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Used for IELTS test preparation and Clinical Practice

Diploma and Profession Ners

Compiled by:
Dr. Nyoman Ribek S.Kep Ns M.Pd
dr. Made Januarbawa
I Made Juliarta, S.S.,M.Hum
Kadek Putri Yamayanti S.S




First of all, I want to say thanks to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasca, who is very
loving because this book can be arranged and printed. . This book is intended to
facilitate prospective nurses in learning English. English for nurses is very
important considering that many foreign patients seek treatment in Bali and
many Indonesian nurses want to work abroad such as australia, Canada and
America. This book has material taken from several books and daily experiences
in nurse practice.
In the era of globalization, English has a very important role because this
language is used throughout the world. Therefore we must improve English
language skills, so that they are ready for future challenges and occupations.
This book is very easy to learn in any way.
I hope this book will make a good and useful contribution to all of us. We
realize that this book is far from perfect. Therefore, he is waiting for input and
criticism about this book

Denpasar, July 2019



Preface .................................................................. i

Content ………………………………………………………………………………… ii

Unit 1 Nurse ............................................................... 1

Unit 2 Primary Health Care............................................... 14

Unit 3 Kids Club r ......................................................... 22

Unit 4 Care Giver Toursm …………………………………………….... 28

Unit 5 Hypertensio ....................................................... 37

Unit 6 Home Care ......................................................... 48

Unit 7 Complementer .................................................... 60

Unit 8 Community Health Nursing ..................................... 71

Unit 9 Diarhea ............................................................ 76

Unit 10 Upper Respiratory Tract Infection .............................. 86

Unit 11 Blood Sugar Disease ............................................. 96

Unit 12 Uric Acid ........................................................ 118

Unit 13 Back Pain ....................................................... 126

Unit 14 Tingling .......................................................... 139

References ............................................................... 150



Analysis: Article, noun, demonstrative, verb, present tense

Nurse is a person who has a minimum diploma with a diploma 3

education and has a competency test certificate. Perawat adalah seorang yang
memiliki ijazah minimal dengan pendidikan diploma 3 Keperawatan dan
memiliki sertifikat uji kompetensi. Nurse can be a health service leader, health
counselor, provide health services and conduct health research. Perawat itu bisa
menjadi pemimpin pelayanan kesehatan, penyuluh kesehatan, memberi
pelayanan kesehatan dan melakukan riset kesehatan Nurses usually work in
hospitals, community health centers and can also practice on their own. Perawat
biasanya bekerja di Rumah sakit, di puskesmas dan bisa juga melakukan praktek
sendiri. If nurses work in hospitals or health centers or clinics. First, you must
have a nurse's work permit, but if the nurse opens an independent practice, you
must have a nurse practice permit (SIPP). Kalau perawat bekerja di Rumah sakit
atau puskesmas atau klinik. Pertama harus memiliki surat ijin kerja perawat
tetapi kalau perawat buka praktek mandiri harus memiliki surat ijin praktek
perawat ( SIPP ). This SIPP is very useful for future such as openindependent
practice. SIPP ini sangat berguna untuk masa depan seperti praktik mandiri. A
story I have a friend who is anurse named Mr. Joni, He has been a nurse for 20
years. Suatu cerita, saya memiliki teman seorang perawat bernama tuan joni. Ia
telah menjadi seorang perawat selama 20 tahun. He works at the community
health center and practices as independent nurses. Mr. Joni lives in a small house
in a small village. He lives far from urban centers. Ia bekerja di Puskesmas dan
praktek mandiri perawat. Tuan joni tinggal di rumah kecil di desa kecil . Ia
tinggal jauh dari dari pusat perkotaan

Mr. Joni has a wife with 3 children, 2 sons and one daughter. All of his
children need attention and affection. Everyday, they only eat eggs as a side
dishes. They are stillstudents. The fisrt child studies in high school, second in
junior high and third in elementary school. Tuan Joni mempunyai seorang istri
dengan 3 anak, 2 anak laki dan satu anak perempuan. Semua anaknya
membutuhkan perhatian dan kasih sayang. Setiap hari hanya makan dengan
lauk sebutir telur.Mereka masih belajar.Anak pertama di SMU, kedua di SMP
dan ketiga di SD.

Although Mr. Joni works hard day and night by opening his own practice,
he could not fulfill other than their daily needs. He cannot give his child a new
car or motorcycle. The children never go abroad because their economic
conditions. Meskipun Tuan Joni bekerja keras siang dan malam dengan
membuka praktek, ia tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan keluarganya dengan gaya
tinggi. Ia tidak dapat memberikan anaknya mobil atau sepeda motor baru. Ia
tidak pernah mengajak anaknya tamasya ke luar negeri karena kondisi ekonomi.

When they eat together, Mr. Joni always asks for understanding of his
child. The monthly salary is not enough for one month. So he had to work more
by opening a nurse practice. Pada saat makan bersama, Tuan Joni selalu
meminta pengertian anaknya. Gajih bulanannya tidak mencukupi untuk satu
bulan. Jadi ia harus bekerja lebih dengan membuka praktek perawat.

Grammar Focus


Article is an adjective that shows how special or how common a noun is. There
are three types of articles, namely: the, a, an.
 The word "the" in the English term is called "definite article". Usually the
'the' article is used to indicate specific nouns in singular or plural forms.
Example: The monthly salary is not enough for one month.
He must also have to pay his debts from the bank.
He works at the community health center
1. Kata "the" dipakai ketika suatu kata benda yang dicirikan kata sifat dan
lawan bicara paham benda yang dimaksud.

Which one do you want to choose? I prefer the blue one.
2. Kata "the" dipakai sebelum kata yang menunjukkan waktu atau
arah/posisi. The future, the present, the past, the morning, the afternoon,
the evening, the middle, the north, the west, the east, , the south, the back,
the front, the top, the bottom
3. Kata "the" dipakai ketika suatu kata benda merupakan hal yang sudah
diketahui umum. Shinta went to the bus station to meet her boyfriend.
4. Kata "the" dipakai sebelum noun yang mengacu pada sesuatu yang
bersifat abstrak

The use of the power of authority

 "A" is usually used before nouns beginning with consonants (pronounced

as consonants).
Example: Nurse is a person who has a minimum diploma with a diploma
3 education and has a competency test certificate.
I have a friend who is a nurse named Mr. Joni
Mr. Joni has a wife with 3 children, 2 sons and one daughter.
 "An" is used when dealing with words beginning with vowels
(pronounced like vowels).
Example: If the nurse opens an independent practice.
I buy an orange at the market.
I’d like an apple and two pears please.

Indefinite Articles

 A atau an digunakan pada indefinite articles.

 Kata sandang ini digunakan pada hal yang tidak spesifik atau belum
pernah diterangkan sebelumnya, meliputi: person (orang), thing (benda),
maupun idea (pemikiran).
 Kata ini hanya digunakan sebelum singular countable noun (kata benda
dapat dihitung tunggal).

Noun is a word used to represent the names of people, objects, animals, ideas and others.
In the noun there are two main types of noun, namely abstract noun and concrete noun,
then concrete noun is divided into several types of noun such as the common noun, proper
noun, collective noun, material noun and compound noun.


Example: Mr. Joni lives in a small house

The fisrt child studies in high school

Kata benda termasuk ke dalam 8 parts of speech. Kedelapan part of

speech itu adalah kata kerja (verb), kata benda (noun), kata sifat (adjective), kata
keterangan (adverb), artikel (determiner), kata ganti (pronoun), kata penghubung,
(conjunction) dan preposisi (preposition). Agar kemampuan berbahasa Inggris
kita dapat meningkat dengan pesat, maka kemampuan dasar dalam part of speech
ini harus benar-benar kita kuasai. Artikel ini akan membahas mengenai noun.
Apa itu noun? Noun adalah kata yang mewakili nama orang, hewan, tumbuhan,
dan nama-nama lainnya. Singkatnya, kita dapat mengatakan bahwa noun adalah
kata untuk mewakili benda hidup (tumbuhan, hewan, manusia) atau benda mati
(gunung, pantai, pasar), bahkan benda yang bersifat abstrak (kebahagiaan,
kesedihan, kepanikan). Noun dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu concrete noun (kata
benda konkret) dan abstract noun (kata benda abstrak)


Demonstrative pronoun is a reference pronoun which belongs to the definite

pronoun, where we already know something that is clearly replaced. There are
two parameters in the demonstrative pronoun, namely number (singular and
plural) and distance (far and near). These two parameters will affect the
pronoun to be used. Here's the explanation:

Single: This (close), that (far).

Plural: These (close), those (distant).

Example: This SIPP is very useful for future such as open independent practice.

That is an Emergency Room.

Demonstrative pronoun adalah bentuk pronoun yang digunakan untuk

menunjuk sesuatu yang spesifik dalam suatu kalimat yang dapat menunjukkan
tempat atau waktu, dan juga dapat menunjukkan suatu hal berbentuk tunggal atau
jamak. Contoh-contoh tersebut menunjukkan ‘this’dan ‘these’ digunakan untuk
menunjuk benda ‘mobil’ yang letaknya dekat, sedangkan ‘that’dan
‘those’menunjuk benda ‘mobil’ yang letaknya jauh. Perbedaannya adalah jika
‘this’ dan ‘that’ digunakan untuk menunjuk singular noun ‘benda tunggal’
sedangkan ‘these’ dan ‘those’ digunakan untuk menunjuk ‘benda yang jumlahnya
banyak/ jamak (lebih dari satu).


The verb in English or verb is one element which is an activity, action or action
of the subject. Without a verb, a sentence will not be clearly understood by the
reader or listener. Verb usage depends on the tenses used. If using simple
present tense then the verb used is verb 1, if simple past tense then the verb
used is verb 2 and the simple perfect tense will use verb 3.

Verb adalah kata yang menunjukkan suatu tindakan, kejadian, keadaan,

ataupun sikap seperti cook (memasak), read (membaca), write (menulis), happen
(terjadi), exist (ada/ hidup), atau agree (setuju), blame (menyalahkan). Verb
selalu menunjukkan perbuatan yang dilakukan oleh subjek dalam kalimat.
Example: Eat (verb 1 is ‘eat', verb 2 is ‘ate' and the verb 3 is ‘eaten')
1. They only eat eggs as a side dishes
2. Work (verb 1 is ‘work',verb 2 is ‘worked' and verb 3 is ‘worked').
3. He works at the community health center

Simple present tense:

Simple present tense is the tenses used when an event is taking place at this time
or an event that takes place repeatedly (habit). To form simple present tense
sentences, it is usually used as a basic verb, or Verb 1. Except for third person
pronouns, using Verb 1 + s / es.


1. Nurses usually work in hospitals, community health centers and can also
practice on their own.
2. Everyday, they only eat eggs as side dishes.
3. George sleeps seven hours every night during the week.

Simple present tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja untuk menyatakan
fakta, kebiasaan, atau kejadian yang terjadi pada saat ini. Bentuk kata kerja
ini paling sering digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris. verb-1 (present tense) berupa
kata kerja biasa yang menunjukkan aksi atau keadaan, atau berupa verb “to
be” (is, am, are). Verb-1 merupakan bare infinitive dengan tambahan -s atau -es
(kecuali verb to be) khusus untuk subject berupa singular noun (seperti: Tita,
book) atau third person singular pronoun (seperti: she, he, it); atau tanpa
tambahan apapun untuk subject berupa plural noun (seperti: boys, men, books)
atau plural pronoun (seperti: we, they), pronoun I/you, atau compound
subject dengan kata hubung “and” (seperti: you and I, Tina and Ratih). Ketika
menggunakan be, is digunakan pada subject berupa singular noun dan third-
person singular pronoun; are pada plural noun, plural pronoun dan you.

Dialogue Practice

Ika : Hallo, Good morning. My name is ika

Nurse : Good morning Ika, my name is Joni

Ika : Are you a nurse?

Nurse : Yes, I'm a nurse

Ika. : Where do you work?

Nurse : I work at the Community Health Center

Ika. : I want to know what the task of a nurse?

Nurse : Nurses usually check blood pressure, pulse, respiration etc

Ika : When the blood pressure check is done?

Nurse : At the patient came to do the treatment more

Ika. : To be accepted worked as a nurse what the requirements that should we


Nurse : diploma 3 nursing degree and has a competency test certificate.

Ika. : Can nurses open their own practice?

Nurse : Yes, nurses can open their own practice with several conditions. They
must have your own practice permit (SIPP). This SIPP is very useful for
future such as open independent practice

Ika. : What is the role of the nurse?

Nurse: Nurses have a role as care giver nursing, managers, educators and field
researchers nursing



1. Perawat Nurse
2. Peran Role
3. Sertifikat Certificate
4. Bengkok Kidney dish
5. Telah menjadi Has become
6. Tinggal di Stay in
7. Perhatian Attention
8. Yang pertama The first
9. Meskipun Although
10. Pada saat makan When eating
11. Dapat diraih Can be achieved
12. Rumah sakit Hospital
13. Puskesmas Primary health care
14. Praktek Practice
15. Izin Permit
16 Jurusan keperawatan Nursing department
17. Gelar Degree
18. Perawat pengasuh Care giver nursing
19. Pengajar Educators
20. Penelitian kesehatan Health researchers

Please answer the following questions below

1. Where does the nurse usually work?

2. What are the conditions so that nurses work?

3. What are the roles of nurses?
4. What we must do if we want to be a nurse?
5. What is meant by SLPP?
6. Besides working in the hospital, what other activities the nurses can do?
7. Working as a nurse, can Mr Joni complete his secondary needs?
8. Does a nurse open his own practice? How?
9. How to become a professional nurse?
10. What is the purpose of someone being a nurse?
11. Does a nurse open independent practice?
12. What is the duty of the nurse other than providing health services?
13. What is the name of the permit used by nurse for independent practice?
14. What is the SIPP function for a nurse?
15. Why does Mr. joni house to work move by opening an independent practice?

Grammar Practice: Simple Present Tense

1. Rain .... from the cloud

a). Falls
b). Fall
c). Falling
d). Fallen
e). Is fall

2. She always.... to bed early.

a). Going
b). Went
c). Goes
d). Go
e). Gone

3. The earth .... the sun

a). Rotate
b). Rotating
c). Rotates
d). Do more
e). Are more

4. He .... to office by train daily
a). Goes
b). Go
c). Went
d). Gone
e). Going

5. You don’t work on Saturdays, .... you ?

a). Can
b). Do
c). Have
d). Has
e). Does

6. He and she .... out

a). Is
b). Am
c). Are
d). Do
e). Does

7. I think Helen.... always lucky

a). Were
b). Are
c). Is
d). Am
e). Was

8. One of the student ... absent

a). Are
b). Is
c). Am
d). Were
e). Was
9. I ... get up early on Saturday
a). Don’t need to
b). Needn’t to
c). Mustn’t
d). Couldn’t
e). Isn’t
10. My father usually.... a nap after luch
a). Is taking
b). Has taken
c). Takes
d). Is take
e). Are takes
11. She…… her dog everyday
a). to feed
b). feed

c). feeds
d). feeding
e). feeded
12. I…..always….. to the dentist
a). do not, go
b). does not, go
c). do not, went
d). does not, went
e). go, went
13. Children always …….. there parents
a). are loving
b). is loving
c). love
d). loves
e). loved
14. The man always…….. the truth
a). tells
b). is telling
c). telling
d). are telling
e). this tell
15. The students usually …… fifteen minutes before the class starts
a). to come
b). come
c). came
d). are coming
e). the comin



Analysis: Subject, Adjective, Past tense,

Primary Health Care (PHC) is basic health services that are based on
practical, scientific and social methods and technologies that can be generally
accepted by individuals and families in the community through their full

participation, as well as the costs that can be reached by the public and the state
for maintain every level of their development in the spirit of independent living
and self-determination. Primary Health Care ( PHC ) adalah pelayanan
kesehatan pokok yang berdasarkan kepada metode dan teknologi praktis, ilmiah
dan sosial yang dapat diterima secara umum baik oleh individu maupun
keluarga dalam masyarakat melalui partisipasi mereka sepenuhnya, serta
dengan biaya yang dapat terjangkau oleh masyarakat dan negara untuk
memelihara setiap tingkat perkembangan mereka dalam semangat untuk hidup
mandiri dan menentukan nasib sendiri

Primary Health Care that include PHC are counseling on major health
problems and ways to prevent and control them, providing food and improving
nutrition, providing basic sanitation and clean water, fostering maternal and child
health including family planning, immunization against major infectious diseases
and endemic diseases, treatment of common diseases and injury and the
provision of essential medicines. Pelayanan kesehatan yang mencakup PHC
yaitu minimal mencakup penyuluhan tentang masalah kesehatan utama dan cara
pencegahan dan pengendaliannya, penyediaan makanan dan peningkatan gizi,
penyediaan sanitasi dasar dan air bersih, pembinaan kesehatan ibu dan anak
termasuk keluarga berencana, imunisasi terhadap penyakit menular utama dan
penyegahan penyakit endemik, pengobatan penyakit umum dan cedera serta
penyediaan obat esensial.

The places for Primary Health Care services include health centers,
maternal and child health center, Communities, while health workers involved in
primary health care are nurses, caregivers, doctors and other health workers.
Tempat untuk pelayanan Primary Health Care meliputi Puskesmas, Posyandu,
Komunitas sedangkan tenaga kesehatan yang terlibat primary health care yaitu
perawat, pengasuh anak, dokter dan tenaga kesehatan lainnya.

The primary health care service is a first aid unit. Just as if the person
who is sick is not too bad then the person will go to the health center first to get
service. If the primary health care cannot handle it, it will be referred to a larger
rescue unit or patent which is a hospital. Pelayanan Primary Health Care
merupakan unit pertolongan pertama. Seperti halnya jika orang yang sakit tidak

terlalu parah maka orang tersebut akan pergi ke puskesmas terlebih dahulu
untuk mendapatkan pelayanan. Jika puskesmas tidak dapat menangani maka
akan dirujuk ke unit yang lebih besar atau paten yaitu rumah sakit.

Primary Health Care usually found in regions, namely in the subdistrict.

There are several types of health centers, namely primary health centers in sub-
districts and supporting health centers in the village. Puskesmas biasanya terdapat
di daerah-daerah yaitu pada setiap kecamatan. Terdapat beberapa jenis
puskesmas yaitu puskesmas induk yang ada di kecamatan dan puskesmas
pembantu yang ada di setiap desa

Subject : A person or thing that is being discussed, described, or dealt

Example : I'm nurse Sista
You look healthy
They are a nurse who work in Sanglah Hospital
Subjek atau pokok kalimat merupakan unsur utama kalimat. Subjek
menentukan kejelasan makna kalimat. Penempatan subjek yang tidak tepat,
dapat mengaburkan makna kalimat. Ciri-ciri subjek: 1. jawaban apa atau siapa
2. didahului kata bahwa 3. berupa kata atau frasa benda (nomina) 4. disertai
dengan kata ini atau itu 5. disertai pewatas yang 6. kata sifat didahului kata si
atau sang: si cantik, si hitam, sang perkasa 7. tidak didahului preposisi: di,
dalam, pada, kepada, bagi, untuk, dari, menurut, berdasarkan, dan lain-lain. 8.
tidak dapat diingkarkan dengan kata tidak, tetapi dapat dengan kata bukan.
Contoh : Ardi bermain bola di halaman. Siswa kelas VI sedang menjalani
ujian matematika. Melukis itu melatih kreatifitas.

I, You, They, We
She, He, It

Adjective : A word or phrase naming an attribute, added to, or

grammatically related to a noun to modity or describe it.
Example : I am very happy
The patient is lazy to check blood pressure

The patient’s temperature is very hot


Past tense : A tense expressing an action that has happened or a state

that previously existed.
1. She was very tired yesterday
2. The doctor was in charge in Emergency room
3. There were many patients in Emergency room

S + was/were + adjective

Past Tense adalah tata kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu
gagasan atas peristiwa yang telah terjadi. Past tense merupakan suatu bentuk kata
kerja sederhana yang berfungi untuk menjelaskan suatu kejadian pada masa lalu.
Kata-kata yang sering digunakan pada tenses jenis ini adalah yesterday, last two
days, last year dan lain-lain).

Dialogue Practice

Bunga : Good morning

Nurse : Good morning madam

Bunga : My name is Bunga

Nurse : I'm nurse Sista. Can I help you ?

Bunga : Yes, I want to ask something about Primary Health Care.

Nurse : What do you want to know about Primary Health Care?

Bunga : Yesterday, I and my friends were given the task to ask about
Primary Health Care. Can you explain about Primary Health Care,

Nurse : Well, I will explain what Primary Health Care means. Primary
Health Care (PHC) is basic health services based on practical,
scientific and social methods and technologies that can be
generally accepted by individuals and families in the community
through their full participation, as well as the costs that can be
reached by the public and the state to maintain every level of their
development in the spirit of independent living and self-

Bunga : What are the health services that include PHC, nurse?

Nurse : At a minimum includes counseling on major health problems and

ways to prevent and control them, providing food and improving
nutrition, providing basic sanitation and clean water, fostering
maternal and child health including family planning,
immunization against major infectious diseases and endemic
diseases, treatment of common diseases and injury and the
provision of essential medicines.

Bunga : Where is the Primary Health Care service nurse?

Perawat : You can find primary health care services at health centers,
posyandu and other health services.

Bunga : Okay nurse, Thank you for the information, I am very happy to

meet you.

Nurse : You are welcome


1. Biaya Cost
2. Tercapai Reached
3. Mempertahankan, memelihara Maintain

4. Mengembangkan Development
5. Menentukan nasib sendiri Self-determination
6. Mencegah Prevent
7. Membina ibu Fostering maternal
8. Persediaan Provision
9. Penting Essential
10. Terlibat Involved
11. Menyediakan Providing
12. Melawan Against
13. Melalui Though
14. Mandiri Independent
15. Menular Infectious
16. Penyakit Diseases
17. Partisipasi Participation
18. Mereka Their
19. Pengasuh Care giver
20. Endemis Endemic
Please answer the following questions below

1. What was discussed in the dialog above?

2. What is the patients name is the dialog above?
3. How is the service of primary health care?
4. What services do primary health care give to patient?
5. Where is primary health care usually done?
6. When does the conversation take place?
7. Why phc needs to be applied?
8. Who can apply primary health car .......................................
9. Where the dialog occurs?.....................................................
10. How to implement primary health care? ………………………….

11. What primary health care services include? ………………………..
12. What are the primary health care services? …………………………
13. What is primary health care? ………………………………………
14. What do Primary health care services include? ……………………..
15. What problems can the primary health care handle?...........,,,,…,,,,,,

Please answer the following questions below

1. She ... burn wound from last year

a. Have
b. Has
c. Has bad
d. Had
e. Having

2. I’m sure I .... him more skinny from last month

a. Am seeing
b. Have seen
c. Have been seeing
d. Saw
e. Seeing

3. He .... the drugs of diarhea yesterday

a. Bought
b. Buy
c. Buying
d. A bought
e. Have bought

4. Last week, he .... cholestrol levels

a. checked
b. check
c. Had
d. Has
e. Haved

5. I ... a headache because I.... full time yesterday

a. Get and working
b. Got and worked
c. Gotten and working
d. Get and worked
e. Gotten and worked

6. She ... want to go to the cinema yesterday, because she was sick
a. Does not
b. Do not

c. Was not
d. Did not
e. Does

7. When I ... him a candy, he would get toothache

a. Given
b. Give
c. Gave
d. Am give
e. To give

8. I ... my lunch an hour ago, because I got stomachache

A. Ate
B. Eat
C. Eating
D. Eaten
E. Have eat

9. He........ like the food inside after road

a. Does
b. Didn’t
c. Wasn’t
d. Do not
e. Doesn’t
10. They .... some drugs in the pharmacy last night
a. Are buy
b. Buy
c. Buying
d. Bought
e. Have bought
11. I told him I ……. something to show to his brother last week
a. Had
b. Has
c. Have
d. Have had
e. Have been
12. I’m sure I …… him two years ago
a. Am seeing
b. Have seeing
c. Have have been seeing
d. Saw
e. Seeing
13. One day last year, John…. out of his bike
a. Fall
b. Fell
c. Has been falling
d. Is falling
e. Falled
14. Which sentence is correct for simple past tense
a. Is she write a letter to him?

b. Does she writing a letter to him?
c. Did she writing a letter to him?
d. Did she write a letter to him?

15. Yesterday, the student…… the map of Indonesia

a. Learn
b. Are learning
c. Learns
d. Learned
e. Learning



Analisis : Number, count, Future Continuous tense

Kids Club is a play and learning group for children with the aim of shaping
behavior and developing basic abilities that are tailored to the stage of
child development. Kids Club adalah kelompok bermain dan belajar untuk
anak dengan tujuan membentuk perilaku dan pengembangan kemampuan dasar
yg di sesuaikan dengan tahap perkembangan anak. The activities carried out
included tutorials about lessons in school based on their class and soccer
club activities. Kegiatan yang dijalankan meliputi tutorial tentang pelajaran di
sekolah berdasarkan kelasnya maupun kegiatan soccer club There are 25
hotels in Bali that develop kids clubs. Ada 25 hotel di bali yang
mengembangkan kids club/ People who work in kids clubs are often referred
to as baby sitters or nannies. Orang yang bekerja di kids club sering disebut

dengan Baby sitter atau Nanny Babysitter means child guard (when parents
of children travel). Babysitter artinya penjaga anak-anak (ketika orang tua
anak-anak itu berpergian) The difference with nannies is the baby sitter
whose job is to only take care of children such as feeding, bathing
children, but if the nanny is in charge of nurturing and educating children.
teach them to read, count, help home work , dl Bedanya dengan nanny
adalah baby sitter bertugas hanya mengasuh anak seperti memberi makan,
memandikan anak, Tetapi kalau nanny bertugas mengasuh dan mendidik anak.
mengajari mereka membaca, berhitung, membantu mengerjakan pekerjaan

Grammar Focus

Future continuous tense:

The future continuous tense is a verb tense that indicates that something
will occur in the future and continue for an expected length of time. It is
formed using the will + be + the present participle (the root verb + ing).
Example: 1. I will be applying infusion in Cendrawasih room at 7 pm.
2. When the baby sitter will be doing other activities.

Future continuous tense adalah tense yang berfungsi untuk menyatakan

perbuatan atau peristiwa yang akan sedang terjadi pada suatu waktu di masa
depan. Tense ini dibentuk oleh modal “will” diikuti oleh “present participle.”
Future continuous tense berbicara tentang suatu peristiwa yang sedang terjadi,
juga sebagaimana present continuous tense, tetapi bedanya dalam future
continuous tense, “sedang” itu bukan sekarang, melainkan besok, akan datang
maupun nanti. Kalimat future continuous tense juga memiliki 2 bentuk yaitu will
dan going to. Kedua kata tersebut memiliki makna yang sama dan bisa saling
menggantikan saat digunakan.


Future continuous merujuk ke tindakan atau kejadian yang belum selesai, yang

sedang terjadi di waktu setelah sekarang. Future continuous digunakan untuk
banyak tujuan yang berbeda.

Future continuous dapat digunakan untuk membayangkan diri kita di masa


 This time next week I will be sun-bathing in Bali.
 By Christmas I will be skiing like a pro.

 Just think, next Monday you will be working in your new job.

Future continuous dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi atau menduga tentang

kejadian di masa depan.

Kalimat positif :

Subjek + auxiliary verb will + Auxiliary verb be + main verb (present participle
base + ing)

Kalimat negatif :

Subjek + auxiliary verb will + not + Auxiliary verb be + main verb (present
participle base + ing)

Kalimat tanya :

Will + Subjek + Auxiliary verb be + main verb (present participle base + ing)

Dialogue Practice

Ms. Anna : Good morning Miss Sari, welcome to my villa.

Baby sitter : Good morning Anna.
Ms. Anna : How are you today?
Baby sitter : I am good Anna, what can I do for you?
Ms. Anna : Oh, my son, Baby got sick since two days ago, so my husband
and I could not work. I want you to help to take care of him when
I worked.
Baby Sitter : How old is your child?
Ms. Anna : She is two years old and you work from 7 am until 6 pm. How
much do I pay?
Baby Sitter : Oh, Rp 600,000 for 12 hours.
Ms. Anna : Ok, it's OK, you have to give my son, some fruit at 9 a.m., hours
1 pm and 4 pm, and food 12 noon.
Baby Sitter : Well Ms. Anna
Mother Anna : Ok. Now I will go to work and to meet 6 pm. I hope you do your
work with kindness.
Baby Sitter : Of course.

Please answer the following questions below

1. What is the meaning of kids club ?

2. How many kids club hotel at bali
3. What is the meaning of baby sitters
4. What are the taks of baby sitters?
5. What is the meaning of Nany
6. What are the benefits of baby sitters ?
7. Are the rights of femele and male baby sitter the same ?
8. Consist of what are the taks ofthe baby sitter?
9. What is the minimum age of a child cared for by a baby sitter ?
10. Is the baby sitter just a girl?
11. Why children age 5 months up to 2 years of age should not be careless
12. In your opinion what should be done if the baby in foster?
13. What are the goals of sitter?

Please answer the following questions below

1. Rina the hospital

a. Going
b. Goes
c. Go
d. Leave
e. Attend

2. Is he ............. now?
a. Injecting
b. Inject
c. Injected
d. The inject
e. The injected

3. Are you ............... blood pressure?

a. Checked

b. Checking
c. Check
d. Will check
e. Should check
4. Is the nurse ............... the infussion?
a. Setting
b. Are setting
c. Seted
d. Will setting
e. set

5. Are they ............ to the surgery room ?

a. Go
b. Going
c. Goes
d. Leave
e. leaving
6. Are you ........... drugs in the Pharmacy now?
a. Buying
b. Buyed
c. Buy
d. Will buy
e. The buy
7. Is She ............. rice now?
a. Eat
b. Eating
c. Eated
d. Will eat
e. Go eat
8. Is the doctor .......... prescription ?
a. Give
b. Giving
c. Given
d. The give
e. giveed
9. Am I ......... a drugs now doctors?
a. Take
b. Takeed
c. Takes
d. Will takeed
e. Taking
10. Are We ?
a. Do
b. Doing
c. Does
d. Doesn’t
e. Will does

11. You are ……. English now.
a. Learning
b. Learn
c. Learns
d. Is learn
e. learned
12. ……. You sleeping?
a. Is
b. Am
c. Are
d. Was
e. Will
13. I am not …….
a. Stand
b. Stands
c. Is stand
d. Standing
e. Was stand
14. They ……… reading their books.
a. Is
b. Was
c. Were
d. Am
e. Are
15. They are still ……. for you.
a. Waits
b. Wait
c. Is wait
d. Waiting
e. Was wait

No English Indonesian
1 Caregiver Pengasuh

2 Infants Bayi

3 Equal Sama

4 Nurturing Memelihara

5 Maintaining Menjaga

6 Noting Mencatat

7 Employs Memanfaatkan

8 Equipment Perlatan

9 Immediately Segera

10 Secure Aman

11 Railed Pagar

12 Abroad Luarnegeri

13 Crawl Merangkap

14 Career Karir

15 Visitors Pengunjung

16 Kindness Kebaikan

17 Benefits Manfaat

18 Smoothed Menghaluskan

19 Service Layanan



Analysis: Who,which,whose,can,could, also, Future tense

Bali is a well-known tourist destination in the world, making many foreign and
domestic tourists who come to Bali for a vacation or holiday in a long period of
time. Bali merupakan tempat destinasi wisata yang terkenal dimanca Negara,
sehingga membuat banyak wisatawan asing maupun domestic yang datang
berkunjung ke Bali untuk berlibur atau liburan dalam jangka waktu yang lama.
The tourism will be coming to Bali to get refresh for them self from busyness, so
that tourists sometimes need someone whose is able to care for their and their
children, namely a care giver. Wisatawan akan datang ke Bali untuk
menyegarkan diri mereka dari kesibukan, sehingga para wisatawan terkadang
memerlukan seorang yang mampu merawat atau menjaga kakek atau neneknya
yaitu care giver.

Care Giver is someone who has a profession to serve and care for an elderly
traveler and a sick person. Whose care giver provides services that include
physical needs (activities ranging from waking up to sleep again such as personal
hygiene, elimination, mobilization), medical needs such as taking medication,
physical therapy, social needs ,can being a friend, spiritual needs (praying
together ) Besides that, diseases that often require caregiver such as receipts, high
blood pressure, diabetes, gout, etc. Care Giver adalah seseorang yang memiliki
profesi untuk melayani dan merawat seorang wisatawan yang berusia lanjut
maupun orang yang sedang sakit. Dimana care giver memberikan pelayanan
yang meliputi kebutuhan fisik (aktivitas mulai dari bangun tidur sampai tidur
lagi seperti kebutuhan personal hygiene, eliminasi, mobilisasi), kebutuhan medis
seperti minum obat, terapi fisik, kebutuhan social (menjadi teman bicara),
kebutuhan spriritual (berdoa bersama). Selain itu penyakit yang sering
membutuhkan seorang care giver seperti struk, darah tinggi, kencing manis ,
asam urat, dll.

Practically, care giver personnel in Indonesia do not yet have a type or

specialization classification. It's just that they are classified based on work
experience and skills that they have empowered such as junior, medium and
senior care giver. Secara praktis, tenaga care giver di Indonesia belum ada

penggolongan jenis atau spesialisasi. Hanya saja mereka digolongkan
berdasarkan pengalaman kerja dan skill yang telah mereka kuasa seperti care
giver yunior, medium dan senior.

However, a Care Giver which must have competency standards where

they can must take training and obtain certificates. Seorang Care Giver harus
memiliki standar kompetensi dimana mereka harus mengikuti pelatihan dan
mendapatkan sertifikat

A care giver does not have a medical school back ground like a nurse,
they are only trained in a relatively short time, which is between 1 month to 4
months, but there are also those with a background of 1 year of training diploma
1(Asper). So different from nurses diploma 3 or bachelor care giver may not
handle medical actions that are part of the nurse's work such as infusion, insert a
catheter, NGT hose, and so on. Seorang care giver tidak memiliki back ground
sekolah medis seperti perawat, mereka hanya dilatih dalam waktu yang relative
singkat, yakni antara 1 bulan sampai 4 bulan, namun ada juga yang berlatar
belakang 1 tahun pelatihan diploma 1(Asper). Jadi berbeda dengan perawat
diploma 3 atau S1 care giver tidak boleh menangani tindakan yang medis yang
menjadi porsi pekerjaan perawat seperti pasang infuse, pasang kateter, selang
NGT, dll.

At present this profession does not have a career path, only the longer
their experience, the greater the income they get. In addition, satisfaction in
serving others and the belief that this profession is a noble profession. Saat ini
profesi ini belum memiliki jenjang karir, yang ada hanyalah semakin lama
pengalaman mereka, maka semakin besar penghasilan yang mereka dapatkan.
Selain itu juga kepuasan dalam melayani sesama dan keyakinan bahwa profesi
ini adalah profesi yang mulia.

Usually the tariff given to local tourists is Rp. 200,000 a day while the
tariff given to foreign tourists is Rp. 500,000 a day. Biasanya tarif yang
diberikan untuk wisatawan local yaitu Rp.200.000 perhari sedangan untuk tarif
yang diberikan kepada wisatawan asing yaitu Rp.500.000 perhari. This shows
that being a care giver opens many job opportunities for those of us who live in
tourist attractions. I think care giver will be going the treatment that is in demand

if done optimally in the next few years. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa menjadi
seorang care giver membuka banyak peluang kerja untuk kita yang tinggal di
tempat wisata. Saya pikir care giver akan menjadi perawatan yang diminati jika
dilakukan secara optimal dalam beberapa tahun kedepan. Which is the caregiver
not only from the nurse, but only people who have attended the training and have
a certificate can do it. A caregiver could take care since the patient is discharged
from the hospital or the patient need service.Yang merupakan pemberi
perawatan tidak hanya dari perawat, tetapi orang yang telah mengikuti
pelatihan dan memiliki sertifikat yang dapat melakukannya. Seorang caregiver
bisa melakukan perawatan sejak pasien keluar dari rumah sakit atau pasien
memerlukan pelayanan

Grammar Focus

Simple future tense :

Simple future tense are used for actions that will happen at specific time in
the future, after the current moment. The includes plan, predictions, promises,
willingness, and decisions.
1. I will check your blood preassure.
2. She will give me many medicine.

Pengertian Simple Future Tense

Simple future tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk
menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi terjadi dimasa depan, secara spontan atau
terencana. Simple future tense dibentuk dari modal auxiliary verb “will” atau
“shall” dan bare infinitive (bentuk dasar verb) atau dibentuk dari phrasal modal
“be going to” dan bare infinitive.

Bila diterjemahkan kata future dalam nama tenses Simple Future ini
berarti “masa depan”. Sehingga, pada penggunaanya, future tense memiliki
aturan yang harus dilakukan saat Anda menggunakan tenses ini, yakni dengan
menggunakan will maupun shall, yang berarti akan. Dalam sebuah kalimat,
sesudah kata will atau shall pasti akan diikuti oleh kata kerja selanjutnya atau
kata kerja bantu. Pada umumnya, will lebih sering digunakan pada percakapan
maupun pada sebuah teks.

Simple Future Tense (Kalimat Positif)

Subjek + will/ shall + verb 1 atau S + To Be (is, am, are) + Going To + Verb 1 +

Di atas, adalah rumus yang digunakan untuk membuat sebuah kalimat dalam
bentuk Simple Future Tense dengan kalimat positif.

Simple Future Tense Negative

Subjek + will/ shall + NOT + verb 1 atau S + To Be (is, am, are) + NOT + Going
To + Verb 1 + O

Rumus yang digunakan dalam bentuk kalimat negatif Simple Future Tense
memiliki bentuk yang hampir sama dengan Simple Future Tense dengan bentuk
kalimat positif. Yang membedakan hanyalah penggunaan ‘NOT’ dalam

Simple Future Tense Interrogative

Will/Shall + Subjek + Verb 1 + O + ? atau To Be (Is, Am, Are) + S + Going To +

Verb 1 + O + ?

Brntuk terakhir dari Simple Future Tense adalah dalam bentuk kalimat tanya.

Contoh Kalimat Simple Future

Rumus Simple Future Tense Tense

He will win.
kalimat positif (+) (Dia akan menang.)
 S + will + bare infinitive They are going to come.
(Mereka akan datang.)
 S + be (am/is/are) going to + bare infinitive
He won’t win.
kalimat negatif (-) (Dia tidak akan menang.)
 S + will + not + bare infinitive
They aren’t going to come.
 S + be (am/is/are) + not + going to + bare (Mereka tidak akan datang.)
Will he win?
kalimat interogatif (?) (Apakah dia akan menang?)
 Will + S + bare infinitive Are they going to come?
(Apakah mereka akan
 Be (am/is/are) + S + going to + bare datang?)

Relative Pronouns

Pengertian Relative Pronoun

Relative Pronoun adalah pronoun (kata ganti) untuk membentuk relative

clause (adjective clause). Relative clause sendiri merupakan subordinate
clause yang menerangkan noun (kata benda) atau pronoun (kata ganti) pada main
clause di dalam suatu complex sentence. 

Di dalam relative clause, relative pronoun  dapat berfungsi

sebagai subject, direct object,
atau possessive dan tidak mewakili number (tunggal atau jamak)
maupun gender (laki-laki atau perempuan) dalam posisi-posisi tersebut.

Relative pronoun meliputi:

 who
 whom
 whose
 which
 that

1. Who
We used “who” when we talk about other people. The use of
“who” is more formal than “than”.
2. Which
We used “which” when we talk about something not people.
The use of “which” is more formal than “that”.
3. Whose
We used “whose” to indicate ownership.
4. Can
We used “can” to be able to.
5. Could
(Past of can)
Used to indicate possibility
6. Also
Also is commonly used in writing, but is less common in speaking.
Who dan
occupies different position in sentence.

Who (siapa) dan whoever (siapapun) berfungsi menghubungkan noun berupa

orang (subject/object of sentence) dengan verb pada relative clause. Di dalam
relative clause, relative pronoun ini berfungsi sebagai subjek atau objek.

Contoh Kalimat Relative Pronoun Keterangan

The boy who is playing football on Who merupakan subjek dari verb “is playing” dan
the field is my neighbour. membentuk relative clause yang menerangkan
(Anak yang sedang bermain subjek “boy”.

sepakbola di lapangan adalah

I am looking for someone who is Who merupakan subjek dari verb

willing to help me fix my sink. “is willing” dan membentuk relative clause
yang menerangkan “someone”.

Dialogue Practice

Patient : Good morning nurse, my name is Clark. I am from Sydney.

Nurse : Good morning Mr. Clark, Who is Mr. Jason? He told me to come

Patient : He is my uncle. He is also my adoptive father

Nurse : Alright mr. Clark. What can I do for you?

Patient : I will be going to Jakarta next year, but my leg has got broken
and how to make healing?

Nurse : Which leg has broken? Left or right?

Patient : My left leg has broken. I have got painful in my leg

Nurse : I am a care giver and will take care of you until you get well

Patient : Could you tell me about caregiver?

Nurse : Care giver is a person that provided care to people who need care

Patient : Ok. I hope you can help me

Nurse : Yes, of course . I can help patients when they help

Patient : But we cannot do it here

Nurse : So where is the place?

Patient : We should had at my mother’s hotel because my uncle usually

working until night and not having time to accompany me

Nurse : Ok, up to you

Patient : When can I do for this treatment?

Nurse : We can start treatment this morning at 8 AM

Patient ; Okay, thank you nurse

Please answer the following questions below

1. Can Mr. Clark come from….?…

2. Who had given care giver to Mr. Jason…..?
3. Who had got the broken leg….?
4. Which leg had broken….?
5. Could care giver give treatment for his broken leg?
6. When should is place to be care giver……?
7. Who broke the leg of Mr. clark ….?
8. Who can help mr clark……?
9. Who had played a role in the dialogue…….?
10. What time can the patient do treatment……?
11. Who did care giver on Mr. Clark…….?
12. Should the nurse come to treat Mr. Clark…..?
13. Should the nurses give care giver…….?
14. Who should give care to Mr. Clark?
15. Who will contact the nurse to care the Mr. clark?

Please choose the best answers for the following questions below

1. I ……. to Jakarta next year?

a. Will be goes
b. Will be going
c. Will be go
d. Will go
e. Will going

2. ……. You tell me about nursing?

a. Should
b. Could

c. Would
d. Should
e. Could be

3. ……. Did steal your motorcycle?

a. Who
b. What
c. Wich
d. When
e. Where

4. Can you predict ………. Candidate will win the contest?

a. Can
b. Is
c. Wich
d. Maybe
e. Were

5. …… book did you copy?

a. Who
b. How
c. When
d. Whose
e. Were

6. Did he finish all the job last night? No he did not

He …… half part form the job

a. Can
b. Not
c. Could
d. Is
e. Will

7. I was working when santi came

a. I had not work when santi came

b. I had not worked when santi come
c. I had not worked when santi came
d. I had not working when santi came
e. I had not working santi come

8. Budi had lived in bali. What is the interrogative form of this?

a. Had budi live in bali?

b. Had budi lived in bali?
c. Is budi living in bali?
d. Had budi living in bali?
e. Is budi live in bali?

9. My father had eaten before I worked

a. Hadn’t my father eaten before I worked?
b. Hadn’t my father ate before I worked?
c. Had my father not eat before I worked?
d. Has my father not eat before I worked?
e. Had my father not eat before I working?

10. The mechanic had been repairing my car

a. The mechanic had reapired my car

b. The mechanic had repair my car
c. The mechanic has been repairing my car
d. The mechanic had repairing my car
e. The mechanic had been repair my car

11. I’d ……………….. him

a. Saw
b. See
c. Seen
d. Has see
e. Will see

12. he told me ……….. to London

a. Has been
b. Is
c. Was
d. Are
e. Had been

13. She only ………….. the movie because she had read the book.
a. Understand
b. Understanding
c. Is understand
d. Understood
e. Was understand



Analysis: When, where, either, neither , Present perfect tense.

Hypertension is a significant increase in blood pressure in a short time,

which is usually indicated by diastolic pressure more than or equal to 140 mmHg.
Hipertensi adalah adanya peningkatan tekanan darah yang signifikan dalam
waktu singkat, yang biasanya ditunjukkan dengan tekanan diastolic lebih atau
sama dengan 140 mmHg This situation must be handled quickly to avoid serious
risks or death. Keadaan tersebut harus dapat ditangani dengan cepat untuk
menghindari resiko yang serius atau kematian. Patients with hypertension
usually do not show any characteristics or only experience mild symptoms.
Examples: headache, nausea, confusion, irregular heartbeat, fatigue, difficulty
breathing, chest pain, and others. Penderita hipertensi biasanya tidak
menunjukkan cirri apapun atau hanya mengalami gejala ringan.
Contohnya:sakit kepala, mual, kebingungan, detak jantung tak teratur,
kelelahan, sulit bernapas, nyeri dada, dan lain-lain. If you experience these
symptoms, you should check with your nurse, because high blood pressure is a
disease that is difficult to detect so that regular blood pressure checks and
treatment of hypertension need to be done to reduce the bad risk that occurs. Jika
mengalami gejala-gejala tersebut, sebaiknya diperiksakan kepada perawat,
karena tekanan darah tinggi adalah penyakit yang sulit terdeteksi sehingga perlu
dilakukan pemeriksaan tekanan darah secara teratur dan pengobatan hipertensi
untuk mengurangi resiko buruk yang terjadi Hypertension can be caused by a
bad lifestyle and diet. Most hypertensive sufferers suffer from primary
hypertension with no known cause. Some factors that can increase a person's risk
of suffering from hypertension, age, offspring, obesity, eating too much salt or
eating too little food containing potassium, lack of physical activity and exercise,
smokin Hipertensi dapat disebabkan oleh gaya hidup dan pola makan yang
buruk. Sebagian besar penderita hipertensi menderita hipertensi primer yang

tidak diketahui penyebabnya. Beberapa faktor yang dapat meningkatkan risiko
seseorang menderita hipertensi, usia, keturunan, obesitas, Terlalu banyak
makan garam atau terlalu sedikit mengonsumsi makanan yang mengandung
kalium, kurang aktivitas fisik dan olahraga, merokok

Hypertension can also be cured with traditional medicine such as

complementary done by massaging the acupressure points on the right and left
soles of the feet, between the thumb and forefinger of the right and left toes, 2
fingers below the right and left wrists, on the right shoulder and left, in the lower
cranial hollows, and above the head. Hipertensibisa juga disembuhkan dengan
pengobatan tradisional seperti komplenter yaitu dengan memijat titik akupresure
di bagian telapak kaki kanan dan kiri, di sela-sela tulang jempol dan telunjuk
jari kaki kanan dan kiri, 2 jari di bawah pergelangan tangan kanan dan kiri, di
pundak kanan dankiri, di cekungan tulang tengkorak belakang bagian bawah,
dan diatas kepala.

When my uncle was 45 years old, he was diagnosed with hypertension.

His name is Anton. He is a hard worker. Previously the business he lived in was
quite advanced and famous. He has been running his business in Kalimantan for
15 years. But the advancement of technology and the growing times, the business
that Mr. Anton did experienced a decline or bankruptcy. As a result, he ignored
his health condition and focused on his business. He has a family. He has a wife
and 2 children. His two children named Sari and Bayu. Either Sari or Bayu are
students. They are very diligent in studying and helping parents. They are still
studying at health schools until now. They always get the best value. Neither Sari
nor Bayu gets bad grades. Ketika paman saya berumur 45 tahun, jadi diagnose
Hipertensi. Namanya Anton. Ia seorang pekerja keras. Sebelumnya usaha yang
dijalaninyacukupmajudanterkenal. Iasudahmenjalankanusahanya di Kalimantan
selama 15 tahun. Namun kemajuan teknologi dan semakin berkembangnya
jaman, usaha yang Pak Anton lakukan mengalami penurunan atau bangkrut.
Akibatnya, ia mengabaikan kondisi kesehatannya dan fokus terhadap usahanya
tersebut. Ia sudah berkeluarga. Ia memiliki seorang istri dan 2 orang anak.
Kedua anaknya bernama Sari danBayu. Baik Sari maupun Bayu adalah seorang
pelajar. Mereka sangat rajin belajar dan membantu orang tua. Mereka masih

belajar di sekolah kesehatan sampai saat ini. Mereka selalu mendapatkan nilai
terbaik. Baik Sari maupun Bayu tidak memperoleh nilai yang jelek.

One day, Mr. Anton experienced a decline in health conditions. He

complained of dizziness, nausea, difficulty breathing, and blurred vision, either
during activities and eating innards. Mr. Anton's family was confused and
immediately took him to the nearest health center. Arriving there, Mr. Anton was
immediately examined by a nurse and from the results of the examination, Mr.
Anton's blood pressure was quite high. Then Mr. Anton was given drugs to
relieve hypertension that he experienced. Since then, when Mr. Anton was
diagnosed with hypertension, he was now cautious and paying more attention to
his health condition. Either his wife or children increasingly cares about the
health of Mr. Anton. Sampaisuatusaat, pak Anton mengalami penurunan kondisi
kesehatan. Iamengeluhpusing, mual, sulitbernapas, danpenglihatanburam,
baiksaatsedangmelakukanaktivitasmaupunsedangmakanjeroan. Keluargapak
Anton kebingungan dan segera membawanya ke puskesmas terdekat.
Sesampainya disana, pak Anton segera diperiksa oleh perawat dan dari hasil
pemeriksaan tersebut, tekanan darah pak Anton cukup tinggi. Selanjutnya pak
Anton diberikan obat guna meredakan hipertensi yang ia alami. Sejak saat itu,
ketika pak Anton di diagnose Hipertensi, ia pun kini berhati-hati dan lebih
memperhatikan kondisi kesehatannya. Baik istri maupun anaknya semakin
memperdulikan kesehatan pak Anton.

Present Perfect Tense (+) : She has had the chickenpox

since Tuesday.
The present perfect tense refers

to an action or state that either occurred

(-) : She hasn’t had the chickenpox
at an indefinite time in the past (e.g., since Tuesday.

we have talked before) or began in the

past and continued to the present time (?)  : Has she had chicken pox
Since Tuesday?
(e.g., he has grown impatient over the

last hour). This tense is formed

by have/has + the past participle.

Present perfect digunakan untuk menunjukkan hubungan antara masa kini
dan masa lalu. Waktu tindakan atau kejadiannya adalah sebelum sekarang, tetapi
tidak spesifik, dan kita sering kali lebih tertarik dengan hasil atau akibatnya
daripada tindakan itu sendiri.


When used at the time clause the action in it (earlier event) occurs before the other action
in the past (later event). In this condition, when it means "immediately after"
(immediately after). Here later event only happens once. In other conditions, when used
at a time clause, if the action inside occurs then another action (main clause) also occurs.
In this case the action in playing clause is a habit in the past.

 When my uncle was 45 years old, he was diagnosed with hypertension.

Ketika digunakan pada saat klausul, tindakan di dalamnya (kejadian

sebelumnya) terjadi sebelum tindakan di masa lalu (kejadian selanjutnya).
Kondisi ini, ketika itu berarti "segera setelah" (segera setelah). Di sini nanti acara
hanya terjadi sekali. Dalam kondisi lain, ketika digunakan pada klausa waktu,
jika tindakan terjadi, maka tindakan lain (klausa utama) juga terjadi. Dalam hal
ini tindakan adalah kebiasaan di masa lalu.

used to ask for a place

 Where can I get the medicine?


This vocabulary is used to give consent or agreement on negative

statements. This vocabulary is placed before the positive word and followed by
the verb before the subject. In addition, this vocabulary can be used to reject two
possibilities. Neither if faced with two choices, it will be combined with the word
Kosakata ini digunakan untuk memberikan persetujuan atau persetujuan
atas pernyataan negatif. Kosakata ini ditempatkan sebelum kata positif dan
diikuti oleh kata kerja sebelum subjek. Selain itu, kosakata ini dapat digunakan
untuk menolak dua kemungkinan. Baik jika dihadapkan dengan dua pilihan, itu
akan dikombinasikan dengan kata "tidak".
 Neither Sari nor Bayu gets bad grades.

This vocabulary is used after negative verbs. In addition, this vocabulary is used
to express an agreement with negative opinions. What's more, this ‘either’
vocabulary can also be used to indicate a choice of two available options or
submit two choices. If you don't have a choice of the two proposed options, you
can also use this vocabulary. Either if met by two choices, it will be combined
with the word 'or'.

Kosakata ini digunakan setelah kata kerja negatif. Selain itu, kosakata ini
digunakan untuk menyatakan kesepakatan dengan pendapat negatif. Terlebih
lagi, 'kosakata' ini juga dapat digunakan untuk menunjukkan pilihan dua opsi
yang tersedia atau mengirimkan dua pilihan. Jika Anda tidak memiliki pilihan
dari dua opsi yang diusulkan, Anda juga dapat menggunakan kosakata ini. Entah
jika dipenuhi oleh dua pilihan, itu akan dikombinasikan dengan kata 'atau'.

 Either Sari or Bayu are students.

 He complained of dizziness, nausea, difficulty breathing, and blurred
vision, Either during activities and eating innards.
 Either his wife or children increasingly cares about the health of Mr.

Dialogue Practice

Nurse : “Good morning sir, can I help you?”

Client : “Good morning nurse, I feel dizzy, nauseous and my vision is blurry.
This really bothered me.”

Nurse : “Have you ever experienced this before?”

Client : “Nurse, this is the first time I feel that. Both nausea and blurred vision
are the first time I feel.”

Nurse : “How was the incident before you like this?”

Client : “When I work outside the city, I feel a great headache. And,
immediately I felt nauseous and could not see anything. Neither my wife
nor child will not be there, so I only take a headache medication to reduce
pain.When I got home, both my dizziness and nausea didn't go away

Nurse : “Well now I will check your condition.”

Client : “Oke, nurse”

Nurse :“Sir your blood pressure is 180/90 mmHg. Do you have a history of

Client : “Really? I don't know Sus, I have never done a check before. Both at the
nursing community and at the hospital I have never done a routine

Nurse : “You should check regularly to anticipate the bad things that will
happen. I will prescribe medications recommended by doctors.”

Client : “Where can I get the medicine?”

Nurse : “You can get the medicine at the pharmacy, sir. When you feel the same
way, you can take the medicine. Take care of the condition and do not get
tired. You can also do light actions on the right and left soles of the feet,
between the thumb and forefinger of the right and left toes, 2 fingers
below the right and left wrists, on the right and left shoulders, in the skull
bones behind the part, and above the head.”

Client : “What must I do to avoid hypertension?”

Nurse : “You must avoid foods that contain lots of salt, reduce eating alcoholic
beverage and stop smoking.”

Client : “Lots of things that I have to avoid. But I really love eating food with
lots of salt. I think it will be difficult for me. Then, what should I eat?”

Nurse : “Keep the body still healthy is not easy thing to do, we must be
consistent to maintain our health. I suggest you to exercise regularly,
consume more vegetables and fruits, drink water regularly, and reduce
meat in your list menu.

Client : “Oke, nurse. Thank you very much”

Nurse : “You are welcome, I hope you feel better.”



1. Equal Setara
2. To avoid Menghindari
3. Fatigue Kelelahan
4. Irregular heartbeat Detak Jantung Tak Teratur
5. Occurs Terjadi
6. Chest pain Sakit Dada
7. Quite high Cukup Tinggi
8. Cautious Hati-Hati
9. Reduce pain Kurang Rasa Sakit
10. Dizziness Pusing
11. Suffering Penderitaan
12. Offspring Keturunan
13. Potassium Kalium
14. Forefinger JariTelunjuk
15. Wrists Pergelangan Tangan
16. Hollows Cekungan
17. Previously Sebelumnya
18. Innards Jeroan
19. Confused Bingung
20. Immediately Segera
21. Nearest Terdekat
22. Paying Pembayaran
23. Increasingly Semakin
24. Decline Menurun
25. Skull Tengkorak

Please answer the following questions below

1. What did the client feel when meeting the nurse?


2. When did the client come to the hospital?


3. When did the client feel a headache?


4. Where did he go when he felt headaches before going to the hospital?


5. How is the patient’s blood pressure?


6. Where the client got hypertension before?


7. In our body, when the hypertension can detected?


8. Where did the client get a medicine?


9. Did the client have examination in the community health center or hospital
10. What education he got to resolve when he got illness?

11. When treatment for hypertension can be stopped?


12. Either the hospital or house, where is the right place when we feel headache?


13. When the client can be said with hypertension?


14. When hypertension can be detected?


15. Where should we go when we feel headache badly?


Present Perfect tense

1. You have ... that movie many times

A. Seen
B. See
C. Saw
D. Seeing
E. Is see

2. I ... see him when I on the way to campus

A. Hasn't
B. Wasn't
C. Haven't
D. Weren't
E. Isn't

3. Steven has ... a new book

A. Write
B. Written
C. Writing
D. Is write
E. Writes

4. Have you ... him before?

A. See
B. Saw
C. Seeing
D. Seen
E. Is see

5. I ... here since last week

A. Have
B. Has
C. Has been
D. Had
E. Have been

6. I've ... him for 5 years

A. Know
B. Knew
C. Known
D. Is know
E. Knowing

7. I ... seen that movie twenty times

A. Has
B. Have
C. Had
D. Is
E. Are

8. I think i have ... him once more

A. Meet
B. Met
C. Meeting
D. Is meet
E. Meets

9. There ... many earthquakes in California

A. Has been
B. Had been
C. Is
D. Have been
E. Was

10. People ... traveled to the moon

A. Is
B. Am
C. Are
D. Had
E. Have

11. I….. in the Restaurant

A. Have been
B. Have
C. Has
D. Make
E. Made

12. …. Have studied English

A. My Friend
B. My Friend and I
C. Budi’s friend
D. Have
E. Has
13. A beautiful girl has….Me a cake
A. Make
B. Made
C. Meant
D. Has
E. Have
14. They ….Surabaya
A. Has Visit
B. Has Visited
C. Have Visited
D. Make
E. Made
15. Budi …. in Bandung since 2010
A. Has live
B. Has lived
C. Have lived
D. Make
E. Made



Analisis : Very, Too can, Could, May, Might, Present perfect Continuous tense
Home care is a component of health services provided to individuals, and
families in their homes with the aim of promoting, maintaining or maximizing
the level of independence of patients with severe illness. In accordance with Law
No.38 of 2014 concerning nursing, it is stated that there are 2 types of nursing
practices, namely (1) Independent Nursing Practices and (2) Nursing Practices at
Health Care Facilities. Home care  adalah komponen dari pelayanan kesehatan yang
disediakan untuk individu, dan keluarga di tempat tinggal mereka dengan tujuan
mempromosikan, mempertahankan atau memaksimalkan tingkat kemandirian pasien
dengan kondisi sakit yang berat. Sesuai dengan Undang-undang  No.38  Tahun 2014
tentang keperawatan, disebutkan bahwa praktik keperawatan ada 2 jenis, yaitu (1)
Praktik Keperawatan Mandiri dan (2) Praktik Keperawatan di Fasilitas Pelayanan
Kesehatan Homecare health is a health service carried out in a patient's home.
For health nurses, homecare is part of the Independent Nursing Practice which is
the right and obligation. The aim of homecare is to emphasize patients who have
difficulty coming to the health center in order to check their health, generally
they are elderly people who have no companions can be vehicles to come to the
health center or hospital. While the homecare cases currently are cases with
degenerative diseases such as Diabetes Mellitus. Home care kesehatan merupakan
layanan kesehatan yang dilaksanakan di rumah pasien. Bagi perawat kesehatan,
homecare merupakan bagian dari Praktik Keperawatan Mandiri yang menjadi hak
serta kewajibannya. Yang menjadi titik berat sasaran home care adalah pasien yang
kesulitan untuk datang ke puskesmas dalam rangka memeriksakan kesehatannya,
umumnya mereka adalah orang lanjut usia yang tidak ada pendamping bisa juga
kendaraan untuk datang ke puskesmas atau rumah sakit. Sedangkan kasus yang
dilakukan homecare saat ini adalah kasus dengan penyakit degeneratif seperti Diabetes

Homecare is usually done by nurses or nursing students. No doubt,
there are very college graduate nurses who run to the homecare world. It might
be possible to ask the reason, there are those who are tempted by the salary
offered, there too can be friends who join the friend and the most often met may
most not pass the UKOM (competency exam). Home care biasanya dilakukan oleh
perawat ataupun mahasiswa keperawatan. Tidak di pungkiri, sangat banyak lulusan
kuliah perawat yang lari ke dunia home care. Mungkin bisa di tanya alasannya, ada
yang karena tergiur gaji yang ditawarkan, juga bisa ada yang ikut-ikutan teman saja
dan yang paling sering ditemui mungkin kebanyakan tidak lulus ukom (ujian

Nursing institution policy that nurses must have the name STR as a
condition of being accepted for employment too can practice in a hospital. This
greatly very make the number of unemployed undergraduated nurses because it is
not in accordance with the reqruitement that the hospital or company asks for and
may this has also been a blow and a big problem for those nursing scholars
whose careers are questioned because they do not pass the nursing competency.
Could they or where should they work? While the distance of the next exam time
is very long and too can be that the pass is not necessarily directly accepted by
the work, might because of the tight competition. Kebijakan lembaga keperawatan
bahwa perawat harus memiliki yang namanya STR sebagai syarat dapat diterima kerja
atau bisa juga praktek di rumah sakit. Hal ini sangat membuat banyaknya
pengangguran sarjana perawat karena belum sesuai dengan reqruite yang rumah sakit
atau perusahaan minta dan mungkin hal ini juga menjadi pukulan dan problematika
besar untuk mereka para sarjana perawat yang karirnya di pertanyakan karena tidak
lulus ukom. Bisakah mereka atau kemana mereka harus bekerja? Sedangkan jarak
waktu ujian selanjutnya sangat lama dan bisa juga yang lulus belum tentu langsung di
terima kerja, mungkin karena ketatnya persaingan.

Bachelor nurses must be more updated about the world of nursing in

Indonesia. It could be compared to nurses overseas, there is a very different
development. However, the career of the nurse profession will not be halted
might by the reason that many graduates are nurses, hospitals are full, difficult to
find work, do not pass the nursing competency. I believe that God is fair. The

proof is very much a jumping stone that can be done. May one of them is in the
homecare world. Usually when home care nurses will carry stetoscope,
thermometers, stethoscopes, bandages, hammer reflexes. Sarjana perawat harus
lebih update mengenai dunia keperawatan di indonesia. Bisa dibandingkan dengan
perawat di luar negeri sana sangat jauh berbeda perkembangannya. Namun, karir
profesi perawat tidak akan terhenti mungkin oleh alasan banyaknya lulusan perawat,
rumah sakit sudah penuh, susah cari kerja, tidak lulus ukom. Percaya, tuhan itu sangat
adil. Buktinya sangat banyak batu lompatan yang bisa di lakukan. Mungkin salah
satunya yaitu berkecimpung di dunia homecare. Biasanya saat homecare perawat akan
membawa tensimeter, thermometer, stetoscop, perban, reflek hammer

Ayu is an independent person she has been living in the city since
graduating from school. She is now a graduated studentof nursing department,
Polytechnic of Health, Denpasar and has worked in a hospital. Ayu has been
working in a Denpasar hospital since 2 years ago. Ayu has been working as a
nurse since graduating from college and has also pursued the field of home care
to earn more incomes. Ayu has been joining home care activity since last year
and has had many patients. One day, Ayu has been talking with a client for 1
hour and talked about home care Ayu adalah seseorang yang mandiri dia telah
tinggal di kota sejak lulus sekolah . Dia sekarang adalah lulusan perawat Poltekkes
Denpasar dan sudah bekerja di rumah sakit. Ayu telah bekerja di rumah sakit Denpasar
sejak 2 tahun lalu. Ayu telah terus bekerja sebagai seorang perawat sejak lulus kuliah
dan juga telah menekuni bidang home care untuk mendapatkan penghasilan lebih, Ayu
telah bergabung dengan home care sejak tahun lalu dan sudah banyak mendapatkan
pasien. Pada suatu hari, Ayu telah terus berbicara dengan seorang klien selama 1 jam
dan membicarakan tentang home care.


The present perfect continuous is used to refer to an unspecified

time between 'before now' and 'now'. The speaker is thinking about something
that started but perhaps did not finish in that period of time. He/she is interested
in the process as well as the result, and this process may still be going on, or may
have just finished.

Present perfect continuous tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang
digunakan untuk menyatakan aksi yang telah selesai pada suatu titik di masa lalu
atau aksi telah dimulai di masa lalu dan terus berlanjut sampai sekarang. Present
perfect continuous tense dibentuk dengan auxiliary verb have atau has, been
dan present participle (-ing). Have digunakan untuk I, you, dan plural subject
seperti: plural pronoun (seperti: they, we), plural noun (seperti: boys, men), dan
compound subject dengan kata hubung “and” (seperti: you and I, Tom and Jack);
sedangkan has untuk singular subject seperti: third person singular
pronoun (seperti: he, she, it) dan singular noun (seperti: Tom, man).
(+) : She has been / She's been working in Denpasar Hospital for 2 year.
(-) : She hasn't been coming to hospital.
(?)  : Has she been coming to the hospital?


Very is an adverb of degree which means "very", which is to intensify the

meaning of facts based on facts. Very is placed before adjective or adverb.

(+) very + adjective/adverb

(-) not very + adjective/adverb

(+) The proof is very much a jumping stone that can be done.

(-) The proof is not very much a jumping stone that can be done.
Very diletakkan sebelum kata keterangan atau kata sifat untuk
membuatnya lebih kuat. Jika ingin membuat bentuk negatif dari kata sifat atau
keterangan, kita bisa menambahkan not ke kata kerja, menggunakan kata sifat
atau keterangan dengan arti yang berlawanan, atau menggunakan not very dengan
kata sifat atau keterangan awalnya. Arti dari ketiga frasa ini tidaklah sama.
Biasanya, frasa yang menggunakan not very tidak terlalu lugas, sehingga lebih
sopan dibandingkan dengan frasa-frasa lainnya.


The word "Too" means more than enough, too much, and too much. Usually, it
is also used for statements or sentences with negative meanings.

Too selalu merupakan kata keterangan, tetapi memiliki dua arti yang berbeda,
masing-masing dengan pola penggunaan tersendiri. Too sebagai kata keterangan yang
berarti "juga" diletakkan di akhir frasa yang dimodifikasi oleh too.

- Formula :
Too +Adjective/Adverb (Without Noun)

Ex: I can’t wait too long, because the nurse will come soon.

- Formula :
Too + adjective + for someone/something + infinitive

Ex: The nurse bring too much medicines.


Can and could is a form of capital verbs. Own verbs capital is one type of
auxiliary verb or auxiliary verb which is used to indicate ability, possibility and
permission or obligation (permission or obligation), and so forth. The verb capital has
only one form where the capital verb does not have the form to infinitive, form-form,
or past or form -ed. To find out the meaning of can and could we have to understand its
Can dan Could menjadi bentuk kata kerja modal. Modal sendiri adalah salah
satu jenis kata kerja tambahan atau verba bantu yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan
kemampuan, kemungkinan dan kewajiban (kewajiban atau kewajiban), dan sebagainya.
Modal kata kerja hanya memiliki satu bentuk di mana kata kerja modal tidak memiliki
bentuk infinitif, bentuk, atau masa lalu atau bentuk-bentuk. Untuk mengetahui arti dari
kaleng dan kita harus memahami penggunaannya.


-The students could have arrived at the hospital hours ago.

-You can borrow my syringe, but you can’t take my infusion.


May and might have similar uses. The following is the use of may and the most
important might. May and might both be used to talk about possibilities. May and
might be used to give polite advice. May is used to request permission in a formal

speech. May is used to show that something has gotten permission. May is used to
express wishes / desires.

1. The nurse might come but it’s not sure at all.

2. I think that nurse may come late tomorrow.

May / might adalah salah satu jenis modal / kata kerja bantu di dalam bahasa
Inggris yang umumnya digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kemungkinan atau meminta
izin kepada orang lain, contoh: (1) “May I borrow your book?”; (2) “She may see you
before she leaves.” ; (3) “The rain might have stopped.” Pada kalimat (1) may berfungsi
untuk meminta izin, sedangkan yang (2) berfungsi untuk mengungkapkan
kemungkinan, dan ke (3) menunjukkan bahwa might adalah bentuk lampau dari may.

Dialogue Practice

Client : “Hallo good morning.”

Nurse : “Hallo, good morning madam. I am nurse Ari, may I help you?”

Client : “I am Ayu and I want to ask you, my mother has been suffering a
stroke since 6 months. My mother needs treatment that can be
done at home. Is there a method

to treat that desease?”

Nurse : “Of course, home care is the solution.”

Client : “Could you tell me more about that?”

Nurse : “Of course, I can mom. Home care is a treatment for those with
special needs who need ongoing care at home. Home care is
usually very much for parents, patients with chronic pain,
recovery after surgery or disability.”

Client : “Oh, yes nurse.”

Nurse : “Do you know how long has he been suffering from a stroke?”

Client : “Maybe, He has been suffering since 6 months. This is very

burden some for our family to go back and forth from the

hospital so I think we need a treatment of home care for him.”

Nurse : “Oh okay, how long has she stayed at home?”

Client :“He has been staying at home since 3 months. Anyway, might
you help me with home care treatments?

Nurse : “Well, I can also help you with home care to care for your
mother at home. From when can I take care of your mother?”

Client : “You can already take care of my mother from tomorrow.”

Nurse : Well, tomorrow I will come to my mother’s house. May I know

where is your address ?

Client : “Tukad Balian street, number 39F Denpasar.”

Nurse : “Good mother, tomorrow I’ll go to mother’s house”

Client : “Thank you for your help.”

Nurse : “It’s okay, you are welcome.”



1. Maintaining Mempertahankan
Independen/lepas/yang dapat
2. Independent
berdiri sendiri

3. Severe Illness Penyakit Parah

4. Concerning Nursing Mengenai Keperawatan

5. Carried Out Dilakukan

6. Vehicles Kendaraan

7. No Doubt Tidak Diragukan Lagi

9. Tempted Terngiang
10. Salary Gaji
11. Scholars Pelajar
12. Bachelor Sarjana
13. Helted Dihentikan

14. Pursued Diburu
15. Field Bidang
16. Ongoing Sedang berlangsung
17. College Perguruan tinggi
18. Accordance Sesuai
19. Tight Ketat
20. Exam Ujian
21. Necessarily Perlu


1. Should the people do treatment of home care when they are injured?
2. Should the patient see a doctor when they get headache?
3. Had the people been getting treatment by the nurse to the patient?
4. Do we have to see doctor when we suffered from a stroke?
5. Could home care be the most appropriate solution for people suffering
from stroke?
6. Has the sister provided good service in the home care?
7. Can salt-containing foods make stroke worse?

8. Why can the patient’s family choose treatment at home?
9. What kind of conditions that the patient can get home care treatment?
10. When could the nurse start doing her treatment for the patient’s mother?
11. What process might you use to hire and assess your care givers?
12. What do you think just nurse can do home care?
13. Might you have additional screening each year?
14. How can you evaluate your care givers?
15. Could you evaluate your care givers?


1. Ayu is an independent person. She …..(live) in the city since graduating

from school.
a. Had been living
b. Has been living
c. Have been living
d. Was living
e. Were living

2. Dinda ……(work) in a Denpasar hospital since 2 years ago.

a. Has been working
b. Have been working
c. Had working
d. Had been working
e. Has working

3. Dewi has been ….home care activity since last year and has had many
a. Join
b. Joining
c. Is join
d. Are join
e. Joins

4. One day, the nurses ……with a client for 1 hour and talked about home
a. Has been talking
b. Has talking
c. Have been talking
d. Had been talking
e. Have talking

5. The patient has not ….. medicine from yesterday.

a. Been taking
b. Take
c. Takes
d. Taking
e. Are taking

6. …. you been calling the nurse since then?

a. Has
b. Had
c. Are
d. Have
e. Is

7. I have been …. my blood pressure since last week.

a. Check
b. Checking
c. Checked
d. Is check
e. Are check

8. The nurses …… victims of natural disasters in Lombok since last month.

a. Helping
b. Has been helping
c. Have been helping
d. Had been helping
e. Is helping

9. The patient has been …. for being given medicine by the nurse.
a. Sleep
b. Sleeping
c. Is sleep
d. Are sleep
e. Were sleep

10. The doctor …. prescription medicine for the patient’s family.

a. Has giving
b. Have giving
c. Have been giving
d. Has been giving
e. Giving

11. ……….. in my house for almost thirty years

a. Am living
b. Have been living
c. Live
d. Had lived
e. Lives

12. The construction labors are thirsty since they…………. (remove) the
a. Had removing
b. Have been removing
c. Has removing
d. Has been removing
e. Had been removing

13. He ………….. (drive) a car through the rain for an hour.

a. Had been driving
b. Have driving
c. Has been driving
d. Had driving
e. Have been driving

14. The passangers ……….. (wait) for the next flight since this morning.
a. Has been waiting
b. Have been waiting
c. Had been waiting
d. Have waiting
e. Has waitng

15. John ……………. (sleep) since 3 hours ago

a. Has been skeep

b. Have been sleep

c. Have sleeping

d. Has been sleeping

e. Have been sleeping



Analysis: Shold, must dan have to, Good, well , Past perfect Continuous tense.

Complementary care is one of the legal nursing actions performed by
nurses in law. Types of complementary care therapy are Chiropractic, Relaxation
Techniques (including parts of Hypnomedis), Acupuncture and Acupressure
Therapy. Perawatan Komplementer adalah salah satu tidakan keperawatan yang
dilakukan oleh perawat secara undang undang. Jenis terapi yang harus diberikan
seperti Chiropractic, Relaxation Techniques (termasuk bagian dari Hypnomedis),
Akupunktur dan Terapi AkupresurTherefore all nurses must be skilled at
complementary care before handling patients in the community. Prospective
nurses must know the law of nursing practice No. 34 of 2014 before
implementing complementary nursing practice. Oleh karena itu semua perawat
harus terampil dalam perawatan komplementer sebelum menangani pasien di
masyarakat. Calon perawat harus mengetahui undang –undang praktek
keperawatan no 34 tahun 2014 sebelum melaksanakan praktek keperawatan
komplementer. Nurse students should practice direct complementary care for
patients to become skilled health worker. In order for skilled students of
complementary care should be guided in the practice guide 30 patients per
student to get an A score. The number of complementary subject credits must be
more because it becomes the vision of the study program. Every mildly ill
patients have to get complementary treatment before taking chemical drugs. .
Mahasiswa perawat sebaiknya melakukan praktik langsung perawatan
komplementer kepada pasien supaya menjadi terampil. Supaya mahasiswa
terampil dalam perawatan komplementer sebaiknya dalam panduan praktik
ditargetkan 30 pasien tiap mahasiswa untuk mendapat nilai A. Jumlah SKS mata
ajar komplementer sebaiknya lebihbanyak karena menjadi visi program studi,
Setiap pasien sakit ringan sebaiknya mendapatkan perawatan komplementer
sebelum minum obat kimia. All nursing students should be skilled health worker
in complementary care.ifnot, they will be called incompetent nurse in practice at
community health centers. Acupressure and herbs are complementary which are
well applied to the community nowadays and has even become a community
health center program. Many diseases had been curing after complementary
programs. The traditional restructuring government regulation No. 103 of 2013
was promulgated when nursing students had been demonstrating. Semua
mahasiswa perawat seharusnya terampil dalam perawatan komplementer kalua
tidak akan disebut perawat tidak kompeten dalam praktik di pusat kesehatan
masyarakat. Akupresur dan herbal adalah komplementer yang baik diterapkan
pada masyarakat saat ini bahkan sudah menjadi program pusat kesehatan
masarakat. Banyak penyakit yang telah disembuhkan setelah melakukan
program komplementer. Peraturan pemerintah penyehat tradisional no 103
tahun 2013 di syahkan pada saat mahasiswa keperawatan sedang melakukan

Doni is one of the nurses who work at the comunity health center with
good performance because being able to have a diploma 3 nursing certificate also
has complementary certificates. He received a certificate while studying at the
Health Polytechnic of Denpasar. He is the only complementary nurse who is
good at handling patients at the health center. Everyone can try that
complementary action is better to overcome fatigue. The main problems that can
be overcome by complementary treatments are lumbago, tingling, hypertension,
insomnia and many other problems. The types of complementary actions that had
been recommending for nurses in community health center are acupressure and
herbal. Other types of complementary measures include bruise,reiki, hypnoterpi
and others.

Doni adalah salah satu perawat yang bekerja di puskesmas dengan

kinerja yang baik karena disamping memiliki ijasah D3 keperawatan juga
memiliki sertifikat komplementer. Ia menerima sertifikat saat sedang mengikuti
kuliah di Politeknik Kesehatan Denpasar. Ia adalah satu-satunya perawat
komplementer yang baik dalam menangani pasien di puskesmas. Semua orang
boleh mencoba bahwa tindakan komplementer lebih baik untuk mengatasi
kelelahan. Masalah utama yang dapat diatasi dengan komplementer adalah
sakit pinggang, kesemutan, hipertensi , susah tidur dan banyak masalah lainnya.
Jenis tindakan komplementer yang telah sedang direkomendasikan untuk
perawat di puskesmas adalah akupresur dan herbal. Jenis tindakan
komplementer yang lain diantaranya becam, reiki, hipnoterpidan lain –lain

Example :

Past Perfect Continuous Tense

The past perfect continuous tense (+)I had been sufferinghigh blood
(also known as the past perfect pressure for 3 years.
progressive tense) shows that an
action that started in the past
continued up until another time in the (-) I had not been sufferinghigh
past.  blood pressure for 3 years.

Unlike the present perfect continuous,

which indicates an action that began in
(?) How long had you been
the past and continued up to the
experiencing high blood pressure?
present, the past perfect continuous is
a verb tense that indicates something
that began in the past, continued in
the past, and also ended at a defined
point in the past.

The past perfect continuous tense is

constructed using had been + the
verb’s present participle (root + -ing).

Should:Used to indicate obligation, Example: All nursing students should

duty, or correctness, typically when be skilled health worker in
criticizing someone's actions complementary care.
Must: Something that should not be
overlooked or missed. Example: The number of
complementary subject credits must be
Have To:Have to mainly expresses more
general obligations, while must is
used for specific obligations Example: Every mildly ill patients have
to get complementary treatment
Good:Good is an adjective that
functions to explain objects

Example: Doni is one of the nurses

who work at the comunity health center
Well: well is adverb which is an adverb
with good performance
/ adverb word that explains the verb.

Example: Acupressure and herbs are

complementary which arewell applied
to the community nowadays


Past perfect continuous mirip dengan present perfect continuous, tetapi

pada waktu yang lebih awal dari 'sebelum sekarang'. Sama seperti present perfect
continuous, kita lebih tertarik dengan proses. Bentuk ini juga digunakan dalam
kalimat tidak langsung (reported speech). Bentuk ini setara dengan past
continuous dan present perfect continuous dalam kalimat langsung (direct
speech). Past perfect continuous tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang
digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu aksi (dengan durasi waktu tertentu) telah
selesai pada suatu titik waktu tertentu di masa lalu. Past perfect continuous
tense dibentuk dengan auxiliary verb had dan been dan present participle. Secara
umum past perfect continuous tense hanya terjadi pada aksi berupa dynamic atau
action verb, tidak stative verb karena umumnya hanya dynamic verb yang
memiliki bentuk continuous. Past perfect continuous tense untuk
mengekspresikan aksi yang panjang di masa lampau sebelum aksi lainnya terjadi.
Past perfect continuous tense untuk memberitahukan berapa lama sesuatu terjadi
(period of time) atau sampai waktu tertentu di masa lampau.

Should memiliki makna seharusnya, kata should sendiri merupakan
bentuk lampau dari shall, namun cara penggunaan sedikit berbeda. Penggunaan
Shall biasanya digunakan bersamaan dengan subjek We. ... Ketiga, kata should
dapat digunakan untuk menanyakan sesuatu. Shall atau should adalah modal atau
kata kerja bantu yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan rencana atau sesuatu
yang akan dilakukan di masa yang akan datang. Layaknya will dengan would,
may dengan might, maka should adalah bentuk lampau dari shall, contoh (1) “I
shall go to Bandung tomorrow morning.” (2) “If anyone should ask for me, I'll be
in the manager's office.” Dari kalimat tersebut kita bisa mengetahui bahwa shall
dan should menunjukkan sebuah kemungkinan yang akan terjadi di masa yang
akan datang.

A. Penggunaan

Meskipun should adalah bentuk lampau dari shall, namun secara
penggunaan sehari-hari di dalam bahasa Inggris modern sekarang ini, kita dapat
menggunakan keduanya untuk mengungkapkan kejadian present ataupun future.
Hal yang perlu diperhatikan juga adalah penggunaan should dan shall memiliki
fungsi yang berbeda layaknya may dan might.

‘Must’ digunakan pada saat Anda ingin menunjukkan bahwa sesuatu yang
dimaksud benar adanya dan logis. Misalnya, pada saat musim dingin, maka
orang-orang akan merasa kedingingan. Selain itu ‘Must’ dapat digunakan untuk
menunjukkan kewajiban yang begitu kuat atau kewajiban yang diperlukan
menurut diri sendiri dan orang di sekitar.


‘Have to’ digunakan untuk mengekspresikan kewajiban yang kuat karena

ada campur tangan dari pihak luar yang membuat adanya kewajiban tersebut.
Have to sering kali digunakan untuk menunjukan kewajiban atau hal yang harus
kita lakukan, seperti pada kalimat “The students have to go to school.” (“Para
murid harus berangkat ke sekolah.”). Secara umum, have to digunakan untuk
menunjukkan kewajiban impersonal dimana subjek wajib atau dipaksa untuk
melakukan sesuatu. Penggunaan ‘have to’ menunjukkan kewajiban penuh dimana
biasanya ada beberapa keadaan atau pengaruh eksternal yang membuat subjek
harus memenuhi kewajibannya tersebut. Pada British English, biasanya ‘have got
to’ sering kali digunakan. ‘Have got to’ sendiri memiliki arti atau makna yang
sama dengan ‘have to’. Tetapi, umumnya penggunaan ‘have got to’ lebih
informal dibandingkan dengan ‘have to’. Untuk lebih memahami ‘have to’,
pahami penggunaan dan bentuk atau pola kalimatnya.


- I have to start working at 7.00 am or my boss will fire me

(Saya harus mulai bekerja jam 7 pagi atau atasan saya akan memecat saya)


Patient : Hello good morning, my name is Agus.

Nurse : Good morning too, my name is Doni. Can I help you, sir?

Patient : Good, so I often feel pain in my back.
Nurse : How long have you felt sick Sir?
Patient : I have been feeling pain for 3 months.
Nurse : Many of my patients had been using complementary. You must
try alternative treatments like complementary.
Patient : What is complementary?
Nurse : Complementary care is one of the legal nursing actions
performed by nurses in law. Types of complementary care therapy are
Chiropractic, Relaxation Techniques (including parts of Hypnomedis),
Acupuncture and Acupressure Therapy.
Patient : What treatment should I take?
 Nurse : You have to choose acupressure therapy.
Patient : Can you give it?
Nurse : Of course, besides working in a health center, I also open
complementary practices.
Patient : How long is the treatment?
Nurse : For 45 minutes. I will press right in the back of your hand between
thumb and index finger
Patient : Owh, I feel pain there.
Nurse : I pressed the point where it shows if you have high blood pressure.
Patient : Yes I have high blood pressure.
Nurse : How long had you been experiencing it?
Patient : I had been suffering for 3 years.
Nurse : That's as much as you feel sick sir.
Patient : That's good. Can I become well again after doing this treatment?
Nurse : Complementary medicine will help reduce your health problems Sir.



1. Prospective Prospektif
2. Mildly Sedang
3. Curing Penyembuhan
4. Promogated Menyebarluaskan
5. Relaxtion techniques Teknik relaksasi

6. Guided Dibimbing
7. Vision Tujuan
8. Diseases Banyak penyakit
9. Received Menerima
10. Lumbago Sakit pinggang
11. Tingling Kesemutan
12. Hypertension Tekanan darah tinggi
13. Insomnia Sulit tidur
14. Acupressure Akupuntur
15. Hypnoterapy Hipnoterapi
16. Bruise Memar
17. Direct Secara langsung
18. Ill Penyakit
19. Skilled Terampil
20. Fatigue Kelelahan

1. What is complementary?
2. What are types of complementary therapies?
3. What complementary should be given to all people?
4. How many targets should students reach in the complementary nurse?
5. What is acupressure and herbs?
6. What year was traditional health regulations passed?
7. What are the main things that can be overcome by complementary?
8. What are the conditions for working in a health center or doing

9. Is there anyone who can do complementary actions?
10. How long does the complementary action usually take?

11. How does meditation work, and what is its function for the body?
12. What type of basic therapy should be given to complementary care?
13. Why must patients get complementary therapy?
14. Must a nurse students master basic complementary techniques?
15. What is homeopathy, and how is it different from holistic medicine or
alternative medicine?

Grammar Practice: Past Perfect Continous Tense

1. You ............ waiting there for more than 2 hours when she finally arived
a. Had Been
b. Has been
c. Have been
d. Has
e. Have

2. I had been ....... hard, so I felt very tired

a. Work
b. Works
c. Worker
d. Working
e. Is Work

3. I ........... heard the song many times before

a. Have
b. Has
c. Had
d. Is
e. Was

4. They had been ....... for over an hour before Tony arrived
a. Talk
b. Talking

c. Talks
d. Talked
e. Is talk

5. She ........ working at that company for 3 years when it went out of
a. Have been
b. Has been
c. Was
d. Will
e. Had been

6. How long had you been ............. to get on the bus?

a. Waiting
b. Wait
c. Waits
d. Will wait
e. Was wait

7. Mike wanted to sit down because he had been ........... all day at work
a. Standing
b. Stand
c. Stands
d. Is stand
e. Will stand

8. James ......... teaching at the University for more than a year before he left
for Asia
a. Have been
b. Has been
c. Had been
d. Has
e. Have

9. I have not been ...... Turkish very long

a. Study
b. Studying
c. Studied
d. Student
e. Is study

10. Jason was tired because he .......... jogging

a. Have
b. Has
c. Have been
d. Had been
e. Has been

11. I had never.....such a beautiful beach before i went to ulheu-lheu.

a. Saw

b. Seen
c. See
d. Is see
e. Will see

12. I did not have any money because I....lost my wallet.

a. Have
b. Has
c. Was
d. Will
e. Had

13. Tony ...... istambul so well because he had visited the city several times.
a. Knew
b. Known
c. Know
d. Is know
e. Will know

14. ........susan ever studied thai before she moved to thailand ?

a. Have
b. Has
c. Had
d. Is
e. Was

15. She only.......the movie because she had read the book.
a. Understand
b. Understanding
c. Is understand
d. Understood
e. Was understand



Analysis : Still, Anymore, No Longer, Tag Question ,Past perfect tense

Community health nursing is still one of the most important public

health services in Indonesia. Perawatan kesehatan masyarakat masih merupakan
salah satu layanan kesehatan masyarakat yang paling penting di Indonesia The
function of Community health nursing as a center for health development, a
center for fostering community participation in the health sector, providing health
services to the local community and many more. Fungsi keperawatan kesehatan
masyarakat sebagai pusat pengembangan kesehatan, pusat untuk mendorong
partisipasi masyarakat di sektor kesehatan, memberikan layanan kesehatan
kepada masyarakat setempat dan banyak lagi. The Community health nursing is
still the favorite health facility visited by the community. Perawatan kesehatan
masyarakat masih merupakan fasilitas kesehatan favorit yang dikunjungi oleh

masyarakat. The existing facilities in the Community health nursing are no
longer the same as before, because the Community health nursing has changed
now. No longer just one or two rooms, but now there are many rooms. Society do
not get diffucult anymore to find care facilities. .. Fasilitas yang ada dalam
keperawatan kesehatan Masyarakat tidak lagi sama seperti sebelumnya, karena
keperawatan kesehatan Masyarakat telah berubah sekarang. Tidak lagi hanya
satu atau dua kamar, tetapi sekarang ada banyak kamar. Masyarakat tidak
mendapatkan kesulitan lagi untuk mencari fasilitas perawatan
Community health nursing is no longer like the previous Community
health nursing. Services at the Community health nursing are no longer caring
services, but now many new programs are being created. Programs offered
include health promotion, maternal and child health, prevention of infectious
diseases, mobile health centers and many more. Keperawatan kesehatan
masyarakat tidak lagi seperti keperawatan kesehatan masyarakat sebelumnya.
Layanan di Keperawatan kesehatan masyarakat bukan lagi layanan perawatan,
tetapi sekarang banyak program baru yang dibuat. Program yang ditawarkan
termasuk promosi kesehatan, kesehatan ibu dan anak, pencegahan penyakit
menular, pusat kesehatan keliling dan banyak lagi Although many programs
related to health promotion, Community health nursing still provide care
programs for patients. Payment in Community health nursing can be done
through the BPJS program, so people don't have to pay with money anymore.
The community no longer get difficulties in obtaining health services. Payment
with the BPJS has had a positive impact on clients. Many clients have
experienced recovery due to the simplification of the system at the Puskesmas.
Meskipun banyak program yang terkait dengan promosi kesehatan, perawat
kesehatan masyarakat masih menyediakan program perawatan untuk pasien.
Pembayaran dalam keperawatan kesehatan masyarakat dapat dilakukan melalui
program BPJS, sehingga orang tidak perlu membayar dengan uang lagi.
Masyarakat tidak lagi kesulitan mendapatkan layanan kesehatan. Pembayaran
dengan BPJS telah berdampak positif pada klien. Banyak klien mengalami
pemulihan karena penyederhanaan sistem di Puskesmas.

Mobile health centers are programs that have provided many benefits
that have already exist in society. Mobile health centers as the name implies will
provide health services directly to areas where residents live with cars that are
equipped with adequate facilities. Mobile health centers are very effective for the
community, aren't they? The community does not need to spend money anymore,
they are no longer burdened with such a large fee. Pusat kesehatan keliling
adalah program yang telah memberikan banyak manfaat yang sudah ada di
masyarakat. Pusat kesehatan keliling seperti namanya akan memberikan
layanan kesehatan langsung ke daerah di mana penduduk tinggal dengan mobil
yang dilengkapi dengan fasilitas yang memadai. Pusat kesehatan keliling sangat
efektif untuk masyarakat, bukan? Masyarakat tidak perlu mengeluarkan uang
lagi, mereka tidak lagi terbebani dengan biaya yang begitu besar
Health workers who work in the puskesmas are workers who have
completed education and have a certificate. Same as Mrs. Rinda who has worked
for 10 years at Puskesmas 1 Denpasar. Mrs. Rinda is one of the senior nurses
who have worked hard to succesed the mobile health center program. Of course
Mrs. Rinda still continue to run programs in the health center. Community health
nursing no longer accept a common medical human resource. Therefore, if we
want to get a job in community health care we need to watch our quality, is not it
?  Petugas kesehatan yang bekerja di puskesmas adalah pekerja yang telah
menyelesaikan pendidikan dan memiliki sertifikat. Sama seperti Ibu Rinda yang
telah bekerja selama 10 tahun di Puskesmas 1 Denpasar. Ibu Rinda adalah salah
satu perawat senior yang telah bekerja keras untuk mencapai program pusat
kesehatan keliling. Tentu saja Ibu Rinda masih terus menjalankan program di
puskesmas. Perawatan kesehatan masyarakat tidak lagi menerima sumber daya
manusia medis umum. Oleh karena itu, jika kita ingin mendapatkan pekerjaan
dalam perawatan kesehatan masyarakat, kita perlu memperhatikan kualitas kita,

Dialogue Practice

Client: Good morning, introduce my name is Ardi. Can I get some information
Nurse: Good morning, my name is Puri, I am one of nurses in this community
health nursing. What can I do for you, sir?
Client: Look, before this was the first time I visited a health center, I heard that
this community health nursing provides a lot of health care programs, is
that right?
Nurse: Of course sir, community health nursing is a place that provides health
services, including care, counseling, and counseling depending on what
needs are needed.
Client: Can treatment still be done at the health center?
Nurse: You can do it sir, the service at the health center is still same as before.
However, there are developments such as poly, mobile health centers, and
others. The community no longer has to go to the hospital, because
community health nursing has provided good service.
Client: I hear medical staff working here must get a work permit, is that correct?
Nurse: Of course sir, all health workers here have been trained and hold a license
to practice and have good practice skills.
Client: Since I have a problem with my eyes, where can I check my eyes?
Nurse: In the eye poly, sir, over there
Client: Can I still check my eyes? And what do I have to pay for? Is it money or
can you use BPJS?
Nurse: Of course sir. For payment, you can use a BPJS insurance card and don't
need to spend money anymore.
Client: Alright
Nurse: Do you still need other informations?
Client: No.
Nurse: If you need more informations, don't hesitate to contact us.
Client: Okay, thank you


Tag question is a question converted from a statement by an appended
interrogative formula, e.g: it's nice out, isn't it?

From text :

1. Therefore, if we want to get a job in community health care we need to

watch our quality, is not it ?
2. Look, before this was the first time I visited a health center, I heard that
this community health center provides a lot of health care programs, is
that right?
3. I hear medical staff working here must get a work permit, is that correct?


Past perfect tense refers to a time earlier than before now. It is used to
make it clear that one event happened before another in the past.
Past perfect tense adalah suatu tense yang menggambarkan suatu kejadian
yang terjadi sebelum satu spesifik waktu di masa lampau dan telah selesai
sebelum kejadian lain yang terjadi di masa lampau juga. Tense ini terdiri
dari gabungan aspek perfect (sebelum satu spesifik waktu di masa
lampau) dan bingkai waktu past (masa lampau).

Past Perfect dan Simple Past

Ketika dua kejadian terjadi di masa lalu:

 Past perfect digunakan untuk kejadian yang terjadi lebih awal (the earliest
 Simple past digunakan untuk kejadian yang terjadi setelahnya (the next
most recent event).

(+) S + have/has + V³
(-) S + have/has + not + V³

(?) Have/has + S + V³

From text:

1. Health workers who work in the community health center are workers
who have completed education and have a certificate.
2. Many clients have experienced recovery due to the simplification of the
system at the Community health center
3. Mrs. Rinda who has worked for 10 years at Puskesmas 1 Denpasar.



Analysis : Passive voice, indirect Speech , Conditional sentences , Past
Continuous tense

Diarrhea is a disease when feces or stools turn soft or runny which

usually occurs at least three times in 24 hours. In developing regions, diarrhea is
the most common cause of death among infants and also kills more than 2.6
million people each year. Diare adalah sebuah penyakit di saat tinja atau feses
berubah menjadi lembek atau cair yang biasanya terjadi paling sedikit tiga kali
dalam 24 jam. Pada daerah berkembang, diare adalah penyebab kematian
paling umum dialami balita dan juga membunuh lebih dari 2,6 juta orang setiap
The most common cause of diarrhea is a bacterial infection.
Bacterial infections which can also cause food poisoning (campylobacter,
closetridum, difficile, escherichiacolli, salmonella and shigella) appendicitis.
Food allergies can also die . Penyebab diare paling banyak disebabkan oleh
infeksi bakteri. Infeksi bakteri yang juga bisa menyebabkan keracunan makanan
(campylobacter, closetridum, difficile, escherichiacolli, salmonella, dan shigella)
radan usus buntu. Alergi makanan juga bisa terjadi dieare

Signs and symptoms:

1. Soft and liquid phase
2. Abdominal pain
3. Abdominal cramps
4. Nausea vomiting
5. Headaches
6. Loss of appetite
7. Continuous thirst
8. Fever
9. Dehydration
10. Blood in feces
11. Feces are produced a lot
12. Continually go to the toilet

Tanda dan Gejala

1. Fases lembek dan cair

2. Sakit perut
3. Kram perut
4. Mual muntah
5. Sakit kepala

6. Kehilangan nafsu makan
7. Haus terus menerus
8. Demam
9. Dehidrasi
10. Darah pada feses
11. Fese yang di hasilkan banyak
12. Terus menerus ke toilet

I have a friend who has suffered from diarrhea. My friend’s name is

Dinda. Currently he is 19 years old. 2 Last week, he and friends were traveling
for a vacation to Bedugul. Dinda said that she had to have breakfast and drink
milk before leaving for Bedugul. They depart at 08.00 a.m and arrive at their
destination at 11.00 a.m. Dinda tells her friends that they will go there by car that
day.Dinda and her friends feel happy because they can vacation together. He
really enjoyed the holiday.
The place has a beautiful view and also we can pick strawberries freely.
Dinda and her friends picked strawberries at 2:00 p.m. after picking strawberries,
they rested and enjoyed the supplies they brought and the strawberries they had
Because I was still not full, Dinda decided to buy snacks on the side of
the road. Dinda bought enough food and drinks because she thought it was very
tasty and rarely met in her home environment. At 04.00 p.m. they finally decided
to go home. The rain was pouring down when Dinda arrived home this afternoon.
Then after cleaning himself, he immediately told his mother his vacation. But,
when Dinda was studying, suddenly Dinda complained of stomachache. He had
gone to the bathroom three to five times and made him unable to study and sleep
that night.
The next day, my mother immediately escorted Dinda to the community
health center to be examined. When examined, the doctor said that she had
diarrhea and immediately gave oral rehydration medication to Dinda. If you don't
snack, you won't get diarrhea. Therefore, Dinda is now careful when wanting to
buy food or drinks while on vacation.


Passive voice is a form of sentence where the subject of the sentence accepts
the action, not acts. Unlike active voice that focuses on the party that performs
the action (doer of action), this form is more focused on the party or object that
receives the results of an action (receiver of action).
Kalimat pasif atau passive voice digunakan untuk menunjukkan
ketertarikan pada seseorang atau objek yang dikenai tindakan dan bukan
seseorang atau objek yang melakukan tindakan. Jadi, hal atau orang yang
terpenting akan menjadi subjek kalimat.


 The passive voice is used frequently.

(= kita tertarik dengan kalimat pasif, bukan siapa yang menggunakannya.)
 The house was built in 1654.
(= kita tertarik dengan rumahnya, bukan siapa yang membangunnya.)

 The road is being repaired.

(= kita tertarik dengan jalannya, bukan siapa yang melakukan perbaikan.)

Subject + to be (am/is/are) + past participle (pp)

Tense Rumus passive Contoh passive
voice voice
Simple present Am/is/are + pp Is created
Present Am/is/are being Is being created
continuous + pp
Simple past Was/were + pp Was created
Past continuous Was/were being Was being
+ pp created
Present perfect Has/have been + Has been created
Past perfect Had been + pp Had been created
Simple future Will be + pp Will be created

Future Am/is/are going Is going to be
continuous to be + pp created
Future perfect Will have been + Will have been
pp created

Example :
- The food that Dinda brought was cooked by hermother 2 hours before leaving.
- Dinda and her friends picked strawberries at 2:00 p.m


Indirect Speech is a sentence that is spoken to report the speaker's words to
others. So, Indirect Speech (Reported Speech) is used if we want to report
someone's words to others indirectly.
Indirect Speech consists of 3 types:
I. Statement (pernyataan )
II. Command (perintah)
III. Question (pertanyaan)

Example :
- Dinda said that she had to have breakfast and drink milk before leaving for
- Dinda tells her friend that they will go there by car that day.

Bila direct speech adalah kalimat yang menceritakan secara langsung hal
yang dikatakan satu atau banyak orang, maka indirect speech adalah
kebalikannya. Karena tidak secara langsung menceritakan, fungsi utama dari
semua kategori indirect speech adalah reporting atau pelaporan.
Kategori indirect speech dalam pelaporan yang pertama adalah
melaporkan sebuah pernyataan yang keluar dari mulut seseorang atau beberapa
orang. Kategori kedua indirect speech adalah melaporkan kalimat suruhan atau
perintah dari mulut seseorang atau beberapa orang lainnya. Sementara itu,
kategori ketiga dari indirect speech adalah melaporkan kalimat pertanyaan dari

Conditional Sentences are also known as Conditional Clauses or If
Clauses. They are used to express that the action in the main clause (without if)
can only take place if a certain condition (in the clause with if) is fulfilled. There
are three types of Conditional Sentences.
Conditional sentence adalah complex sentence (kalimat majemuk) yang
dibentuk dari subordinate clause yang diawali dengan subordinate conjunction if
berupa condition (syarat) dan main clause berupa result/consequence (hasil).

Conditional Sentence Type 1

→ It is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled.
Form: if + Simple Present, will-Future
Conditional Sentence Type 2
→ It is possible but very unlikely, that the condition will be fulfilled.
Form: if + Simple Past, Conditional I (= would + Infinitive)
Conditional Sentence Type 3
→ It is impossible that the condition will be fulfilled because it refers to
the past.
Form: if + Past Perfect, Conditional II (= would + have + Past

Example :
- You don't snack, you won't get diarrhea.


The past continuous describes actions or events in a time before now,
which began in the past and is still going on at the time of speaking. In other
words, it expresses an unfinished or incomplete action in the past.
Past continuous tense adalah bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk
menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi sedang berlangsung selama waktu tertentu pada
waktu lampau (past). Bentuk ini menunjukkan bahwa aksi tersebut terjadi
sebelum (began before), selama (was in progress during), dan mungkin berlanjut
setelah (continued after) waktu atau aksi lainnya yang terjadi pada masa lampau.
To form the sentence, we must apply the past form formula of be +
present participle (-ing) to the main verb.

- Positive (+)
subject +be(was/were) + verb (-ing)
- Negative (-)
subject + be(was/were)+not +verb(-ing)
- Interrogative (?)
be (was/were)+not+verb(-ing) + ... ?


-The rain was pouring down when Dinda arrived home this afternoon.
- But, when Dinda was studying, suddenly Dinda complained of stomachache.

Dialogue Practice

Nurse : Good morning, I want to introduce myself. My name is Aura, I'm a

nurse who works this morning atcommunity health center 1. Is there
anything I can help?
Client 1 : Good morning ,nurse. My name is dinda. I felt stomach ache after a
vacation yesterday. I have been to the bathroom 3-5 times.
Nurse : Did you eat food carelessly before?
Client 2 :Dinda said that she bought food and drinks on the roadside during the
holidays yesterday. The food was eaten by Dinda while she was resting
Client 1 : Yes nurse, but the food is delicious. I bought the food and drink when
my friends were taking pictures.
Nurse : OK. I will check your body temperature and blood pressure.
Client 2 : How is the blood pressure, nurse?
Nurse : After I checked, your body temperature is 38o C and your blood pressure
is 120/ 80. I can diagnose that your healthy is getting better, your blood
pressure has been normal, but your body temperature is still high.
You need to have more rests to make it better.
Client 2 : If you don't eat snack, you won't get diarrhea. Good nurse, thank you
Client 1 : Thank you nurse, I will be more careful again. If I pay attention to this,
nothing will happen


1. What is the patient's disease history that was suffered by patients?

2. How many times do patients experience diarrhea in one
day? ..............................................................................................................
3. How is patient's blood pressure that was checked by nurse?
4. How is the temperature of the
patient? .........................................................................................................
5. What causes the patients experiencing a diarrhea?
6. Did the client consume food or drinks before it?
7. How do you prevent patient's from getting diarrhea?
8. Where can the patient get the medication that has been prescribed?
9. Why Client 1 goes to the community health center?
10. What sign and symptoms of diarrhea experienced by client 1?
11. Which causes diarrhea of patient?
12. Is the blood pressure normal or no?
13. How is the temperature of the client?
14. How to avoid diarrhea?
15. What causes patients to get diarrhea?

Vocabulary: Diarhea

Runny Lembek
Each Setiap

Currently sat ini
Arrive Tiba
Tasty Lezat
Rarely Jarang
Immediately Segera
Suddenly tiba-tiba
Escorted dikawal, mengantar, menemani
Examined Diperiksa
Unable tidak bias, tidak mampu
Environment Lingkungan hidup
Stools Tinja
Occurs Terjadi
Poisoning Peracunan
Supplies Persendian
Rarely Jarang
Depart Berangkat
Decided Memutuskan
Pouring Penuangan
Immediately Segera
Stomachache Sakit perut
Escorted Dikawal
Medication Obat
Therefore Karenanya
Vacation Liburan

Past Continous tense

1. You …............studying when she called.

a. were
b. was
c. are
d. is
e. am
2. He was constantly … he annoyed everyone.
a. Talk
b. Talked
c. Talking
d. Will talk
e. Was talked

3. Thomas wasn’t …. and I wasn’t working together.

a. Work
b. Works
c. Worked
d. Will work
e. Working
4. … were eating dinner, discussing their plans and having a good time.
a. He
b. She
c. They
d. It
e. I
5. I didn’t like them because they… always complaining
a. Were
b. Was
c. Had
d. Has
e. Have
6. … were playing tennis last night
a. She
b. He
c. It
d. we
e. Noni

7. They … watching television when I came

a. Were
b. Was
c. Is
d. While
e. Had

8. … was watching television when she called

a. We
b. They
c. I
d. The students
e. Me and my friend

9. When the phone rang, she was … a letter

a. Writes
b. Writing

c. Write
d. Wrote
e. Written

10. While we were…the picnic , it started to rain

a. Have
b. Is have
c. Had
d. Having
e. Was
11. The main cause of diarrhea is?
a. Dehydration
b. Alkalosis
c. Acidosis
d. Dieresis
e. Intestinal hyperpalistaktik

12. Is carbon dioxide an anti-diarrhea that can stop diarrhea in a way ?

a. Suppress intestinal peristalsis
b. Absorb toxins
c. Shrink intestinal mucous membranes
d. Protect intestinal mucous membranes
e. Weaken abdominal muscle spasms

13. He was helped by a very beautiful nurse. The underlined word has nearly the
same meaning as….
a. Pretty
b. Nice
c. Modest
d. Thoughtful
e. Friendly
14. The dishes we had for lunch were all delicious …?
a. Weren’t they
b. Didn’t they
c. Were they
d. Hadn’t they
e. Had they



Analysis : Subjunctive, Tobe Supposed to, Would Rather dan Had better, Present
Continuous tense

Acute respiratory infections (ARI) is an infection that interfere with a

person's respiratory process. Infeksi saluran pernapasan akut atau sering disebut

sebagai ISPA adalah infeksi yang mengganggu proses pernafasan seseorang
This infection is generally caused by a virus that attacks the nose, trachea
(respiratory tube), or even the lungs.Etiologi ARI is more than 200 types of
bacteria, viruses and fungi. The bacteria causes include the genus streptococus,
Stafilococus, hemafilus, bordetella, hokinebacterium. The virus causes, among
others, the mikrovirus, adnovirus, and the most frequent cause of ARI in
influenza in the free air would come in and stick in the respiratory tract the top of
the throat and nose. Normally, bacteria and the virus attacks the child – of
children under the age of 2 years of his body is weak or has not been perfect. the
dry season to the rainy season also posed the risk of attack ARI . Several other
factors that contribute to the ARI in children is the low intake of antioxidants, the
status of malnutrition, and poor sanitation the environment. . Infeksi ini
umumnya disebabkan oleh virus yang menyerang hidung, trakea (pipa
pernafasan), atau bahkan paru-paru. Etiologi ISPA adalah lebih dari 200 jenis
bakteri, virus dan jamur. Bakteri penyebabnya antara lain genus streptococus,
Stafilococus, hemafilus, bordetella, hokinebacterium. Virus penyebabnya antara
lain golongan mikrovirus, adnovirus, dan virus yang paling sering menjadi
penyebab ISPA di influensa yang di udara bebas akan masuk dan menempel pada
saluran pernafasan bagian atas yaitu tenggorokan dan hidung. Biasanya bakteri
dan virus tersebut menyerang anak – anak di bawah usia 2 tahun yang kecepatan
tubuhnya lemah atau belum sempurna. Peralihan musim kemarau ke musim
hujan juga menumbulkan resiko serangan ISPA. Beberapa faktor lain yang
diperkirakan berkontrubusi terhadap kejadian ISPA pada anak adalah rendahnya
asupan antioksidan, status gizi kurang, dan buruknya sanitasi lingkungan.

The characteristics of a person with ARI are frequent sneezing, nasal

congestion or watering, the lungs feel blocked, coughing and throat pain, fatigue,
fever, dizziness. How to prevent ARI by washing hands regularly, especially
after doing activities in a public place, avoid touching the face, especially the
mouth, nose, and eyes with your hands so that you are protected from the spread
of viruses and bacteria, avoid smoking, consume more fiber-rich foods for
increase endurance, when you sneeze, make sure to cover it with tissue or hands.
This is done to prevent the spread of disease to others, exercisingregularly can
also help improve immunity and reduce the risk of transmission of infection. The

more often you exercise, the smaller the risk of contracting ARI. Cara mencegah
ISPA yakni dengan mencuci tangan secara teratur terutama setelah beraktivitas
di tempat umum, hindari menyentuh bagian wajah, terutama mulut, hidung, dan
mata dengan tangan agar Anda terlindung dari penyebaran virus dan bakteri,
hindari merokok, perbanyak konsumsi makanan kaya serat dan vitamin untuk
meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh, ketika Anda bersin, pastikan menutupnya
dengan tisu atau tangan. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mencegah penyebaran penyakit
kepada orang lain, berolahraga secara teratur juga bisa membantu
meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh dan mengurangi risiko penularan infeksi.
Semakin sering berolahraga, semakin kecil pula risiko tertular ISPA.

Mr. Aris has a daughter named Bela, his son is 10 years old and she is
grade 5 elementary school. His child had been sick for six days and had a fever
and chills, coughing and sore throat, and difficulty breathing. Tuan Aris memiliki
seorang anak perempuan yang bernama Bela, anaknya masih berumur 10 tahun
dan masih bersekolah kelas 5 SD. Sudah 6 hari anaknya sakit dan badannya
demam serta menggigil, batuk-batuk dan tenggorokannya sakit, serta kesulitan
bernafas. And his wife suggested that hehad better buy drugs at the pharmacy
but, Mr. Aris would rather take her child to hospital than buy drugs.So Mr. Aris
take his child to the hospital. Dan istrinya menyarankan agar sebaiknya Bela di
belikan obat di apotik tetapi, tuan Aris lebih memilih anaknya dibawa ke rumah
sakit. Sehingga tuan Aris membawa anaknya ke rumah sakit. Arriving at the
hospital, the nurse immediatelyexamined Bela. After the examination by the
doctor and nurse, Bela was affected by ARI and had to be hospitalized to
recovery so that she can do her daily activities. Nurses knows that Mr. Aris is a
smoker. Sesampainya di rumah sakit, perawat langsung memberikan tindakan
kepada Bela. Setelah dilakukan tindakan oleh dokter dan perawat, ternyata Bela
terkena ISPA dan harus dirawat di rumah sakit untuk mempercepat
pemulihannya agar dapat beraktifitas kembali seperti biasanya. Perawat
mengetahui bahwa tuan Aris adalah perokok Mr. Aris is not supposed to smoke
in the house. He had better smoke outside the house so his family is protecting
from cigarette smoke. Doctors also suggests to Mr. Aris to stop smoking or Mr.
Aris had better to smokeoutdoor than indoor. Nurses give an explanation how to
preventARI’s exposure. MrAris is supposed to wash hand before or after meals,

avoid smoking, and hehad better consume more a lot of fiber and vitamins. .
Tuan Aris seharusnya tidak merokok di dalam rumah. Dia sebaiknya merokok di
luar rumah.agar keluarganya terhindar dari asap rokok. Dan dokter pun
menyarankanlebih baik tuan Aris berhenti merokok dan tuan Aris lebih memilih
tetap merokok tetapi di luar ruangan. Perawat pun memberikan penjelasan
untuk mencegah terkena ISPA yaitu, sebelum atau sesudah makan seharusnya
mencuci tangan, hindari merokok, dan sebaiknya lebih banyak mengkonsumsi
makanan yang banyak mengandung serat dan vitamin


*Had better is “should” and would rather mean “prefer”. Both have
different forms and function as we will explain below. *Would rather always be
followed by an infinitive without “to”. Would rather be used to say “prefer” to
Would rather merupakan phrase bahasa inggris yang sangat umum
digunakan di dalam speaking. Phrase yang biasa disingkat ‘d rather dan
digunakan bersama berbagai personal pronoun ini (I’d rather, you’d rather, she’d
rather, he’d rather, we’d rather, they’d rather) digunakan untuk mengatakan apa
yang lebih disukai. Would rather (not) diikuti bare infinitive (infinitive tanpa to)
dan merupakan alternatif dari would prefer to ketika sedang membicarakan hal
spesifik. Phrase ini diikuti perfect infinitive tanpa to jika ingin membicarakan
past (masa lampau).

Example :

 And his wife suggested that he had better buy drugs at the pharmacy
 But, Mr. Aris would rather take her child to hospital than buy drugs
 He had better smoke outside the house so his family is protecting from
cigarette smoke.
 Mr. Aris had better smokeoutside than indoor
 MrAris is supposed to wash hand before or after meals, avoid smoking,
and hehad better consume more a lot of fiber and vitamins.


Present Continuous Tense merupakan tense bentuk yang menunjuk pada tindakan
yang sedang berlangsung sekarang atau ketika pembicaraan itu sedang
berlangsung. Jadi tindakan itu sudah dimulai, dan belum berakhir ketika
pembicaraan itu berlangsung. Tense ini juga bisa digunakan untuk menjelaskan
sebuah kejadian yang terjadi dengan singkat dan atau yang telah terjadi dalam
rentang waktu yang lama. Tense ini juga di kenal dengan sebutan Present
Progressive Tense. Karena tense ini bisa digunakan untuk menjelaskan sebuah
tindakan yang mungkin atau bisa dilakukan di masa depan. Pada intinya, Present
Countinous Tense menunjukkan sebuah kejadian atau kondisi yang sedang terjadi
sekarang, sering terjadi, dan dapat dilakukan atau berlanjut ke masa depan.

Berikut ini merupakan contoh kalimat dalam Present Continuous Tense, yang di
sesuaikan dengan situasi yang terjadi :

1. Situasi dimana suatu kejadian tengah berlangsung sekarang.

Contoh : Mr. Tony is making design of the house.

Rumus :

(+) S + to be (am, is, are) + Ving + object

(-) S + to be (am, is, are) + not + Ving + object
(?) to be + subject +Ving + object

Example :

 The characteristics of a person with ARI are frequent sneezing

 He had better smoke outside the house so his family is protecting from
cigarette smoke.


Supposed have the meaning of something that should be done . ‘Supposed to’
memiliki makna sesuatu yang seharusnya dikerjakan. Contoh kalimat:

• You’re supposed to return this book by Friday.

(Anda seharusnya mengembalikan buku ini pada hari Jumat)

• I’m supposed to clean up my room before I go to campus

(Seharusnya saya membersihkan kamar sebelum berangkat ke kampus)

Dalam bentuk lampau (past tense), ‘supposed to’ berarti sesuatu yang
direncanakan namun tidak terjadi.

• She was supposed to go to Bandung yesterday, but her mother got ill and she
couldn’t go (Seharusnya dia pergi ke Bandung kemarin, namun ibunya sakit dan
dia tidak dapat pergi)

‘Not supposed to’ digunakan untuk menyatakan sebuah larangan. Contoh:

• All of you are not supposed to sleep in this room
(Anda semua tidak diperbolehkan untuk tidur di ruangan ini)


 Mr. Aris is not supposed to smoke in the house.

 MrAris is supposed to wash hand before or after meals, avoid smoking,
and he had better consume more a lot of fiber and vitamins.

Subjuntive is a verb used to image the consequences of something that

does not exist or does not occur, for example : wish, suggestion, as if/as though,
would rather, if only. Subjunctive adalah kata kerja yang digunakan untuk
membayangkan akibat dari sesuatu yang tidak ada atau tidak terjadi, yang dapat
berupa wish (harapan), requirements (kebutuhan), dan suggestion (saran). Atau
dengan kata lain, makna kalimat subjunctive ini selalu berlawanan dengan
kenyataan atau fakta.

Example :

 He should smoke outside the house, so his family is protecting from

cigarette smoke.
 Mr. Aris should smoke outside than indoor
Dialogue Practice
Nurse :’’Good morning, I am nurse Indra. How may I help you?”

Patient :“Good morning nurse, I want a consultation .My child often got
sneezes from a week ago, besides that his nose is often runny and
sometimes a susceptible fever”
Nurse :“Oh, so, I checked the child first”
Patient : ’’Yes nurse”
Nurse : (measuring the temperature of the child) Have you got
headache now?’’
Patient2 :“I have had a fever since my nose was runny and I was still
Nurse :’’Besides getting dizzy, are there any other complaints? Do you
feel nauseous?’’
Patients2 :’’I don't feel sick, I just often feel tired and my body hurts”.
Nurse :“I’ll check the level of oxygen in your blood then”

Patients2 :“Please nurse
Nurse : Do you have a family who smokes at home or is your mother's
house close to the factory?”
Patient :“The father is smoking a lot and the intensity is quite a lot, why?”
Nurse : “Look, ma'am, mother's child is likely to experience ARI
Patient : What is ARI, nurse? “
Nurse :“ARI is an acute respiratory tract infection, this can happen
because the air around the patient is dirty, so for the treatment I
will give medicine”
Patient2 :“Alright nurse
Nurse :“For the patient ,I hope you pay more attention to cleanliness,
especially hands, okay? “
Patient :“You said that my father smoked, didn’t he? So it's because of the
air but why should the nurse say that? “
Nurse :“Because we can touch the face unconsciously, it must be washed
after doing the activity, you know there is a nose on the face “
Patients :“Ok, nurse, thank you”
Patient :“Thank you, nurse”
Nurse :“Alright, you’re welcome”

Vocabulary : ISPA

Attacks Serangan
Spread Penyebaran
Lungs paru-paru
Regullary Secarateratur
Avoid menghindari, mencegah

Endurance dayatahan, ketahanan

Risk Resiko

Recovery Pemulihan

Intertere Mengganggu

Cigarette Rokok

Examination Pemeriksaan

Sneezing bersin

Exercising Berlatih
Sore Luka
Immediately Dengan segera

Prevent mencegah

Dirty Kotor

Unconsciously tanpadisadari

Nauseous memuakkan

Supposed Diharapkan

Please answer the following questions below

1. Who is feeling sick?

2. Who is the person in the conversation above and what are they talking
3. Had the patient better after see doctor?
4. What should we do if we get sick?
5. What kind of diseases suffering by the patient?
6. What are the complaints of patient?
7. Would Mr. Aris stay up smoking then for the health of his family?
8. Which are the patient complaints to the nurse?
9. How would it look if the patient alive with a bad habit?
10. What to do by the patient had resparatory infections occurred to her?
11. Is the patient shortness of breath now?

12. What suggestions do nurse give patient so that the illness is not getting
13. Why should that advice be implemented?
14. Does the patient feel better after being given treatment by a nurse?
15. Could patient’s father expect to stop smoking so that patients do not
experience same thing back?

Please answer the following questions below

1. The nurse is … the patient now

a. examine
b. checked
c. examining
d. check out
e. examined
2. The nurse is …. medicine to the hospital
a. giving
b. gived
c. give it
d. had giving
e. have giving
3. The patient is ….. in bed now
a. be sleep
b. was sleeping
c. had sleeping
d. sleep
e. sleeping
4. The patient’s family is … the moment
a. visiting
b. visit
c. visited
d. had visit

e. was visit
5. Mr. Andi is ….. medicine at the pharmacy now
a. buyed
b. buy
c. buying
d. had buying
e. was buying
6. The nurse is ….. the patient a wheel cheir now
a. delivery, use
b. delivering, using
c. using, delivering
d. had use, had delivery
e. had delivery, had use
7. The patient’s family is …… medicine to the pharmacy at the moment
a. take
b. taked
c. taking
d. has take
e. has taking
8. Pharmacists are …… medicine for patients now
a. concocted
b. drinking
c. eating
d. dying
e. concocting
9. Mr. Agus is …… his mother in the hospital now
a. keeping
b. keeped
c. keep it
d. take
e. taken
10. The nurse are …… officers move corpse to ambulances at the moment
a. helping
b. helped
c. has help
d. help
e. do it
11. Patient in the dialogue on the disease ……
a. TBC
b. ARI
c. Cataract
d. Diabetes
e. Hepatitis
12. The following is a symptom of respiratory infection….
a. Fever
b. Stomach ache
c. Red eye
d. The skin yellow
e. Diarrhea
13. The virus and bacterial respiratory infection issued by the way……
a. Tears
b. Pee
c. Cough or sneeze
d. Sweat
e. Blood



Analisis : Superiority, inferiority, equality dan present

continues tense
Blood Sugar Disease or can be called Diabetes is a disease caused by high levels
of glucose or sugar in the blood due to impaired insulin secretion. Blood glucose
is the main source of energy and comes from the food we eat. Insulin, a hormone
made by the pancreas, helps glucose from feeding to cells used for energy
formation. Sometimes your body is not enough - or - insulin or does not use
insulin properly. Glucose will remain in your blood and not reach your cell.
Blood Sugar Disease atau dapat disebut dengan Diabetes adalah penyakit yang
disebabkan oleh tingginya kadar glukosa atau gula dalam darah karena
gangguan sekresi insulin. Glukosa darah adalah sumber utama energi dan
berasal dari makanan yang kita makan. Insulin, hormon yang dibuat oleh
pankreas, membantu glukosa dari memberi makan ke sel-sel yang digunakan
untuk pembentukan energi. Kadang-kadang tubuh Anda tidak cukup - atau -
insulin atau tidak menggunakan insulin dengan benar. Glukosa akan tetap
berada di darah Anda dan tidak mencapai sel Anda
The most common types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes
If you have type 1 diabetes, your body does not make insulin. Your immune
system attacks and destroys the cells in your pancreas that make insulin. Type 1
diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can appear
at any age. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day to stay
Jenis diabetes yang paling umum adalah tipe 1, tipe 2, dan diabetes gestasional.

Diabetes tipe 1

Jika Anda memiliki diabetes tipe 1, tubuh Anda tidak membuat insulin. Sistem
kekebalan tubuh Anda menyerang dan menghancurkan sel-sel di pankreas Anda
yang membuat insulin. Diabetes tipe 1 biasanya didiagnosis pada anak-anak dan
dewasa muda, meskipun dapat muncul pada usia berapa pun. Penderita diabetes
tipe 1 perlu mengambil insulin setiap hari untuk tetap hidup.

Type 2 diabetes
If you have type 2 diabetes, your body does not make or use insulin properly.
You can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood. However,
this type of diabetes is most common in middle-aged and older people. Type 2 is
the most common type of diabetes.

Diabetes tipe 2

Jika Anda memiliki diabetes tipe 2, tubuh Anda tidak membuat atau
menggunakan insulin dengan baik. Anda dapat mengembangkan diabetes tipe 2
pada usia berapa pun, bahkan selama masa kanak-kanak. Namun, jenis diabetes
ini paling sering terjadi pada orang setengah baya dan yang lebih tua. Tipe 2
adalah tipe diabetes yang paling umum
3. Gestational diabetes
Gestational diabetes develops in some women when they are pregnant. Most of
the time, this type of diabetes disappears after the baby is born. However, if you
have gestational diabetes, you have a greater chance of developing type 2
diabetes later on. Sometimes diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy is actually
type 2 diabetes
3. Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes berkembang di beberapa wanita ketika mereka hamil.

Sebagian besar waktu, diabetes jenis ini hilang setelah bayi lahir. Namun, jika
Anda menderita diabetes gestasional, Anda memiliki peluang lebih besar untuk
mengembangkan diabetes tipe 2 di kemudian hari. Kadang-kadang diabetes
didiagnosis selama kehamilan sebenarnya adalah diabetes tipe 2.

Here are the causes that trigger an increased risk of diabetes mellitus, including:
1. Descendants - People who choose blood relations with diabetics are more
likely to develop the disease than those who do not have it in the family.
The risk depends on the number of family members who suffer from
diabetes. The more number of relatives who suffer from diabetes, the
higher the risk.

Berikut adalah penyebab yang memicu peningkatan risiko diabetes

mellitus, termasuk:
Keturunan - Orang-orang yang memilih hubungan darah dengan
penderita diabetes lebih mungkin mengembangkan penyakit daripada
mereka yang tidak memilikinya di keluarga. Risikonya tergantung pada
jumlah anggota keluarga yang menderita diabetes. Semakin banyak
jumlah kerabat yang menderita diabetes, semakin tinggi risikonya
2. An unhealthy diet - so many unhealthy diets. Foods that contain too much
sugar and also foods that contain high fat and high cholesterol also trigger
diabetes. Pola makan yang tidak sehat - yang disebut diet tidak sehat
sangat banyak. Makanan-makan yang mengandung terlalu banyak gula
dan juga makanan yang mengandung lemak tinggi dan kolesterol tinggi
juga memicu diabetes
3. Obesity - Nearly 80% of people who suffer from diabetes in old age are
usually overweight. Being overweight increases the need for insulin in the
body. Kegemukan - Hampir 80% orang yang menderita diabetes di usia
lanjut biasanya kelebihan berat badan. Kelebihan berat badan
meningkatkan kebutuhan insulin di dalam tubuh.

4. Age - The risk of diabetes increases with age, especially after the age of
40 years, because the mechanism of cell development in a low state and
the number of cells in the pancreas that produce insulin decreases with
age. Usia - Risiko diabetes meningkat seiring bertambahnya usia,
terutama setelah usia 40 tahun, karena mekanisme perkembangan sel
dalam keadaan rendah dan jumlah sel di pankreas yang memproduksi
insulin menurun seiring bertambahnya usia

Some symptoms of type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes include:

A. Excessive fatigue
B. Increased urination
C. Thirst and dry mouth
D. Weight loss
E. Often hungry
F. Blurred vision
G. Feel confused

Vulnerability to certain infections Beberapa gejala diabetes tipe 1 dan tipe 2


 Kelelahan yang berlebihan

 Peningkatan buang air kecil
 Haus dan mulut kering
 Berat badan turun
 Sering lapar
 Penglihatan kabur
 Merasa bingung
 Kerentanan terhadap infeksi tertentu

Diabetes can be treated by doing massage therapy at the point of
reflection of diabetes, the reflection points are focused on the digestive system
and the pancreas as producing insulin. The reflection points are on the right and
left soles of the feet and on both palms. Penyakit diabetes bisa diobati dengan
melakukan terapi pemijatan pada titik refleksi diabetes, titik-titik refleksi terfokus
pada sistem pencernaan dan pankreas sebagai penghasil insulin. Titik refleksi
berada pada telapak kaki kanan dan kiri serta pada kedua telapak tangan

How to treat diabetes with reflection therapy

For reflection points on the soles of the feet, you can do a massage using wood
that has been made slightly pointed at the end and massage using sharpened
wood is superior to massage done with the fingers.
Untuk titik refleksi di telapak kaki Pemijatan bisa anda lakukan dengan
menggunakan kayu yang sudah dibuat agak runcing diujungnya dan pemijatan
menggunakan kayu yang sudah diruncingkan lebih unggul daripada pemijatan
dilakukan dengan jari tangan.

Massage at the point of reflection of diabetes for at least 3 minutes at each point,
starting from point 1 to 12 in sequence. massage is done with medium power or
not too strong, if it is too painful it can be reduced by the massage pressure. For
diabetics who are already acute, therapy can be done 3 times a day for the first
three days, after which therapy can be done once a day until the blood sugar
levels return to normal.

Lakukan pemijatan pada titik refleksi diabetes selama minimal 3 menit pada
setiap titiknya, dimulai dari titik nomor 1 sampai 12 secara berurutan. pemijatan
dilakukan dengan tenaga sedang atau tidak terlalu kuat, jika terlalu sakit bisa
dikurangi tekanan pemijatan. Untuk penderita diabetes yang sudah akut, terapi
bisa dilakukan 3 kali sehari selama tiga hari pertama, setelah itu terapi bisa
dilakukan 1 kali setiap hari sampai kadar gula didalam darah kembali normal
Reflection therapy at the point of reflection of diabetes, havingadvantages such
as normalizing the performance of the digestive system, including normalizing
the performance of the pancreas to produce insulin needed by cells to absorb
glucose in the blood to be converted into energy. Normally the performance of
the stomach and supporting glands including the pancreas will cure diabetes that
you experience.
Terapi refleksi pada titik refleksi diabetes, memiliki keunggulan seperti
menormalkan kinerja sistem pencernaan, termasuk menormalkan kinerja
pankreas untuk memproduksi insulin yang dibutuhkan sel-sel untuk menyerap
glukosa didalam darah untuk diubah menjadi energi. Normalnya kinerja
lambung dan kelenjar pendukung termasuk pankreas akan menyembuhkan
diabetes yang anda alami.

Effect of Insulin and Diabetes Hormones

All cells in the human body need glucose to work normally. The level of sugar in
the blood is usually controlled by the hormone insulin produced by the pancreas,
which is the organ located behind the stomach.

But pancreatic organs belonging to diabetics are not able to produce insulin
according to the body's needs. Without insulin, body cells cannot absorb and
process glucose into energy.

Seluruh sel dalam tubuh manusia membutuhkan glukosa agar dapat bekerja
dengan normal. Kadar zat gula dalam darah biasanya dikendalikan oleh hormon
insulin yang diproduksi oleh pankreas, yaitu organ yang terletak di belakang

Tetapi organ pancreas milik penderita diabetes tidak mampu memproduksi

hormon insulin sesuai kebutuhan tubuh. Tanpa insulin, sel-sel tubuh tidak dapat
menyerap dan mengolah glukosa menjadi energi

Risk of Pregnancy Diabetes

Diabetes also often attacks pregnant women. There are some women who have
very high blood glucose levels during pregnancy, so that their body cannot
produce enough insulin to absorb it. Diabetes, known as gestational diabetes, can
occur in about 15 to 18 of the 100 pregnant women.

Patients with type 1 diabetes who are pregnant will also have a high risk because
it can affect the mother and fetus. It is very important for diabetics who are
pregnant to maintain their blood sugar levels.
Mothers who are pregnant should be more careful to monitor blood sugar levels
in the second trimester (weeks 14-26). That is when gestational diabetes
generally develops and then disappears after childbirth. However, the risk of type
2 diabetes in women who have had diabetes pregnancy is about three times
higher than the population in general.

Diabetes juga kerap menyerang para ibuhamil. Terdapat sebagian wanita yang
memiliki kadar glukosa dalam darah yang sangat tinggi selama masa kehamilan,
sehingga tubuh mereka tidak dapat memproduksi cukup insulin untuk
menyerapnya. Diabetes yang dikenal sebagai diabetes kehamilan ini dapat terjadi
pada sekitar 15 hingga 18 orang di antara 100 wanita yang hamil.

Penderita diabetes tipe 1 yang hamil juga akan memiliki risiko tinggi karena
dapat berdampak pada ibu serta janin. Sangatlah penting bagi penderita diabetes
yang sedang hamil untuk menjaga keseimbangan kadar gula darahnya.

Ibu yang sedang hamil sebaiknya lebih cermat memantau kadar gula darah pada
trimester kedua (minggu 14-26). Pada masa itulah diabetes kehamilan umumnya
berkembang dan kemudian hilang setelah melahirkan. Meski demikian, risiko diabetes
tipe 2 pada wanita yang pernah mengalami diabetes kehamilan adalah sekitar tiga kali
lebih tinggi dibandingkan populasi pada umumnya


An adjective can exist in three forms- positive, comparative and superlative. The
positive form in the base form of the adjective. The comparative form expresses a
higher degree of some quality. The superlative form expresses the highest degree.

Kata sifat bisa ada dalam tiga bentuk - positif, komparatif dan superlatif. Bentuk
positif dalam bentuk dasar kata sifat. Bentuk komparatif mengungkapkan tingkat
kualitas yang lebih tinggi. Bentuk superlatif mengekspresikan derajat tertinggi.
Bentuk superlative dari adjective cheap adalah the cheapest.

We can say:

A is the cheapest star on that banner.


Bagaimanakah bentuk superlative adjective itu? Seperti yang telah kita lihat pada
contoh diatas, bentuk superlative adjective dibagi menjadi 2, yaitu:

• Short adjective + “the -est”

• Long adjective + “the most”
Superlative adjectives compare a group of things. Here is an example:

 Kevin is the oldest person in the park.

Three people are in the park. Tom is 20. Susan is 25. Kevin is 30. Therefore,
Kevin is the oldest person in the park. This is similar to saying Kevin is older
than Tom and older than Susan.

Use superlative adjectives when you have more than two nouns to compare.

Here are a few more examples:

 I am the oldest person in my family.

 She is the tallest girl in the class.

Superlative Adjective Structure

Follow a similar structure to comparative adjectives. They use EST and THE


Subject + BE + The + Adjective + EST


 I am the oldest person in my class.

 My brother is the youngest person in his class.


Subject + BE + The + Most + Adjective


 This is the most expensive jacket in the store.

 She is the most beautiful woman I know.

Here is the chart to show you when to use EST and when to use MOST. 

Base Adjective Add… Example

3 Syllables or  the  the most 
more most beautiful
2 Syllables or 
est Tall the tallest

If you follow the rules above, you will use superlative adjectives correctly. Now
you can check your knowledge with tese tests:
Practice More English Adjectives
 Adjectives Lesson – English Grammar
o Adjectives Test

o Adjectives Test 2
 Comparative Adjectives
o Comparative Adjectives Test
o Comparative Adjectives Test 2
o Comparative Adjectives Reading
 Superlative Adjectives – English Grammar Lessons
o Superlative Adjectives Test
o Superlative Adjectives Test 2
 Comparative and Superlative Adjectives Test
 Comparative and Superlative Adjectives Test 2


The infinitive is the base form of a verb. In English, when we talk about the infinitive we
are usually referring to the present infinitive, which is the most common. There are,
however, four other forms of the infinititive: the perfect infinitive, the perfect continuous
infinitive, the continuous infinitive, &the passive infinitive.

Infinitive dalam artian mudahnya merupakan bentuk dasar atau bentuk

simple dari suatu verb atau kata kerja. Pada artian sesungguhnya Infinitive
merupakan suatu verbal yang terdiri dari particle “ to ” dan bentuk simple dari
“verb” ( bare infinitive ) dimana infinitive ini dapat berfungsi sebagai Noun (kata
benda), Adjective ( kata sifat ), dan Adverb ( kata keterangan). Disebutkan pada
pengertian tersebut bahwa infinitive merupakan verbal, nah pertanyaan
selanjutnya apakah verbal itu?

Fungsi Infinitive

Infinitive sendiri terlepas dia merupakan bare infinitive atau full infinitive
memiliki tiga fungsi, yaitu sebagai subjek kalimat, objek kalimat, maupun
digunakan setelah adjective.

The present infinitive has two forms:

 the to-infinitive = to + base
 the zero infinitive = base

The present infinitive base is the verb form you will find in a dictionary.

To-infinitive Zero infinitive

to sit Sit
to eat Eat
to have Have
to remember Remember

The negative infinitive is formed by putting not in front of any form of the

 I decided not to go to London.
 He asked me not to be late.

 I'd like you not to sing so loudly.

 I'd rather not eat meat.
 I might not come.

Functions of the to-infinitive

The to-infinitive is used in many sentence constructions, often expressing

the purpose of something or someone's opinion about something. The to-
infinitive is used following a large collection of different verbs as well. See this
page about verbs followed by infinitives.

“In-infinitive digunakan dalam banyak konstruksi kalimat, sering

mengungkapkan tujuan sesuatu atau pendapat seseorang tentang sesuatu. The-
infinitive digunakan mengikuti koleksi besar verba yang berbeda juga. Lihat
halaman ini tentang kata kerja yang diikuti oleh infinitive”.

The to-infinitive to indicate the purpose or intention of an action

In this case to has the same meaning as in order to or so as to.

1. She came to collect her pay cheque.
2. The three bears went to find firewood.

3. I am calling to ask you about dad.

4. You sister has gone to finish her homework.

The to-infinitive as the subject of the sentence

This is a formal usage and is far more common in written English than spoken

1. To be or not to be, that is the question.
2. To know her is to love her.

3. To visit the Grand Canyon is my life-long dream.

4. To understand statistics, that is our aim.

The to-infinitive to indicate what something can or will be used for

In this pattern, the to-infinitive follows a noun or pronoun.

 The children need a garden to play in.
 I would like a sandwich to eat.

 I don't have anything to wear.

 Would you like something to drink?

The to-infinitive after adjectives

There is a common pattern using the to-infinitive with an adjective. These

phrases are formed:
subject + to be + adjective + (for/of someone) + to-infinitive + (rest of sentence)

Subject + to + (+ for/of + to- (+ rest of

be adjective someone) infinitive sentence)
It Is good   to talk.  
It Is good of you to talk to me.
It Is important   to be  
It Is important for Jake to be patient with his little
I Am happy   to be here.
The Is naughty   to destroy our couch.

The to-infinitive to make a comment or judgement

To use the to-infinitive when making a comment or judgement about a noun, the
pattern is:
Subject + to be + noun phrase + to-infinitive

Subject + to be + noun phrase + to-infinitive

It was a stupid place to park.

That Is a dangerous way to behave.
What you said was a rude thing to say.
This Is the right thing to do.
Those were the wrong kind of eggs to buy.
Jim Is the best person to hire.

The to-infinitive with adverbs

The to-infinitive is used frequently with the adverbs too and enough to express
the reasoning behind our satisfaction or insatisfaction. The pattern is that too and
enough are placed before or after the adjective, adverb, or noun that they modify
in the same way they would be without the to-infinitive. We then follow them by
the to-infinitive to explain the reason why the quantity is excessive, sufficient, or
insufficient. Normally the to-infinitive and everything that follows can be
removed, leaving a sentence that still functions grammatically.

“Infinitif sering digunakan dengan adverbia juga dan cukup untuk

mengungkapkan alasan di balik kepuasan atau ketidakpuasan kami. Polanya juga
demikian, dan cukup untuk ditempatkan di depan kata sifat, kata keterangan, atau
tidak ada perubahan dengan cara yang sama tanpa infinitif. Kami mengikuti
mereka dengan informasi untuk menjelaskan alasan mengapa kuantitas
berlebihan, cukup, atau tidak mencukupi. Biasanya infinitif dan semua yang
mengikuti dapat dihapus, meninggalkan kalimat yang masih berfungsi secara

 There's too much sugar to put in this bowl.
 I had too many books to carry.

 This soup is too hot to eat.

 She was too tired to work.
 He arrived too late to see the actors.
 I've had enough food to eat.
 She's old enough to make up her own mind.
 There isn't enough snow to ski on.
 You're not old enough to have grand-children!

The to-infinitive with question words

The verbs ask, decide, explain, forget, know, show, tell, & understand can be
followed by a question word such as where, how, what, who, & when + the

 She asked me how to use the washing machine.
 Do you understand what to do?

 Tell me when to press the button.

 I've forgotten where to put this little screw.
 I'm not sure I know who to call.

Functions of the zero infinitive

The zero infinitive after auxiliaries

 She can't speak to you.
 He should give her some money.

 Shall I talk to him?

 Would you like a cup of coffee?
 I might stay another night in the hotel.
 They must leave before 10.00 a.m.

The zero infinitive after verbs of perception

With verbs of perception, the pattern is verb + object + zero infinitive.

 He saw her fall from the cliff.
 We heard them close the door.

 They saw us walk toward the lake.

 She felt the spider crawl up her leg.

The zero infinitive after the verbs 'make' and 'let'

 Her parents let her stay out late.
 Let's go to the cinema tonight.

 You made me come with you.

 Don't make me study that boring grammar book!

The zero infinitive after the expression 'had better'

 We had better take some warm clothing.
 She had better ask him not to come.

 We had better reserve a room in the hotel.

 You'd better give me your address.
 They had better work harder on their homework.

The zero infinitive with "why"

The question word why is followed by the zero infinitive when making

 Why wait until tomorrow?
 Why not ask him now?

 Why leave before the end of the game?

 Why walk when we can go in the car?
 Why not buy a new bed?


Comparison: comparisons of equality (as tall as his father)

from English Grammar Today

As … as …

If two things are equal in some way, we can use a comparison with as … as ….
The comparisons may involve adjectives (adj) or adverbs (adv) after the first as,
and noun phrases (np) or clauses after the second as:

He’s grown so much. He’s astall ashis father now. (adj + noun phrase)

The team is still asgoodasit was five years ago. (adj + clause)

The second game didn’t go as well as the first one. (adv + noun phrase)

The company is not performing as successfully as it did when Arthur Carling was
the President. (adv + clause)

When the second part of the comparison is a clause, the clause is often a reduced
clause (a clause with ellipsis) or one with a substitute verb do or a modal verb:

If the sales figures are as bad as predicted, the company will probably go
bankrupt. (…as bad as economists have predicted…)

I worked as hard as I had ever done in my life for my final exam. (…as hard as I
had ever worked in my life …)

We tried as hard as we could.

See also:

 Ellipsis
 Substitution

Noun phrases

If we use as … as … with a noun phrase, we must use much or little +

uncountable noun or many or few + plural noun:

She had as much work as she needed and did not want to take on any more.

There are as many students in Class 2A as there are in 2B.

He spent as little money as he could.

Negative forms

We can form the negative of as … as … with not as … as …, or with not so … as

… The form not as … as … is more common:

He didn’t run as fast as he did in the European Championship.

He didn’t pay as much tax this year as last year because he earned less.

She’s notso shy as she used to be. (less common)

I don’t read so many novels now as I used to. (less common)

Present ContinuousTemse

Forming the present continuous

The present continuous of any verb is composed of two parts the present tense of
the verb to be + the present participle of the main verb.

(The form of the present participle is: base + ing, e.g. talking, playing, moving,

Present continuous tense atau present progressive tense adalah bentuk

kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan yang sedang berlangsung
sekarang (present) atau rencana di masa depan (future). Rumus Present
Continuous Tense. Present continuous tense dibentuk dengan auxiliary verb
“be”, berupa is/am/are – karena present tense (waktu sekarang),  dan present
participle (-ing). Is digunakan pada subject berupa singular noun (seperti: Tita,
book) dan third person singular pronoun (seperti: she, he, it); are pada plural
noun (seperti: boys, men, books), plural pronoun (seperti: we, they) dan you;
sementara am pada I. Umumnya tense ini hanya terjadi pada aksi
berupa dynamic atau action verb, tidak stative verb. Mengapa begitu? karena
secara umum hanya dynamic verb yang memiliki bentuk continuous.

Subject + to be + base +
She Is talking.
Subject + to be + + base +
not ing
She is not (isn't) Talking
to be + subject + base +
Is She talking?

Examples: TO GO, present continuous

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I am going I am not going Am I going?
You are going You aren't going. Are you going?
He, she, it is going He, she, it isn't going Is he, she, it going?
We are going We aren't going Are we going?
You are going You aren't going Are you going?
They are going They aren't going Are they going?

Note: alternative negative contractions: I'm not going, you're not going, he's not
going etc.

Functions of the present continuous

As with all tenses in English, the speaker's attitude is as important as the time of
the action or event. When someone uses the present continuous, they are thinking
about something that is unfinished or incomplete

The present continuous is used:

 to describe an action that is going on at this moment: You are using the
Internet. You are studying English grammar.
 to describe an action that is going on during this period of time or a trend:
Are you still working for the same company? More and more people are
becoming vegetarian.
 to describe an action or event in the future, which has already been
planned or prepared: We're going on holiday tomorrow. I'm meeting my
boyfriend tonight. Are they visiting you next winter?
 to describe a temporary event or situation: He usually plays the drums,
but he's playing bass guitar tonight. The weather forecast was good, but
it's raining at the moment.
 with "always, forever, constantly", to describe and emphasise a
continuing series of repeated actions: Harry and Sally are always
arguing! You're constantly complaining about your mother-in-law!
 untuk menggambarkan tindakan yang sedang terjadi saat ini: Anda
menggunakan Internet. Anda sedang belajar tata bahasa Inggris.
 untuk menggambarkan tindakan yang sedang terjadi selama periode
waktu ini atau tren: Apakah Anda masih bekerja untuk perusahaan yang
sama? Semakin banyak orang menjadi vegetarian.
 untuk menggambarkan suatu tindakan atau peristiwa di masa depan, yang
telah direncanakan atau dipersiapkan: Kami akan pergi berlibur besok.
Saya bertemu pacar saya malam ini. Apakah mereka mengunjungi Anda
musim dingin berikutnya?
 untuk menggambarkan suatu peristiwa atau situasi sementara: Dia
biasanya memainkan drum, tetapi dia bermain gitar bass malam ini.
Ramalan cuaca bagus, tapi hujan saat ini.
 dengan "selalu, selamanya, terus-menerus", untuk menggambarkan dan
menekankan serangkaian tindakan berulang yang berkelanjutan: Harry
dan Sally selalu berdebat! Anda terus mengeluh tentang ibu mertua Anda!

BE CAREFUL! Some verbs are not usually used in the continuous form

Verbs that are not usually used in the continuous form

The verbs in the list below are normally used in the simple form because they
refer to states, rather than actions or processes.

Senses / Perception
 to feel*
 to hear

 to see*
 to smell
 to taste

 to assume
 to believe

 to consider
 to doubt
 to feel (= to think)
 to find (= to consider)
 to suppose
 to think*

Mental states
 to forget
 to imagine

 to know
 to mean
 to notice
 to recognise
 to remember
 to understand

Emotions / desires
 to envy
 to fear

 to dislike
 to hate
 to hope

 to like
 to love
 to mind
 to prefer
 to regret
 to want
 to wish

 to contain
 to cost

 to hold
 to measure
 to weigh

 to look (=resemble)
 to seem
 to be (in most cases)
 to have (when it means "to possess")*


Perception verbs (see, hear, feel, taste, smell) are often used with can: I can see...
These verbs may be used in the continuous form but with a different meaning

 This coat feels nice and warm. (your perception of the coat's qualities)
 John's feeling much better now (his health is improving)
 She has three dogs and a cat. (possession)
 She's having supper. (She's eating)
 I can see Anthony in the garden (perception)
 I'm seeing Anthony later (We are planning to meet)


1. I am going to the hospital
2. I am seeing to the patient in the emergency room


Patient: Good morning
Nurse: Good morning ma'am, can I help you?
Patient: Look, lately I feel tired and often urinate, so I came here.
Nurse: that's how it is ma'am, may I check my mother's blood
Patient: Yes, please
Nurse: After I check the mother's blood sugar is very high at 240 mg / dL
Patient: Oh yeah, what causes my blood sugar to be high?
Nurse: Look, ma'am, as you mentioned earlier, it is part of the cause of
high blood sugar, other than that the mother may not control food
intake which contains high sugar levels, so it makes glucose in the
mother's blood very high.
Patient: Hmm ... that's right, I can't control my diet
Nurse: Before, did your mother's family have a hereditary disease like
high blood?
Patient: Yes, it happened that my father had a history of high blood sugar
Nurse: Well that's one of the biggest causes of mother having high blood
Patient: Good, so now what should I do to handle this problem
Nurse: We recommend that mothers maintain a good eating pattern and
diligent exercise, routine health checks, especially blood sugar
levels, in addition the mother can also do pressure or massage on
the mother's palms and feet
Patient: Well, thank you for your help and advice
Nurse: I hope that the mother then implements my advice because it is
very important for maternal health
Patient: Good nurse, I will do according to my ability.
Nurse: Good ma'am, I hope you get well soon
Patient: Good nurse, I'll excuse you first
Nurse: Good ma'am.

Please answer the following questions below

1) What is the topic about conversation above ...?

2) Where the conversation takes place ...?
3) How many people are there in the dialogue ...?
4) Who is in the conversation ...?
5) How much blood sugar is the patient in the dialogue ...?
6) What is the nurse recommendation to the patient ...?
7) Why can these patients have high blood sugar levels ...?
8) What the patient feels before going to the hospital ...?
9) What is causes of high blood sugar ...?
10) Are there families who suffer from high blood sugar ...?
11) How is the patient’s blood sugar above?
12) What is the cause of the patient’s high blood sugar?
13) Is there family history of patient’s experiencing high blood
14) What is the nurse suggesting to handle high blod sugar?
15) From conversations above who previously had high blood sugar?

1. Present continuous tense

1) Listen! Your father ............ to a friend right now

a. Talk
b. Talks
c. Is talking
d. Are talking
e. Talked
2) I’m sorry about the noise you are hearing, she........... a concert
a. Practice
b. Is praccticing

c. Practicing
d. Practiced
e. Are praccticing
3) Look! The students ......... football in the field now
a. Play
b. Plays
c. Is playing
d. Are playing
e. Playing

4) Jono ........ his kite now. He is at school

a. Isn’t flying
b. Aren’t playing
c. Doesn’t fly
d. Don’t fly
e. Is flying
5) The children are ........ by the river
a. Fished
b. Fish
c. Are fishing
d. Fishes
e. Is fishing
6) A : what are the girls doing ?
B : they .................... card
a. Play
b. Played
c. Are playing
d. Have played
e. Is played
7) Sista and Mita ......... discussing the material now
a. Is
b. Are
c. Was
d. Were
e. A
8) Listen! She’s ........ a beautiful song
a. Sing
b. Singing
c. To sing
d. Sings
e. Is singing
9) ............. listening to me now?
a. Is you
b. Are you

c. Was you
d. Were you
e. Does you
10) My brother........... at University of Indonesia
a. Are studying
b. Is studying
c. A studying
d. Was studying
e. Were studying
11) Diana : Will you have lunch with me ?
Tamara : I’d love to, but I am still full. I… my lunch.
a. has
b. have
c. will have
d. have had
e. am having
12) Cindi : I wonder why Miss Intan … yet.
Putri : I do too. As I know, she is always on time.
a. hasn’t come
b. won’t come
c. didn’t come
d. havn’t come
e. isn’t come
13) Our teacher never … England.
a. visiting
b. visits
c. has visited
d. visited
e. had visited
14) Rasti … her mother before she came home.
a. have phoned
b. phones
c. has phoned
d. phoned
e. had phoned
15) The drugs … by Diego, she got influenza.
a. drinking
b. has drank
c. has been drank
d. have drank
e. had been drank

2. Vocabulary

No Bahasa ingris Bahasa indonesia
1. Penyakit Disease

2. Kadar Levels

3. Gangguan Disturbance

4. Pembentukan Formation

5. Energi Energy

6. Menyebabkan Causes

7. Diabetes Diabetes

8. Disembuhkan Healed

9. Mengelola Manage

10. Kekebalan Immunity

11. Kekebalan Attack

12. Menyerang Attack
13. Menghancurkan Destroy
14. Diagnosis Diagnosis
15. Penderita Patient
16. Setengah baya Middle-aged
17. Berkembang Depeloping
18. Kehamilan Pregnacy
19. Tergantung Dependens on
20. Memicu Trigger
21. Hampir Almost


Analysis : Whichever, whatever, whenever, wherever dan gerund, Present Continuous
In uric acid, it is a form of arthritis that causes redness, swelling, and pain
that come unexpectedly in the joints of your body. Sometimes there are lay
people who refer to it asuric acid , however this is not entirely appropriate. Any
part of the body such as the big toe is the most frequently affected by uric acid,
but the disease can also affect other joints in the foot, such as the knees, ankles,
soles of the feet. Uric acid also sometimes occurs in the arms, hands, wrists, and
elbows. The spine can also be affected although it is rare. Dalam asam urat, itu
adalah bentuk radang sendi yang menyebabkan kemerahan, bengkak, dan rasa
sakit yang datang secara tidak terduga di persendian tubuh Anda. Kadang-
kadang ada orang awam yang menganggapnya sebagai asam, namun ini tidak
sepenuhnya tepat. Setiap bagian tubuh seperti jempol kaki paling sering
dipengaruhi oleh asam urat, tetapi penyakit ini juga dapat mempengaruhi sendi
lain di kaki, seperti lutut, pergelangan kaki, telapak kaki. Asam urat juga kadang
terjadi di lengan, tangan, pergelangan tangan, dan siku. Tulang belakang juga
dapat terpengaruh meskipun jarang.
Although this uric acid disease may be a chronic disease, this condition
can be cured and prevented in order not to relapse and also any disease it should,
it is better to prevent than to treat. some cases, uric acid disease do not show any
symptoms at first. The symptoms of uric acid are usually begin to appear when
the sufferers are already experiencing acute conditions or chronic instead. The
most common symptoms are: Meskipun itu adalah penyakit, itu mungkin
penyakit kronis, seharusnya lebih baik mencegah daripada mengobati. beberapa
kasus, penyakit asam urat tidak menunjukkan gejala apa pun pada awalnya.
Gejala asam urat biasanya mulai muncul penderitanya yang sudah mengalami
kondisi akut atau kronik sebagai gantinya. Gejala yang paling umum adalah:
a. Severe and sudden joint pain, which is often the first to occur in the
morning. Nyeri sendi yang parah dan mendadak, yang sering kali pertama
terjadi pada pagi hari
b. The joints are swollen and tender, Persendian bertukar dan lembut
c. Joint redness, Kemerahan sendi
d. A sense of heat around the joints, Rasa panas di sekitar persendian

Uric acid symptoms usually appear suddenly, whenever possible because

it can be unpredictable, and often occur in the middle of the night. Most of the
symptoms of gout only happens within a few hours during the day of 1-2.
However, in severe cases, pain in the joints could occur within weeks. If you
experience these symptoms, then gout you have quite severe. Gejala asam urat
biasanya muncul tiba-tiba, bila memungkinkan karena bisa tidak dapat
diprediksi, dan sering terjadi di tengah malam. Sebagian besar gejala asam urat
hanya terjadi dalam beberapa jam selama hari 1-2. Namun, pada kasus yang
parah, nyeri pada persendian bisa terjadi dalam beberapa minggu. Jika Anda
mengalami gejala-gejala ini, maka gout Anda sudah cukup parah.
I have a friend of propertied disease gout. For him, gout is a disease that
knows no time, whenever the disease can relapse. Early symptoms he
experienced was pain in the joints in the morning, flushed and swollen joints. The
doctor said when he did the examination, the cause of gout has is, unhealthy
eating patterns, and alcoholic beverages. Saya punya teman dari Propertied
Disease Gout. Baginya, asam urat adalah penyakit yang tidak mengenal waktu,
kapan pun penyakit itu bisa kambuh. Gejala awal adalah rasa sakit yang dialami
pada sendi di pagi hari, sendi memerah dan bengkak. Dokter mengatakan ketika
dia di pemeriksaan, penyebab encok, pola makan yang tidak sehat, dan minuman
For him the disease enough to make its activities is hampered, for that he
is doing anything to relieve his pain, such as exercise regularly or to consume a
healthy diet. One of the ways that he uses to relieve pain is consuming drugs of
uric acid. In any drug store usually available remedies uric acid, and by the time I
met him, he was buying medicine at a pharmacy to buy medicine gout without
prescribed for pain relief. Baginya, penyakit ini cukup membuat aktivitasnya
meregang, untuk itu ia melakukan apa saja untuk menghilangkan rasa sakitnya,
seperti berolahraga secara teratur atau mengonsumsi makanan sehat. Salah satu
cara yang dia gunakan untuk menghilangkan rasa sakit adalah obat asam urat.
Di setiap toko obat biasanya tersedia untuk asam urat, dan pada saat itu, dia
membeli obat di apotek untuk membeli obat tanpa resep untuk menghilangkan
rasa sakit.

Grammar Focus

Present continuous tense:

Present continuous tense is used for actions happening now or for an action
that is unfinished. Distance is also used when the action is temporary. The present
continuous tense is formed with the subject+ the present particle form (-ing) of the
main verb and the present continuous tense of the verb to be ( am, is, are)
Example: 1. I am checking blood pressure today.
2. The Nurses are giving many treatments after lunch.

Present continuous tense adalah tense yang berfungsi untuk
mengungkapkan aksi yang sedang dilakukan pada masa sekarang (ketika
berbicara) dan sesuatu di masa depan. Kalimat present continuous dibentuk oleh
auxiliary verb “be” seperti am, is, are dan diikuti oleh present participle (bentuk
V 1+ing). Kata kerja yang dipakai dalam tense ini biasanya adalah dynamic atau
action verbs, yakni kata kerja yang yang menyatakan aksi atau adanya
pergerakkan. Jika kalimat present continuous menggunakan stative verbs–kata
kerja yang tidak menunjukkan aksi melainkan hanya menunjukkan sebuah situasi
dan kondisi, biasanya kalimat tersebut memiliki makna pragmatik tertentu.

Berikut adalah contoh kalimat present continuous beserta fungsi-fungsinya:

Untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang sedang dan masih terjadi ketika kita
mengatakannya. Contoh:

1. I am studying English now.

2. Don’t make any sound! The students are having an exam.
1. Whenever
Untuk used
menyatakan sesuatu
for emphasis yang kita
instead anggapinhanya
of “when” sementara.
questions, Contoh:
typically expressing
surprise or confusion.
1. We are staying in a nearby hotel.
2. I’m
Example : working on my undergraduate thesis.
1. whenever possible because it can be unpredictable, and often occur in the
middle of the night.
2. YouPronouns
can ask for help whenever you need it.
2. Wherever
Use for emphasis instead of “where” in questions, typically expressing
surprise of confusion
1.Wherever we seek treatment, BPJS can be applied
2. Caregiver will come to your home, wherever you live
3. Whichever
Used to emphasize a lack of restriction in selecting one of a definite set of
1. Whichever hospital you choose you still give same treatments.
2. Whichever patient come to the nurse , They can give same treatments.
4. Whatever
Used to emphasize a lack of restriction in referring to any thing or amount,
no matter what.
"do whatever you like”
Dialogue Practice

Patient : Good morning

Nurse : Good morning, can I help you?
Patient : I am lately complaining pain on the legs
Nurse : Just laydown first Ms. let me check (while speaking)
Patients : Well sister
Nurse : When the mother complaining of pain in the foot?
Patient : I'm sick whining on the part of the foot since 2 days ago
Nurse : After I check, this experience uric acid mother
Patients : Uric acid? What is a nurse, could you please explain?
Nurse : Gout is a form of arthritis that causes redness, swelling and pain
that come unexpectedly in the joints of the body. Uric acid is not
only attacked at the foot of the course but the uric acid also
attacked thewrist, hands, arms and elbows.
Patient : Then what causes of uric acid of these sisters?
Nurses : High uric acid can be caused by complications of consuming lots
of foods high In uric acid levels, rarely exercise so that uric acid
levels cannot burn into energy Triggered by age and also usually
unhealthy foods also contain high cholesterol.
Patient : Oke nurse, I will more cared to my self
Please answer the following questions below
1. What is meaning of uric acid ?
2. The part that is often affected by uric acid ?
3. Which joints are at risk for uric acid ?
4. In addition to teh area of the foot where uric acid cab occur ?
5. What symtoms are felt by uric acid sufferes ?
6. When usually uric acid comes ?


7. How many hours of uric acid is felt by the patient ?

8. What is the initial symtom of uric acid ?
9. What is the cause of uric acid ?
10. How to relieve pain cluring uric acid ?
11. What are the factors of uric acid?
12. How to prevent uric acid?
13. At what age can someone get exposed to uric acid?
14. What are the characteristics of uric acid?
15. What foods are not allowed and should not be consumed by patients who
get uric acid?

NO Arti

1 Completely Sama sekali

2 Often Sering
3 Ordinary Biasa
4 Make Buat
5 Health Kesehatan
6 Feel Rasakan
7 Routine Rutin
8 Discipline Disiplin
9 Anything Apasaja
10 Wherever Kemana pun
11 Remedies Pengobatan
12 Swelling Bengkak

13 Appropriated Tepat
14 Examination Pemeriksaan
15 Prescribed Diresepkan
16 Occurs Terjadi
17 Frequently Sering
18 Hampered Tertahan
19 Tender Lembut
20 Exercise Latihan
21 Remedies Pengobatan
22 Relief Bantuan

Please choose the best answers for the following questions

1. Danu …….. helping his mom in a hospital
a. Will be
b. Is
c. Are
d. was
e. had
2. Prily .......... stop smoking tomorow
a. Was
b. Were
c. Will be
d. Are
e. Is
3. Boby …….. studying healt life next years
a. Was
b. Will be
c. Are
d. Is
e. Had
4. Dina …….. beingin the hospital tomorrow at 02.00 p.m
a. Is
b. Are
c. Will be
d. Was
e. Has
5. I shall be ……a medical in the pharmacy at three 0’clock tomorrow
a. Are

b. Was
c. Buy
d. Buying
e. The buy
6. We shall be ……..grand father at the hospital tomorrow arternoon
a. Is
b. Visiting
c. Visit
d. Visited
e. The visit
7. Nina ………going to the hospital tomorrow
a. Is
b. Am
c. Will be
d. Are
e. Have
8. The doctor ………checking the patient this afternoon
a. Was
b. Were
c. Will be
d. Willnot be
e. Have
9. Will you …….. buying medicine?
a. Was
b. Will be
c. Are
d. Be
e. Were
10. Pina ………. feeding his aunt in a hospital
a. Will be
b. Is
c. Are
d. Was
e. Were

11. I am …………….. somefriens after work.

a. Meet
b. Meets
c. Is meet
d. Meeting
e. Was met
12. Is he ……….. his parents next weekend?
a. Visiting
b. Visited
c. Visit
d. Visits
e. Is visit

13. ………….. he coming with us tonight?
a. Isn’t
b. Aren’t
c. Wasn’t
d. Weren’t
e. Won’t
14. She is always ………….. to class late
a. Comes
b. Coming
c. Come
d. Came
e. Is come
15. Right now, tom is ……… the latter.
a. Write
b. Writing
c. Written
d. Writes
e. Is write



Analysis : Article, noun, Present Continuous tense

Back pain is an unpleasant sensory sensation due to tissue damage or possible

tissue damage along the spine, from the base of the neck to the tailbone. The
symptoms can be pain that comes and goes, and tends to worsen at night. Back
pain can be triggered by body postures that are not ideal when sitting, standing,
or bending. This condition can also be caused by the effect of lifting objects that
are too heavy. Nyeri punggung adalah sensasi sensorik yang tidak
menyenangkan sehubungan dengan kerusakan jaringan atau kemungkinan
adanya kerusakan jaringan di sepanjang tulang belakang, dari dasar leher
hingga ke tulang ekor.Gejalanya bisa berupa rasa sakit yang datang dan pergi,
serta cenderung memburuk di kala malam.Nyeri punggung dapat terpicu oleh
postur tubuh yang tidak ideal saat duduk, berdiri, atau membungkuk.Kondisi ini
juga bisa diakibatkan oleh efek mengangkat benda yang terlalu berat

The most common causes are sprains, minor injuries, pinched or irritated nerves,
and muscle tension. But sometimes back pain can occur suddenly for no apparent
reason. For example, some people who wake up in the morning can suddenly feel
back pain without knowing the cause. Here are some other things that can cause
back pain: Penyebab paling umum adalah keseleo, cedera ringan, saraf terjepit
atau teriritasi, dan ketegangan otot.Namun kadang-kadang nyeri punggung
dapat terjadi mendadak tanpa sebab yang jelas.Misalnya, sebagian orang yang
bangun di pagi hari tiba-tiba dapat merasa nyeri punggung tanpa tahu
penyebabnya. Berikut ini beberapa hal lain yang dapat menyebabkan nyeri

1. The wrong body position when lifting, carrying, pressing, or pulling

2. Excessive body stretching
3. The sitting position is not correct
4. Reverse the body suddenly
5. Drive for a long time or in a bent position without pause
6. Bad movements that are done repeatedly can trigger excessive muscle

1. Posisi tubuh yang salah saat mengangkat, membawa, menekan,

atau menarik sesuatu

2. .Perenggangan tubuh yang berlebihan

3. Posisiduduk yang tidak benar

4. Membalikkan badan secara tiba-tiba

5. Berkendara dalam waktu lama atau dalam posisi membungkuk

tanpa jeda

6. Gerakan buruk yang dilakukan berulang-ulang dapat memicu otot

bekerja secara berlebihan.

How to Handle Back Pain

There are various ways of handling that can be done so that the pain becomes
prolonged, namely:

1. Vitamin B12

Giving vitamin B12 can be a viable option for treatment of chronic back pain,
because some studies suggest reduced pain after vitamin B12 administration.
Vitamin B12 is believed to provide benefits in the regeneration of injured nerves
such as suppression of the spinal cord. However, further research is needed on
the effects of anti-pain and how vitamin B12 works in treating back pain. Giving
vitamin B12 can be combined with painkiller drugs, such as paracetamol,
because it is safe and does not cause adverse effects.

Vitamin B12

Pemberian vitamin B12 dapat menjadi pilihan yang layak untuk pengobatan
terhadap nyeri punggung kronis, karena beberapa penelitian menyatakan nyeri
berkurang setelah pemberian vitamin B12.Vitamin B12 dipercaya dapat
memberikan manfaat dalam regenerasi saraf yang cedera seperti pada
penekanan saraf tulang belakang. Namun butuh penelitian lebih lanjut terhadap
efek antinyeri dan cara kerja vitamin B12 dalam mengatasi nyeri punggung.
Pemberian vitamin B12 dapat dikombinasikan dengan obat antinyeri, seperti
paracetamol, karena aman dan tidak menimbulkan efek yang merugikan.

2. Complementary therapy

Handling chronic back pain can include a combination of painkillers and one of
manual therapy, acupuncture, and taking physical exercise classes

The location of the acupressure point on the back

Nerve point back pain

First, is the acupressure point located next to the left third vertebra of the vertebra

Second, lies two fingers next to the acupressure point 1a on the left back

Acupressure points 1b and 2b are the same as 1a and 2a, the difference lies on the
right side of the back

Terapi Komplementer

Penanganan nyeri punggung yang kronis dapat meliputi kombinasi obat pereda
sakit dan salah satu dari terapi manual, akupunktur, dan mengikuti kelas-kelas
latihan fisik.

Letak titik akupresur di punggung

Titik saraf sakit punggung

Pertama, adalah titik akupresur yang terletak di samping tulang punggung ruas ke
tiga sebelah kiri

Kedua, terletak dua jari disebelah titik akupresur 1a di punggung sebelah kiri

Titik akupresur 1b dan 2b adalah sama dengan 1a dan 2a, bedanya terletak
disebelah kanan punggung

Melisa is an office employee that works is more spent in the office.

Today, Melisa visits the hospital. She is going to the hospital not to visit
someone, but she will check her condition. Two days ago she felt back pain, but
now the pain felt not lost. Doctors began examining Melisa's condition and also
Melisa learned about her illness.Doctors said that Melisa's back pain was
naturally caused by her activities.Melisa always sits for a long time in the office,
therefore she has back pain. Melisa adalah karyawan kantor yang pekerjaannya
lebih banyak dihabiskan di kantor.Hari ini, Melisa mengunjungi rumah sakit.Dia
pergi ke rumah sakit tidak untuk mengunjungi seseorang,tetapi dia akan
memeriksa kondisinya.Dua hari yang lalu dia merasakan sakit punggung, tetapi
sekarang rasa sakit yangdia rasakan tidak hilang.Dokter mulai memeriksa kondisi
Melisa dan juga Melisa belajar tentang penyakitnya.Dokter mengatakan bahwa
sakit punggung Melisa secara alami disebabkan oleh kegiatannya.Melisa selalu
duduk untuk waktu yang lama di kantor sehingga menyebabkan sakit punggung.

Most sufferers experience back pain due to mechanical reasons such as a

lifestyle that requires them to sit for a long time without being balanced with
adequate exercise, lifting heavy objects, or having an accident that injures the
back and surrounding area. Kebanyakan penderita mengalami sakit punggung
karena alasan mekanis seperti gaya hidup yang mengharuskan mereka untuk
duduk untuk waktu yang lama tanpa diimbangi dengan olahraga yang cukup,
mengangkat benda berat, atau mengalami kecelakaan yang melukai punggung
dan daerah sekitarnya.

Back pain can be distinguished based on the time of occurrence. Acute back pain
is experienced for several days, sub-acute is experienced for 4 - 12 weeks, and

chronic for 12 weeks. Back pain is generally experienced by parents. This is due
to bone erosion in an elderly person .In some conditions, back pain is a major
problem which is a symptom of certain diseases. Back pain can be an early
symptom for patients with kidney disease. Back pain can also be a symptom of
leukemia. Kidney disease and leukemia are not easily cured. if you experience
kidney disease for too long. Back pain can be treated with medication /
ointments, physical therapy, nerve blocks, epidural steroid injections, etc. Most
cases of back pain can heal on their own without the doctor's treatment,
especially in a 72 hour period. Some methods such as compressing it with warm
and cold water alternately, resting your back against pillow or a towel either
straight or sideways, taking a bath with warm water, until taking drugs such as
ibuprofen or paracetamol can be done to speed recovery. Sakit punggung dapat
dibedakan berdasarkan waktu terjadinya.Sakit punggung akut dialami selama
beberapa hari, sub-akut dialami selama 4 - 12 minggu, dan kronis selama 12
minggu.Sakit punggung umumnya dialami oleh orang tua.Hal ini dikarenakan
erosi tulang pada seseorang yang sudah tua.Dalam beberapa kondisi, sakit
punggung adalah masalah utama yang merupakan gejala penyakit tertentu.Sakit
punggung dapat menjadi gejala awal untuk pasien dengan penyakit ginjal.Sakit
punggung juga bisa menjadi salah satu gejala leukemia.Penyakit ginjal dan
leukemia tidak mudah disembuhkan.Karena itu kita perluwaspada jika kita
mengalami penyakit ginjal terlalu lama.Sakit punggung dapat diobati dengan
obat / salep, terapi fisik, blok saraf, suntikan steroid epidural, dan lain-
lain.Sebagian besar kasus nyeri punggung dapat sembuh sendiri tanpa
penanganan dokter, terutama dalam periode 72 jam.Beberapa metode seperti
memadatkannya dengan air hangat dan dingin secara bergantian,
menyandarkan punggung dengan bantal atau handuk baik lurus atau
menyamping, mandi dengan air hangat, hingga mengonsumsi obat-obatan
seperti ibuprofen atau parasetamol dapat dilakukan untuk mempercepat

After getting an explanation and prescription from the doctor, now he is

going to the pharmacy to take the medicine. Arriving at home, he can take the
medicine given earlier and use the ointment prescribed by the doctor. Now he is
undergoing drug therapy from the doctor. He stretches and often exercises so that

his back can relax a little and not get sick as before.He changed his sitting
position while working and tried to do a little stretching while working.It helped
him reduce his back pain.He really wanted his back to heal as quickly as possible
so he could move normally . Setelah mendapatkan penjelasan dan resep dari
dokter, sekarang dia pergi ke apotek untuk mengambil obatnya.Sesampai di
rumah, melisa meminum obat yang diberikan sebelumnya dan menggunakan
salep yang diresepkan oleh dokter.Sekarang dia menjalani terapi obat dari
dokter.Dia melakukan peregangan dan sering berolahraga
sehinggapunggungnya dapat sedikit rileks dan tidak sakit seperti
sebelumnya.Dia mengubah posisi duduknya saat bekerja dan mencoba
melakukan sedikit peregangan saat bekerja.Itu membantunya mengurangi rasa
sakit punggungnya.Dia benar-benar ingin punggungnya sembuh secepat
mungkin sehingga dia bisa bergerak dengan normal

Melisa should often Exercise and Exercise Regular exercise reduces back
pain by strengthening and stretchingthe muscles that support the spine and help
prevent injury later on. To overcome lumbago, you can do the following: Walk a
short distance Stretch and do flexibility exercises Use a stationary bike Swim

Melisa harus sering Latihan dan Olah Raga Olahraga teratur mengurangi nyeri
pinggang dengan memperkuat dan peregangan otot-otot yang mendukung tulang
belakang dan membantu mencegah cedera di kemudian hari. Untuk mengatasi
rasa sakit pinggang, Anda dapat melakukan hal berikut: Berjalan jarak pendek
Stretch dan melakukan latihan fleksibilitas Gunakan sepeda stasioner

Dialogue Practice

Melisa: Good afternoon, Doc. My name is Melisa.

Doctor: Good afternoon, my name is Irma. Is there anything I can do for you?
Melisa: I have a problem with my back. Now I feel my back is very painful.
Doctor: When did you start to feel the pain?
Melisa: I thought it was 2 days ago.
Doctor: Have you taken medicine before?
Melisa: No. At the moment I don't take any medication or therapy. This is the
first time I have checked my back pain.
Doctor: What is your job?

Melisa: I am an employee at a company.
Doctor: Do you sit at work more often?
Melisa: Yes, doctor.
Doctor: Are there other complaints besides back pain?
Melisa: No, Doc.
Doctor: The possibility of back pain that you feel is a result of your activities that
sit more often. Back pain can be an early symptom for other diseases,
but because what you experience is just a backache like that because you
sit for a long time.
Melisa: Then what should I do with my back pain?
Doctor: I will prescribe you some medications and ointments, and also start
exercising regularly.
Melisa: Well, from now on I will be diligent in 9
Doctor: Again, don't forget to do stretching if you've been sitting too long. And
if you have free time, try yoga exercises to make your feelings relax and
cure your back pain as soon as possible.
Melisa: Ok, thank you very much doc.
Doctor: You're welcome


No Vocabulary A r t i
1 Lifting P e n g a n g k a t a n
2 Painkiller penawar rasa sakit

3 Examining M e m e r i k s a
4 Suffers P e n d e r i t a

5 Mechanical M e k a n i s

6 Surrounding S e k i t a r n y a

7 Distinguished D i b e d a k a n

8 E r o s i o n E r o s i

9 E l d e r l y T u a

10 Symptom G e j a l a

11 Exercises l a t i h a n

12 Stetching P e r e g a n g a n
13 U np le as an t tidak menyenangkan
14 Bending p e m b a n g k a k a n

15 R e s t i n g B e r i s t i r a h a t
16 Handlling P e n a n g a n a n
17 T r i g g e r P e l a t u k

18 Kidney G i n j a l
19 Knowing m e n g e t a h u i 133

20 Lifting P e n g a n g k u t a n

The present continuous of any verb is composed of two parts - the present
tense of the verb to be + the present participle of the main verb.
(The form of the present participle is: V+ing, e.g. talking, playing, moving,
Subject + to be + V+ ing
Example: She is talking.

Subject + to be + not + V+ ing
Example: She is not (isn't) talking

to be + subject + V+ing
Example: Is she talking?

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I am going I am not going Am I going?
You are going You aren't going. Are you going?
He, she, it is going He, she, it isn't going Is he, she, it going?
We are going We aren't going Are we going?
You are going You aren't going Are you going?
They are going They aren't going Are they going?

Note: alternative negative contractions: I'm not going, you're not going, he's
not going etc.


As with all tenses in English, the speaker's attitude is as important as the time
of the action or event. When someone uses the present continuous, they are
thinking about something that is unfinished or incomplete


To describe an action that is going on at this moment: You are using the
Internet. You are studying English grammar. To describe an action that is going

on during this period of time or a trend: Are you still working for the same
company? More and more people are becoming vegetarian. To describe an action
or event in the future, which has already been planned or prepared: We're going
on holiday tomorrow. I'm meeting my boyfriend tonight. Are they visiting you
next winter? To describe a temporary event or situation: He usually plays the
drums, but he's playing bass guitar tonight. The weather forecast was good, but
it's raining at the moment. With "always, forever, constantly", to describe and
emphasise a continuing series of repeated actions: Harry and Sally are always
arguing! You're constantly complaining about your mother-in-law!


1. She is going to the hospital not to visit someone, but she will check her
2. After getting an explanation and prescription from the doctor, now he is
going to the pharmacy to take the medicine
3. Now he is under going drug therapy from the doctor.

Please answer the following questions below

1. When is the patient feeling pain

2. What is patient complaining?
3. What is doctor recommending to the patient?
4. Who is feeling the back pain?
5. Whats is the patient’s job?
6. What is the name of the doctor?
7. What the doctor will do to her patient ?

8. Where is the patient feeling pain?

9. What causes the patient to feel pain?

10. Is the patient eating the medicine?
11. What diseases can be marked by disrupted pain?
12. Is running can cause back pain?
13. What exercises should be done to prevent back pain?
14. What foods should be avoided if you have a back pain?
15. Can back pain be treated in a natural way?

Please choose the following sentences below for the correct answers

1. Mr. Wirawan is still . . . . . from a back pain since last week.

a. Suffering
b. Suffered
c. Suffering
d. Suffery
e. Pain

2. I am. . . . . . . vitamins everyday to prevent sickness

a. Drink
b. Dringking
c. Drink
d. Gule
e. Dring

3. My mom . . . . . going to the hospital once a month to do a medical check up.

a. Hy
b. Is
c. Are
d. An
e. Him

4. He . . . . . . .still using braces until next year

a. Him
b. His
c. Are
d. An
e. Is

5. I am . . . . stitches now because i was in a caraccideat this morning.

a. Get
b. Gain
c. Getting
d. Attain
e. Have

6. He is still . . . . . . to singapore for get treatment

a. Going
b. Goes
c. Go
d. Gone
e. Went

7. He is still ... to the pharmaacy to buy a medicine

a. Go
b. Went
c. Going
d. Goes
e. Gone

8. Every week we ... going to the therapy for recovery

a. Is
b. Are
c. Am
d. Him
e. His

9. She is go to hospital for control ..................

a. Regurally
b. Regularys
c. Systematically
d. Regularing
e. Regulared’

10. A ... no longer using braces

a. His
b. Are
c. Him
d. Am
e. Is

11. The pain caused when back pain … very painful?
a. It
b. Can
c. Are
d. is
e. a

12. Left back pain caused by?

a. Muscle tension
b. Kidney disorders
c. Cold
d. Fatigue
e. Cramps

13. Whether back pain can interfere with daily rautines?

a. Yes
b. No
c. Can
d. Don’t
e. Do

14. What are the signs of low back pain

a. Tingling
b. Stomach ache
c. Cold
d. Headache
e. Dehydration

15. One of the diseases that … be matched with another is back pain
a. Can
b. The
c. On
d. Don’t
e. Cramps



Analysis : Conjunction, Past tense, Future perfect tense perfect tense

Doing repetitive activities such as motorbike driving, typing, and sweeping

can be one of the causes of tingling and numbness in the hand. Then What causes
tingling, stiffness to numbness in the hands or feet? Melakukan kegiatan berulang
seperti berkendara motor, mengetik, dan menyapu dapat menjadi salah satu penyebab
kesemutan dan mati rasa di tangan. Lalu Apakah yang menyebabkan kesemutan,
kekakuan hingga mati rasa pada bagian tangan atau kaki?

Numbness or tingling describes the loss of sensation or taste in parts of the body.
This is often accompanied by or combined with changes in needle-like sensations,
burning, or tingling. Numbness can occur along the associated nerve, on one side of the
body or on both sides of the body. Mati rasa atau kesemutan menggambarkan
hilangnya sensasi atau rasa pada bagian tubuh. Hal ini sering disertai dengan atau
dikombinasikan dengan perubahan sensasi seperti tertusuk jarum, terbakar, atau
kesemutan. Mati rasa dapat terjadi pada sepanjang saraf yang terkait, pada satu sisi
tubuh atau pada kedua sisi tubuh
Numbness is most often caused by damage, irritation, or nerve pressure
that affects a single nerve branch or some nerves that might be affected. The nerves that
are generally affected are those in the peripheral part of the body. Numbness caused by
brain or spinal cord problems is rare. Certain diseases such as diabetes can cause severe
damage to the nerves, causing numbness. I have an uncle named Uncle Jack. He is a
tailor who started his business 15 years ago. The distance between the house and the
place of work is around 1.5 km. Uncle Jack has a wife with 2 children, 1 son and 1
daughter. All children need love and attention because their children are aged 5 and 4
years. Mati rasa paling sering disebabkan oleh kerusakan, iritasi, atau tekanan saraf
yang mempengaruhi cabang saraf tunggal atau beberapa saraf yang mungkin akan
terpengaruh. Saraf yang pada umumnya terpengaruh adalah yang berada pada bagian
perifer tubuh. Mati rasa yang disebabkan oleh masalah otak atau sumsum tulang
belakang jarang terjadi. Penyakit-penyakit tertentu seperti diabetes dapat
menyebabkan kerusakan parah pada saraf sehingga menyebabkan terjadinya mati
rasa. Saya memiliki seorang paman bernama paman Jack. Ia adalah seorang penjahit
yang memulai usahanya sejak 15 tahun silam. Jarak antara rumah dan tempat
bekerjanya sekitar 1,5 km. Paman Jack memiliki seorang istri dengan 2 orang anak, 1
anak laki-laki dan 1 anak perempuan. Semua anaknya membutuhkan kasih sayang dan
perhatian karena anak-anaknya masih umur berumur 5 dan 4 tahun.

Uncle Jack worked hard day and night to fulfill his family's daily needs to eat and buy
milk for his children. He cannot treat his children with a high lifestyle because his
income is not enough to do that. At one point Uncle Jack suddenly experienced a loss of
sensation or taste in his body. Then Uncle went to the house of his friend who was a
nurse to ask his complaint with a pain like a needle uncle continued his journey. Uncle
Jack arrived at his friend's house. Paman Jack bekerja keras siang dan malam untuk
memenuhi kebutuhan keluarganya sehari-hari untuk makan dan membeli susu untuk
anak-anaknya. Ia tidak bisa manjakan anak-anaknya dengan gaya hidup tinggi karena
penghasilannya tidaklah cukup untuk melakukan hal tersebut. Pada suatu ketika
Paman Jack tiba-tiba mengalami hilangnya sensasi atau rasa pada bagian tubuhnya.
Lalu Paman pergi menuju rumah temannya yang seorang perawat untuk menanyakan
keluhannya tersebut dengan rasa sakit seperti tertusuk jarum paman tetap melanjutkan
perjalannya. Sampailah Paman Jack di rumah temannya.
Uncle Jack : "Om Swastyastu"
Nurse : "Om Swastyastu sir"
Uncle Jack : "Sorry, sir, my arrival was disturbing, I complained to my feet
like a numb pack"
Nurse : "It's okay sir, please sit down, since when did your feet feel like
Doing repetitive activities such as motorbike driving, typing, and sweeping can be
one of the causes of tingling and numbness in the hand. Then What causes tingling,
stiffness to numbness in the hands or feet?
Numbness or tingling describes the loss of sensation or taste in parts of the body.
This is often accompanied by or combined with changes in needle-like sensations,
burning, or tingling. Numbness can occur along the associated nerve, on one side of the
body or on both sides of the body.
Numbness is most often caused by damage, irritation, or nerve pressure that
affects a single nerve branch or some nerves that might be affected. The nerves that are
generally affected are those in the peripheral part of the body. Numbness caused by
brain or spinal cord problems is rare. Certain diseases such as diabetes can cause severe
damage to the nerves, causing numbness. I have an uncle named Uncle Jack. He is a
tailor who started his business 15 years ago. The distance between the house and the
place of work is around 1.5 km. Uncle Jack has a wife with 2 children, 1 son and 1
daughter. All children need love and attention because their children are aged 5 and 4
Uncle Jack worked hard day and night to fulfill his family's daily needs to eat and buy
milk for his children. He cannot treat his children with a high lifestyle because his
income is not enough to do that. At one point Uncle Jack suddenly experienced a loss of
sensation or taste in his body. Then Uncle went to the house of his friend who was a
nurse to ask his complaint with a pain like a needle uncle continued his journey. Uncle
Jack arrived at his friend's house.


A conjuction ( also,called a connective ) is a word such as and, because,but,for,if,or and
when. Conjuction are used to connect phrases, clauses, and sentence.
There are two main kind of conjuction.

Coordinating conjuctions join items that are of equal importance in a sentence.

1. This is often accompanied by or combined with changes in needle-like

sensations, burning, or tingling.
2. his family's daily needs to eat and buy milk for his children

Subordinating conjuctions connect subordinate clauses to the main clause of a

1. All children need love and attention because their children are aged 5 and
4 years.


There are two tenses in English – past and present.

The past tense in English is used :

 To talk about the past

 To talk about hypotheses-things that are imagined rather than true
 For politeness

There are four past tense forms in English

Tense Form
Past simple I worked
Past continuous I was working
Past perfect I had worked
Past perfect continuous I had been working

We use these from

To talk about the past:

1. She worked at Hospital. She had worked there since January

2. She was working at Hospital. She had been working since January

Forming the simple past tense


Subject +verb+ed

I injected


Subject+did not+invinitive without to

They didn’t go

Interrogative negative

Did not+subject+infinitive without to

Did not you play?



The future perfect is composed of two elements

The simple future of the verb “ to have” ( will have ) + the past participle of the main

Subject + will + past participle of the main verb

He will have finished

I will have finished

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Negative

I will have arrived I won’t have Will I have arrived? Won’t I have
arrived arrived?
You will have You won’t have Will you have Won’t you arrived?
arrived arrived arrived?
He will have He won’t have Will he have Won’t he have
arrived arrived arrived? arrived?
We will have We won’t have Will we have Won’t we have
arrived arrived arrived? arrived?
They will have They won’t have Will they have Won’t threy have
arrived arrived arrived? arrived?


The present perfect is used to indicate a link between the present and the
past. The time of the action is before now but not specified, and wen are often more
interested in the result that in the action itself.
The present perfect of any verb is composed of two elements : the appropriate
form of the auxiliary verb to have (present tense), plus the past participle of the main
verb. The past participle of a regular verb is base+ed, e.g. played, arrived, looked. For
irregular verbs, see the table of irregular verbs in the section called “Verbs”
Subject to have past participle
She has visited
Subject to have+not past participle
She has not visited
To have subject past participle
Has she visited ?

Dialogue Practice

Uncle Jack : "Om Swastyastu"

Nurse : "Om Swastyastu sir"
Uncle Jack : "Sorry, sir, my arrival was disturbing, I complained to my feet
like a numb pack”
Nurse : "It's okay sir, please sit down, since when did your feet feel like
Uncle Jack : “ when I wanted to open my shop this morning sir "
Nurse : "Oh, this is called Paresthesia sir, because you do the work over
and over again but can't get enough rest"
Uncle Jack : "Can this be cured?"
Nurse : "It could be reduced by moving the affected hand or leg slowly
so that blood circulation is smooth, well sir, let me help move your hands and feet

(nurses help grind Uncle Jack's hands and feet)
Nurse : "how is it more comfortable?"
Uncle Jack : "A little better than before"
Nurse : "Good to do the movement more often so that you avoid
Uncle Jack : "Good thanks sir"
Nurse : "your welcome sir


NO Vocabulary Arti
1 Suddenly Tiba-tiba
2 Rarely Jarang
3 Immediately Segera
4 Currently Saat ini
5 Each Setiap
6 Examined Diperiksa
7 Occours Terjadi
8 Medication Obat
9 Pingling Kesemutan Please answer the questions below
10 Depart Berangkat
11 Pain Nyeri 1. Will the food be affecting tingling?

12 Arrival Kedatangan …………………………………….

2. What will be causing of the
13 Round Putaran
14 Healed Disembuhkan
15 Can Bisa
3. What the exercise can overcome
16 Travel Perjalanan
17 Repeatedly Berulang ulang
18 Rest Beristirahat 4. What foods can overcome tingling ?
19 Blood circulation Peredaran darah ………………………………………
20 Move Penggerakan

5. Will it tingling can be overcome by natural means?
6. how tingling can signal other diseases?
7. How many types of tingling are there?
8. Will it fatigve can cause?
9. How it by doing hand movements can relieve pain in tingling in the hand?
10. how tingling can interferen with daily wook?
11. When tingling usually accurs?

12. What happens when the tingling recurs?

13. In anyone who usually experiences tingling?
14. Will it tingling can cause dealt
15. how tingling can be a dangerous disease?


1. Pain that occurs withing a short period of time has no harmful effects, is an
understanding of has no harmful effects, is an understanding of
a. Pain
b. Chronic pain
c. Acute pain
d. Acute – chronic pain
e. Subchronic pain

2. What couses tingling in the hands

a. Nerve clamp
b. Sprain
c. Pain
d. Drugs
e. Depression

3. what causes tingling in one part of the body

a. sprain
b. neurological disorders
c. pain
d. depression
e. drugs

4. pain that lasts for more than six months, chronic pain lasts beyond the estimated
healing time, so this pain can be associated with tissue damage.
a. Pain
b. Chronic pain
c. Acute pain
d. Acute chronic nveri
e. Sub chronic pain

5. Below which is not a mechanism for nociceftive pain is

a. Stimulation
b. Transmission
c. Pain modulation
d. Pain perception
e. Chronic acute pain

6. The process by which the interaction between the endogenous analgesic system
produced by our
body and the incoming pain is involved.
a. Stimulation
b. Transmission
c. Pain modulation
d. Pain perception
e. Chronic acutepain

7. Pain in stroke patients, DM, irritable bowel syndrome, with symptoms

experienced by burning, tingling sensation, namely
a. Neuropathic pain
b. Nociceptive pain
c. Pain
d. Acute pain
e. Chronic pain

8. Causes hypertension, tachycardia, my driasis, but is not always present is

a. Pain neuropathy
b. Nociceptive pain
c. Pain
d. Acute pain
e. Chronic pain

9. The cause of tingling for a moment is?

a. Blood flow disorders
b. Fatigue
c. Cold
d. Anemia
e. Pain

10. What is the cause of half-body tingling

a. Fever
b. Spinal cord injury
c. Depression
d. Drugs
e. Smoke

11. What the name of the person tingling can be come paralyzed?
a. Down syndrome
b. Guillan-barre
c. Jacab syndrome
d. Patau syndrome
e. Turner syndrome

12. How to treat tingling

a. Diet
b. Therapy
c. Taking medication
d. Exercise routine
e. Quit smoking

13. What diseases can be caused if it is often tingling

a. Neart disease
b. Encephalitis
c. Insomnia
d. Kidney failure
e. Anemia

14. Why when holding things to long can tingling

a. Narrowing in the carpal tunnel
b. Smoke
c. Brain injury
d. Depression
e. Fiver

15. Why tingling can last long

a. Nerve clamp
b. Cramps
c. Fatigue
d. Cold
e. anemia


1. Grice Tony. 2007. Oxford English for Careers Nursing. United Kingdom:
Oxford press.
2. Grice, Tony. 2000. Oxford English for Careers Nursing. United Kingdom:
Oxford press.
3. Glendining, Eric. H. 2010. English in Medicine. USA: Cambridge press.
4. Carver, George. Washington. 2013. American Red Cross – Nurse Assistant
Training. USA: American National Red Cross.
5. Virginia, Allum. Cambridge English for Nursing. USA: Cambridge press
6. Samuel, David, J.Emergency Medical Technician – National Standard
Curriculum. USA.
7. Richards, C Jack. 2006. Communicative Language Teaching Today. New
York: Cambridge university press.
8. Hainasmaki, Terhi. 2001. Infection and Infectious Diseases. World Health
9. Abott, Tony. 2007. Emergency Triage Education Kit. Canberra: Canberra
city ACT.
10. Noholita. 2013. Bikini Body Guide. Australia: Australian Institute of Fitness.
Mini Pharmacy Book The Nurse Communicates, Philadelpia : WB
Saunders (Sieh, A and Brentin, L)
11. Understanding Speaking Nursing (Prawira, I.S)
12. Nursing theorist and their work, Sixth edition. Philadelphia : Mosby
Company (Tommey, A.m & Alligood,M.R).
13. Iyan Darmawan, (2013). English for Special Purpose Nurses. Jakarta:
Kesaint Blanc
14. Lilis S.D. (2015). How to Write a Short Essay in English Academic Writing.
Bandung: Alfabeta.
15. N.S. Bramadi,( 2013 ) Kursus Singkat Bahasa Inggris, Jakarta : PT BhuanaIlmu
16. Tony Grice, ( 2009 ) Everyday English for Nursing, Jakarta : EGC

17. Estiwi Retno Purmaning (2012) Tip dan Trik Melejitkan Skor Toefl, Jakarta:
18. Juliarti Dewi Kusumohartono (2011) Hospital Conversation , Jakarta : Buku
Kedokteran EGC
19. Hasbullah (2010) English In Health For Nurses And Midwaves , Jakarta : CV. Trans
Info Media


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