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Cornell Notes

Topics:___unit 4 section 2 notes________________________________

Big Ideas, questions, Notes, details, definitions, answers to your

main Ideas, vocabulary questions, examples, sentences, pg. numbers…
What are the benefits? Pushing issue important to members and supporters .
Educating the people how the political and electoral system work.
Compromising with supporters and other politicians on issues and turning the
Benefits Encouraging citizens to participate in the political process
Acting as a mediator between the public and the government.
Choosing and training candidates who are worthy to be elected to public offic
Costs? Selfish propaganda that could hurt national interest.
Creation of anger between parties creating divisiveness and gridlock.
Ruin individuality because people follow the party and not their own beliefs.
Costs cont.. Encourage corruption through appointing people or hiring for votes.
Deprive the country of talented individuals who can contribute to its success

Themes I see in the information: there seems to be a yin for every yang. A cost for everything

Other questions I might have about what we covered today: is there a country where freedom

Please list 3 things you learned today:

1.freedom isn't free
2. propoganda hurts national intrests
3. there are benifits to political parties

Please explain how one thing you learned today relates to you:
As an american, I need to know the costs and benefits of political parties. They make me more informed and
Notes Continued….
s and turning them into general policies.

ed to public office.

eir own beliefs.
e to its success because the other party is excluded.

for everything. Freedom isn't free.

here freedom has little to no cost?

re informed and involved in my community but cost the nation it's goals.

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