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The January 20, 1872 uprising is more commonly known as the 1872 Cavite
Mutiny. It was built by more than 200 locally recruited colonial troops and
laborers who believed that they need to ignite a national uprising against the
Spanish government in the Philippines at that time. There were several reasons
that led to the Cavite mutiny, some of which are: (1) an attempt to overthrow the
Spanish colonizers; (2) a revolt due to the removal of privileges enjoyed by
Filipino laborers of the Cavite arsenal such as exemption from the tribute and
forced labor; (3) as a sign of objection against the injustices of the Spanish
government to the Filipino laborers. Due to these, the so-called mutineers
initiated an uprising that ultimately led to the Filipino nationalism.

In comparison to today’s situation during a pandemic, I believe that the acts of

the rebels are unreasonable and inhumane. A crisis like today needs social
responsibility and cooperation from the people in order for us to succeed as a
nation against a pandemic, if people will not be cooperative, no single person can
solve our problem. Hence, rebel groups like the NPA must observe a pause or
ceasefire in this time to give way to the current crisis we are facing. This is not
only for the advantage of the civilians but to them as well as human beings
because COVID-19 does not choose between a civilian, soldier or rebel. Hence,
while the mutineers during 1872 had a legitimate cause in revolting against
injustice, the rebel groups cannot use the same reasoning in their acts today.

2. Reform movement during the 19 th century were mainly caused by the injustices
of the Spanish government to the Filipino natives especially to its labor force.
Such reform then led the drive for independence of the Philippines to exercise
our own nationalism spirit. In today’s generation, many factors affect the reform
movements in both national and local sense. Many are revolting against
injustices, human rights violations, corruption, poverty and even leadership in the

I truly believe that one man cannot change a nation. It must be a collective effort
by the leaders and the citizens of the country, along with different sectors like the
private entities, business, agriculture, women, and indigenous groups. Hence,
even if our President is doing all efforts he can to change our country, it is only
when the people especially our public servants will work with him will our aim to
change and progress be successful. Hence, I appreciate that people exercise
their freedom of expression in communicating their grievances to the government
so that we will know the sufferings of our nation, but I hope that it will not be
limited to mere words but translate it to actions, no matter how small, so that we
can all contribute to the progressive, equal and just Philippines that we are all
dreaming of living in. Moreover, true change can be effected during the elections
hence we must choose competent leaders that will help us achieve the results
we so badly want.

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