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Social media
I mostly use the internet for social media, as almost all teenagers do. We
use Facebook, Instagram and other social networks because we can easily
communicate and distribute any type of content (video, text, audio) with
each other at distance, anytime.
I also use the internet for educational purposes. I use Youtube a lot, which is a
platform where you can find anything and you can learn anything. For example,
on youtube I learned how to change my windows, or rather to hack it.There is
google, where if we search we can find any information from how to cook to
changing the oil of a car.
3. Shopping
With the virus we had to adapt and that's what we did. We can no longer go to
stores because of fears of the disease, so we shop online. You can buy anything
on the internet, whether new or used products. All you have to do is to look for
your product according to your preferences, place an order and it will come to
your home. How great is this.
4.Business/Online Business
If you have a business, you can promote it either on social networks or on the
Internet through a website, in order to attract customers.De asemenea poti
controla si verifica activitatea business-ului de la distanta.
If you do not have a business you can create one online and you can start
without money. Nowadays people get income from the online environment.
5.Online payment

TV subscriptions, telephones, bills, taxes, etc can be paid online with the card,
without the need to go and pay them.You can also pay online for a product that
you can pick it up personally.

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