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Estante, Daryl Cloyd T.

September 7, 2020

BSE-3A English

EngEd 312 - Teaching and Assessment of Literature Studies

Activity no. 1
 Copy your favorite line (at least 1 paragraph)
 Memorize it
 Rewrite it, using entirely different words

Title: Disederata (Poem)

Author: Max Ehrmann (1927)

Avoid loud and aggressive persons, You are a child of the universe,

They are vexations to the spirit, No less than the trees and the stars,

You may became vain and bitter, You have a right to be here,

If you compare yourself with others, And whether or not it is clear to you,

For always there will be, No doubt the universe is unfolding as it should,

Greater and lesser persons than yourself, Therefore, be at peace with God,

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Whatever you conceive him to be,

And whatever your labors and aspirations,

In the noisy confusion of life,

Keep peace with your soul,

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,

It is still a beautiful world.

Be careful. Strive to be happy.

It is better to stay away from people who are loquacious and antagonistic that seek to dominate
and become distressing to the soul in achieving inner peace. Be contented with who you are. You are
already you and nobody is going to be any better at being you than you are. It is fine to let other people
be who they are. Any such comparisons are therefore likely to lead to conceitedness and resentment.
Don't let the success of others discourage you from your own endeavor or make you bitter. Let it inspire
you and be an indicator that you, too, can achieve great things. Bear in mind that there will always be
someone better and worse off than you. Instead, work hard then savor the taste of your own success.
Do something today that your future self will thank you for. Absolutely, you are not a mistake, you are
not a sinner, everything you are is God. Everything. You are not cut off from God, he doesn’t think you
are bad and every day He sends you signs and symbols of how much He loves you. It's okay, the part
that counts most is your heart. Think good thoughts, do good things, and allow others to do the same
for you. Your perception of life will change tremendously, much for the better. Let yourself be happy.
Your life will be so much better when you are.

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