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Characteristics of a Great Founding Team

- No one will work harder and care more for a company than its founding team.
- The role of the founding team is to:
o Know what works best
o Determine when and how to make changes
- The founding team does not have salary and only earn from equity.
- The founding always sets the tone for the company culture which is very difficult to
Four Major Characteristic of a Member of a Founding Team:
1. Hungry for knowledge, even when plans change –
a. Member of the founding should be able to quickly make changes in order to attain
long-term growth.
b. They must always be open to new ideas even not their own.
c. They must be eager to challenge the rest of the team to identify the best and
innovative solutions to problem.
2. Admit mistakes –
a. Admittance of mistake should start from the founders, so that employees will
b. Everyone in the company should understand that leaders are not perfect which
need to be accepted.
3. Failing is not defeat –
a. Being brave should not be the kind of determination that founders must possess.
b. Being able to admit failure is important to build a strong founding team.
c. Failing even for several times but still continue to move forward despite obstacles
is the one that separates a good team from a great team.
4. All members obsessed –
a. Members of the founding team must all be hyperactive.
b. Solving problems equipped with healthy obsession makes founders take a big leap
of faith to begin with the startup.
c. It is vital that all founding members should share the obsession to build a strong
team. This shared obsession will glue them together to be successful despite

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