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Guidance for topic #4 «Anatomy of the scull: bones of viscerocranium.

Facial norma of scull:

orbit and nasal cavity.»

Content of the topic: The structure of the bones that form the facial scull: mandible,
maxilla zygomatic, nasal, palatine, lacrimal, hyoid bone, vomer, inferior nasal concha.
Strucrure of the walls of orbit. Bony nasal cavity and its walls. Bony nasal septum. Age-
old and sexual features of skull. Buttresses. Craniometry. X-ray anatomy skull.

Actuality of theme: A large value has knowledge of structure of viscerocranium, orbita,

nasal cavity and sizes of skull, for doctors – stomatologies for research of correlation of roots of
teeth with a nasal cavity, genyantrum, eye socket and mandibular channel. Age-old and sexual
features of skull widely used in stomatology at prosthesis and treatment of children and people old
years. The buttresses of skull use for a study forces of pressure on those or other teeth in a dental
row, from what depends them obliterated.
Educational purpose.
a) a structure of the bones of viscerocranium (mandible, maxilla zygomatic, nasal, palatine,
lacrimal, hyoid bone, vomer, inferior nasal concha);
b) a location is on a skull, walls, content and connection of the orbit;
c) a location is on a skull, walls, content and connection of the nasal cavity;
d) age-old features of skull;
e) tops of their location are on a skull, terms of overgrowing;
f) sexual features of skull;
g) buttresses of overhead and lower jaw;
h) basic sizes of skull;
i) basic forms of neurocranium;
j) basic forms of viscerocranium;
k) x-ray photography anatomy of skull.

a) to find and to describe the bones of viscerocranium (mandible, maxilla zygomatic,
nasal, palatine, lacrimal, hyoid bone, vomer, inferior nasal concha)
b) to define the walls and connections of the orbit;
c) to define the walls and connections of the nasal cavity;
d) to define tops on a skull of new-born;
e) to define the buttresses of overhead and lower jaw;
f) to define the basic sizes of cerebral and facial skull;
g) on sciagrams to define bones, which form a, cerebral viscerocranium, basis, calvaria,
orbit, nasal cavity, air sinuses.

The task for self-work:

a. Learn material, using separated bones of viscerocranium and the whole scull, after the
compendium of lectures and recommended literature.
b. What walls the orbit consist from?
c. Describe the medial wall of orbit?
d. Describe the lateral wall of orbit?
e. Describe the superior wall of orbit?
f. Describe the inferior wall of orbit?
g. Describe the connections of the orbit.
h. What walls the nasal cavity consist from?
i. Describe the medial wall of nasal cavity.
j. Describe the lateral wall of nasal cavity.
k. Describe the posterior wall of nasal cavity.
l. Describe the superior wall of nasal cavity.
m. Describe the inferior wall of nasal cavity.
n. Describe the structure of nasal meatuses.
o. Describe the connections of nasal cavity.
p. Learn the age-old features of skull.
q. Learn the sexual features of skull.
r. Describe the buttresses of maxilla and mandible.
s. Learn the sizes of skull.
t. Learn to describe x-ray anatomy of skull.
u. Give an answer for control questions.

Control questions:

1. Bones and their surfaces which form the walls of orbit.

2. Connection of the orbit with other anatomic structures.
3. Bones and their surfaces which form the walls of nasal cavity.
4. Connection of nasal cavity is with other anatomic structures.
5. Nasal conchae, nasal meatuses and their connections.
6. Age-old features of skull, skull of new-born.
7. Tops of their location are on a skull, terms of overgrowing.
8. Features of skull are in a senium.
9. Sexual features of skull.
10. Buttresses of maxilla and mandible, their description.
11. Basic sizes of facial and cerebral skull.
12. Cranial index.
13. Forms of neurocranium are depending on cranial index.
14. Facial index.
15. Forms of viscerocranium are depending on a facial index.
16. Facial corner, opistognatism, ortognatism, prognatism.
17. Methods x-ray anatomy of skull.

A content of self-work on the lesson

Students independently work with preparations of skull on the whole and by separate bones,
and also with the sciagrams of skull. Independently probe the structure of walls of orbit, nasal
cavity, study nasal motions, the buttresses of maxilla and mandible determine, force of action of
different teeth on the bones of skull. The age-old and sexual features of skull determine, study to
describe X-ray anatomy skull. A teacher advises students on the topic of lesson, shows the
incomprehensible details of structure of skull. At the end of lesson a teacher by testing of eventual
level of knowledges and abilities estimates work of every student in an academic magazine.

Tests for self-control:

1. Which number in the figure marked canalis opticus?

A.* 6
B. 34
C. 29
D. 7
E. 12

2. Which number in the figure marked foramen ethmoidale posterius?

A.* 7
B. 34
C. 29
D. 26
E. 12

3. Which number in the figure marked fissura orbitalis inferior?

A.* 29
B. 34
C. 6
D. 7
E. 27

4. Which number in the figure marked foramen supraorbitalis?

A.* 1
B. 34
C. 29
D. 7
E. 12

5. Which number in the figure marked canalis infraorbitalis?

A.* 12
B. 1
C. 4
D. 10
E. 17

6. Which number in the figure marked concha nasalis superior?

A.* 18
B. 13
C. 17
D. 5
E. 9

7. Which number in the figure marked lamina perpendicularis ossis ethmoidalis?

A.* 9
B. 13
C. 17
D. 5
E. 18

8. Which number in the figure marked meatus nasi medius?

A.* 19
B. 23
C. 16
D. 14
E. 6

9. Which number in the figure marked foramen sphenopalatinum?

A.* 7
B. 24
C. 5
D. 14
E. 16

10. Which number in the figure marked aperture sinus sphenoidalis?

A.* 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 24
E. 16
Situation tasks
1. After eye injury arose suppuration of soft tissues of the orbit. Due to anatomical lesion purulent
process may spread to the middle cranial fossa.
A. * Through the superior orbital fissure
B. Through the anterior ethmoidal foramen
C. Through the posterior ethmoidal foramen
D. Through the inferior orbital fissure
E. Through the zygomatico-orbital foramen

2. The purulent inflammation in the area of fossa canina on the face can spread the inflammatory
process in the orbit. In which of the entities that possible?
A. *Canalis infraorbitalis.
B. Canalis pterigoideus.
C. Canalis nosolacrimalis.
D. Canalis incisivus.
E. Fissura orbitalis inferior.

3. After eye injury arose suppuration of soft tissues of the orbit. Due to anatomical lesion purulent
process may spread in the pterygopalatine fossa.
A. * Through the inferior orbital fissure
B. Through the foramen rotundum
C. Through the sphenopalatine foramen
D. Through the superior orbital fissure
E. Through the zygomatico-orbital foramen

4. The patient was hospitalized for correction of distortion nasal septum. What bones are subject to
correction in this case?
A. * Perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone, vomer
B. Vertical plate palatine bone, vomer
C. Perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone, inferior nasal concha
D. Nasal bone, vertical plate palatine bone
E. Horizontal plate palatine bone, vomer

5. Radiograph revealed accumulation of pus in the maxillary sinus on the right. In the nasal passage
which stands out pus?
A. * In the right middle nasal meatus
B. In the right inferior nasal meatus
C. In the right superior nasal meatus
D. In the right common nasal meatus
E. In the right nasopharyngeal meatus

6. The patient complains of headache, shortness of breath. X-ray confirmed the diagnosis - frontitis
(frontal sinus inflammation). Which meatus on examination of the nasal cavity can occur purulent
A. * In the middle nasal meatus
B. In the superior nasal meatus
C. In the inferior nasal meatus
D. In the common nasal meatus
E. Above the superior nasal concha

7. A patient 28 years old, diagnosed with acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of naso-
lacrimal ducts. In the anamnesis was found, that after suffering flu within 10-days have been runny
nose. In which way the nasal cavity infection could penetrate the nasolacrimal canal?
A. * From the inferior nasal meatus
B. From the middle nasal meatus
C. From the superior nasal meatus
D. From the nasal vestibule
E. From the frontal sinus

8. The doctor predicts the possibility of inflammation in the orbital tissue as a complication of the
purulent inflammation in the area of infraorbital fossa. Through which formations possible spread
of infection?
A.* Canalis infraorbitalis.
B. Canalis pterigoideus.
C. Canalis nаsolacrimalis.
D. Canalis incisivus.
E. Fissura orbitalis inferior.
9. In patients with sinusitis broken links maxillary sinus-bilyanosovoyi middle nasal way. What
mass in normal provides air with nasal go to the maxillary sinus?
A. *Hiatus semilunaris
B. Infundibulum ethmoidale
C. Foramina ethmoidalia
D. Recessus sphenopalatinus
E. Canalis nasolacrimalis

10. The patient asked the doctor with complaints of headache after suffering rhinitis. When on-
stezheni on the radiograph-eclipse maxillary sinus. How spread by infection in maxillary cavity?
A. * Through the maxillary hiatus
B. Through the ethmoidal infundibulum
C. Through the sphenopalatine foramen
D. Through the anterior ethmoidal celles
E. Through the posterior ethmoidal celles


1. Human Anatomy. In three volumes. Volume I /edited by prof. V. G. Koveshnikov. - Lugansk:
Віртуальна реальність, 2006. – 328 р.
2. Human Anatomy. In three volumes. Volume II /edited by prof. V. G. Koveshnikov. - Lugansk:
LTD: Virtualnaya realnost, 2008. – 248 р.
3. Human Anatomy. In three volumes. Volume III /edited by prof. V. G. Koveshnikov. - Lugansk:
LTD: Virtualnaya realnost, 2008. – 382 р.
4. Frank H. Netter. Atlas of Human Anatomy. - 2010. - 4th Edition Publication. - 514 p.
5. Igor V. Zadnipryany. Human Anatomy : lecture Workbook // Crimean Medical University. –
2004-2005. Vol. III. 440 p.

1. Anne M. Gilroy, Brian R . Atlas of Anatomy. - Google Books Thieme. - 2008. - 656 p.
2. Agur A. M. R. , Dalley Arthur F. Grant's Atlas of Anatomy. - 584 p.


- Morpho-functional of regularity structure of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity
- Morpho-functional of to regularity structure of the mucous membrane the different organs of
digestive channel
- Variants and anomalies of structure of teeth
- Variants and anomalies of development of organs of the digestive system;
- Variants and anomalies of development of organs of the respiratory system;
- Variants and anomalies of development of organs of the urinary system;
- Variants and anomalies of development of organs of the female genital system;
- Variants and anomalies of development of organs of the male genital system;
- Variants and anomalies of development of organs of the immune and endocrine system;
- Variants and anomalies of development of spinal cord and him meninges;
- Variants and anomalies of development of cerebrum and him meninges;
- Variants and anomalies of vision ;
- Variants and anomalies of ear.
- Anomalies of development of heart.
- Anomalies of development of arterial vessels.
- Anomalies of development of venous vessels.
- Age-old anatomy of heart.
- Age-old anatomy of arterial vessels.
- Development of vessels of GMC is in the prenatal period of ontogenesis of man.
- Morpho-functiona of feature of blood supply of organs of chairman and neck
- Morpho-functional of feature of blood supply of eccrine and endocrine glands.
- Ways of outflow of lymph of head.
- Ways of outflow of lymph are from a neck.
- Ways of outflow of lymph are from the organs of pectoral cavity.

on the task of teacher.


on the task of teacher.

Lesson in a student scientific group, implementation of research works after an individual plan,
made teacher


THEME: Age-old features of structure of skull.

Actuality of theme: A large value has knowledge of structure and age-old features of skull
of skull for doctors – stomatologies for research of correlation of roots of teeth with a nasal cavity,
genyantrum, orbit and mandible channel. Age-old features of skull widely used in stomatology at
prosthesis and treatment of children and people senile years.
Educational purpose.

a) structure of bones of skull;
b) a location of separate bones is on a skull;
c) age-old features of skull;
d) tops of their location are on a skull, terms of overgrowing;
e) features of skull are in a senium.

a) to show basis and vault of skull;
b) to show separate bones which form a facial and cerebral skull;
c) to show fontanelles.

Base knowledges, abilities, skills, necessary for a study themes

1. General biology Specific variety of structure of To recognize basic parts of skull

skull. of man.
General principles of structure
of skull of mammals and man.
2. Foreign languages Value of basic terms. To form basic terms which
touch a pathological process in
case of occurring.
3. Physics To describe force of pressure To rotin distributing to describe
of teeth on an overhead and pressure of teeth on an maxilla
lower jaw and mandible
1. Chemistry To know the chemical Able after a chemical structure
structure of bones of skull to recognize bones in
accordance with different age-
old categories
Basic questions of theme:
1. Bones and their surfaces which form a skull.
2. Basis and vault of skull.
3. Facial and cerebral skull.
4. Age-old features of skull.
5. Skull new-born.
6. Fontanelles of their location are on a skull, terms of overgrowing.
7. Features of skull are in a senium.

Materials for self-control:

1. Which number in the figure marked canalis opticus?

A.* 6
B. 34
C. 29
D. 7
E. 12

2. Which number in the figure marked foramen ethmoidale posterius?

A.* 7
B. 34
C. 29
D. 26
E. 12

3. Which number in the figure marked fissura orbitalis inferior?

A.* 29
B. 34
C. 6
D. 7
E. 27
4. Which number in the figure marked foramen supraorbitalis?
A.* 1
B. 34
C. 29
D. 7
E. 12

5. Which number in the figure marked canalis infraorbitalis?

A.* 12
B. 1
C. 4
D. 10
E. 17

6. Which number in the figure marked concha nasalis superior?

A.* 18
B. 13
C. 17
D. 5
E. 9

7. Which number in the figure marked lamina perpendicularis ossis ethmoidalis?

A.* 9
B. 13
C. 17
D. 5
E. 18

8. Which number in the figure marked meatus nasi medius?

A.* 19
B. 23
C. 16
D. 14
E. 6

9. Which number in the figure marked foramen sphenopalatinum?

A.* 7
B. 24
C. 5
D. 14
E. 16

10. Which number in the figure marked aperture sinus sphenoidalis?

A.* 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 24
E. 16

Situation tasks:

1. After eye injury arose suppuration of soft tissues of the orbit. Due to anatomical lesion purulent
process may spread to the middle cranial fossa?
A. * Through the superior orbital fissure
B. Through the anterior ethmoidal foramen
C. Through the posterior ethmoidal foramen
D. Through the inferior orbital fissure
E. Through the zygomatico-orbital foramen

2. When purulent inflammation in the area pidochnoyamkovoho hole on the face can spread the
inflammatory process in the orbit. In which of the entities that possible?
A. *Canalis infraorbitalis.
B. Canalis pterigoideus.
C. Canalis nosolacrimalis.
D. Canalis incisivus.
E. Fissura orbitalis inferior.

3. After eye injury arose suppuration of soft tissues of the orbit. Due to anatomical lesion purulent
process may spread in the pterygopalatine fossa?
A. * Through the inferior orbital fissure
B. Through the foramen rotundum
C. Through the sphenopalatine foramen
D. Through the superior orbital fissure
E. Through the zygomatico-orbital foramen

4. The patient was hospitalized for correction of distortion nasal septum. What bones are subject to
correction in this case?
A. * Perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone, vomer
B. Vertical plate palatine bone, vomer
C. Perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone, inferior nasal concha
D. Nasal bone, vertical plate palatine bone
E. Horizontal plate palatine bone, vomer
5. Radiograph revealed accumulation of pus in the maxillary sinus on the right. In the nasal passage
which stands out pus?
A. * In the right middle nasal meatus
B. In the right inferior nasal meatus
C. In the right superior nasal meatus
D. In the right common nasal meatus
E. In the right nasopharyngeal meatus

6. The patient complains of headache, shortness of breath. X-ray confirmed the diagnosis - frontal
(frontal sinus inflammation). Which meatus on examination of the nasal cavity can occur purulent
A. * In the middle nasal meatus
B. In the superior nasal meatus
C. In the inferior nasal meatus
D. In the common nasal meatus
E. Above the superior nasal concha

7. A patient 28 years old, diagnosed with acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of noso-tear
ducts. Since history has learned that after suffering flu within 10-days have been kindtion of the
nose. Object of the nasal cavity infection could penetrate the nosolacrimal canal?
A. * From the inferior nasal meatus
B. From the middle nasal meatus
C. From the superior nasal meatus
D. From the nasal vestibule
E. From the frontal sinus

8. The doctor predicts the possibility of inflammation in the orbital tissue purulent inflammation in
the area infraorbital fossa. In which of the formations possible spread of infection?
A.* Canalis infraorbitalis.
B. Canalis pterigoideus.
C. Canalis nаsolacrimalis.
D. Canalis incisivus.
E. Fissura orbitalis inferior.

9. In patients with sinusitis broken links maxillary sinus-bilyanosovoyi middle nasal way. What
mass in normal provides air with nasal go to the maxillary sinus?
A. *Hiatus semilunaris
B. Infundibulum ethmoidale
C. Foramina ethmoidalia
D. Recessus sphenopalatinus
E. Canalis nasolacrimalis

10. The patient asked the doctor with complaints of headache after suffering rhinitis. When on-
stezheni on the radiograph-eclipse maxillary sinus. How spread by infection in maxillary cavity?
A. * Through the maxillary hiatus
B. Through the ethmoidal infundibulum
C. Through the sphenopalatine foramen
D. Through the anterior ethmoidal celles
E. Through the posterior ethmoidal celles


1. Human Anatomy. In three volumes. Volume I /edited by prof. V. G. Koveshnikov. -
Lugansk: Віртуальна реальність, 2006. – 328 р.
2. Human Anatomy. In three volumes. Volume II /edited by prof. V. G. Koveshnikov. -
Lugansk: LTD: Virtualnaya realnost, 2008. – 248 р.
3. Human Anatomy. In three volumes. Volume III /edited by prof. V. G. Koveshnikov. -
Lugansk: LTD: Virtualnaya realnost, 2008. – 382 р.
4. Frank H. Netter. Atlas of Human Anatomy. - 2010. - 4th Edition Publication. - 514 p.
5. Igor V. Zadnipryany. Human Anatomy : lecture Workbook // Crimean Medical University. –
2004-2005. Vol. III. 440 p.

1. Anne M. Gilroy, Brian R . Atlas of Anatomy. - Google Books Thieme. - 2008. - 656 p.
2. Agur A. M. R. , Dalley Arthur F. Grant's Atlas of Anatomy. - 584 p.

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