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Kawat Tembaga

Good morning class, on this occasion I will explain about copper wire, as we know it

This Copper Wire Is Often Used For Windings on Transformers (Transformers), Motor Dynamo,
Motor Fans, Motor Dc. Actually what is the function of this winding or often known as an Inductor?

The function of an inductor in the application of electronic circuits is basically to produce an

electromagnetic field that is utilized in such a way for various uses of electronic design, for example
as a filter, as a magnetic field generator, as a frequency generator, as a transformation of current
and voltage.

That is my brief explanation of copper wire, if you want to find out more in detail, you can search on

A wattmeter is an electric power measuring instrument whose readings are in watts which are a
combination of a voltmeter and an ammeter. Wattmeter is a device for measuring electrical power
(or the level of electrical energy supply) in watts of each load assumed on a circuit. In operation
must pay attention to the instructions in the manual book or table listed on the wattmeter. Likewise
in the case of reading it must refer to the existing manual book.

Wattmeter is used to measure electrical power at loads that are operating in an electrical system
with several load conditions such as DC loads, single-phase AC loads and three-phase.

Working Principle of Wattmeter:

On the Wattmeter there is a voltage coil and a current coil, so the magnitude of the magnetic field
that is generated is very dependent on the amount of current flowing through the current coil.

The various types of Wattmeter are divided into 3, namely:

1. Analog wattmeter

2. Induction wattmeter

3. Digital wattmeter

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