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Republic of the Philippines 3.d n!. Ertw.gdS Affiio

Htgh tne Bundh&
Quezon City Qlad city Hdl Cdposd
OFFICE OFTHE MAYOR Tlq*lie: 8988-a212 le. 8195

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4l Sedes of 2020 Ri.:(-(}RD.S SDCTIOI



WHEREAS, Republic Act (R.A.) No. 1103? otherwise known as the Erce of
Doing Business and Efficient Goaen npnt Seraicc Delioery Act of 2078 (EODB Act),
aims to sheamline. government sewices to improve competitiveness and ease of
doing busircss in the Philippines.

1!fI{EREAS, on 08 October 2019, this Office created Ease of Doing Business &
Autorration Task Force, through Executive Order No. 36 Series of 2mt in order to
implement the obiectives and mandates of R.A. 11032; to align with the National
Government's agenda and ttre Quezon City Governmen(s 1il-Point Agend4 to mal€
Quezon City a prefered business destination by strengthening good governance and
improving business processes.

WHEREAS, on 30 September 2020, the Arti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA or the

Authority) promulgated Memorandum Cirrular No. 2021HI7, Series of 202O in
order to institutionalize the Committee on Anti-Red Tape (CART) in all govemment
offices, agencies and instrumentalities, in order to ensure tlle integration of functions,
alignment of obiectives of the plans, programs and services that are being
implenented pursuant to the EODB Act.

NOW THEREFORE, l. MA- JOSEFINA G. BELMONTE by the powers vested

in me by law as Mayor of Quezon City, do hereby order the following:

SECTION 1. Creation of the Committee on Anti-Red Tape and Ease of Doing

Business (CART-EODB). The existing Ease of Doing Business & Automation Task
!'orce, which was created by virtue of Executive Order No. 36 Series of 2019, is
hereby re<onstituted as the Committee on Anti-Red Tape and Ease of Doing
Businers (CART-EODB). The CART-EODB shall be composed of the heads of the
folloh'in8 departments or offices, or their representatives:

a) Oifice of the City Adminisrrator - Chairperson

b) Business Permis and Licersing Department - Vice Chairperson
c) Deparlment of the Building Official - Co-Vice ChairperEon
d) InJormation Technology and Development Departlrent
|rr i.1rt] IrAlr
e) Cit5r Treasurer's Office
0 City Assessor's Office
g) City Planning and Development Departmmt
h) City Healft Department
i) Task Force on Sotd Waste Management F-r'.

Patr 1of 6
i) Departurent of Public Order and Safety
k) I\,[arket Development and Administration Department
l) Gty Civil Registry Departnent
m) President of the Liga ng mga Barangay
n) Bureau of Fire protection - euezon City
o) City Council Sesetary
p) Ctty Legal Depalturent
q) City Veterinary Office
r) Barangay and Community Relations DeparErent
s) Liquor Liceruing and Regulatory Board
t) Quezon City Tourism Departmmt
u) Public Employment Service.gffice

The CART-EODB may invite national govemment officials involved ir the

of tIrc EODB Ac! particularly the Delxrtment of Trade and Industy
(DTI), the Department of Inlormation and Communication Technolory pIC!, tfre
Anti Red Tape Authority (ARTA), the Department of the lnterior and t ocal
Goverurent (DILG) and the Civil Service Commission (CSC), and other concemed
private and public institutions, to participate, complement a66ist and provide
technical assistance in the development and implementation of the Anti-R;d Tape
and EODB Plan.

Expanded Functions, Duties, and Responsibilities. Th€ CART-
EOI)B shall undertake the following, as far as practicable:

a) Steanline all City Government servicet including but not limited to tlrc following:

i. eliminate, consolidate, male efficien! ot simu.ltaneou6 the relevant

procedual steps, with a view to meeting the deadlines under the EODB law;
ii. use a single unified applkation form with a unique identification nr:mber Ior
all offices and procedual steps involved in an application;
in. adop a flexi-time schedule to enable delivery of services even during luncn
break or after reguJar working hours;
iv. adopt a policy wherein submitted documents are accepted as true on tlrcir
facg provided that the applicant mal€s the appropriate certificatioU and
v. limit each hansaction to not more t]En tlEee (3) signatories.

b) Enable service delivery through physical or online one'stop shops; Ior a particular
service, citizens should be able to complete all necessary steps while interfacing with
a single website, or by tra$acting business in a single location only.

c) Dgitize and computerize bansactions as far as prmticable, including but not limited
to the following:

I establish a back-end system and intranet interconnecting all offices;

ii use electronic documents instead of hardcopies;
in use electronic signatues fu$tead of manual physical signatwes;
iv implement a zero contact policy, wherein remote fansactions are
emphasized and limiting Iace-to-face transactions as far as practicable;
establish a City Govemment-wide email and electronic messaging system,
and an online document tracking and scanning system; and
interlink and integrate the databases of all City Govemment deParhtents
and offices.

Page 2 ol6
d) Enable electronic palment for City Govemment s€rvices and bansactions, including
but not limited to the following:

i. on-line payment mechanistrs;

ii. credit card facilities and other e.payment terminals inQC HaU and
iii pa)rment kiosks in strategic locations around Quezon City.

The foregoing activities shall comply with the laws and regulation.s on data privac,
proprietary rights, security and confidentiality.

In addition to the functions, duties and responsiblities provided for in Executive Order
No. 36, Series of 2019, the CART-EODB shall further eruure that City Government shall
comply with the requirements of R _l/No. 11032 its IR& the ARTA Memorandum
Circular No. 202047, *iles of 20202, and subequent issuances by the Authority, as
may be applicable. These requirements slul include, but will not be limited b the
conduct the following activities:

e) Conduct of comp[iance cost analysis, time and motion studies, evaluation and
improvement of all ihe agency's servkes, and reengineering the same.

q Subiect to the Guidelines/National Policy on Regulatory Management System to be

issued by the Authority:

1. Notify the'.Authority of every fonnulatiorv modificatio& and repeal of

reguJatioru, ordinances or other related issuances;
2. Conduct post-implementation ass€ssment and review of existing
regulations, ordinances or otler related issuances, undertake Regulatory
lmpact Assessurent (RIA);
3. Prepare a Preliminary Impact Assessment (PIA) whenever th€re is an intent
to formulate, modi&, or repeal a regulation submit to ttle Auttrority;
4. Produce a Regulatory lmPact Statement (RI9 upon comPletion of ench RIA
and submit to the Authority for leview and assessmenq
5. Refer the Authoriys Policy oPtion recommendatioru to the apPropriate
decision-ma.kers within the agency;
6. Submit an inventory and elechonic copies of all existing (both in-effect and
repealed) regulations and issuances to PoPulate the PhiliPPine Business
Regu.lation lnlormation System (PBRIS).

g) Ensure effective Imowledge transfel, or information diss€mination among office

"' employees on ARTA-related trainings, briefings, or such related matters obtained
office staff within sixty (60) da)s ftom the end of the training'

(15) days ftom issuarce:

1. UP Office of National Administrative Register (UP ONAR), and

2. Official Gazette for publication.
up the most curent and updated service standards and indicate in the Citizen
i) Set
Char;r in accordance to the prescribed template i&sued by theAuthority' and submit
the same to the Authority to populate the Anti-Red Tape Electronic Marvrgement
Inlormation System (ARTEMIS).

Page 3 of 6
,) Monitor and periodically revieu. the office or agency's Citizen's Charter, specifically:
procedures/stepg time, documentary requirements, and fees.

k) Eruure that an updated Citizenls Charter, should there be any change, is posted not
later than March 31st of each year.

l) Ensure the compliance of the agency on the zero<ontact policy in accordance with
the law.

m) Ensue the compliance of the agency's external and internal services with the
prescribed processing time as mardated by RA No. 11"032 or the agency's mandate
under special law.
n) Deveiop and foster a client feedbac( mechanism and client satisfaction measurement.

o) Report to the Authority not later than the last working day of January of each year
the results of the Client Satisfaction Survey for each service based on the guidelines
issued by the Authqrity.

p) Establish and manage a public assistance complaints desk or ARTA Helpdesk to

effectively receive compl,aints, feedback and monitor customer satisfaction via
hodine numbers, short message service (SMS), information and commurfcation
technology, or other mechanisms where clients may adequately express their
complaints, comme3ts, or suggestions. The CART must ensure that comPlaints
Iorwarded by the Presidential Complaints Center, Civil Service Commission s
Contact Center ngBayan, and Complaints Action of the Autlority are
acknowledged, received, responded to and,/or acted upon within the designated
period by the intended receipt within their agency.

q) Serve as overall coordinating body for the establishment of an Etrectronic Business

One Stop Shop (e-BOSS) in compliance with the mandate under RA No. 11032 its
IRR and other issuances by the Authority. The CART must facilitate and assist
various departments and offices involved du.ring the development and
implementation oI e-BOSS, including logistical and persorurel requtements, sec1urity
of the system, development of a communjcation plan, implementation of contingency

r) Coordinate with the agency's communications/public relations offke the

dissemination of ARTA lnlormatiorg Educatiory and Communication materials for
public consumption;

s) Perform such other functions, duties and responsibilities under RA No. 11m2
(amending RA No. 9485), ib IRR and other issuances issued by the Authority.

SECTION 3. Anti Red-Tape and EODB Plan and Technical Working Gmups. The
the CART-EODB shall prepare an Anti-Red Tape and EODB plan, and in this regard
shall do the following:

a) Coordinate with appropriate departments and offkes for the inclusion of the
standards and targets to be set by the CART-EODB under the EODB plarv

b) Monitor, evaluate and report on the jmplementation of the Anti-Red Tape and EODB
Plaru and
c) Recommend to the City Mayor and the City Council the passage or issuance of the
appropriate legislation and measures to promote lransparency and efficiency in
business practices and processes;

d) Perform such other functions as may be necessary or as may be direcfed by the City

The CART-EODB may organize technical working groups (TWGs), which may focus
on different parts of the Anti-Red Tape and EODB Plan, or to address a particular
techdcal problem, with the end in view of implementing the obiectives and
mandates of R.A. 11032. In this regard, the CART-EODB may call any department or
office to provide resoruces or rnanpower as may be reasonably needed.

SECTION 4. Co-location of Related Departments and Offices Entaged in Starting

a Business. The following departErents and offices shall be requAed to have co-
located offices within the prerrises of the QC Business One Stop ShoP (BOSS) of the
Business Pemlits and Licensing DeparErent. Such oflices shall be capable of
Pro(essing and issuing all necessary clearajrces, permiE regishations or otler
documents that may be required to obtain or maintain a business Permit:

a) City Planning and Development Office

b) City Treasue!'s Office
c) Deparftientof the Building Official
d) City Health bepartment
e) Task Force on Solid Waste Management
0 Department of Public Order and SaIety
g) Bureau of Fire Protection - Quezon City (as mandated by Sec. 19, t]te EODB
h) City Veterinary Office
i) Barangay and Community Relations Deparhlent
j) Liquor Uceruing and Regulatory Board
k) Quemn City Tourism Department

SECIION 5. Cotlecting Agent for Barangay Clearasces. As mandated by S€c.

10 of the Implementing rules and Regulatiom of the EODB Act, the Task Force shall
prepare and implement a Plan whereby the BOSS shall become resPonsible for
issuing assessments and coll€cting pa,.srents with resPect to baiangay clearances, on
behall of the respective barangays.

SECTION 6. Support to CART-EODB. All departments and offices of the City

Government are hereby directed to give support, assistance and cooperation to the
Task Force.

SECTION 7. Funding. The member-departErents of the CART-EODB are hereby

authorized to charge against their current appropriations such anounts as may be
necessary for the implementation of this EO, subject to applicable government
budgetary accounting and auditing rules and regulations.

Subsequent frurding requtements shall be incorporated in the amual budget

proposals of the respective member-departments.

SECTION 8. Dissemination. A copy of this Executive Order shall be furnished

to the Office of the President, ARTA and the Metro Manila Development Authority

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(MMDA) for inlormation and guidance, pursuant to Section 455 (1) (xxi) of RA 716Q
as amended, and shall b€ posted at the official webdite of the Quezon City

SECTION 9. Repealing Clause. All orders, issuances, rules and regulations, or

parts thereot inconsistent with this EO, are hereby repealed, amended, o( modified

SECTION 10. Effectivity. Th,s EO shall take eftu immediately.

Done this 23 December 2020.

City Mayor


Schdr! l)iririih SuD.riitlrn r,

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