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Reflection 2

1. Reflection (250 words – 10%)

What did you learn from completing Reflection (Learning Journal) 1 that you have applied
to writing Reflection (Learning Journal) 2?

An important concept that I have learned from completing Reflection (Learning Journal) 1 is
that I need to apply a more in-depth discussion when considering the topic being applied to
my reflection. I have learnt that I need to focus more on the question that is being asked
rather than the topic itself. Throughout Reflection (Learning Journal) 2 I have written a more
detailed explanation of each sub-topic, including what interested me about the sub-topic,
the main concepts relating to the sub-topic and how it is relevant to my social world.
Including more detailed information throughout these questions has allowed me to apply
my new skill within reflection 2. The feedback given about reflection 1, made me realise that
I need to improve the way I paraphrase within my discussions. Within Reflection 2 I have
applied my knowledge gained after reflection 1 on how to paraphrase consistently when
writing about the topic being discussed. Throughout reflection 1 I had a sound achievement
when paraphrasing within my writing, which could have possibly made me come under
scrutiny for academic misconduct. Using this feedback given from reflection 1, it has helped
me to have a better understanding when referencing information being used from
textbooks, in reflection 2, and will refrain me from gaining any possible academic
misconduct. – 215
2a Topic: Self and Identity / self- esteem – 500 words

1. What interested me about this sub-topic?

I chose to discuss the sub-topic of self-esteem as I believe it is an important factor which

influences people’s choices and decisions heavily. This sub-topic interested me as it is a
motivation function which some people may lack and others don’t. It is perceived towards
individuals through different perspectives about themselves when they have either a poor
self-esteem or a high self-esteem, which interested me on what factors influence these

2. What are the main concepts related to this sub-topic (include a short quote to
illustrate your understanding)

An individual’s identity is associated with what they think they are and how they perceive
themselves. Self-esteem is particularly the same, though it is initially connected to the way
that someone values themselves. Self-esteem is reliant on self-evaluation and narcissism.
Self-evaluation is the way a person views themselves with the continuing process of
determining personal growth and progress. This can be raised or lowered by the behaviour
of a close other, influencing an individual’s self-esteem, or by achievements made
personally. An individual’s self-esteem is effected by problems and failures causing a low
self-esteem to be developed, reflecting the reality of how things are going for ourselves in
our life (textbook). Self-esteem grows excessively from hard-won achievements, making an
individual feel good about themselves (textbook). Self-evaluation initially causes an
individual to determine how they feel and develops their self-esteem to either be low or
high. Psychologists William Damon (1995), Robyn Dawes (1994), Mark Leary (1999), Martin
Seligman 919994-2002) and Roy Baumeister and colleagues (2003), highly doubt that self-
esteem protects children from underachievement’s such as drug abuse or delinquency,
though believe it has the opposite effect (textbook). When self-evaluating, an individual
often decides to resort to these kinds of behaviours when they both have a low or high self-
esteem. Either because they want to fit in or try to diminish their feelings, or because they
feel superior and think highly of themselves. High self-esteem becomes problematic if it
crosses over into narcissism (textbook). Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from
egotistic admiration of ones idealised self-image and attributes. Narcissists have high self-
esteem, and care mostly only about themselves with an inflated sense of self, leading to
relationship problems in the future. Narcissism is relatively increasing in younger people as
social media is making individuals become more self-obsessed. A study was conducted to
reveal that individuals who score high on measures of narcissistic personality traits also
score high on measures of self-esteem. Narcissists commonly claim high self-esteem for
show to hide insecurities. The main concepts related to self-esteem are an individual’s self-
evaluation and narcissism. These main concepts play a major role in the way a person thinks
and acts when developing a low or high self-esteem through these concepts.
3. How is this sub-topic relevant to my social world (including the limitations of your

2b Topic: Prejudice and Discrimination / specify sub-topic you chose (same questions as
above) – 500 words
2c Topic: Attraction and Close Relationships / specify sub-topic you chose (same
questions) – 500 words

3) How has the Learning Journal contributed to my understanding if social psychology and
scholarly writing? (10% - 250 word maximum)

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