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consulting firm or simply consultancy is a professional service firm that provides expert

advice for a fee. The deliverable of a management consultant is usually recommendations for
achieving a company objective, leading to a company project.

Consultants are people who specialize in helping clients resolve their company’s most
urgent problems, issues, or projects. They work across a huge range of roles and industries
and share their gift of analyzing information and identifying the best path for each
company to take. Consultants tend to be individuals with at least a few years of experience
under their belts in a particular field or focus.

The pros
 It’s challenging and rewarding
 It’s fast-paced and you get a sense of freedom
 You’ll constantly be learning
The cons
 Income instability
 There’s constant change

15 types of consulting jobs

1. Strategy consulting

Starting at one of the broadest types of consulting, strategic consultants assist with the
upper-level decision making in a business. This is definitely a big-picture-thinking type of
job, generally advising at the highest level within a company (think C-Suite, Directors, and
Senior Managers). Since this is a broad role, it can fit in a variety of sectors.

2. Marketing consulting

Marketing is a very broad field of work, making it a bountiful option for consultants. From
email marketing to paid acquisition, to content production, there are a ton of areas that
marketing consultants can assist with. Overall, these consultants will develop new
strategies to help companies better target or convert their key demographic.

3. Operations consulting

Another broad type of consulting is operations. An operational consultant uses data and
research to help an organization streamline its operations, and/or enhance its operational

For example, they could be tasked to help reduce costs, increase business efficiency, or
improve company productivity. They may also be brought in to focus on the operations of
individual teams.

4. Financial consulting

Helping businesses manage their finances more effectively is a highly sought out service.
People in this role might be tasked with identifying cutbacks to improve profit, or simply
protecting, restructuring, or maximizing a company’s bottom line. Often, small businesses
won’t have the need, or budget, to hire a full-time finance manager, and thus require a
professional financial consultant to fill in the gap. On the flip side, larger corporations may
get into a sticky situation and need outside finance advice to help set them on the right
5. HR consulting

Human resources consultants support businesses in a number of ways including: training

and development, maintaining employee satisfaction, and conflict resolution techniques.
Sometimes people in this line of consulting are also brought on to recruit or hire new

6. Compliance consulting

Ensuring your business is adhering to federal and local laws and regulations is an
important part of being a business owner. A wealth of knowledge of local and federal laws
is a must for any compliance consultant. Sure, it sounds a little boring, but it’s super
important for businesses to be set up for success when it comes to complying with laws! A
lawsuit is no laughing matter.

7. Technology / IT consulting

A technology consultant is hired to ensure a company’s software and technology aren’t

hindering their productivity in any way. If it is, the consultant will recommend and
implement changes to improve things. IT consultants could be hired for anything from
software management to data analytics. Individuals in these roles may also be responsible
for ensuring devices and programs are secure so that private information cannot be hacked
or breached.

8. Legal consultant

Larger companies will usually have their own internal lawyers or a law firm on contract,
while many medium and small businesses don’t have the need for someone full time.
Whatever the reason, when a legal consultant is called in, it’s their job to ensure the
company is aware of all legalities, and present a solution on how to move forward. It
requires a lot of research, focus, and experience to provide the best information to their

9. Social media consultant

A part of the larger marketing category, social media consultants are a relatively new area
of consultancy. A social media consultant ensures a business is doing all it can to drive
potential customers to its website via its social media channels. Unlike some of the other
roles mentioned above, social media consultants are often self-made, or have gained their
experience from work.

Since the social media landscape—and the algorithms that define it— are constantly
changing, someone looking to get into this line of consulting should always have their
finger on the pulse of each platform. In other words, they need to keep informed of the
newest updates and strategies.

10. Sustainability consultant

These days, businesses must ensure they meet all manner of environmental regulations. A
sustainability consultant might be someone with a Bachelor in Environmental Science who
can help a business identify ways to reduce its carbon footprint and take on more
sustainable practices.
11. Sales consultant

Sales consultants have a wide range of skills that help drive a business’s revenue. This can
range from helping incentivize the sales team to improving the sales process on the
customer’s side. A sales consultant is a relationship and negotiation expert. Similar to
marketing, securing a sales consultant role requires proven experience and records of
surpassing sales targets, and maintaining large books of business. In this role, experience
outweighs a formal sales education.

12. Wellness/Fitness consultant

A fitness consultant is so much more than a personal trainer. They often hold degrees in
nutrition or sports science and can help their clients implement fitness programs on a
company-wide or personal level.

13. Growth marketing consultant

A newer type of consulting that falls within the marketing umbrella is the growth
marketing consultant. This is a relatively new term, but the premise is simple: these
consultants help to grow and scale a company through “growth marketing” efforts.
Examples would be, finding and scaling new channels for acquisition, or finding ways to
improve the overall marketing funnel to increase conversions.

14. Career coaching consultancy

Sometimes people hit walls in their life and end up stuck in a job or career path they don’t
want to be in. A career coaching consultant can help people identify their skills and what
type of job they’d flourish in. Personal development consultants work closely with their
clients and help them develop strategies and techniques to improve aspects of their
personal life.

15. PR consultancy

A PR consultant can help extend the reach of a company’s presence and improve the
public’s view of a company. They help shape what people think about a business’s
products or services, employees, or ownership. PR consultants are usually tasked with
writing and pitching press releases, building campaigns, working with media and
influencer partners, conducting or setting up interviews.

Key terms involved attaining consultancy services

Highly specialized

The term refers to have attained skills and competence for a particular assignment or
concentrate on and become expert in a particular subject or skill. At the buyer end seeking
consultancy services the term might refer to as the class of work that requires scares skills
rarely available in the local market. For instance, construction of monuments and arts work or
some work related to security purposes. However, for service provider it may refer to having
vast resource including human resource equipped with high competitive skills to meet the
Specialized is defined as something is more specified or directed toward a specific goal.
An example of specialized is a building contractor with extra skills in plumbing. Requiring or
having detailed training or expertise in a particular field. Paleography (the study of ancient
writing systems and the deciphering and dating of historical manuscripts.) is a
very specialized field.


It comes from the Latin Novus, which refers to doing something new and original both for
buyer and seller where additional input is required from external sources (outsourcing).

In business it is a new or improved product or business process (or a combination thereof)

that differs significantly from the firm’s previous products or business processes and that has
been introduced on the market or brought into use by the firm.

Nonetheless, innovation isn’t just about business. It’s a dynamic process that needs
implementation, i.e. that something is put into active use or made available, but it can take
place in all sectors of an economy. In fact, it can happen in four broad sectors of an economy:
businesses, the general government, households, and NGOs serving households. Where as in
Schumpeter’s vision, it is the concept of “creative destruction”.

The systems perspective of innovation is about examining the interdependencies among

actors.  As the innovation path has uncertain outcomes and follows a complex and non-linear
approach, the systems perspective is a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary one. This means
innovation system can be connected by industry, geography or technology and are many
times interrelated.

These systems perspectives are used to create innovation policies that coordinate system
transformations in society. From the decarbonization of transportation systems to the
improvement of the education system in teaching coding, these transformations require
different actors, from producers to consumers, to work together and ensure that all the
complementary components of a complex network are in place. Innovation is a continuous
learning process with several inputs. It’s not a linear or sequential process as it involves many
interactions and feedback.

An example would be Cloud seeding that is a weather modification technique that improves

a cloud's ability to produce rain or snow by artificially adding condensation nuclei to the
atmosphere, providing a base for for snowflakes or raindrops to form.

The consultancy for artificial rain service providers locally in terms of technical expertise and
infrastructure would be challenging and innovative driving to seek external outsourcing who
may meet the required standards for compliance of the project.


The term refers to a situation that is not easy to analyze or understand. The services that are
hard to connect dots towards a possible outcome requiring highly specialized skills applied at
the right time and place. Including but not limited to laws, public opinions and observations
by the locals during the process for safety and resultant intrusions to community.

The example might include construction of atomic power plant for generating energy, that
requires considerations for safe working and assessment of environmental impacts along with
meeting the international standards and docents.

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