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I supposed that Road safety is very necessary while being on the road and must know

by all because road accidents are the leading cause of death. We always hear in the
news or by our friends about the road accidents because of the wrong side driving,
lack of road safety rules, measures, high speed, drunk driving, and so on.
Government has made variety of road traffic and road safety rules for everyone using
road for their safety and reducing the number of daily road accidents. So I think that
the best way of making road safer is compliance with traffic rules. Еveryone should
learn the road traffic and safety rules at a very early age to perform safer behaviors in
the later life. In my opinion Speeds of the vehicles should be within the speed limit
and slow especially in the areas of school and hospital. Every vehicle on the road
should maintain the right distance among them to avoid accidents. I also think that
Everyone using road should be well aware of the road signs and must follow rules.
And finally All the road safety rules and regulations must be in mind while traveling.

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