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Faculty of Business and Economics

Department of Business Administration and Marketing

Organizational behavior

“Case Study”

Prepared by:
Name: Dina Abu Jumaa Number: 1181147

Instructor: Mira Al Far

Section: 3

Date :17/ 1 / 2020

QUISTION: Recall a time when you failed to speak up during a group meeting. What were the reasons
for your silence? Are they similar to or different from the reasons discussed here?

While in group meetings I tend to be more vocal. This is simply based on my role in my uni and my
personality. What I have noticed though through my experience is there aretimes in which the best
course of action is to be silent and listen. I tend to do this when there is a teacher or doctor talking in the
room, as I do not want to be disrespectful. I can go an entire meeting forgetting to even say one word.
This can leave ideas or important information that I can contribute out of the discussion. I believe this is
exactly like the example given in this scenario.The anxiety thinking that others in the room are smarter
than me tend to choke me up. I feel like this is a common response most people suffer of.

QUISTION: Beyond the tips provided in this Case Incident, can you think of other strategies that can
help the tongue-tied?

by practice : people who are not able to speak during meetings can practice with colleagues
who are good at speaking and asking for tips
by training : people can improve their communication skills and personality and get more

QUISTION: Imagine you are leading a team meeting and you notice that a couple of team members are
not contributing. What specific steps might you take to try to increase their contributions?
first i will guide them to stay updated with group so they can share ideas without messing out
trough the discussion
motivate them to work more and communicate more

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