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Plant Transport Multiple Choice revision questions

1 Why is the mass flow of sap through sieve elements described as an active process?

A Phloem sap is able to flow in sieve elements against the pull of gravity.

B Sucrose is loaded into a sieve element against a concentration gradient.

C Sucrose passes out of the phloem into regions where cells are dividing.

D Water follows sucrose into a sieve element down a water potential gradient.

2 What is the main function of a companion cell in mature phloem tissue?

A providing cytoplasmic contact with the sieve tube for loading

B providing structural support for the sieve tube element

C providing the nucleus for cell division in the phloem

D providing the source of assimilates for storage

3 The diagrams show transverse sections of parts of a plant.

In the cross sections, what do 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 represent?

4 Land flooded by the sea is not suitable for growing plants long after the salty flood water has
drained away.
The diagram represents a transverse section through a part of the root of a plant.

Which values of water potential (kPa) in the xylem and soil water help to explain why the land
flooded with salty water is unsuitable for growth of plants?

5 The movement of water through xylem vessels is affected by external factors.

A decrease in which external factor would result in an increase in water movement?

A atmospheric humidity

B external temperature

C light intensity

D wind velocity

Which statement describes the movement of water between these cells and between them and their environment?

A All three cells are turgid, so no water moves.

B Water moves from cell 1, cell 3 and the environment into cell 2.

C Water moves from cell 3 to the environment, and from the environment to cell 1.

D Water moves from the environment into cells 1, 2 and 3.

7 In which combination of environmental conditions are the stomata of a plant most likely to close?
8 Which combination of features is characteristic of phloem sieve tubes?

9 A region of a stem of a plant is heated to kill the cells in the living vascular tissues.
How will this treatment affect the transport between roots and leaves via xylem and phloem?

10 Some soil-borne fungi cause wilting in crop plants by growing within the xylem vessels.
Which process will be directly affected by these fungi?

A conduction in the apoplast

B development of root pressure
C stomatal movement
D uptake of water by root hairs

11 Which organelles occur in large numbers in companion cells in phloem?

A chloroplasts
B lysosomes
C mitochondria
D starch grains
12 The diagram represents the phloem pathway, with adjacent cells, from leaf to root in a plant.

Which process is occurring between 1 to 2 and what is the effect on the water potential at 2?
13 The diagram represents a transverse section through a part of the root of a plant.

Which values of water potential (kPa) in the xylem and soil water help to explain why water
passes from the soil into the xylem across the cortex?

14 Translocation in plants moves sucrose from sources to sinks.

Which of the following can be a source and which a sink?
15 A large number of aphids were used to collect samples of the contents of the sieve tubes of a tomato plant.

Different samples of the sieve tube solution were tested.

Which was the correct result?

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