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Ken Isidro

Goldilocks and the 3 hunger bears

Once upon a time, there were 3 little bears living in the woods together in the middle of

the woods. One of the bears was huge and strong, one was a middle-sized bear and, another bear

was small. One morning all the 3 bears were feeling empty and hungry, they were all craving

something to eat and to devour a juicy piece of meat like an elk or deer So they set off into the

forest to go hunt for some food. On the same day there was a girl named Goldilocks she was

playing around the forest and stumbled across the 3 bears house she was very intrigued to go in

and to explore but there was a sign saying and warning people that if you get caught or get seen

you will be eaten on sight. But Goldilocks thought that it was just a scare tactic to keep people

off the property so she went inside without hesitation feeling confident that no one was home.

When she went inside she saw 3 chairs in fort of a t.v so she tried the first chairs the first chair

was big and felt rock solid and felt like she was sitting on a thousand needles. Now she was

trying the second chair it was middle-sized chair she sat on it was very soft and felt like she was

sitting on clouds but was soon consumed by the chair of its softness. Goldilocks was going to try

the last chair it was nor too soft or too hard it was just right but the chair broke under the

Goldilocks weight and was shattered into small pieces and getting splinters and cuts in her hand.

Instead of cleaning the mess she made as a lazy person she is she got up and cleaned her self and

started to head upstairs to see what was in the bedrooms, Goldilocks saw 3 beds she tried the first

one it was the biggest out of all of them it was hard and felt like she was laying down on a bunch

nails piercings inside her back. She tried the second bed and it was soft as a sheep’s wool and felt

like she was heaven but a very bad one she almost go eaten the bed Goldilocks jump out of bed

just in time. Goldilocks was going to try the last bed it was small but she tried it anyway it was

not piercings her back it was not swallowing her but break into tiny pieces and shards of wood
Ken Isidro

flying ever nearly cutting her eye wide open. After time past the 3 bears came back home to see

their house in a huge mess broken chairs and beds the 3 bears saw goldilocks trying to sneak out

of the house but the 3 bears were not in the mood to let her go she eas a fresh meat and thought

to eat her. Visibly shook Goldilocks tried to run as fast as she could to the door but was locked to

hope left she cried and cried telling the bears not to eat her but the bears didn’t care they grab

here and slammed on down the dinner table with saliva dripping down their mouths and having

glowing red eyes. They started to rip her skin off piece by piece and training through like she

was a pice off butter and guts going everywhere like if they were eating spaghetti and meatballs

and eating here legs off as if it was chicken wings. After all of the screaming and struggling

blood all over the walls they cleaned themselves off and fixed up the house cleaned the house

and went upstairs and got in their new beds and their belly filled up they fell asleep.

The end

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