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Task 1 UNSDG Goal 2 No Hunger

What I see
A shepherd
Dry, cracked earth
What i think
He is poor because of
He is starving because of
This is related to zero
What I wonder
? is this shepherd
How did the drought start
● Why might this Goal of Zero Hunger matter to me?
● Zero hunger matters to me as there are lot of poor people in my area
(sangharsh nagar) and because of work cuts due to COVID-19, they are
not earning enough to eat.
● Why might it matter to people around me? (Family, friends,
community, nation)
● It matters to india as india has a large slum community, and we must
help them live in comfort.
Why might it matter to the world?
● It matters to the world as the world has a lot of poverty, and we must
help eradicate it by helping the poor live in comfort.

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