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1. I think that living longer could be difficult for people who have to see their
families disappearing through the pass of time. Not everyone be able to live
until 150 years. In some places, the average lifespan is 40. by the increase of
the lifespan, people will be able to study many careers,different jobs, maybe
They will stop to be worry about the decreasing of the health.

2. There are so much stories about immortality and how people were
searching for a way to get immortality. For example, in the past there were the
alchemists who always were trying to find the philosopher’s stone.

3. I wouldn’t like to take the pill because I think that now we live with the
condition and the knowledge that usually people die by the age of 75 so my
plans are related to this time. Its difficult to believe that you’ll be the unique
person in your family that will live twice as long from each others.

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