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Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association

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The Lime Industry’s Problem of Airborne Dust

a b
C. J. Lewis & B. B. Crocker
Colorado School of Mines Research Foundation, Inc.
Monsanto Co.
Published online: 16 Mar 2012.

To cite this article: C. J. Lewis & B. B. Crocker (1969) The Lime Industry’s Problem of Airborne Dust, Journal of the Air
Pollution Control Association, 19:1, 31-39, DOI: 10.1080/00022470.1969.10466454

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TI-2 Chemical Committee
Informative Report No. 10
C. J. Lewis The Lime Industry's Problem
Colorado School of Mines
Research Foundation, Inc.
and B. B. Crocker Of Airborne Dust
Monsanto Co.

Informative Report No. 10 dealing with the lime industry's problem of airborne dust is one of a series of
survey reports prepared by APCA's TI-2 Chemical Committee on air pollution problems and control
measures encountered in the chemical industry today.

The usual products of the lime industry hind. Hydrated lime is produced by posits exist in every state in the U. S.
are limestone, quicklime, and hydrated reacting the oxide with water to produce but only a small portion is of sufficient
lime. Limestone is rock composed of the corresponding hydroxide. Table purity for industrial use. The lower
at least 50% calcium carbonate and II gives the equations for the major grades are generally suitable for ag-
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various impurities. A common im- chemical reactions involved in the lime ricultural purposes. Better than 90%
purity is magnesium carbonate; when process. of the limestone quarried is from open-
present in less than 5%, the limestone During the calcination of limestone, pit operations with the remainder from
is referred to as high-calcium. A lime- moisture, and volatile organic matter underground mines.
stone containing 30-45% magnesium are first driven off. At higher tem- Lime manufacturing plants vary in:
carbonate is classified as dolomitic stone. peratures, the partial pressure of CO2 (1) the relative emphasis given to po-
Table I gives composition of typical increases and decomposition of the car- tential products (Limestone, lime, and
limestones of both types. bonate begins. Decomposition does hydrated lime); (2) whether the product
Quicklime (CaO or mixtures of CaO not progress at a rapid rate, however, is for commercial sale or for captive use
and MgO) is produced by heating sized until a temperature range of 700 - (i.e., an integral operation of sugar man-
limestone to decompose the carbonate 800° C is reached for dolomite and 830 - ufacture, steel production, soda ash
releasing CO2 and leaving the oxide be- 930° C for high-calcium stone.1 The manufacture, pulp and paper manu-
loss of carbon dioxide during calcination facture, etc.); and (3) type of kiln used
leaves the residue in a porous, highly re- (vertical, rotary, other). Figure 1
Table I. Typical analyses of high calcium active state. It is usually the desire of shows the distribution of commercial
and dolomitic commercial limestones. the manufacturer to remove the lime lime plants in the contiguous U. S.
oxides from the kiln as close to the upper The split in production between lime-
Calcium Dolomitic limit of the decomposition temperature stone, lime, and hydrate will vary con-
as possible. Subsequently heating re- siderably from plant to plant. How-
Calcium carbonate
(CaCO3) 97.40 52.34 sults in shrinkage and loss of chemical ever, the distribution between all plants
Magnesium carbonate reactivity. Sufficiently high heating in the year 1964 was:
(MgCO3) 1.25 47.04 results in a material of low reactivity re-
Iron oxide (Fe2O3) 0.11 0.04
ferred to as "dead burned" lime. Limestone 510,025,000 tonsa
Aluminum oxide Lime 11,400,000 tons
(AI2O3) 0.35 0.20
Occurrence, Location, and Uses Refractory Lime
Silica (SiO2) plus acid
insolubles 0.95 0.26 Limestone is the usual raw material (dead-burned) 2,150,000 tons
Loss on ignition (CO2) 43.40 47.67 for manufacture of lime products al- Hydrated Lime 2,600,000 tons
though a small percentage is manufac-
tured from oyster shells, particularly "Includes limestone further processed to
along the Gulf Coast. Limestone de- lime products.
Informative Report No. 10 of the TI-2
Chemical Committee was first submit-
ted to APCA's Steering Committee and Table II. Theoretical equations illustrating reactions in lime
Technical Council on September 18, manufacturing.
1967. It was processed in accordance
with the 14 step procedure outlined in 1. High calcium
the March 1963 Journal and was finally (a) CaCO3 + heat CaO + CO2 '
approved by APCA's Board of Direc-
tors on December \r 1968. In ac- (limestone) (lime) (carbon dioxide)
cordance with the objectives of the (b) 2CaO + 2H2O -» 2Ca(OH)2
Association as they appear in Article (lime) (water) (hydrated lime)
XV, Section 4 of the By-Laws, each 2. Dolomitic
technical coordinating committee has
the task of reviewing and amending its (c) CaCO3-MgCO3 heat • CaO-MgO + 2CO2 t
studies as often as necessary in the light (limestone) (dolomitic lime) (carbon dioxide)
of technological changes. (d) CaO • MgO + H2O -> Ca(OH)2-MgO
In accordance with procedures (dolomitic lime) (water) (dolomitic hydrate,
adopted by the APCA Technical Coun- partially hydrated)
cil and the Board of Directors, it is now
published as representing "the best (e) CaO-MgO + 2H2O -4- Ca(OH)2-Mg(OH)2
thinking of the Association." (dolomitic lime) (water) (dolomitic hydrate,
completely hydratad)

January 1969 Volume 19, No. 1 31

Table III. Uses of quicklime and hydrate
in 1964.
Tons Percent
Agriculture 200,000 1
Building 908,000 6
Metallurgy 3,303,000 21
Alkali 3,382,000 21
Carbide 959,000 6
Sugar 852,000 5
Water purification 910,000 6
Pulp and paper 843,000 5
Glass 302,000 2
Sewage treatment 201,000 1
Soil stabilization 450.000 3
Miscellaneous chem-
ical uses 1,675,000 10
Refractory Lime 2,168,000 13
Total 16,150,000 100
Figure 1. Distribution of commercial lime plants.

Only about \% of the limestone is is as objectionable as the dust. For- of course, is a desirable alternative.
sold in the form of dimension stone, tunately, most quarries are in rural or Underground mining of rock releases
the rest being sold crushed or broken. somewhat isolated areas. less dust to the atmosphere because most
Over 60% of the crushed stone is used The loading and unloading of the operations are confined. However, it
in construction for concrete aggregate, blasted stone can also release dust into is more expensive and wasteful of high
road and railroad ballast, and riprap. grade rock because pillars must be left.
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the atmosphere. While many plants

Around 8% is used in chemical and currently make no effort to contain this Less than 8% of the limestone produced
metallurgical industries as a flux in the dust, wetting of the broken stone with is mined underground.
manufacture of iron and steel, acid hoses or sprays can effectively decrease
neutralization, alkali production, sugar it. While it has not been investigated, Stone Preparation
manufacture, calcium carbide produc- the addition of wetting agents to the The extent of preparation given to
tion, pulp and paper manufacture, and water should improve the penetration of stone received from the quarrjr depends
as a product filler. Eighteen per cent water into the broken rock. Too much on the end use. For riprap, no prepara-
is used in cement manufacture, 5% in wetting of the rock may be objectionable tion at all is required, but most applica-
calcined lime products, and the re- in that it can interfere with subsequent tions require reducing the limestone to
mainder is used in agriculture for reduc- grinding and sizing operations. How- rigid size specifications. Concrete and
ing soil acidity and providing neutrients ever, wetting of the surface of the load road aggregates must be crushed,
and in animal feeds. in the truck or car will greatly reduce cleaned, and graded to size. Pulverized
Quicklime and hydrate are used inter- windage loss during transport. limestone must frequently be ground to
changeably to some extent. Taken to- If transport of the stone is by truck, a fineness of 65-100% passing 200
gether their distribution by use in 1964 attention should be given to the creation mesh. Lime manufacture requires
is shown in Table III. The agricultural of airborne dust from unimproved mine stone of definite size ranges depending
use is primarily for soil liming. Build- roads. This can be greatly minimized on the type of kiln used.
ing use is split roughly evenly between by frequent wetting of the roads during Preparation of crushed stone requires
plaster and mortars. Refractory lime, dry weather. The need for constant a series of crushing, screening, and clas-
which is all dead-burned dolomite, is sprinkling of the roads can be greatly sification operations. Primary crushers
used in manufacture of dolomite brick decreased if oiling or wetting with cal- will normally be of the jaw or gyratory
and in open hearth steel furnace bottom cium chloride solution is used. Paving, type, although roll crushers and hammer
Manufacturing Operations:

Figure 2 presents a generalized flow-

sheet for a typical lime manufacturing LIMESTONE MINE
operation. A variety of mining and OR QUARRY
quarrying methods are used with var-
ious types of equipment. In obtaining COMMERCIAL
broken stone, the usual operations in- PRODUCTS
volved are: (1) drilling holes for explo-
sives; (2) blasting the limestone loose;

(3) loading it into trucks or cars; and PULVERIZING
(4) conveying it to the crusher. Di-
mension stone is quarried by sawing
and cutting, and is not used for lime KILN AND SCREENING BINS PRODUCTS
manufacture. Open pit quarrying of
limestone produces dust which is re-
leased into the atmosphere during blast- -HUMEHYDRATOR FEED
ing. Quantities of such dust, which is
released intermittently, have not been f
reported. There is little that can be GRINDING AND/OR
done to confine this dust as long as LIME HYDRATOR — * > AIR CLASSIFICATION »• STORAGE BULK LOADING AND/OR
blasting is the means of shattering the
rock loose. Often the noise produced Figure 2. Flow sheet of a typical lime manufacturing operation.

32 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association



mills may be used if the stone is soft
and friable. Frequently, the primary COOLING ZONE
crusher will be located at the quarry or
mine with a stockpile of crushed stone
being maintained nearby to cover peri- STORAGE ZONE
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ods when the quarry is not in operation.

Primary crushers will normally reduce
stone to 1 - 3 inches in size.
Secondary crushers are normally used
to reduce stone to sizes below one inch. Figure 3. Vertical lime kiln.
These are usually cone crushers or high-
speed, flat-angle gyratory machines. Data on losses per ton of material frequently used to convey the stone to
Hammer mills may be used if the stone handled has generally not been de- the top of the kiln where it is charged
is not abrasive. For pulverizing, a termined or reported. However, par- in batches. The kiln is usually fired
hammer mill, rod, ball, or tube mill, ticulate losses from control equipment with burners in the side, utilizing gas or
or an edge-running roller mill may be currently in use at a number of plants oil. Some older kilns contain a firebox
used. For extreme fineness, closed is shown below in terms of dust concen- on the side where coal is used. These
circuit grinding in air-swept mills with trations leaving control equipment: kilns utilize heat very efficiently because
air classification is required. Occasion- the cold stone at the top cools the flue
ally, stone may be dried in a rotary Type of Particulate gases while the hot stone at the bottom
dryer to assure better grinding. Control Loss (grains
Operation Equipment per cu. ft.) is cooled by air used for combustion.
Vibrating screens are normally used The calcined lime is withdrawn at the
for classifying smaller sized stone ex- Pulverized lime- Cyclone 2.0
stone dryer bottom either in batches or continuously
ceeding 50 mesh. Where accurate Primary crushing Water Spray 0.016 with suitable feeders or gates while the
sizing of larger stone is not required, Screening
None 0.165 flue gas exhausts at the top.
bar grizzlies are normally employed. Stockpile Water 0.002 In some plants where coal is used as
Air classification is the normal means for Sprinkling fuel, it is mixed with the limestone or
veryfineor pulverized sizes. Secondary Cyclone and 0.054
crushing Bag Filter charged in layers and burns within the
Stone is normally transported be- kilns. This technique is used mainly in
tween operations on open-belt convey- Lime Production
captive plants such as in the alkali and
ors, although bucket elevators, drags, A number of types of kilns are avail- sugar industries where lime purity is un-
screws, and pneumatic conveyors may able for carrying out the calcination important and the CO2 produced is one
be used occasionally. reactions. They differ in their con- of the desired products.
All of these operations give rise to figuration, fuel economy, size stone re- Most vertical kilns require limestone
production of limestone dust. Many quired, inherent capacity, and efficient in sizes of 6 - 8 inches to minimize pres-
plants in isolated areas carry out these use of manpower. Slightly more than sure drop. Because of the large stone
operations without pollution control 50% of lime production is in rotary kilns size, low capacity, and low gas velocity
equipment and many more have only and the trend is in this direction.
through the kiln, many of the older
the crudest kind of collection system for Verticle Kilns. This is the oldest and kilns were open on top with no provision
the coarser size operations. The best most numerous type of continuous kiln to collect the gases and control atmo-
control would dictate corrugated covers in use and one of the most efficient in
fuel utilization. The major drawback spheric emissions. Captive kilns, where
over the belt conveyors to reduce wind- the CO2 produced is needed for process-
age losses, careful hooding at transfer is that it is inherently restricted to low
capacity per unit. For this reason there ing operations in the alkali and sugar
points connected to air exhausters, and industry, are closed on top with a double-
hooding or evacuating of crushing ma- have been few recent installations. Al-
most all modern installations have uti- bell seal much like the charging mecha-
chinery to eliminate dusting. Many nism of a blast furnace. Except for
plants currently collect the dust from lized rotary kilns or one of the newer
exhaust systems with simple cyclones, design calciners. occasional leakage through the charging
or water spray chambers. With tighter A cut of a typical vertical or shaft seal, these kilns emit no gases or dust to
control regulations, it is likely that many kiln is shown in Figure 3. These kilns the atmosphere. They are conducted
of these must be improved, making use usually have a steel-encased refractory to processes not involving lime manu-
of bag filters and more efficient wet shell 10-24 ft in diameter and 35-75 ft facture. Particulates in these gases
scrubbers. in height. An inclined skip-hoist is enter the other process equipment.

January 1969 Volume 19, No. 1 33

There is no reason other than cost rectangular shaft kiln which claims low in which a modified rod mill called a
why non-captive vertical kilns cannot be capital investment in low-capacity sizes plasticitor does the final milling.
sealed in similar fashion with the ex- of 6 to 15 tons of lime per day. It pro- Hydration of lime is also carried out
haust gases conducted to suitable dust duces a 3- 1J^" size pebble lime. in agitated equipment using great ex-
control equipment before release to the Roberts4 reports a modified captive cesses of water so that a slurry or "milk
atmosphere. shaft kiln with internal combustion of lime" solution is produced rather than
Many older vertical kilns have capac- chambers having a capacity of 600 tons a dry powder. This operation is usu-
ities of 7-15 tons per day of lime pro- per day. ally referred to as slaking rather than
duced. However, the trend has been to Lime kilns recently installed using a hydrating. Slaking equipment will usu-
larger capacity gas-fired kilns producing combination of traveling grates and ally be located at the plant of the lime
75-80 tons per day and many of the rotary kilns have been discussed by user but will seldom be found at the
older kilns have been converted to kilns Kohanowski.8 installation of the lime producer unless
of this type. The Calcimatic9-10 kiln is a new de- he has a captive use. In terms of air
Rotary Kilns. This is the same type velopment in which after preheating of pollution, the slaker has a considerable
of kiln as is used in the production of the charge in a vertical feed hopper with advantage over the hydrator. Due to
Portland cement. Its general advan- the exhaust gases, the stone is deposited the large excess of water used, no steam
tage is that it has the highest capacity in a thin layer on a traveling circular is given off and no gases are discharged
of any type kiln available. Some ro- refractory hearth. The stationary which can carry out entrained lime dust.
tary kilns have achieved production stone on the revolving hearth travels
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rates in excess of 500 tons of quicklime under a series of combustion chambers The Air Pollution Problem
per day. This greatly reduces the and is finally scraped off to a product
manpower required per ton of product. cooler just before the hearth returns to The major air contaminant from lime
Disadvantages are that capital invest- the charging point. Because the stone operations is dust; limestone dust from
ment is much greater for rotary kilns is stationary during calcining, there is mining, handling, crushing, and screen-
and fuel economy is poorer than for little attrition and dust generation. ing operations; quicklime dust from
vertical kilns. Typical rotary lime The kiln can handle stone in sizes from kiln discharge, handling, shipping, and
kilns vary in size from 6 to 11^2 ft m }4 inch to 4 inches, can use either gaseous, milling operations; hydrate lime dust
diameter and from 60 to 400 ft in length, liquid, or solid fuels, and is available in from hydrator operations, milling, and
though 150 ft is a common length. capacities from 100 to 500 tons of lime packing. These dusts are generally
Rotary kilns are most commonly fired per day. looked upon by the community as a
with gas, oil, or pulverized coal. Mod- Product Handling. After cooling, the nuisance rather than endangering
ern kilns are generally highly instru- quicklime from vertical kilns is usually health. Pulverized limestone is applied
mented for efficient control of tempera- inspected to remove "cores" and un- in copious quantities in many coal mines
tures and combustion conditions. The burned stone. This is a hand operation as an inert material to minimize coal
flow of stone and combustion products performed by workmen as the quicklime dust explosions. Farm workers are
is countercurrent through the kiln. passes by on a conveyor belt. Much of often exposed to hydrated lime dust
While the feed end of the kiln may cool the quicklime is then sold and shipped during soil application. The building
the hot gases by preheating the stone, in bulk hopper cars in this form. How- trades are frequently exposed to both
the kiln usually discharges the quick- ever, it may also be subjected to screen- dust and wetted lime products without
lime quite hot. For this reason, prod- ing and milling operations to produce a detrimental effect. Silicosis and re-
uct coolers are usually provided to sized pebble or ground quicklime. Air- spiratory ailments are not a problem
preheat the combustion air. Heat ef- swept hammer mills are usually used for among lime plant workers. On the
ficiency may also be improved some- grinding. The comments under Stone other hand, lime (both quick and hy-
times through the use of chain sections Preparation concerning dust control also drate) are alkaline substances and, as
and preheating tubes at the feed end. apply to these operations. such, can be irritating to eyes, respira-
These devices will also tend to reduce tory membranes, and moist skin. For
the loss of particulates which would these reasons as well as the nuisance
Hydrated Lime value, emission of these materials is ob-
otherwise be carried out in the exhaust
gases. Hydrated lime is produced by adding jectionable even though they cannot be
Rotary kilns require a more carefully water to crushed or ground quicklime placed in a hazardous class.
classified and smaller size limestone while mixing in order to produce in- Most lime manufacturing plants
than vertical kilns. The feed gener- timate contact. An excess of water is started operations in a location well
ally ranges in size from M to J^ inches. added because much water is lost as removed from residential areas and
In plants with more than one rotary steam in carrying off the heat of hydra- their property lines extended hundreds,
kiln, frequently one kiln will operate tion. The dry hydrated lime produced even thousands of feet beyond the manu-
on }i inch stone with the others on 1 to is usually milled in an air-swept hammer facturing plant to encompass lime-
2y2 inch size. This leads to greater or ring-roll mill. Uncalcined stone stone ore reserves. Farms in the vi-
uniformity in the product. called "core" and silica are usually cinity welcomed, as many still do, the
New Type Kilns. Since World War removed in the air separator of this mill. fall-out of "lime" dust as a soil sweetener
II, several new types of kilns have been Standard hydrated lime usually has a or soil conditioner. However, the in-
introduced. The Dorrco Fluosolisd fineness of 95% passing 200 mesh. creasing perimeter of urban areas, the
kiln2-6'7 calcines fine particle size lime- Some production, designated superfine, advent of new highways through or
stone in afluidizedbed. Limestone par- is pulverized and/or air classified to adjacent to lime manufacturing prop-
ticle size must be 6 mesh or less. It has 993^% through 325 mesh. A major por- erties, air observation of effluent
high capacity, excellent temperature tion of hydrated lime is packed in paper plumes and the increasing sensitivity
control, and good fuel economy. bags, but some is shipped in bulk. The of society to air pollution have com-
The Ellerbeck kiln3 is a modified literature5 describes one hydrate plant bined to focus attention on lime plant

34 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association

dust emission. Accumulation of lime applying to combustion operations Visibility
dust around the plant results in an un- which is primarily directed to control of Many codes impose an opacity re-
sightly operation; it settles on foliage, coal fired boilers. Initially, most of quirement on the effluent plumes from
home roofs and walks, clothes on the these were based on the ASME (1949) operations which emit a non-black
line, window sills and lawn furniture, recommendation of solids emission not smoke. The majority of present codes
to cause local indignations; and when it exceeding 0.85 lb of solids per 1000 lb permit a plume to be up to 40% opaque
settles on polished cars or enters the air of stack gas. Most of these codes are (equivalent to a Ringelman No. 2 for
intakes of other manufacturing con- now being changed to a sliding scale black smoke). However, there is a
cerns, it may cause financial loss. which starts at 0.60 lb of solids per 1000 current tendency to tighten these re-
These factors are requiring lime op- lb of stack gas for small boilers and quirements in proposed legislation to
erators to pay more attention to their decreases gradually with heat input to a 20% opacity (equivalent to a Ringelman
particulate losses. lower level of 0.20 lb of solids per 1000 No. 1 for black smoke). Whether the
Like all other fuel users the lime man- lb of stack gas for large utility boilers. visibility requirement is more restric-
ufacturer must also give consideration Under some codes, it is not clear as to tive than a process weight requirement is
to control of contaminants which are whether a requirement on combustion dependent on many things such as size
common to all combustion operations. operations (and intended primarily for of dust particles, total rate of emission of
Specifically, he must be prepared to boilers) would also apply to a lime kiln effluent, and stack diameter since opac-
reduce pollution from SO2 and SO3 operation where the combustion is in- ity is a function of the distance one is
(either by changing fuels or recovery cidental as a means of supplying heat for trying to see through a plume. Present
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equipment) if he is using a sulfur-con- the process. codes do not allow for differences in
taining fuel such as coal or fuel oil. Some of these ordinances require stack diameters.
The time may come when he will have adjustment of the effluent quantity to Another troublesome area under vis-
to consider the generation of oxides of 50% excess air or to 12% CO2 by volume ibility requirements is the emission of
nitrogen, and, of course, if burning coal, in the effluent. Such an approach can high dewpoint gases containing dust
he must worry about fly ash collection also lead to difficulties in a lime kiln such as the effluent from the lime hy-
and incomplete combustion resulting in operation where the chemical reactions drating operation. Steam evolved dur-
soot and tars. release CO2 into the flue gas. For ing the chemical reaction usually con-
instance, a 200 TPD lime kiln will also denses in the atmosphere and makes the
Pollution Control Objectivies produce about 152 TPD of CO2 from plume essentially 100% opaque. Some
Location of units of the lime man- the limestone calcined. For a pulver- codes exempt an operation from the
ufacturing industry range from areas ized coal fired kiln using a 1/4.0 fuel- visibility requirement when the only
which may be designated as: (a) iso- lime ratio, the CO2 released from the reason for the operations failure to com-
lated; (b) undeveloped; (c) partially limestone amounts to 22% of the total ply is due to the opacity produced by the
developed; (d) mixed industrial - flue gases. It would appear that in condensing water vapor. Other juris-
residential; (e) mixed heavy industrial adjusting the flue gas to some standard dictions prefer to observe the remainder
^residential; to (f) built-up residen- CO2 quantity that this should be done of the plume in the atmosphere beyond
tial. Air pollution control measures on a basis which adjusts the combustion the point at which all water vapor has
taken by the industry range from no products separately from the reaction dispersed. Even this presents difficul-
control whatsoever to the most modern products. However, not all legislation ties of interpretation in that the water
of dust collecting and dust disposal permits this. vapor tends to condense on the dust
systems. Over the years, the industry There is an increasing tendency in particles causing them to grow in size
has had no reliable barometer, other particulate emission legislation to relate and be visible for longer distances.
than local opinion, for assessing the quantities of dust emitted to process In any event, codes need to be carefully
societal aspects of its dust emissions. weight on a sliding scale basis which worded in regard to high dewpoint
For the most part, the industry has requires more rigorous control from plumes to make their legal application
followed the "good neighbor" policy large operations than from small ones. clear in such cases.
with reference to dust control proce- Process weight is usually defined as the In the event the combination of con-
dures. These have laboriously evolved hourly input weight of all raw materials densing water vapor and lime dust is
rather than erupted and there is no fixed including solid fuels, but excluding liq- considered objectionable, two possible
pattern. uid and gaseous fuels and combustion solutions exist. One is to lower the
This situation is changing, however, air. A typical process weight table dewpoint of the effluent by dilution with
as federal and state involvement in will permit release of 2.58 lb per hour of atmospheric air. This is often pre-
pollution grows. An examination of dust for a 1000 lb per hour process vented by the "Circumvention" clause
current and proposed air pollution legis- weight tapering off to 69.0 lb per hour
lation suggests that lime plant effluent of many codes. The other is to provide
for a one million pound per hour process superheat in the effluent such that at-
will probably have to comply with reg- weight. Under such a regulation, a 200
ulations on Particulate Emission, Visi- mospheric diffusion occurs before con-
TPD lime kiln fired with bituminous densation can occur. This will greatly
bility, Fuel Limitations (if a sulfur con- coal having a 1/4.0 fuel-lime ratio would
taining fuel is burned), and possibly improve the plume appearance without
have a total process weight of 36,375 lb in the least reducing the contaminants
Settleable Alkalies. per hour (29,100 lb per hour of limestone released to the atmosphere. This is
and 7275 lb per hour of coal) and would perhaps unfortunate as it wastes fuel
Particulate Emission be allowed to discharge 28.6 lb per hour and natural resources and adds to
Many codes have a general limitation of particulates. Such a process weight thermal and CO2 pollution of the atmo-
of 0.3-0.4 grain of dust per standard requirement would require the dust con- sphere with only a compensating psycho-
cubic foot of exhaust gas. In addition, trol equipment to have an overall logical benefit.
many codes have a further limitation efficiency of about 98.1%.

January 1969 Volume 19, No. 1 35

Sulfur Compounds Table IV. Various fuel-line ratios from a pulverized bituminous coal-fired rotary kiln.
The lime manufacturer will be con- Total Pounds of Total Gas Volume
cerned with these regulations only if he Gases Per Ton %co2 in Gases (cuft@60°F, 1 atm.
Fuel-Lime Ratio of Lime (by wt.) (by vol.) per Ton of Lime)
is using a sulfur-containing fuel such as
coal or oil. Many new codes are pres- 1/1.4 17,095 33.0 23.9 203,500
ently placing limitations on the sulfur 1/2.0 12,390 35.3 25.8 146,200
1/3.0 8,744 38.9 28.9 101,500
content of the fuel which can be burned 1/4.0 6,920 42.2 31.8 79,200
or the ground level concentration of 1/5.0 5,826 45.1 34.3 66,100
sulfur oxides. 1/6.0 5,096 47.7 36.8 57,000
Settleable Alkalies
A new unpublished and untried test
which has been suggested in at least one lime produced and an exhaust dust load- Gibbs11 indicates the following pounds
legislative proposal would test quantity ing of 0.6 grain per cubic foot would of gases per ton of lime at various fuel-
of dust fall on an indicator material that release 7.7 lb per hour of dust to the lime ratios from a pulverized bituminous
would be affected by the pH of the dust. atmosphere if using 10% excess air. coal-fired rotary kiln (Table IV).
The test would normally be applied Coal-fired vertical kilns have also been Data is based on a coal with a heat-
upwind and downwind of the plant characterized by their emission of black ing value of 13,500 BTU per lb.
premises. A certain greater number of smoke which may travel a mile or two. A typical 8 ft diameter by 220 ft long
indicator spots would be allowed in the Captive vertical kilns used by the coal fired rotary kiln producing 200 tons
downstream sample. Very little ex- alkali and sugar industries are sealed per day of lime with a 1/4.0 fuel-lime
perience has been obtained with such a because of the need for CO2 from the flue ratio would exhaust about 1,384,000 lb
test, but it might pose rigorous require- gas in other operations and hence emit per day of gases at 910°F. Assuming a
Downloaded by [Fordham University] at 23:56 06 September 2014

ments on a lime plant should such test no pollution as long as the seals are in dust loss of 5% of the weight of the lime-
methods become more widespread. good working condition. It would be stone charged (9% of the lime pro-
possible to so equip commercial vertical duced), a total dust quantity blown out
Control of Specific Contaminants kilns and use the control devices on the is 36,000 lb per day without allowance
Dust from Limestone Processing effluent gas which are used on rotary for fly ash from the coal. This corre-
Dust, produced from quarrying, kilns. However, most of the vertical sponds to a dust loading of about 0.026
transportation, crushing and classifica- kilns are of small capacity and are be- lb of dust per lb of exhaust gas or
tion systems, is a heavy dust released at coming obsolete. The addition of con- about 15.9 grains per cu ft at 60°F.
near ambient temperature. It has the trol equipment in many cases could not Dust blown from a kiln also varies
same chemical analysis as the limestone be economically justified. Pressure to greatly with gas velocity. The litera-
being processed. The dust usually reduce their particulate discharge will in ture16 reports doubling of the dust blown
contains some moisture and the majority most cases hasten the day of their com- out when a kiln production rate was
is of fairly coarse particle size which will plete replacement with larger, more increased from 100 to 135% of design
generally settle within a thousand foot efficient kilns designed with adequate capacity while dropping production rate
radius. Control measures consist of control equipment. to 75% of capacity only dropped dust
wetting and sprinkling to minimize Rotary Kilns. These kilns, when not loading by 8%.
dusting and proper hooding and evacua- properly equipped, constitute the largest The gases leaving the kiln are usually
tion to collect dust from crushing and single source of airborne particulate first passed through a dust settling
screening equipment and transfer points. matter in the lime industry. Abrasion chamber to break the gas velocity and
Cyclones or water spray chambers are of rolling limestone charge in the kiln settle out the coarse particles. On
the present chief means of collection of produces dust. The stone becomes occasion, dry cyclones may also be used
this dust. The majority of the dust more friable as it approaches the decom- for this primary collection. From 65 to
which is larger than 20 microns is position temperature and dusting in- 85% of the particulate matter may be
efficiently collected, but the finer parti- creases. Finally, the resulting lime in
the "hot zone" tends to be chalky and collected here. The primary dust is
cles released can travel several miles. taken to a waste dump, used as land fill
For their control, it will be necessary to much less hard than the stone from
which it is produced. Simultaneous or for agricultural land treatment.
use bag filters or high efficiency water Wetting before handling is advisable to
scrubbers. Control equipment is dis- with dusting from attrition, the high
velocity gases from direct fire fuel com- reduce losses in dumping. An alterna-
cussed under Rotary Kilns. tive is mixing with water and pumping
bustion blow the dust from the kiln.
This is a vexing dust to control and as a slurry to a waste dump.
Dust from Lime Burning Handling of the hot dust can create
collect. It is hot, dry, difficult to wet,
Vertical Kilns. Many vertical kilns and prone to be electrostatically mechanical problems for discharge gates
are of ancient vintage and were origi- charged. It is of mixed composition and conveyors. Bauer19 and Wolfe20
nally built without control equipment. varying all the way from raw limestone discuss design requirements for dust
They do not produce as much dust with- tofinalcompletely calcined product. It handling equipment.
out control equipment as does a rotary will also be mixed with fly ash, tars, and The major dust control problem is the
kiln because of the larger size of the unburned carbon if pulverized coal is dust passing the primary collector which
limestone charged, the "lazy" gas used as the fuel. The dust blown from is still hot (700-900°F). A number of
velocities, and the smaller amount of a rotary kiln will range from 5 to 15% older plants in sparsely populated areas
attrition which occurs as the charge of the weight of the lime produced. discharge the dust to the atmosphere
passes through. Nevertheless shaft Temperature of the exhaust gases leav- through a stack where the 10-20 mesh
kilns are apt to be considered dusty by ing the kiln will range from 600 - 1800°F. particles fall to the ground in the im-
modern air pollution standards. Typi- Typical exhaust temperatures for a 6 ft mediate vicinity of the operation and
cal dust loading of untreated exhaust gas dia. kiln are 1350°F "80" ft of smaller micron size particles are airborne
is in the range of 0.3 -1.0 grains per cu ft. length. This temperature will drop to for many miles. Obviously, such an
For example, a 25 ton per day vertical 600 °F if the kiln length is increased to operation can no longer be permitted in
natural gas fired kiln having a fuel 300 ft. most locations and secondary control
economy of 6 million Btu ton of quick-

36 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association

equipment is mandatory. Table V Many plants in areas with some local be handled directly by the bags, it
gives the chemical and screen analysis control of air pollution have installed is usual practice to cool the gases by
of stack dust from a typical plant with- high efficiency cyclonic secondary col- water spray, air dilution, or a com-
out secondary collection. If pulverized lectors. However, to meet modern bination. Insulation of the bag
coal is used as a fuel, these dusts would requirements, plants are increasingly house is not usually required unless
also contain varying amounts of fly ash. turning to wet scrubbers and glass bag the moisture content of the gases is
A typical chemical analysis of fly ash collectors. Electrostatic precipitators quite high, as might be the case
products is shown in Table VI. have also been investigated and found with wet feed. Collection effi-
Over the years, the lime industry has satisfactory. However, economics in ciency is almost 100% between bag
installed and studied almost every con- the lime industry are such that costly cleanings as a thin layer of dust on
ceivable type of secondary collector. precipitators are apt to be avoided as the bag forms additional filtering
long as scrubbers and bag collectors will media. Particles 5 microns and
give acceptable performance. Table less in size are apt to be lost
VII lists data on a number of installa- through the bag immediately after
tions with secondary collectors. cleaning. Capital cost is reported
Table V. Stack dust from two rotary natural
gas fired lime kilns with only primary to be $1.80 per cfm handled with
collection. 1. Cyclone Collectors. High effici- operating and maintenance costs
Chemical Analysis ency cyclones are more suitable as running $0.20 per cfm annually.
primary collectors and precleaners Bag life up to two years is re-
Calcium Dolomitic for removal of the plus 10 micron ported.16 General experience dic-
Component Operation Operation size dust. One installation reports tates that when bags start to fail,
Acid insoluble 0.66% 0.• 4 5 % handling 80,000 actual cfm of kiln it is best to replace all bags in
Heavy metal oxides gas at 450-500°F and 30-35% the unit. Otherwise, one will en-
(R2O3) 0.97 0..35 moisture content in 72 nine-inch counter a period where bags are
Downloaded by [Fordham University] at 23:56 06 September 2014

CaCO3 23.06 64,.30 failing weekly with resultant pollu-

size cast iron cyclones with a pres-
CaO 66.32 7..23
sure drop of 2H inches of water tion and loss of production due to
MgO 1.40 28,.20
CaSO4 1.22 0 .27 and 70% collection efficiency as a frequent shutdown for mainte-
Ca(OH) 2 6.37 primary collector. Collins15 also nance.
reports 70-80% collection effi-
Screen Analysis 3. Electrostatic Precipitators.
ciency with small tube cyclones.
Tyler Mesh Size l/Vt. % While the use of electrostatic pre-
+ 65 0 .5 2. Bag Filters. A number of installa- cipitators tends toward the costly
- 6 5 +100 1,.5 tions are reported making use of side for the lime industry, one in-
—100 + 1 5 0 3 .6 glass fiber bag collectors handling stallation has been reported using
—150 + 200 10,.0 gas flows as high as 150,000 actual a single stage precipitator as a sec-
—200 + 270 9 .7 cfm at temperatures in the range of ondary collector at a capital cost of
—270 + 325 8 .4 350 - 550°F, with average particle $1.25 per cfm. It handles 160,000
- 3 2 5 + 400 7 .5
sizes of 25 microns after preclean- cfm at 450- 500°F inlet conditions
— 400a 58,.8
ing with dust settlers. For the in which 90 - 95% of the inlet dust
Average particle diameter for the -400 mesh larger gas volumes, the bag house is
fraction is 5 -6 microns determined by Fisher is minus 10 microns. It is designed
Sub-Sizer. compartmented so that only one with a gas velocity of 3.3 ft per
section at a time is cleaned. A second and a residence time of 5.2
twelve compartment bag house for sec and has an on-stream efficiency
a 500 TPD kiln is reported.11 The of 95%.
Table V I . Typical limits of ash analysis of cleaning cycle (shaking is not em-
U.S. bituminous coals. ployed with glass bags) depends on 4. Water Scrubbers. Many types of
Component Wt. % dust loading but is usually a 10-15 water scrubbers are in use. Two
min cycle. Design air to cloth installations have been reported17
SiO 2 20-60
AI2O3 10-35 ratio with one compartment out for in satisfactory operation utilizing a
Fe2O3 5-35 cleaning is in the range of 1.95:1 cyclonic multi-vane dynamic scrub-
CaO 1-20 to 2.2:1. (Air to cloth ratio is ber in which the gases are passed
MgO 0.3-4 defined as cubic feet of air per min- through a wet agglomerating fan
TiO 2 0.5-2.5 ute per square foot of filter cloth between stages after initial removal
Alkalies Na2O & K2O 0.1-4 surface.) Since kiln gases are fre- of the coarser particles. One of
SO., 1-12 quently discharged hotter than can the advantages of a wet scrubber is

Table VII. Secondary collection of rotary kiln lime dust.

Installation No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Primary collection Dust chambers Dust chambers Dust chambers 9 in. Tube cyclonesa Dust chambers Dust chambers
Type of secondary Glass bag collec- 4-stage cyclonic- 4-stage cyclonic- Single stage elec- Venturi scrubber Spray and
collector tors dynamic scrubber dynamic scrubber trostatic precipi- and cyclonic impingement
tator scrubber plate scrubber
Inlet loading
gr/scfm 10.0 2.8-2.9 9.5 4.3 4-7 16
Outlet loading
gr/scfm 0.001 0.071-0.080 0.02 0.22 0.12 0.3-0.4
Collection efficiency 99.99% 97.5% 99.7% 95% 97-96.3% 97.5%
Pressure drop in
secondary collec-
tor—inches of
water 4-5 8 8 1-2 15 5-6
» Primary collector consists of 9 in. tube cyclones. Inlet loading to cyclones, 14.5 gr./cf; outlet loading, 4.3 gr./cf; efficiency, 70%.

January 1969 Volume 19, No. 1 37

that it can include a pre-humidifi- not present with dry collection. Among Fluosolid kilns emit copious quantities
cation section and eliminate the them are discharge of a hot, humid gas of dust in the exhaust gases and require
need for pre-cooling the gases. A stream, plugging at dry-wetted inter- very efficient dust control equipment.
typical installation for a 180-200 faces, scale buildup, and corrosion prob- Plants using the Calcimatic Process
TPD kiln with 40-50,000 actual cfm lems which may not exist in the absence appear to be remarkably free of dust
@900° - 1400°F and a 5-10 grain of water. The hot, humid effluent will since the stone is stationary during
per cf dust loading, would require a condense in the atmosphere producing calcination on a revolving hearth. The
9 - 10 ft diameter scrubber 32 ft tall. an opaque plume which may give the major sources of dust are the exhaust
Downloaded by [Fordham University] at 23:56 06 September 2014

Scrubbing water requirement is 4 misleading impression that the opera- from the stone preheater, the lime cooler,
gallons per 1000 cf of gas processed. tion is still a heavy dust emitter. and the discharge lime conveyor. Bag
Pressure drop is 8 inches of water Methods14 for preventing atmospheric filters have been found to be most
which would be supplied by the condensation are available but costly. practical for dust collection at the latter
integral wet fan. Since the fan Care must be taken in the method of two sources. High efficiency cyclones
also serves as kiln exhaust fan, ex- introduction of the hot dusty gases into have been used on the preheater ex-
cess power is required. For the the scrubber so as to assure quick wet- haust, but glass bag filters would be the
200 TPD kiln installation, fan bhp ting and quenching without entrain- desirable collector for high collection
would be 150. Collection effi- ment of liquid into the inlet. Areas efficiency.
ciency is stated to be 99.7%. which may be alternately wet and dry Data on a typical installation using a
Scrubber cost is reported to be will accumulate dust with resultant glass-filter bag house is:
$0.50 per cfm of cooled saturated caking and buildup, which may ruin
exhaust gas for 304 stainless steel Exhaust gases, actual volume and
efficiency or completely seal off gas flow. temperature 20,000 cfm @600°F
construction and $0.25 per cfm for Instances17 are known where lime kilns Dust loading, 2.5 grains per cu ft
carbon steel. had to be shut down every 5 days to Dust screen size
clean out cakes and obstructions in 0-2.5 microns, 1.2%
Stuart and Bailey12 report 96-97% home-made wet scrubbers. The pres- 2.5-5 microns, 2.1
efficiency on dust removal from a 335 ence of sulfur in the fuel or sulfates in 5-10 microns, 3.4
TPD kiln using a combination Venturi the stone can result in sulfur oxides in 10-20 micrens, 5.6
scrubber and cyclonic separator. A the kiln exhaust. These can react with 20 - 44 microns, 5.1
pressure drop of 7-11 inches of water lime dust to produce slightly soluble +44 microns, 82.6
was used. Inlet gas volume was 60- calcium sulfate. Since calcium sulfate Design gas to cloth ratio, 2.50:1
62,000 cfm at 350°F. Water supplied has an inverse solubility at higher tem- Typical bag life, 6 months
to the Venturi throat was 1500 gpm at peratures, too little make up scrubber Collector installed, cost, $3.60 per
50 psig pressure. Cleaned exhaust water or too high a water temperature actual cfm
gases were discharged at 160-165°F can result in plating out scale deposits Collection efficiency, 99.2%
nearly saturated with water vapor. on metal parts of the scrubber. The
Similar results are reported by Walker presence of the sulfur oxides may also Dust from Lime Hydrating
and Hall21 using flooded disc scrubbers. dictate the use of corrosion-resisting Lime and water react exothermally,
Gas volumes per installation have varied alloys for wetted parts. Since placing often violently, in the hydrator to pro-
from 40,000 acfm at 400°F to 100,000 the kiln exhaust fan before the scrubber duce a crude semi-dry finely divided
acfm at 600°F. will subject it to the hot abrasive kiln hydrated lime powder. Steam and
Mockridge13 reports 97% efficiency gases, it is normally desirable to locate moisture laden air sweep fine dust from
on lime kiln dust contained in 26,000 it after the dust collector. In the case the hydrating operation into the ex-
standard cfm with 43^-53^ inches of of a wet scrubber, it may be necessary to haust stack. High calcium hydrators
water pressure drop using a combination make the exhaust fan of alloy construc- operate at ambient pressure with "lazy"
spray and impingement plate scrubber. tion as well. Some producers16 report exhaust gas velocity. Pressure dolo-
Such a scrubber handling gas from a 250 operating costs for a wet scrubber three mitic hydrators discharge steam, air,
TPD kiln was 10 feet in diameter by 22 times as great as for a bag filter even and product through small orifices to
feet tall. The cleaned gases were dis- though initial cost is considerably less. maintain the pressure created by the
charged at 15O.°F essentially saturated It should also be considered that slurry reaction, and thus impart a high veloc-
with water vapor. Porter18 reports discharged from wet scrubbers is a ity to the exit gases. The dust from the
96-99% collection with a scrubber in potential water pollutant if not properly operation will have the same analysis as
which the gases are impacted against a confined or consumed. the hydrate being produced. If not
water surface. Other Kilns. Data on dust emission collected, it will carry a mile or two when
While wet scrubbing of the gas may from new kiln processes is largely lack- airborne. On settling, it will slowly
frequently be cheaper, problems can be ing. Grate type kilns are stated to react with the carbon dioxide of the air
associated with wet scrubbing which are produce less dust than rotary kilns. to revert to calcium and magnesium

38 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association

Table VIII summarizes the dust loading in various effluents from lime plants re-
sulting from an industry survey.

carbonates. Because of the large Table VIII. Reported dust emission values from lime plant operations.
amount of steam generated during the Particulate
reaction, the discharge from a hydrator Emission Grains Collection
will be opaque. This makes it difficult, Operation Per Cu. Ft. Efficiency Control Method
visually, to determine the amount of Limestone primary crushing 0.016 Poor Water sprays
solids entrained in the steam. Limestone secondary crushing 0.054 Good Cyclone and bag filters
Crushed stone stockpile 0.002 Water sprays
The loss of hydrated lime dust repre- Pulverized limestone dryer 2.04 60 - 70% Cyclone collector
sents the loss of valuable product since Limestone screening 0.165 None
Downloaded by [Fordham University] at 23:56 06 September 2014

Bulk loading 0.009 None

this dust is of high purity. It is easily Stone unloading Water sprays
wetted and can be scrubbed from the Vertical lime kiln 0.3-1.0 None
Rotary kiln 0.001 99.99 Glass bag filter
stack gases with a water scrubber. The Rotary kiln 0.07-0.08 97.5 4 Stage cyclonic scrubber
recovered water slurry can be fed back Rotary kiln 0.02 99.7 4 Stage cyclonic scrubber
to the hydrator as make-up water so that Rotary kiln 4.3 70.0 High efficiency cyclones
Rotary kiln 0.22 95.0 Single stage precipitator
handling of the recovered product does Rotary kiln 0.12-0.25 96-97 Venturi scrubber
not represent a problem. Practically Rotary kiln 0.3-0.4 97.5 Impingement scrubber
Calcimatic kiln 0.02 99.2 Glass bag filter
all lime hydrating plants are equipped Lime conveying—transfer points 0.2-0.8 Cyclone collector
with recovery equipment of one type or Lime distribution system—airveyor 0.01 99+ Cloth bag filter
Hydrating 0.01-0.94 Water sprays in stack
another. A common method is to in- Hydrating 0.072 Wet scrubber
stall water spray nozzles in the exhaust Hydrating 0.01 Wet scrubber
Hydrating 0.02 Wet scrubber
stack and to add all or a part of the Hydrating 0.036 Wet scrubber
water to the hydrator in this manner. Hydrate milling No visible dust 99+ Bag filter
The scrubbing effect of the sprays plus Hydrate loader and packer 0.01 99+ Bag filter
steam condensation on the dust par-
ticles induced by the cold spray water,
causes the particles to grow in size, be Bibliography scrubber installation," Tappi 48,
impacted by the spray, and settle back 1. Murray, J. A., Fischer, H. C , and 104A-108A (May 1965).
into the hydrator. Tests on plants Shade, 11. W., "Thermal analysis of 13. Mockridge, P. C., "The use of Pea-
limestone," paper presented to the body scrubbers on lime kiln stack
utilizing such simple control procedures Nat'l Lime Assoc, Washington, D. C. gases," Tappi, 255-256 (Apr. 1955).
give dust loadings in the effluent in the (Spring 1950). 14. Crocker, B. B., "Water vapor in efflu-
range of 0.01 to 0.94 grains per cu ft. 2. White, F. S., U. S. Pat. 2,465,410 ent gases: What to do about opacity
(Mar. 29, 1949) (to Dorr Co.). problems," Chem. Eng., 75, 109-116
The large variation is probably due to (July 15, 1968).
differences in spray pressure, stack 3. Ellerbeck, T. 11., U. S. Pat. 2,451,024
(Oct. 12, 1948). 15. Collins, T. T., Jr., "Pilot plant study
velocity, liquid to gas rate, and number 4. Roberts, J. E., "Lime kiln design 1— of a multiclone unit operating on stack
of spray stages. Other plants have used UCM's vertical lime kiln," Chem. Eng. gases from a lime kiln," Paper Trade
Prog., 59, 88-91 (Oct. 1963). J., 126, 63-4 (Mar. 18, 1948).
recirculating Venturi-ejector scrubbers 16. Wheeler, D. IL, Carlisle, J. L.,
or other commercial wet scrubbers. 5. Anon., "Rockwell lime company oper-
ating non-pressure hydrator," Pit and Brousseau, G., Lacy, G. R., and Bergs-
Tests on commercial wet scrubber in- Quarry (May 1956). trom, J., "Panel probes dust collection
stallations (not designated by type) 6. Havighorst, C. R., "Improved fluid problems," Rock Products, 76-80 (Jan.
bed calcination hikes lime produc- 1965).
have given effluent loadings of 0.01 - 0.03 17. Carlisle, J. C , "Texas lime tackles
tion," Chem. Eng. 71, 104-6 (Oct. 26.
grains per cu ft. Unfortunately, the 1964). dust," Chem. Processing, 27, 46-47
discharge from efficient wet scrubbers 7. Shafer, M., and Brandt, M. W., "Lime (Sept., 1964).
will usually still be opaque with condens- kiln design 2—hot cyclone develop- 18. Porter, C. C., et al, "Elimination of
ment improves lime yield," Chem. Eng. lime stack losses with the type N roto-
ing water vapor. Prog., 59, 95-99 (Dec. 1963). clone," Paper Trade J., 124*, 33-6 (Feb.
The treatment of hydrate following 8. Kohanowski, F. I., "Lime kiln de- 6, 1947).
hydration is usually milling and air sign 3—the grate kiln system," Chem. 19. Bauer, W. G., "Factors of dust sup-
classification. Conventional air-swept Eng. Prog., 60, 80-84 (Jan. 1964). pression in small to medium size ro-
9. Law, C. and Hauser, P., "Lime in- tary kiln systems," Pit and Quarry,
equipment is used for this purpose and if dustry gets boost from new kiln de- 134-139 (May 1958).
kept under the proper suction with a sign," Chem. Eng., 71, 88-9 (June 8, 20. Wolfe, J. M., "Kiln dust—properties
bag filter and exhaust fan, will give no 1964). and handling," Pit and Quarry, 136-
problem. Conventional bag filters with 10. Anon., "Automatic kiln features mov- 145 (Mar. 1964).
ing hearth; Calcimatic," Can. Chem. 21. Walker, A. B., and Hall, R. M.,
cotton bags will give 99+% recovery. Process, 49, 46 (Feb. 1965). "Operating experience with a flooded
Since the majority of these would be 11. Anon., "River Rouge plant supplies disc scrubber—a new variable throat
shaken only every few hours, the bleed Detroit steelmakers," Rock Products orifice contactor," APCA Paper No.
through immediately following shaking (July 1966). 67-147, presented at the APCA 60th
12. Stuart, H. H., and Bailey, R. E., Annual Mtg, Cleveland, Ohio, June
is not serious. "Performance study of a lime kiln and 11-16, 1967.

January 1969 Volume 19, No. 1 39

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