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Course Title : Child and Adolescent Learning and Learning Principles

No. of Units : 3 Units

I. Course Description
This course aims to introduce teacher-education students to human growth, development
and learning- theories, concepts, stages, and processes- from conception to old age,
focusing on the social, moral, emotional, and cognitive development of the learners
whom they will be handling and/or dealing with in exercise of their chosen career. This
aims to give them the knowledge and develop in them the values and skills to effectively
deal with the latter at different levels.
II. Objectives
At the end of the term, the students can
*demonstrate understanding of the theories and principles of human growth,
development and learning,
*explain the nature of the learners and discuss means to effectively deal with
them, and
*apply their knowledge in human growth, development and learning to the
teaching-learning process.
III. Course Outline
THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE LEARNER                                                             
            Research Methods Used in the Different Fields
            Focusing on Human Growth and Development                                     
            Stages of Human Development in Biological Terms                                              
            Prenatal Development                                                                             
            Stage Theories of Development                                                              
            Ecological Systems Theory                                                                    
            Lev Vygotsky’s Ideas on Development  Information Processing 
Theory of Cognitive Development                                                          
     Psychosocial Development Theory                                                         
Moral Development Theory                                                                   
Faith Development Theory                                                                   
Theory of Psychosexual Development                                        
Attachment Theory                                                                                
Role of Experience                                                                    
Evolutionary Developmental Psychology           
Nature versus Nurture                                                                                       
            Definitions of Nature and Nurture                                                           
Interaction of Genes and Environment
Stages of Development                                                                          
Infancy Stage                                                                                         
Preschool Stage                                                                                     
Young Adult (Early Adulthood)                                      
Middle Age                                                                               
Old Age                                                                                                
Human Growth and Development – A Matter of Principles                                 
Principles of Development                                                                      
The Exceptional Individuals                                                                                
The Gifted Individuals                                                                
The Mentally Handicapped                                                                    
Individuals with Learning Disability                                                         
Types of Learning Disabilities Involving Areas of Perception                   
Specific Developmental Disorders of Speech and Language                                
Specific Developmental Disorders of Scholastic Skills                                       
Specific Developmental Disorders of Motor Function                             
            Relation to Cultural and Social Factors                                                   
            Theoretical Traditions                                                                                        
            Brain Areas Related to Emotion                                                                         
            Determinants of Mood                                                                           
LANGUAGE ACQUISITION                                                                                     
Nativist Theories                                                                                    
Non-nativist Theories                                                                             
            The Need to Learn                                                                                            
Hierarchy of Human Needs                                                                    
            Learning Theories                                                                                              
Reinforcement and Punishment                                       
   Notable Constructivists                                                  
         Information Processing Theory                                                   
Social Learning Theory                                                              
Other Learning Theories/Theorists                                                          
            Basic Learning Processes                                                                                   
            Learning Styles                                                                                    
Learning Style Models                                                             
            Cognition in Mainstream Psychology                                                                
            Classification of Human Senses                                                
            Concept Formation      
            Mental Image                                                                                                  
            Problem Solving                                                                                              
            Critical Thinking                                                                                   
            Lateral Thinking                                                                                   
            Creative Thinking                                                                                 
            The Human Brain                                                                                             
            Lateralization of Brain Function                                                
            Brain Enhancement                                                                              
            One or Several Types of Intelligence                                                                
Triarchic Theory of Systems Intelligence                       
Emotional Intelligence                                                              
Multiple Intelligences                                                                             
Relationship to Education         
IV. Reference(s)
Unless otherwise specified, the contents of this course are taken from  with permission as specified below.

Permission is hereby granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document

under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2  or any
later version published by the Free Software Foundation, with the invariant
section being, Human Growth and Development - A Matter of Principles. A
copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation
V.  Delivery Approaches
      Cooperative Learning – Instrumented Team Learning
      Learning by Teaching
      Lecture / Discussion – Socratic Method
      Library Research
VI. Criteria for Grading
      Class Recitation (Verbal Report, Verbal Discussion) ……………………    40.00 %
      Term Examination (Prelim, Midterm, Semifinal, Final) …………………    30.00 %
      Quizzes ……………………………………………………………………    15.00 %
      Term Paper ………………………………………………………………..    10.00 %
       Attendance ……………………………………………………………….      5.00 %
                                                      Total ………………………………………   100.00 %

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