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Name : Ikhsan Rachmadi

Class : 3 TB
NIM : 061930330058


1. What is an instruction manual?
2. What is the function of instruction manual?
3. Why do people read instruction manual?

1. An instruction manual is a "How-To" set of instructions. It may show how to set up
equipment, show safety requirements, how diagrams or pictures, parts list, check list,
capabilities, etc. Explaining the method used to accomplish a project, an instruction
manual is a one-way communication.
2. The functions of instructions are; can explain how to mount a picture frame; the
instructions can explain how to operate the food blender; the instructions can explain
how to fix a broken motorcycle; the instructions can even explain how to manually
run a space station. Always though, an instruction manual is the communication
provided by someone who knows how a project should be done to someone who
needs to know how to do it.
3. Because when they work and find dangerous and complicated situations that can not
only be solved by own their skills pr abilities, they must red an instrcution manual to
avoid them and find a way out of the situation.
Write your own instruction manual.

How to Use a Printer

Printer is an important device for students to complete the school assignment. So

having a printer and know how to use it is so important. Here in this occasion, i’d like to
show you some steps to use a printer.
How to use.
1. Make sure that the printer device software have been installed in your
2. Prepare the printer by checking the amount of paper and the ink.
3. To begin with, plug in the printer and connenct it to your computer/laptop.
4. Turn on your printer.
5. Open the document you’d like to print and then press CTRL + P buttons and your
computer/laptop keyboard.
6. Click ‘OK’ at the bottom of the pop up screen to print.
7. And wait, your document will begin printing.

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