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 These are enveloped viruses with a helical nucleocapsid and single-

stranded, linear, nonsegmented, negative-polarity RNA.

 The paramyxovirus family contains four important human pathogens:

 Measles virus

 Mumps virus

 Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)

 Parainfluenza viruses
 They differ from orthomyxoviruses in that their genomes are not segmented,
they have a larger diameter, and their surface spikes are different.
 Paramyxoviruses are composed of one piece of single stranded RNA, a
helical nucleocapsid, and an outer lipoprotein envelope.

 The virion contains an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, which

transcribes the negative-polarity genome into mRNA.

 The envelope is covered with spikes, which contain hemagglutinin,

neuraminidase, or a fusion protein that causes cell fusion and, in some
cases, hemolysis.

Envelope spikes of paramyxoviruses

Virus Hemagglutinin Neuraminidase Fusion Protein

Measles virus + - +
Mumps virus + + +
Respiratory syncytial - - +
Parainfluenza virus + + +
Measles virus
 Measles is also called Rubeola.

 The virion has two types of envelope spikes, one with hemagglutinating
activity and the other with cell-fusing and hemolytic activities.

 It has a single serotype, and the hemagglutinin is the antigen against which
neutralizing antibody is directed.

 Humans are the natural host.

 Measles virus is transmitted via respiratory droplets produced by coughing
and sneezing both during the prodromal period and for a few days after
the rash appears.
 It occurs primarily in childhood.
 The attack rate is one of the highest of viral diseases; most children contract
the clinical disease on exposure.
 In malnourished children, especially those in developing countries, measles
is a much more serious disease than in well-nourished children.
 Vitamin A deficiency is especially important in this regard, and
supplementation of this vitamin greatly reduces the severity of measles.
 Patients with deficient cell-mediated immunity (e.g., AIDS patients) have a
severe, life-threatening disease when they contract measles.
Pathogenesis & Immunity
 After infecting the cells lining the upper respiratory tract, the virus
enters the blood and infects reticuloendothelial cells, where it
replicates again. It then spreads via the blood to the skin.

 The rash is caused primarily by cytotoxic T cells attacking the

measles virus–infected vascular endothelial cells in the skin.

 Antibody-mediated vasculitis may also play a role.

 Shortly after the rash appears, the virus can no longer be recovered
and the patient can no longer spread the virus to others.

 Multinucleated giant cells, which form as a result of the fusion

protein in the spikes, are characteristic of the lesions.
 Lifelong immunity occurs in individuals who have had the disease. Although IgG
antibody may play a role in neutralizing the virus during the viremic stage, cell-
mediated immunity is more important.
 Maternal antibody passes the placenta, and infants are protected during the first 6
months of life.

Clinical Findings
 After an incubation period of 10 to 14 days,
a prodromal phase characterized by fever,
conjunctivitis (causing photophobia),
running nose, and coughing occurs.
Koplik’s spots are bright red lesions with
a white, central dot that are located on the
buccal mucosa and are virtually diagnostic.
 A few days later, a maculopapular rash appears on the face and
proceeds gradually down the body to the lower extremities,
including the palms and soles. The rash develops a brownish hue
several days later.
 The complications of measles can be quite severe:
 Encephalitis occurs at a rate of 1 per 1000 cases of measles.
 The mortality rate of encephalitis is 10%, and there are permanent
sequelae, such as deafness and mental retardation, in 40% of cases.
 In addition, both primary measles pneumonia and secondary

bacterial pneumonia occur. Bacterial otitis media is quite common.

 Measles in a pregnant woman leads to an increased risk of stillbirth

rather than congenital abnormalities.
 Measles virus infection of the fetus is more severe than rubella
virus infection, so the former typically causes fetal death, whereas
the latter causes congenital abnormalities.
Treatment: There is no antiviral therapy available.


 Prevention rests on immunization with the live, attenuated vaccine.

 The vaccine is given subcutaneously to children at 15 months of

age, usually in combination with rubella and mumps vaccines.

 The vaccine should not be given to children prior to 15 months of

age, because maternal antibody in the child can neutralize the virus
and reduce the immune response.

 Because immunity can wane, a booster dose is recommended.

Mumps virus
 This virus causes mumps, a disease characterized by parotid gland swelling.
It occurs primarily in childhood.
 The genome RNA and nucleocapsid
are those of a typical paramyxovirus.
The virion has two types of envelope spikes:
one with both hemagglutinin and
neuraminidase activities and the
other with cell-fusing and
hemolytic activities.
 The virus has a single serotype.

 Neutralizing antibody is directed against the hemagglutinin.

 Humans are the natural host.

Transmission: Mumps virus is transmitted via respiratory droplets.

Mumps occurs worldwide, with a peak incidence in the winter.

About 30% of children have a subclinical (inapparent) infection, which

confers immunity.
Pathogenesis & Immunity
 The virus infects the upper respiratory tract and then spreads through
the blood to infect the parotid glands, testes, ovaries, pancreas,
and, in some cases, meninges. Alternatively, the virus may ascend
from the buccal mucosa up Stensen’s duct to the parotid gland.
 Lifelong immunity occurs in persons
who have had the disease.
 Mumps occurs only once; subsequent cases
of parotitis can be caused by other viruses such
as parainfluenza viruses, by bacteria, and by duct stones.
 Maternal antibody passes the placenta and provides protection during
the first 6 months of life.
Clinical findings
After an incubation period of 18 to 21 days, a prodromal stage of fever,
malaise, and anorexia is followed by tender swelling of the parotid
glands, either unilateral or bilateral. There is a characteristic increase in
parotid pain when drinking citrus juices. The disease is typically benign and

resolves spontaneously within 1 week.

Two complications are of significance:
 One is orchitis in postpubertal males, which, if bilateral, can result
in sterility. Unilateral orchitis, although quite painful, does not lead
to sterility.
 The other complication is meningitis, which is usually benign,
self-limited, and without sequelae.
 Mumps virus, Coxsackie virus, and echovirus are the three most
frequent causes of viral (aseptic) meningitis.
Treatment: There is no antiviral therapy for mumps.
 Prevention consists of immunization with the live, attenuated
 The vaccine is effective and long-lasting (at least 10 years) and
causes few side effects.
 Two immunizations are recommended, one at 15 months and a
booster dose at 4 to 6 years, usually in combination with measles
and rubella vaccines.
 Because it is a live vaccine, it should not be given to
immunocompromised persons or pregnant women.
 Immune globulin is not useful for preventing or mitigating mumps
Respiratory syncytial virus
 The genome RNA and nucleocapsid are those of a typical paramyxovirus.
 Its surface spikes are fusion proteins, not hemagglutinins or neuraminidases.
 The fusion protein causes cells to fuse, forming multinucleated giant cells
(syncytia), which give rise to the name of the virus.
 Humans are the natural hosts of RSV.
 Transmission occurs via respiratory droplets and by direct
contact of contaminated hands with the nose or mouth.

 RSV causes outbreaks of respiratory infections every winter, in

contrast to many other “cold” viruses, which reenter the
community every few years.

 It occurs worldwide, and virtually everyone has been infected by

the age of 3 years.

 RSV also causes outbreaks of respiratory infections in hospitalized

Pathogenesis & Immunity
 The infection is localized to the respiratory tract; viremia does not
 RSV infection in infants is more severe and more often involves the
lower respiratory tract than in older children and adults.
 The severe disease in infants may have an immunopathogenic
mechanism. Maternal antibody passed to the infant may react with the
virus, form immune complexes, and damage the respiratory tract cells.
 Trials with a killed vaccine resulted in more severe disease, an
unexpected finding that supports such a mechanism.
 Most individuals have multiple infections caused by RSV, indicating
that immunity is incomplete. The reason for this is unknown, but it is
not due to antigenic variation of the virus.
 IgA respiratory antibody reduces the frequency of RSV infection as a
person ages.
Clinical findings
 In infants, RSV is an important cause of lower respiratory tract
diseases such as bronchiolitis and pneumonia. RSV is also an
important cause of otitis media in young children.

 In older children and young, healthy adults, RSV causes respiratory

tract infections such as the common cold and bronchitis.

 However, in the elderly (people older than 65 years of age) and in

adults with chronic cardiopulmonary diseases, RSV causes severe
lower respiratory tract disease, including pneumonia.

 Aerosolized ribavirin is recommended for severely ill hospitalized

infants, but there is uncertainty regarding its effectiveness.

 A combination of ribavirin and hyperimmune globulins against RSV

may be more effective.
 There is no vaccine. Previous attempts to protect with a killed
vaccine resulted in an increase in severity of symptoms.

 Passive immunization with a monoclonal antibody directed against

the fusion protein of RSV can be used for prophylaxis in premature
or immunocompromised infants.

 Hyperimmune globulins are also available for prophylaxis in these

infants and in children with chronic lung disease.

 Nosocomial outbreaks can be limited by hand washing and use of

Parainfluenza viruses
 The genome RNA and nucleocapsid are those of a typical
 The surface spikes consist of hemagglutinin (H), neuraminidase (N),
and fusion (F) proteins.
 The fusion protein mediates
the formation of multinucleated
giant cells.
 The H and N proteins are
on the same spike; the F protein
is on a separate spike.
 Both humans and animals are infected by parainfluenza viruses, but
the animal strains do not infect humans.
 There are four types, which are distinguished by antigenicity,
cytopathic effect, and pathogenicity.
 Antibody to either the H or the F protein neutralizes infectivity.
Transmission: These viruses are transmitted via respiratory droplets.
They cause disease worldwide, primarily in the winter months.
Pathogenesis & Immunity
 These viruses cause upper and lower respiratory tract disease
without viremia.
 A large proportion of infections are subclinical.
 Parainfluenza viruses 1 and 2 are major causes of croup (acute
 Parainfluenza virus 3 is the most common parainfluenza virus isolated
from children with lower respiratory tract infection in the United
 Parainfluenza virus 4 rarely causes disease, except for the common
Clinical findings:
 Parainfluenza viruses are best known as the main cause of croup in
children younger than 5 years of age.

 Croup is characterized by a harsh cough and hoarseness.

 In addition to croup, these viruses cause a variety of respiratory

diseases such as the common cold, pharyngitis, laryngitis, otitis
media, bronchitis, and pneumonia.

Treatment & Prevention: There is neither antiviral therapy nor a

vaccine available.
 Coronaviruses have a nonsegmented, single-stranded, positive-
polarity RNA genome.
 They are enveloped viruses with a helical nucleocapsid.
 There is no virion polymerase.
 In the electron microscope,
prominent club shaped spikes in
the form of a corona (halo) can be seen.
 Coronaviruses are a group of related viruses that cause diseases in
mammals and birds.
 In humans, coronaviruses cause respiratory tract infections that
can be mild, such as some cases of the common cold (among other
possible causes, predominantly rhinoviruses), and others that can be
lethal, such as SARS, MERS, and COVID-19.
 SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) which emerged in late
2002 and disappeared by 2004.
 MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome), which emerged in
2012 and remains in circulation in camels.
 COVID-19, which was first identified in 2019 in Wuhan, Central
China, and has since spread globally, resulting in the 2019–20
coronavirus pandemic.
 COVID-19 The virus is now known as the severe acute respiratory
syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The disease it causes is
called coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
 Coronaviruses are transmitted by the respiratory aerosol.
 Infection occurs worldwide and occurs early in life, as evidenced by
finding antibody in more than half of children.
 Outbreaks occur primarily in the winter on a 2- to 3-year cycle.
 The COVID-19 is typically spread from one person to another via
respiratory droplets produced during coughing. It may also be
spread from touching contaminated surfaces and then touching
one's face. The virus can remain viable for up to three days on
plastic and stainless steel, and for three hours in aerosols .
Pathogenesis & Immunity
 Coronavirus infection is typically limited to the mucosal cells of the
respiratory tract.
 Approximately 50% of infections are asymptomatic, and it is unclear
what role they play in the spread of infection.
 Immunity following infection appears to be brief, and reinfection
can occur.
Clinical findings
 Coronaviruses are an important cause of the common cold, probably
second only to rhinoviruses in frequency.
 The common cold caused by coronavirus is characterized by
coryza (runny nose), scratchy sore throat, and low-grade fever.
This illness typically lasts several days and has no long-term
sequelae. Coronaviruses also cause bronchitis.
 The incubation period for SARS ranges from 2 to 10 days, with a
mean of 5 days. SARS is a severe atypical pneumonia characterized
by a fever of at least 38°C, nonproductive cough, dyspnea, and
hypoxia. Chills, rigors, malaise, and headache commonly occur,
but sore throat and rhinorrhea are uncommon.
 Symptoms of MERS may range from mild to severe. They include
fever, cough, diarrhea and shortness of breath. Disease is
typically more severe in those with other health problems.
 The COVID-19
 The severity of COVID-19 symptoms can range from very mild to
severe. Some people have no symptoms. People who are older or have
existing chronic medical conditions, such as heart or lung disease or
diabetes, may be at higher risk of serious illness.

 Signs and symptoms of COVID-19 may appear 2 to 14 days after

exposure and can include: fever, cough, shortness of breath or
difficulty breathing. Other symptoms can include: tiredness, aches,
runny nose and sore throat.

 Complications can include pneumonia in both lungs, failure in several

organs and death.
Treatment & Prevention:

 There is no antiviral therapy or vaccine available.

 A combination of ribavirin and steroids has been tried in the

treatment of life-threatening cases of SARS, but their efficacy is

 Recommended measures to prevent COVID-19 infection include

frequent hand washing, social distancing (maintaining distance from
others), and keeping hands away from the face. The use of masks is
recommended for those who suspect they have the virus and their
caregivers, but not the general public. There is no vaccine or specific
antiviral treatment for COVID-19. Management involves treatment
of symptoms, supportive care and isolation.
These are enveloped viruses with an icosahedral capsid and
single-stranded, linear, nonsegmented, positive-polarity RNA. Rubella virus is
a member of the togavirus family.
Rubella virus
 Unlike the paramyxoviruses, such
as measles and mumps viruses, rubella
virus has a positive-strand RNA and
therefore has no virion polymerase.
 Its surface spikes contain hemagglutinin.
 The virus has a single antigenic type.
 Antibody against hemagglutinin neutralizes infectivity.
 Humans are the natural host
Transmission: The virus is transmitted via respiratory droplets and from
mother to fetus transplacentally.
Pathogenesis & Immunity
 Initial replication of the virus occurs in the nasopharynx and local
lymph nodes. From there it spreads via the blood to the internal
organs and skin. The origin of the rash is unclear; it may be due to
antigen/antibody–mediated vasculitis.
 Natural infection leads to lifelong immunity. Second cases of rubella
do not occur; similar rashes are caused by other viruses, such as
Coxsackie viruses and echoviruses.
 Antibody crosses the placenta and protects the newborn.
Clinical findings
 Rubella is a milder, shorter disease than measles. After an
incubation period of 14 to 21 days, a brief prodromal
period with fever and malaise is followed by a maculopapular rash,
which starts on the face and progresses downward to involve the
 Posterior auricular lymphadenopathy is characteristic.
 The rash typically lasts 3 days.
 When rubella occurs in adults, especially women, polyarthritis
caused by immune complexes often occurs.
Congenital rubella syndrome
 The significance of rubella virus is not as a cause of mild childhood
disease but as a teratogen.

 When a non-immune pregnant woman is infected during the first

trimester, especially the first month, significant congenital
malformations can occur as a result of maternal viremia and fetal

 The increased rate of abnormalities during the early weeks of

pregnancy is attributed to the very sensitive organ development that
occurs at that time.

 The malformations are widespread and involve primarily the heart,

eyes and the brain (e.g., deafness and mental retardation).
 In addition, some children infected in utero can continue to excrete
rubella virus for months after birth, which is a significant public
health hazard because the virus can be transmitted to pregnant

 Some congenital shedders are asymptomatic and without

malformations and hence can be diagnosed only if the virus is

 Congenitally infected infants also have significant IgM titers and

persistent IgG titers long after maternal antibody has disappeared.
Treatment: There is no antiviral therapy.

 Prevention involves immunization with the live, attenuated
vaccine. The vaccine is effective and long-lasting (at least 10 years)
and causes few side effects, except for transient arthralgias in some
 It is given subcutaneously to children at 15 months of age (usually
in combination with measles and mumps vaccine) and to
unimmunized young adult women if they are not pregnant and will
use contraception for the next 3 months.
 Because it is a live vaccine, it should not be given to
immunocompromised patients or to pregnant women.
 Immune serum globulins (IG) can be given to pregnant women in
the first trimester, who have been exposed to a known case of
rubella and for whom termination of the pregnancy is not an option.

 To protect pregnant women from exposure to rubella virus, many

hospitals require their personnel to demonstrate immunity, either by
serologic testing or by proof of immunization.
 The term rhabdo refers to the bullet shape. These are bullet-shaped
enveloped viruses with a helical nucleocapsid and a single-stranded,
linear, nonsegmented, negative-polarity RNA.
 Rabies virus is the only important human
pathogen of the rhabdovirus family.
 Because the genome RNA has negative
polarity, the virion contains an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase.
 Rabies virus has a single antigenic type. The antigenicity resides in the
envelope glycoprotein spikes.
 Rabies virus has a broad host range: it can infect all mammals, but
only certain mammals are important sources of infection for humans
 The virus is transmitted by the bite of a rabid animal that manifests
aggressive, biting behavior induced by the viral encephalitis.
 In the United States, transmission is usually from the bite of wild
animals such as skunks, raccoons, and bats; dogs and cats are
frequently immunized and therefore are rarely sources of human
Skunk Raccoon Bat
 In recent years, bats have been the source of most cases of human rabies
in the United States. Rodents and rabbits do not transmit rabies.

 Human rabies has also occurred in the United States in people who have
not been bitten, so-called “nonbite” exposures. The most important
example of this type of transmission is exposure to aerosols of bat
secretions containing rabies virus.
Pathogenesis & Immunity
 The virus multiplies locally at the bite site, infects the sensory
neurons, and moves by axonal transport to the central nervous

 During its transport within the nerve, the virus is sheltered from the
immune system and little, if any, immune response occurs.
 The virus multiplies in the central nervous system and then travels
down the peripheral nerves to the salivary glands and other organs.

 From the salivary glands, it enters the saliva to be transmitted by the


 There is no viremic stage.

 Within the central nervous system, encephalitis develops, with the

death of neurons and demyelination.

 Infected neurons contain an eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusion called

a Negri body, which is important in laboratory diagnosis of rabies.
Because so few individuals have survived rabies, there is no
information regarding immunity to disease upon being bitten again.
Clinical findings
 The incubation period varies, according to the location of the bite,
from as short as 2 weeks to 16 weeks or longer. It is shorter when
bites are sustained on the head rather than on the leg, because the
virus has a shorter distance to travel to reach the central nervous
 Clinically, the patient exhibits a prodrome of nonspecific
symptoms such as fever, anorexia, and changes in sensation at
the bite site. Within a few days, signs such as confusion, lethargy,
and increased salivation develop.
 Most notable is the painful spasm of the throat muscles on
swallowing. This results in hydrophobia, an aversion to swallowing
water because it is so painful.
 Within several days, the disease progresses to seizures, paralysis,
and coma. Death almost invariably ensues, but with the advent of
life support systems a few individuals have survived.
Treatment: There is no antiviral therapy for a patient with rabies. Only
supportive treatment is available.
There are two approaches to prevention of rabies in humans:
preexposure and postexposure.
 Preexposure immunization with rabies vaccine should be given to
individuals in high-risk groups, such as veterinarians, zookeepers,
and travelers to areas of hyperendemic infection.
 Preexposure immunization consists of three doses given on days 0,
7, and 21 or 28. Booster doses are given as needed to maintain an
antibody titer of 1:5.
 The rabies vaccine is also used routinely postexposure (i.e., after
the person has been exposed to the virus via animal bite). The long
incubation period of the disease allows the virus in the vaccine
sufficient time to induce protective immunity.
 Postexposure immunization involves the use of both the vaccine and
human rabies immune globulin (RIG, obtained from
hyperimmunized persons) plus immediate cleaning of the wound.

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