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Application of Magnetic Resonance Imaging to the Investigation of the

Diffusivity of 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluorethane in Two Polymers

Article  in  Applied Spectroscopy · April 2004

DOI: 10.1366/000370204322886708 · Source: PubMed


3 113

2 authors:

Manghaiko Mayele Lothar Oellrich

Health Canada Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


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Application of Magnetic Resonance Imaging to the
Investigation of the Diffusivity of 1,1,1,2-Tetra uorethane in
Two Polymers


Institut für Technische Thermodynamik und Kältetechnik, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Kaiserstr. 12, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany

In order to evaluate the suitability of a polymer as a sealing ma- vents imbibed in a polymer.1– 4 MRI has the advantage
terial for certa in working  uids used in process plants, information that it does not disturb the diffusion process, unlike m ost
about the  uid diffusivity into the polymer or the polymer perm e- other techniques, which require stopping the diffusion
ability to the  uid is a prereq uisite. The  uid of interest in the
process and destroying the sample. M oreover, any infor-
present work is 1,1,1,2-tetra uorethane, CH 2FCF 3 , a partly  uori-
mation available from classical nuclear magnetic reso-
nated hydrocarbon (HFC) commonly known as refrigerant R134a.
HFC s are increasingly used in refrigeration, air conditioning, and nance (NMR) spectroscopy, e.g., self-diffusion coefŽ -
heat pump applications as substitutes for the chloro uorocarbons cient, D, spin–lattice, T 1 , and spin–spin, T 2 , relaxation
(CFCs) or hydrochloro uorocarbons (H CFCs) that are believed to times, may be obtained on a spatial basis by using M RI.
be resp onsible for ozone depletion in the stratosphere. The polymers In this work we investigate some characteristic properties
studied were FPM, a per uoroelastomer, and EPDM, an ethylene- of CH 2FCF 3 (known as R134a) diffusion into two differ-
propylene-diene rubber. The study was carried out using magnetic ent polymers: FPM (per uororubber) and EPDM (ethyl-
resonance imaging (M RI). The contact time dependence of diffusion ene-propylene-diene rubber) using nuclear spin density
of the  uid into the polymer, as well as the spatial distributions of maps and spatial distributions of T 1 and T 2 of the diffus-
spin–lattice, T 1, and spin–spin, T 2 , relaxation times, were used as ing  uid molecules.
indicators of the in uence of the EPDM matrix on the mobility of
R134a molecules.
Index Headings: Magnetic resonance im aging; Polymers; MRI;
HFC s; Diffusion in polymers. M aterials. 1,1,1,2-Tetra uorethane was supplied by
Solvay Fluor & Derivate GmbH. The elastomers FPM
and EPDM were obtained from Freudenberg Gm bH. The
INT RODUCTIO N partially  uorinated refrigerant and the rubbers were used
Solvent diffusion in polymers is important in deter- as received without further treatments.
mining the physical properties of materials that affect Equipm ent and Sample Preparation. The imaging
processing, end use, and shelf life. Many aspects of dif- system was a Bruker Avance 200 spectrom eter with m i-
fusion in polymers have been studied by using indirect croimaging units and ParaVision as the MRI processing
methods such as gravimetric analysis and optical m icros- software.
copy. It has been shown that magnetic resonance imaging During operation in refrigeration systems, the poly-
(MRI) can be applied to investigate the behavior of sol- mers are in contact with saturated refrigerant as liquid or
vapor. Therefore, the MRI measurements were carried out
Received 25 March 2003; accepted 27 October 2003.
at the vapor pressure of R134a at room temperature. For
* Author to whom correspondence should be sent. E-mail: this purpose, we built a pressure-proof sample setup that had to meet NMR requirements and Ž t into the imaging

F IG . 1. MRI samp le setup.

0003-7028 / 04 / 5803-0338$2.00 / 0
338 Volume 58, Number 3, 2004 q 2004 Society for Applied Spectroscop y
F IG . 2. Diffusion front proŽ les and images of R134a in FPM as a function of contact time.

system. The system consisted of a sample tube and a of the signal intensity of the liquid contained in the poly-
comm unicating storage buffer (Fig. 1), so that the liquid mer rather than to the very strong signal of the surround-
HFC could be rem oved after contacting the polymer and ing liquid, thus substantially improving the signal-to-
be stored in the buffer. Although this procedure stops the noise ratio of the liquid in the polymer. We used 55 mm
diffusion process, the desorption of the refrigerant at its 3 4 mm 3 2 mm FPM and EPDM rods in this work.
vapor pressure is sufŽ ciently slow to maintain the HFC M easurement M ethods. Since FPM does not contain
concentration distribution in the polym er long enough for hydrogen atoms, 1H imaging is suitable for following the
the images to be acquired. Removing the surrounding liq- diffusive penetration of the HFC into the polymer. The
uid perm its adjustment of the receiver gain to the level only restriction is the signal intensity. This is primarily


F IG . 4. FPM layer area increase as a function of contact time in the
FPM/R134a system.
F IG . 3. Integral under the diffusion front curves as a function of con-
tact time in the FPM/R134a system .

diffusion front, and thus the concentration proŽ le, of

determined by the concentration of the liquid in the poly- R134a in FPM is smooth and obviously advances with
mer. This depends on the permeability of the polymer to time toward the center of the sample. Such a concentra-
HFC. tion gradient of the diffusing liquid is regarded as char-
For EPDM, which contains H atoms, 1 H imaging is acteristic of Fick’s diffusion.8 In Case II diffusion, which
problematic. In this case the observed signal intensity can is not seen here, a sharp liquid ingress front advances
possibly result from both partners ( uid and polymer). If linearly with time. Fickian diffusion is described by the
the spin–spin relaxation time, T 2, of the H atoms of the classical equation ]C /]t 5 DDC (D is the Laplace oper-
polymer is extremely short, its NM R signal is very broad ator), which gives the spatial variation of the concentra-
and undetectable.5 This situation, which can be assessed tion C as a function of time. A plot of the area under the
by imaging the polymer alone, can change, however, diffusion front curves (Fig. 3), which represents a mea-
when the polymer comes into contact with the refrigerant, sure of the  uid uptake as a function of the contact time,
especially if the refrigerant is able to swell the polymer shows that after approximately 25 m in the polymer reach-
in such a way that the side chains become mobile. With es saturation. From Fig. 4 it can be seen that the end of
such systems one can still get information on the diffu- the swelling process, recognizable by the m aximum layer
sion process using relative measurements. To do so, a area increase, correlates well with the saturation point,
reference (a piece of polymer that does not contact the whereby the maximum layer area increase of approxi-
 uid) is Ž xed around the sample tube containing the mately 25% (related to the area after 2 m in contact time)
HFC/polymer system in such a way that it is measured is also reached at approximately 25 min contact time. The
concurrently and under the same conditions as the sam- layer area was calculated from simple measurements of
ple. The diffusion process can then be followed using length and width of the layer using PV Wave software.
difference images between the imbibed polymer and the Diffusion of R134a in EPDM . 1 H Imaging. Figure 5
net polymer (reference) images. shows the contact time dependence of the diffusion of
With the system EPDM/R134a there is an additional R134a in EPDM . Except for the reference image (Fig.
measuring possibility. Since R134a contains F atoms and 5a), in which EPDM inside and outside the sample tube
EPDM does not, the visualization of the penetration of is R134 free, Figs. 5b–5k were obtained from the differ-
R134a in EPDM can be accomplished using 19 F instead ence between images of EPDM imbibed with R134a and
of 1 H imaging. For the system FPM/R134a we used the the reference image. The neat integral intensity of R134a
H-M SME (m ulti slice m ulti echo) imaging pulse se- in EPDM is plotted in Fig. 6 as a function of the contact
quence.6 For the system EPDM /R134a, the 1H-GEFI (gra- time. It can be seen from Fig. 6 that the diffusion of
dient echo fast imaging) pulse sequence, derived from R134a in EPDM occurs Ž rst exponentially with the con-
FLASH (fast low-angle shot),7 gave us a better signal-to- tact time. Up to a contact time of approximately 2 h the
noise ratio, as well as a better contrast. In this system we  uid uptake is sm all. Afterwards the R134a concentration
also used the 19F-MSM E imaging method. rises rapidly to an equilibrium value. The polymer is sat-
urated at this time.
19 F-Imaging. The fact that only R134a contains  uo-
rine atoms in the system EPDM /R134a makes it possible
Diffusion of R134 in FPM . Figure 2 contains a series to follow the diffusion process using 19F imaging. We
of images and diffusion front proŽ les of the refrigerant applied this m ethod using a home-made 19 F Birdcage
R134a in FPM at different contact times. All measure- probe. Figure 7 shows the results at 4, 10, and 26 min
ments were made at ambient temperature and lasted for contact time. With this m ethod we investigated the spatial
approximately 4 min each for image acquisitions and 30 distribution of spin–lattice, T 1, and spin–spin, T 2, relax-
s for the proŽ les. It can be seen from the Ž gure that the ation times of R134a in saturated EPDM. The NMR pa-

340 Volume 58, Number 3, 2004

F IG . 5. Diffusion of R134a in EPDM. (a) Reference (virgin EPDM samp le). (b–k) Difference images (EPDM with R134a contact minus reference).
Contact time (in minutes) (a) 0; (b) 20; (c) 60; (d ) 80; (e) 110; (f) 130; (g) 150; (h) 173; (i) 199; (j) 219; and (k) 240.

ram eters T 1 and T 2 of a  uid diffusing into a polymer bility of the  uid molecules. Thus, the structural char-
matrix are important in specifying the motion of the  uid acteristics (homogeneity, heterogeneity) of the polymer
molecules and the degree of interaction with their envi- can be inferred from T 1 and T 2 distributions. For the de-
ronment. Generally, strong interactions of  uid molecules termination of T 1 a series of spin density images need to
with the polymer side chains result in slower molecular be acquired, whereby the time between successive ac-
motion and thus in lower T 1s and T 2 s values. The spatial quisitions (repetition time, TR) is varied at a constant
distributions of T 1 s and T 2 s indicate the spatial depen- echo time (the time required to receive an NM R signal
dence of the in uence of the polym er m atrix on the m o- in an imaging pulse sequence, TE). In the image series


is varied at constant TR. The image intensities are Ž t to
Eq. 2:
M 5 M 0 exp(2TE/T 2) (2)
As expected, the T 2 distribution image (not shown here)
also proved to be homogeneous. The Ž t of the integral
intensities of the image series to Eq. 1 (T 1 series) and Eq.
2 (T 2 series) yielded m ean relaxation times T 1 and T 2 of
464 and 4.2 m s, respectively, in the system EPDM /R134a
(Figs. 9 and 10). Contrary to solid systems in which T 1
and T 2 are ordinarily different, in neat liquids T 1 and T 2
are usually approximately equal. The observed large dif-
ference between T 1 and T 2 of the imbibed R134a mole-
cules is indicative of a strong in uence of the polymer
side chains on the m obility of the  uid.

The results presented in this work demonstrate the use-
F IG . 6. Integral intensity of R134a in EPDM as a function of contact fulness of M RI for probing the molecular diffusivity of
time. refrigerants in potential candidates for elastomeric seal
materials. This technique allows the  uid diffusion front
progression into the polymer to be noninvasively record-
the intensity (the magnetization M 0) is then attenuated ed, visualized, and analyzed. From the investigation of
according to Eq. 1: the systems FPM /R134a and EPDM/R134a, we found
that the two polymer probes behave differently in contact
M 5 M 0 [1 2 exp(2TR/T 1 )] (1) with the refrigerant even if the diffusive process follows
Applying the image sequence analyzer (ISA ) tool from Fick’s law. W hile the saturation point in FPM occurs after
Bruker, the series of images is Ž t to Eq. 1 on a pixel-by- 25 min contact time, the EPDM saturation was reached
pixel basis using a nonlinear-least-square m ethod. The after approximately 150 min. We applied 19 F imaging to
contrast of the resulting image is based solely on the T 1 s the system EPDM/R134a to investigate the spatial distri-
of the system, providing a visual representation of the bution of the NM R parameters T 1 and T 2, which are in-
spatial distribution of T 1s. Figure 8 shows the obtained dicative of the degree of interaction between the  uid
T 1 distribution image of R134a in EPDM . It can be seen molecules and the polymer matrix. It was found that both
from the T 1 proŽ les (above and right of the image) that parameters are homogenously distributed in the polymer
there are no large irregularities in the T 1 distribution. and thus concluded that the EPDM m atrix structure is
Thus, the polymer matrix can be assumed to be structur- isotropic on the scale of these experiments. These results
ally homogenous at the limit of the spatial resolution of constitute the Ž rst step in a series of MRI studies on the
the images. For the two-dimensional sequences we used diffusivity of HFCs in different polymer/HFC combina-
a square Ž eld of view (FOV) of 15 mm, a slice thickness tions aiming at the determination of the suitability of a
of 5 mm, and a matrix size of 128 3 128 pixels corre- given polymer as sealing material for a given HFC. The
sponding to a voxel size of 0.117 mm 3 0.117 m m 3 5 work is in progress in our laboratory.
mm . This m eans that every pixel in the image displays
a grey-scale value that corresponds to the signal intensity ACK NOW LEDGM ENTS
from a sample voxel with these dimensions. Choosing the The authors thank the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG, for
matrix size of 128 3 128 and increasing slice thickness supporting this work within the DFG Research Group (Forschergruppe)
FOR 338: Application of NMR to the investigation of structure and
to 5 mm yielded an image with lower spatial resolution, transport processes in disperse system s. We also thank M r. Joachim
but higher signal from each voxel. The T 2 distribution is Tillich for support with the MRI experiments and M r. Karl-Heinz Rep-
determined similarly to the T 1 distribution, whereby TE ple for preparation of the MRI probes.

F IG . 7. 19
F images of the diffusion of R134a in EPDM at (reading from left to right) 4, 10, and 26 min contact time.

342 Volume 58, Number 3, 2004

F IG . 8. T 1 distribution in the EPDM/R134a system .

F IG . 10. M ean T 2 in the EPDM /R134a system.

F IG . 9. M ean T 1 in the EPDM /R134a system.

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