 30 secs to do this. Timer starts now. *click* after timer
5 And remember, don’t forget to take screenshots or write some important details you
might get while listening to our discussion.
I will answer that later in the question and answer portion. Remember to be polite
and avoid unnecessary comments. *click*
and kindly ready your pen and paper with you *click*

6 if you are ready to begin, click the heart button

7   For today's session, we need to accomplish these four mystery boxes.
 Let us wait no more.! Let us open the first mystery box. *click* arrow will appear

8 Now, For the first mystery box.
We need to do the Hear, Write and Read.
I have here a set of sentences that you will be encounter later.
While I am saying the sentence, you need to write it on your paper and read it after
9 Take note, A sentence always begins with a capital letter. It always ends
with an appropriate punctuation mark such as a period, a question mark,
or an exclamation point.

Are you ready?

10 The first sentence James and his brothers are at school.
James and his brothers are at school. *click*
Let us see if you got it correct.
11 James and his brothers are at school. *click*

12 Next, number 2 My mother is coming to the party.

My mother is coming to the party *click*

13 The sentence is
My mother is coming to the party. *click*
14 Number 3, The dog or the cat are outside the house.
The dog or the cat are outside the house.

15 The dog or the cat are outside the house.*click*

16 Okay number 4, Either my bag or your cap is always on the floor.

Either my bag or your cap is always on the floor.


17 Either my bag or your cap is always on the floor. *click*

18 For the last sentence, They are at the back of the stage.
They are at the back of the stage.
They are at the back of the stage.
19 Great Job. Keep that because we are going to use that later.

20 Now, lets move on the next mystery box., *click*

21 Boost your Knowledge.

To increase your understanding about the subject and verb agreement, let us learn
the following. *click*
22 Let start by defining the following words.

A sentence has a subject and a predicate. *click*

Subject (noun or pronoun)
- part of a sentence that contains the person or a thing doing the action.

24 Predicate (verb)
- is the part of a sentence, or a clause, that tells what the subject is doing or
what the subject is. *click*


- is a word that names something, such as a person, place, thing, or idea.
Nicole, Church, Christmas, Dog. *click*

26 Verb
_ are words that show an action or state of being.
such as: walk, run, sleep, sing.

27 Now let’s look on this sentence.

Maria cooks in the room.
28 Can you tell me the subject in this sentence?
The subject is Maria.
How about the verb?
29 How about the verb?
the verb in the sentence is cooks. *click*
30 Next, sentence
My sister likes ice cream. *click*
31 The subject is sister and the verb is likes. *click*
We can make a sentence with just a noun and a verb or a pronoun and a verb.
32 Examples:

Jose paints.
(noun) (verb)
He/She/It walks.
(pronoun) (verb)
Lions roar.
(noun) (verb)
I/ We/You/ They speak.
(pronoun) (verb)
33 The noun or pronoun subject and the verb in the predicate must always agree with
each other. This is called subject-verb agreement. *click*
34 Study the following subject-verb agreement charts:

Subject Predicate

Singular noun Verb: -s form

Mary walks
hero leads

Pronoun: Verb: -s form

He, She, It works

Plural noun: Bae/simple form of a

Jane and Mary verb
heroes walk
Pronoun: Base/Simple form of a
I, You, We, They verb
work, honor

If the subject is a singular noun like Mary, it takes the verb -s form in the
If the subject is a singular pronoun like He, she it, it takes the verb -s form in the
If the subject is a plural noun like Jane and Mary, heroes, it takes the base/simple
form of the verb
If the subject is a I and You and plural pronoun like We , they, it will also take the
base/simple form of the verb

35 Other forms include the following form
1. be form : am, is (present, singular)
are (present, plural)
was (past, singular)
were (past, plural)
2. have form : has (present, singular)
have (present, plural)

37 3. do form: does (present, singular)

do (present, plural)
38 Other Rules on subject-verb Agreement
1. Indefinite pronouns like somebody, everybody, everyone, everything, anybody,
and nothing take singular verbs.

Example: Everybody comes early on Mondays. *click*

39 2. The subject pronouns I, you, we, and they take plural verbs.
I read books by Mark Twain.*click*

40 The subject pronoun he, she, and it take singular verbs.

He likes to gather leaves in the garden. *click*

41 3. Mass or non-count nouns take the singular verb.

Butter comes from dairy animals. *click*
42 4. Collective nouns can take either the singular or plural verb depending on its
meaning. If the collective noun refers to one entity, it takes a singular verb.
The team has won all its games.*click*

43 If the collective noun refers to more than one entity, it takes a plural verb.
The team play in different tournaments. *click*
44 5. Some nouns end with -s but have singular meanings. Nouns such as the
following take the singular verb: civics, economics, mathematics, mumps, news, the
United States.
Mathematics excites those who are fond of numbers. *click*
45 6. Some nouns always end with -s. They are plural nouns. Use a plural verb with
them. Such words are acoustics, ashes, athletics, clothes, fireworks, gymnastics,

Examples: The scissors look sharp.*click*

46 7. Some sentences have two or more subjects joined by and. These subjects take a
plural verb.
Planets and meteors revolve around the sun. *click*
47 Okay, this time. Let's try to analyze the sentences that you write earlier.
48 First, circle all the subjects in the sentences

1. James and his brothers are at school.

2. My mother is coming to the party.
3. The dog or the cat are outside the house.
4. Either my bag or your cap is always on the floor.
5. They are at the back of the stage.
You got 30 seconds to do it.
(teacher disappear)
*click* after timer *click*
49 These are the answers: the subjects are:

1. James and his brothers are at school.

2. My mother is coming to the party.
3. The dog or the cat are outside the house.
4. Either my bag or your cap is always on the floor.
5. They are at the back of the stage.


50 Next, let us underline the verb in the sentences.

You got 30 seconds to do it.

(teacher disappear)
*click* after timer *click*

These are the answers

1. James and his brothers are at school.

2. My mother is coming to the party.
3. The dog or the cat are outside the house.
4. Either my bag or your cap is always on the floor.
5. They are at the back of the stage. *click*

52 Great job now, it's time to move on to the next mystery box. *click*
53 *click*
54 For this task, you need to answer the following.
Read the paragraphs. Note the subject of each sentence in the paragraph.
Underline the correct verb in the parentheses that should be used in each

There is no need to copy the whole paragraph. just write your answer on your
papers. *click*
55 Let me read first the paragraph.

Whale sharks (live, lives) in tropical seas. In the Philippines, many whale sharks
(inhabit, inhabits) the seas of Donsol in Sorsogon province. Whale sharks
(measure, measures) from 11 to 12 meters long. They (weigh, weighs) more than
45,000 pounds. Whale sharks are gentle giants. They (do, does) not harm humans.
In the months of November to June, whale sharks (gather, gathers) in Donsol Bay
to feed. This Unique phenomenon (attract, attracts) many tourists to Donsol.

56 You got one minute to answer. The timer starts now. *click* timer starts *click*

(diappear from the scene)

57 Times up!. I will read the paragraph with the correct answers.

Whale sharks (live, lives) in tropical seas. In the Philippines, many whale sharks
(inhabit, inhabits) the seas of Donsol in Sorsogon province. Whale sharks
(measure, measures) from 11 to 12 meters long. They (weigh, weighs) more than
45,000 pounds. Whale sharks are gentle giants. They (do, does) not harm humans.
In the months of November to June, whale sharks (gather, gathers) in Donsol Bay
to feed. This Unique phenomenon (attract, attracts) many tourists to Donsol.

58 Well done everyone!
We are now in the last mystery box. *click*
59 Question and Answer box. *click*
60 Do you have questions or clarifications? I will be giving you one minute to type
your questions in the comment box.
61 * Start Timer* (diappear from the scene)

appear on screen *click*

62 Lets start with the first question

1. How can we easily find the subject and predicate?

-To find the subject easily you just need to look for a noun or pronoun, and for the
predicate, the predicate contains the verb in the sentence.
63 2. Why is it important to use the subject-verb agreement?

- It is important because, without the use of subject and verb agreement, the
reader of your sentence will be confused. To clear in the sentence who did the
action and what they did. Also, it is always a good idea to practice proper
grammar. *click*
64 3. How can we know which rules of subject-verb agreement to be applied in the

-The most important thing to do is to find first the subject. If you know your
subject, whether it is a noun or pronoun, it would be easy for you to identify the
correct form of the verb to be used. *click*
65 That’s it.
Now, it would be easy for you to do the following activities that can be found on your
Learning packet. *click*
66 Kindly answer the What I know on you module.
English 5 Quarter 1 – Module 5 Lesson 1: Composing Inverted Sentences
with Correct Subject and Verb Agreement
67 *click*
68 I hope you enjoy and understand our lesson for today.
69 Let us always remember “In any situation, education must continue.”
Thank you and Stay safe! Bye….


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