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University of Zimbabwe

Faculty of Social & Behavioural Studies

Department of Social Work


PROGRAMME: Postgraduate Diploma in Social Work


COURSE: Introduction to Psychology


STUDENT: Rubaya Tapiwa – R159588G

LECTURER: Ms Mukwembi

Unit Questions 1 and 2.

Unit Questions 1 and 2

1. Psychology is the ___scientific study of _behaviour and mental processes.
2. Which of the questions relates most directly to the goal of understanding behaviour?
a. Do the scores of men and women differ on tests of thinking abilities?
b. Why does a blow to the head cause memory loss?
c. Will productivity in a business office increase if room temperature is raised or
d. What percentage of college students suffer from test anxiety?

Answer A

Match the following

1. Wundt H. used introspection and careful measurement
2. Philosophy F. Part of psychology “long past”
3. Structuralism E. Mental chemistry and introspection
4. Functionalism G Interested in how the mind aids survival.
5. Behaviourism C. Studied stimuli and responses and conditioning
6. Psychodynamic A. Interested with unconscious causes of behaviour
7. Humanistic D. Emphasises self actualisation and personal growth
8. Cognitive B. Concerned with thinking, language and problem solving

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