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Nama : Januario Yohanes Bangko

Nit : 1922432
Mata Kuliah : English Conversation 11
Prodi/Semester : Pengelolah Pelabuhan / 111 B
Dosen Pengampu : Yohana Gita Pradanya L,SS.,M.LI


 Wake up : Bangun
 Get up : Bangun
 Bathroom : Kamar mandi
 Have/take a shower : Mandi
 Have Breakfast : Membuat sarapan pagi
 Listen To The Radio : Mendengarkan radio
 Phone/ Call a friend : Hubungi teman
 Watch TV : Menonton TV
 Come Home : Pulang
 Make dinner : Membuat makan malam
 Dry ( my ) hair : Keringkan rambutku
 Brush ( my ) hair : Sikat rambutku
 Comb ( my ) hair : Sisir rambutku
 Cook : Memasak
 Put on make up : Pakai makeup
 Take a bath : Mandi
 Get dressed : Berpakaian
 Go to Work : Pergi bekerja
 Go back home : Pulang ke rumah
 Get undressed : Tidak berpakaian
 Have lunch : Makan siang
 Have dinner : Makan malam
 Play soccer/ Football : Bermain sepak bola
 Go to campus : Pergi ke kampus
 Make my bed : Rapikan tempat tidur
 Go to bed : Pergi tidur
 Brush ( my ) teeth : Sikat gigi
 Wash ( my ) face : Cuci Muka
 Shave : Mencukur
 Go shopping : Pergi belanja
 Drink : Minum
 Go to bed : Pergi tidur
 Sleep : Tidur


1. I wake up at 07.00
2. I was my face and brush my teeth at 07.10
3. I get dressed at 07.15
4. I have breakfast at 07.20
5. I go to school at 07.40
6. Classes start at 08.00
7. I go home at 13.00/ 01.00 pm
8. I have lunch at 14.00/ 02.00 pm
9. I watch Tv from 15.00 to 16.25/ 03.00 to 04.25 pm
10. I do my homework from 16.30 to 17.50 / 04.30 to 05.50 pm
11. I play computer games from 17.55 to 18.40 / 05.55 to 06.40 pm
12. I play soccer from 18.55 to 19.55 / 06.55 to 07.55 pm
13. I have dinner at 20.00 / 08.00 pm
14. I take a bath at 20.45 / 08.45 pm
15. I go to bed at 22.45 / 10.45 pm

1. He ussualy goes to bed at 10 pm

2. Anna skes to go shopping every day
3. Early in the morning, you must firs : wash your face
4. Tom always takes a shower before going to work
5. Alek wake up at 7 am every morning
6. Emily brushes her teeth twice a day
7. Rachel always brushes her hair before going to school
8. After breakfast, Lucas gets dressed
9. Stella takes lunch at two o’clock
10. Laura goes to school at quarter to eight
11. My mother starts the dishes after we have lunch
12. Julia loves to cook for her family every day
13. He wacthes Tv in the evening
14. When she come home from school, she does her homework
15. Lily drives to work every day
The Evening Activities

When the sun began to set, I was ready to take a shower, about 6 in the afternoon. After taking a

shower, I changed my clothes and began to prepare all my learning equipment to complete the

assignments given by the lecturers. I started working on assignments from 7 pm to 9 pm. After

that, I cleared up my study equipment and started helping my mother to prepare our dinner. We

start dinner at 9 pm and finish at 9.30 pm. Before eating, we don't forget to pray to be grateful for

what God has given us, as well as after eating. After dinner is over I cleared the dining table and

started washing dishes so that tomorrow no more pring would pile up in the sink, it was around

the clock. 9.30 pm to 10pm. After finishing washing the dishes I went straight to the room to

play cellphone. I play my cellphone from 10 to 11 at night. Then I turn off my cellphone and

pray before bed. and I started sleeping. That is all and thank you.

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