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Journal of Science Education and Technology PP177-340588 June 11, 2001 11:34 Style file version Oct. 23, 2000

Journal of Science Education and Technology, Vol. 10, No. 3, 2001

Do No Harm—A Comparison of the Effects of On-Line

Vs. Traditional Delivery Media on a Science Course

Regina Schoenfeld-Tacher,1,2 Sherry McConnell,1 and Michele Graham1

This paper presents the results of a study designed to examine the effects of distance delivery on
student performance and classroom interactions in an upper level science (Histology) course.
Outcomes were assessed by comparing performance on content pre- and posttests for students
enrolled in on-campus and on-line sections of the same course. Interactions were classified
according to initiator, topic, and Bloom’s taxonomy level for content interactions. The resulting
patterns were analyzed to compare behaviors in different settings. It was found that although
the groups were indistinguishable in content knowledge at the outset of the study, by the end
of the semester, students in the on-line group significantly out-performed their peers in the
on-campus section. The on-line settings had a greater proportion of high-level interactions
(according to Bloom’s taxonomy) than the on-campus setting.
KEY WORDS: Distance learning; on-line instruction; interactions; Bloom’s taxonomy; histology.

INTRODUCTION The question of whether or not electronic me-

dia can influence learning has been a subject of
When a new teaching technique is employed, it debate in the literature for over 15 years. Clark
is essential to examine the potential risks associated (1983, 1994a,b) argues that “media are mere vehicles
with teaching in a different manner. If the new that deliver instruction but do not influence student
technique is to be adopted on a permanent basis, an achievement . . .” (1983, p. 445). In contrast, Kozma
in-depth assessment must be conducted to verify that (1994b) states that “both media and methods influ-
“no harm is done” and students are not suffering any ence learning and they frequently do it by influencing
negative effects as a result of the innovation. On-line each other” (p. 11). Based on all the arguments pre-
delivery is an example of an innovation whose sented by both parties (Clark, 1983, 1994a,b; Kozma,
effects have been severely criticized in recent times. 1991, 1994a,b), it can be concluded that the media it-
College curriculum committees routinely question self does not cause differences in learning, but does
the academic rigor of distance-delivered courses, facilitate teaching methods that may affect learning.
and there is a prevalent fear that the academic In accordance with this theoretical perspective, the
rigor of courses is being compromised in order to current study was designed not to compare the ef-
facilitate use of distance delivery. This concern is fects of two different media on learning, but rather to
especially directed toward science courses, where examine how a new delivery medium affects teaching
the lack of hands-on laboratory sessions is fre- methods, as represented by classroom interactions.
quently cited as a potential deficit for learners (Carr, A total of 44 students participated in the study.
2000). All were enrolled in an upper level histology course
at a large, land grant university in the Western US. Of
1 Anatomy
these 44 students, 11 were enrolled in the on-line (dis-
W102, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical
tance delivered) section of the course. These students
Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523-
1601. completed the entire course, including all examina-
2 To whom correspondence should be addressed; e-mail: reginast@ tions at a distance, and did not participate in any type of on-campus instructional activity. In contrast, the

1059-0145/01/0900-0257$19.50/0 °
C 2001 Plenum Publishing Corporation
Journal of Science Education and Technology PP177-340588 June 11, 2001 11:34 Style file version Oct. 23, 2000

258 Schoenfeld-Tacher, McConnell, and Graham

33 students enrolled in the on-campus (traditional) provide students with a greater opportunity than a lec-
section of the course met face-to-face in a classroom ture class to engage in higher levels of thought, such
for three, 50-min lecture periods per week and partici- as reflection and deep processing, which Vygotsky
pated in a 3-hour, on-campus laboratory session each (1978) deems as critical to learning and retention.
week. Students in the on-campus section only used According to Moore and Kearsley (1996),
the Internet to complete exams (administered in the learner–instructor interaction is necessary once the
same format as for the on-line section). content has been presented in order to facilitate
The specific objectives of this study were to learner–content interactions. The instructor needs to
provide opportunities for students to practice the con-
1. Determine if there was a difference in con-
cepts they have acquired and give students formative
tent achievement between students enrolled
feedback on their progress, before assessing if instruc-
in on-campus and on-line sections of Histol-
tional objectives were met. This type of interaction
ogy (learner–content interaction).
was supported in the on-line Histology course through
2. Investigate the effect of computer-mediated
the use of frequent formative quizzes (referred to as
communication (CMC) on classroom interac-
bonehead quizzes) and on-line chat sessions moder-
tions (learner–learner and learner–instructor
ated by the instructor (second author). These interac-
tions helped the students assess their own progress in
a) Examine the proportion of time devoted to
the course and encouraged further learner–content in-
content interactions versus other types of
teractions. Another function of these activities was to
interactions in each setting.
facilitate learner–content interactions by elaborating
b) Evaluate the quality of interactions based
on material with which students were having difficulty.
on depth of thought (Bloom’s taxonomy)
Learner–learner interactions play an important
3. Investigate how the presence or absence of
pedagogical role in distance education, (Slavin, 1996),
an instructor affected the number and type of
as they provide opportunities for students to discuss
questions that occur in on-line group interac-
the content with others, resulting in improved cog-
nitive processing. During these interactions, student
Bloom and Krathwohl (1956) developed a misconceptions are exposed and remedied during the
scheme to classify the levels and types of intellectual negotiation of meaning that takes place while inter-
behavior important in learning. The resulting classi- acting with peers. The unique attributes of on-line en-
fication scheme is a taxonomy that consists of three vironments lead students to get to know each other
domains: cognitive, psychomotor, and affective. The more quickly than they would in a traditional envi-
cognitive taxonomy classifies questions based on their ronment (Kimbrough et al., 1998), a tendency that
level of abstraction. Higher levels of abstraction are can be harnessed by instructors to promote creation
assumed to demonstrate increased depth of learning. of support networks and study groups. Students in on-
It was therefore important to examine levels of ques- line Histology demonstrated this tendency when they
tioning taking place in the on-line Histology course unexpectedly formed on-line study groups and orga-
in order to ensure the delivery medium did not harm nized their own review sessions without the instruc-
students’ learning by promoting lower level thinking tor’s intervention. Usually, a student spontaneously
at the expense of higher-order reasoning skills such as assumed the role of moderator (typically fulfilled by
synthesis and analysis. the instructor) by leading with questions and remind-
Another concern frequently associated with dis- ing her classmates to stay focused on the content. Sim-
tance delivery is the lack of classroom interactions. ilar to the instructor-led sessions, students also called
Moore and Kearsley (1996) define three essential on each other to ask questions, pulling in students who
types of interaction within distance education envi- were watching but not actively participating.
ronments. These are learner–content, learner–learner
and learner–instructor interaction. Learner–content METHODS
interaction describes the communication that occurs
between the learner and the subject matter. These This study employed a combination of qualita-
interactions enable the learners to construct their tive and quantitative methods to examine the ef-
own knowledge by integrating new information into fects of computer-mediated communication on stu-
their preexisting mental structures. Due to its asyn- dent learning. Observations were conducted in two
chronous design, on-line Histology was expected to sections (on-line and on-campus) of the same course,
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Do No Harm: Effects of On-Line and Traditional Delivery Media on a Science Course 259

taught by the same instructor during a single semester. Four multiple-choice and laboratory identification ex-
Since the participating instructor had sole responsi- aminations, each comprehensive, determine student
bility for the on-line section but was part of a teach- grades in the course. During the spring semester 2000,
ing team for the on-campus course, this study exam- on-line Histology was offered concurrently with the
ined student achievement only for the instruction she on-campus course, with the same instructor in both
designed and presented in both modalities. This spe- courses (entirely for the on-line version, and for about
cific content was selected to avoid confounding the a third of the on-campus course).
results by comparing instruction developed by differ- Transcripts of interactions in each setting were
ent faculty, as noted by Clark (1983). Clark explains independently coded and analyzed by two of the au-
that a large portion of the favorable results attributed thors who then cross-checked for reliability. An inter-
to media use may be caused by “systematic but un- action was defined as any utterance from a participant
controlled differences in content and/or method, con- in the form of a question. Each question was coded
tributed unintentionally by different teachers or de- into one of four topic categories:
signers” (p. 448–49).
• Content – any question directly pertaining to
Participating students in both sections completed
course material
the same pretest, consisting of 25 multiple choice
• Administrative – questions regarding adminis-
questions. The instructor presented the same mate-
trative details of the course, such as due dates
rial, using the same clinical examples in both situa-
for assignments
tions. Learning outcomes were assessed by student
• Management – questions used to manage the
achievement on course exams. Identical exam ques-
flow of a class, such as prompting to move on
tions were asked of students in both sections, but at
to the next topic.
different times during the semester. A total of 32 mul-
• Social – all questions of a nonacademic nature.
tiple choice questions were used to calculate a posttest
score for each participant. Student scores on pre- and Content questions were further classified accord-
posttests were compared by t-tests and an analysis of ing to the demonstrated level of abstraction or depth
covariance in order to determine if there were any dif- of thought, in accordance with the definitions estab-
ferences in performance between students enrolled in lished in Bloom’s taxonomy (Bloom and Krathwohl,
each of the sections. 1956):
Classroom interactions were observed in three
• Knowledge – Simple recall or recognition of a
settings: on-campus lecture, on-line chat (instruc-
tor present), and on-line review (instructor absent,
• Comprehension – Interpretation, translation.
student-organized study sessions). Throughout this
At this level, the student must be able to
paper, the term “chat” will be used to denote
demonstrate use of abstraction when asked to.
instructor-led synchronous sessions, while “review”
• Application – Requires application of an ab-
will indicate the student-run synchronous sessions
straction to new problem without being shown
(instructor absent). Although student-content inter-
how to do it in a new situation.
action undoubtedly takes place in more situations,
• Analysis – Breaking down material into con-
these settings were selected for their accessibility to
stituent parts and detecting relationship of
the researchers. As a group, these settings represent
these parts in the whole.
a continuum of environments, from a very familiar
• Synthesis – Putting together parts and elements
structured setting (traditional lecture), to a novel un-
to elucidate a previously poorly defined pattern
structured setting (on-line review session organized
or structure.
and facilitated by students).
• Evaluation – Judging the extent to which
The on-line Histology course is structured us-
ideas, solutions, methods, and materials satisfy
ing the common concepts of lectures and laborato-
ries as an organizational metaphor. WebCT was se-
lected as the delivery software. At the end of each Data were statistically analyzed via t-tests,
lecture, students are led to a quick self-assessment ANCOVA and ANOVA. When appropriate, posthoc
quiz about content learning. In the laboratories, stu- comparisons were conducted using the LSD test.
dents view microscope images captured at various An alpha value of .05 was selected as the signifi-
powers (low, medium, high and oil immersion) to sim- cance level for all tests. The data were analyzed us-
ulate the process of moving a microscope objective. ing each session as an independent observation. For
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260 Schoenfeld-Tacher, McConnell, and Graham

each session observed, the percentage of interactions Table II. Analysis of Covariance of Posttest Scores as a Function
in each category was computed. These percentages of Course Section, With Pretest Scores as Covariate
were then weighted according to the total number of Source df MS F η2
interactions taking place in each session. Pretest Score (covariate) 1 1.08 0.12 0.000
Course section 1 542.17 5.95∗ 0.192
Error 25 91.15
DATA SOURCES ∗p < .05.

Subjects for this study were students, enrolled

in two sections (on-campus and on-line) of a Histol- Rate of Interactions
ogy course at a 4-year university, and their instructor.
Eleven of the students agreeing to participate were The average rate of interactions was computed
enrolled in the on-line section and 33 in the on-campus by dividing the total number of interactions in each
section. setting by the total amount of time elapsed over all
Data were collected from a combination of sessions. A one-way ANOVA (Table III) proved sig-
course exams, chat transcripts, and direct observa- nificant (F = 6.07, p < .01), so a posthoc LSD test was
tions (lecture). The classroom management software conducted. As expected, the rates of interaction were
used to run the course generated chat transcripts significantly higher in both on-line settings (review
and tracked student performance on both pre- and and chat) than for the on-campus lectures (Table IV).
posttests. An observer manually recorded data on on- However, since the on-campus lectures were intended
campus interactions. to present material, whereas the on-line sessions were
intended to elaborate upon previously covered mate-
rial, the significance of these differences has limited
RESULTS practical implications.

Academic Outcomes
Originator of Interactions
At the outset of the study, there was no statisti-
A one-way ANOVA (Table V) revealed a signif-
cally significant difference in academic performance
icant difference (F = 6.49, p < .001) in the percentage
between students in either section, as measured by a
of interactions initiated by students and instructor in
content pretest. However, posttest results were signif-
each setting. Posthoc tests showed students initiated
icantly different (t = −2.032, p < .05), with students in
a larger percentage of interactions (weighted aver-
the on-line section outperforming their counterparts
age, calculated using each session as an independent
in the on-campus session by an average of seven per-
observation) during on-line class sessions than in on-
centage points (Table I). Since the on-line group had
campus sessions (Table VI). Within a setting, there
a slightly lower pretest mean, the observed cross-over
was no significant difference in the percentage of in-
effect was further examined through an analysis of co-
teractions initiated by the instructor or the students.
variance (Table II). When the effects of pretest per-
formance are controlled for (by using pretest scores
as a covariate), the effect of instruction type (on-line Topic of Interactions
vs. on-campus) on posttest scores is statistically sig-
nificant (F = 5.95, p < .05), with a small to medium When the topic of interactions was examined,
effect size (η2 = 0.192) according to Cohen (1988). the greatest amount of content interactions oc-
curred during on-campus sessions, whereas the largest

Table I. Academic Performance on Content Tests (Percentage

Table III. One-Way Analysis of Variance Summary for Rate of
Scores) for Students in Each Course Section
Interactions by Setting
On-line On-campus
Source df SS MS F
Test N M SD N M SD df t
Between groups 2 6328.51 3164.26 6.07∗∗
Pretest 6 10.67 9.35 22 15.09 11.51 26 0.863 Within group 24 12521.03 521.71
Posttest 11 80.11 10.67 31 72.78 10.15 40 −2.03∗ Total 26 18849.54
∗p < .05. ∗∗ p < .01.
Journal of Science Education and Technology PP177-340588 June 11, 2001 11:34 Style file version Oct. 23, 2000

Do No Harm: Effects of On-Line and Traditional Delivery Media on a Science Course 261

Table IV. Mean Rates of Interactions and Standard Deviations Table VI. Average Rates of Interactions and Standard Deviations
for Each Setting by Session, Using Weighted Data
Interactions per houra Interactions per hour
Setting N M SD Setting and initiator M SD LSD Posthoc
On-line chat 9 54.29 29.36 On-line chat
On-line review 8 41.29 20.31 a) students 20.79 13.83 a > c; a = b
On-campus lecture 10 18.31 17.45 b) instructor 33.50 20.29 b > d; b = a
a Posthoc tests determined that the average rates of interactions On-campus lecture
c) students 6.14 4.34 c < a; c = d
per hour for on-line chat and on-line review sessions were not
d) instructor 12.17 14.70 d < b; d = c
significantly different from each other. However, both rates
were found to be significantly higher than the rate of interac-
tions per hour for on-campus lecture sessions.

students were present in the same setting (chat and

percentage of social interactions took place during on- lecture), the instructor instigated a significantly larger
line review sessions (Table VII). A two-way ANOVA amount of management interactions.
(Table VIII) was then conducted to examine the ef-
fects of initiator (students or instructor) and setting
(review, chat, or lecture) on the percentage of inter- Level of Interactions
actions devoted to each topic. Since significant results
were found for all topics at the p < .001 level, posthoc Further examination of content interactions
tests (Table IX) were conducted to examine the pat- showed that students in the lecture section generated
terns for each topic. Students were most likely to initi- larger percentages of interactions at both the lowest
ate content interactions in a lecture setting, followed and highest levels than students in the other environ-
by a chat, followed by a review. The instructor was ments (Table X). Approximately 75% of interactions
more likely to initiate a content interaction in a lec- initiated by students in review sessions were low-level
ture setting than in a chat. In both lecture and chat (knowledge and comprehension). The percentages of
environments, students were more likely to initiate low and medium (application and analysis) questions
content interactions than the instructor. asked by students in a class setting (on-line or on-
It is interesting to note that no social interactions campus) were similar to each other, but greater than
occurred in a lecture setting. Students and instructor those for review sessions. The only instance in which
were equally likely to initiate social interactions dur- students initiated an appreciable percentage of high
ing chat sessions. When the frequency of social inter- level (synthesis and evaluation) questions was the
actions generated by students was examined, it was on-line class. The instructor asked a slightly greater
found that a significantly larger proportion was ini- percentage of low-level questions in the on-line class
tiated in review sessions than in chat sessions. The sessions than in the on-campus lectures. The differ-
pattern of administrative interactions is unremark- ences were more striking for medium and high level
able. When management interactions were examined, questions. The instructor initiated a much greater per-
an interesting trend emerged. Students initiated more centage of medium-level questions in the on-campus
management interactions in review sessions than they environment and high-level questions in the on-line
did in chat sessions, and both amounts were greater environment. A two-way ANOVA for level of ques-
than for lecture sessions. The instructor started more tioning by initiator and setting yielded significant F
management interactions in chat sessions than in values for all levels of questioning at the p < .001 level
on-campus lectures. Whenever the instructor and (Table XI). Posthoc tests were performed for all possi-
ble comparisons, however, only those of any practical
value, such as comparing initiator effects across set-
Table V. One-Way Analysis of Variance Summary for Initiator of tings, or setting effect by initiator, are presented in
Interactions by Setting, Using Weighted Data Table XII.
Source df SS MS F Since the main focus of the study was on pat-
Between groups 3 3973.06 1324.35 6.49∗∗∗ terns of higher-level interactions, only those will be
Within group 34 6938.75 204.08 discussed further. Students were most likely to gener-
Total 37 10991.81 ate questions at the synthesis level in chat sessions.
∗∗∗ p < .001. They were most likely to initiate questions at the
Journal of Science Education and Technology PP177-340588 June 11, 2001 11:34 Style file version Oct. 23, 2000

262 Schoenfeld-Tacher, McConnell, and Graham

Table VII. Mean Percentage of Interactions per Session Observed in Each Category, by Environment
and Type of Initiator
Environment and person initiating the interaction
Student Instructor
On-line On-line On-campus On-line On-campus
Topic of interaction review class lecture class lecture
Management 28 20 0 32 18
Social 13 4 0 4 0
Administrative 3 6 2 2 0
Content 56 70 98 62 82

evaluation level during lecture sessions than during of an upper division science course, Histology, in an
review sessions, and least likely of all during chat ses- on-line environment.
sions. The instructor posed more questions at both lev- When the academic performance of students
els (synthesis and evaluation) during the chat sessions receiving the same instruction and given identical
than during the lecture sessions. Within the lecture multiple-choice questions was compared, the on-
setting, the instructor was more likely to ask synthesis- line students demonstrated improved outcomes com-
level questions than the students were, but this trend pared to their on-campus peers.
was reversed for evaluation questions. In chat ses- Greater levels of instructor–student interaction
sions, students and instructor were equally likely to were observed in the on-line sessions, as reflected in
pose synthesis questions, but the instructor initiated a the rates of interaction for each setting. Although
greater amount of evaluation questions. the difference in type of participant initiating the

DISCUSSION Table IX. Posthoc Test of Means and Standard Deviations

for Comparison for Five Types of Initiation on Four Topics
When using a new or unique teaching medium, of Interaction
it is important to assess that medium and determine Topic and initiation
its effect on learners. Particularly important is to de- conditions Ma SD LSD Posthoc
termine if the medium provides at least an equivalent Content
learning experience to the current methods, and to a) students review 56.41 16.44 a<b<c
discontinue its use if it has potential of “doing harm” b) students chat 70.43 13.29 b>d
c) students lecture 98.04 6.79
(providing lesser or lower quality learning opportuni-
d) instructor chat 62.28 17.04 d<e
ties). This study assessed the delivery and outcomes e) instructor lecture 82.14 10.02 e<c
f) students review 12.45 10.77 f>g>h
Table VIII. Analysis of Variance Summary for Topic by Initiator g) students chat 4.40 4.83 g=i
and Setting h) students lecture 0.00 0.00
i) instructor chat 4.38 4.75 i>j
Variable (topic)
j) instructor lecture 0.00 0.00 j=h
and source df SS MS F
Content k) students review 2.95 1.41 l > k, m
between groups 4 109738.57 27434.64 123.23∗∗∗ l) students chat 5.67 4.42 l>n
within groups 807 179665.86 222.63 m) students lecture 1.96 6.79
Social n) instructor chat 1.75 3.72 n>o
between groups 4 17773.61 4443.40 88.85∗∗∗ o) instructor lecture 0.00 0.00 o<m
within groups 807 40358.28 50.01 Management
Administrative p) students review 28.18 12.70 p>q>r
between groups 4 2385.22 596.30 53.02∗∗∗ q) students chat 19.48 13.79 q<s
within groups 807 9075.73 11.25 r) students lecture 0.00 0.00
Management s) instructor chat 31.58 12.16 s>t
between groups 4 54168.00 13524.00 92.99∗∗∗ t) instructor lecture 17.86 10.02 t>r
within groups 807 117526.14 145.63 a The means are the average percentage of interactions per
∗∗∗ p < .001. session in each category.
Journal of Science Education and Technology PP177-340588 June 11, 2001 11:34 Style file version Oct. 23, 2000

Do No Harm: Effects of On-Line and Traditional Delivery Media on a Science Course 263

Table X. Mean Percentage of Content Interactions per Session at Each Level, by Environment and Type
of Initiator, Using Weighted Data
Environment type and person initiating the interaction
Student Instructor
On-line On-line On-campus On-line On-campus
Question level and type review class lecture class lecture
knowledge 44.2 36.3 52.3 28.3 27.0
comprehension 33.1 26.0 16.3 34.6 28.6
application 9.6 16.8 15.7 14.4 25.5
analysis 3.6 10.6 13.7 6.3 15.6
synthesis 1.2 10.2 0 10.3 3.3
evaluation 0.6 0 2.0 0.8 0

interactions in each setting is not statistically signif- automatically foster interpersonal relationships be-
icant (Table XIII), students did generate a greater tween students and instructors. These patterns, along
number of interactions in the on-line sessions, and with the sense of “bonding” reported by the distance
did so without as much prompting as in the lecture students and the instructor, illustrate the importance
sessions. Direct observations revealed that students of learner–instructor interactions and how these can
in the on-campus lecture were reluctant to pose ques- be used to encourage student participation. The in-
tions even when prompted to do so by the instruc- structor influenced the level of questions asked dur-
tor. Though lesser in number, the interactions that ing on-line sessions. Her presence shifted the bulk of
occurred in the on-campus environment consisted of the questions from the lower levels seen in the review
a greater percentage of content questions. There were sessions to the more balanced distribution seen in the
no social interactions observed in the lecture setting, on-line class sessions.
but the instructor was as likely to initiate a personal in-
teraction as the students were during an on-line class.
This demonstrates that face-to-face contact does not CONCLUSIONS

No harm was done! The on-line delivery medium

Table XI. Analysis of Variance Summary for Bloom’s Taxonomy
and teaching techniques it promoted led to improved
Level of Questioning by Initiator and Setting
academic outcomes relative to those observed in the
Variable (topic) and
lecture section, when measured by a content test.
source df SS MS F
Based on these findings, it can be postulated that on-
Level 1 – Knowledge
line delivery was a more effective method of facilitat-
between groups 4 52987.22 13246.80 41.56∗∗∗
within groups 807 257215.69 318.73 ing learner–content interaction and creating content
Level 2 – Comprehension learning opportunities at least equivalent to those
between groups 4 19474.39 4868.60 20.25∗∗∗ available in the on-campus course. The design of this
within groups 807 193997.49 240.39 study did not allow for direct measurement of other
Level 3 – Application
types of outcomes, such as incidental learning, which
between groups 4 19600.88 4900.22 38.89∗∗∗
within groups 807 101677.97 126.00 may not have been reflected in content test perfor-
Level 4 – Analysis mance. However, the content findings alone are suf-
between groups 4 14589.19 3647.30 29.53∗∗∗ ficient to justify continued delivery of the course and
within groups 807 99670.33 123.51 to counteract fears about the efficacy and validity of
Level 5 – Synthesis
on-line course delivery.
between groups 4 15787.53 3946.88 157.01∗∗∗
within groups 807 20286.02 25.14 The value of learner–learner interactions cannot
Level 6 – Evaluation be dismissed. Students generated more social interac-
between groups 4 195.00 48.75 6.57∗∗∗ tions during review sessions than during on-line class
within groups 807 5983.26 7.41 sessions. These interactions enhanced camaraderie
∗∗∗ p < .001. and fostered the creation of a community of learners,
Journal of Science Education and Technology PP177-340588 June 11, 2001 11:34 Style file version Oct. 23, 2000

264 Schoenfeld-Tacher, McConnell, and Graham

Table XII. Posthoc Test of Means and Standard Deviations Table XIII. Frequency Counts and Total Percentages of
for Comparison for Five Types of Initiation on Six Levels of Interactions Initiated by Students and Instructor in On-Line
Questioning Classes vs. On-Campus Lectures
Level of questioning and Instructor Students
initiation conditions Ma SD Posthoc
Section Number Percentage Number Percentage
On-line 229 59.0 159 41.0
a) students review 44.18 17.05 c>a>b
On-campus 101 66.4 51 33.6
b) students chat 36.36 23.99 b>d
c) students lecture 52.28 22.10 χ 2 = 2.54, p > .05, no significant difference.
d) instructor chat 28.34 14.85 d=e
e) instructor lecture 27.05 11.30 c>e
Comprehension on-line sessions. This demonstrates that computer-
f) students review 33.06 10.67 f>h>g mediated communication led to a shift towards high-
g) students chat 25.95 13.53 i>g
h) students lecture 16.34 13.98
level questions in a class-type environment. The use of
i) instructor chat 34.58 19.83 i>j computer-mediated communication created a more
j) instructor lecture 28.59 18.73 j>h relaxed atmosphere in both of the on-line settings,
Application where students were able to ask questions about a
k) students review 9.64 6.25 l, m > k variety of topics. This greater freedom of expression
l) students chat 16.84 12.86 l>n
m) students lecture 15.68 8.33
may have been caused by the feeling of anonymity
n) instructor chat 14.43 10.61 o>n associated with participation in a chat room, or sim-
o) instructor lecture 25.52 18.95 o>m ply because the communication protocols allowed the
Analysis students more time to think about their questions than
p) students review 3.55 1.97 q, r > p they would normally have in an on-campus situation.
q) students chat 10.62 17.54 q>s
r) students lecture 13.73 19.92
s) instructor chat 6.28 4.58 t>s EDUCATIONAL IMPORTANCE OF THE
t) instructor lecture 15.55 15.94 t=r STUDY
u) students review 1.22 0.89 v > u, w
v) students chat 10.24 5.67 v=x
While the literature is replete with studies
w) students lecture 0.00 0.00 demonstrating no significant difference when two de-
x) instructor chat 10.28 7.39 x>y livery media are compared, (Russell, 1999), this study
y) instructor lecture 3.29 5.08 y>w makes a valuable contribution to the body of knowl-
Evaluation edge about distance education by considering the ef-
z) students review 0.62 0.84 bb > z > aa
aa) students chat 0.00 0.00 cc > aa
fects of a delivery system on classroom interactions as
bb) students lecture 1.96 9.80 opposed to simply comparing two media. This study
cc) instructor chat 0.80 2.09 cc > dd also documents improved academic outcomes and
dd) instructor lecture 0.00 0.00 bb > dd motivation in the on-line environment consistent with
a The means are the average percentage of interactions per Kozma’s (Kozma, 1994a,b) claim that media does in-
session in each category. fluence learning. Kulik’s (Kulik et al., 1980) findings
that computer-based instruction made significant con-
as supported by student comments in end-of-course tributions to academic achievement among college
surveys. A greater percentage of management inter- students and improved their attitudes toward the sub-
actions were observed during the review sessions, ject matter being studied also support the results of
when the instructor was absent. During these sessions, the present study.
a student spontaneously assumed the instructor’s Research from the International Data Corpora-
role and acted as a facilitator/moderator, ensuring tion (2000) predicts that there will be at least 2.2 mil-
that personal interactions were kept to a reasonable lion college students enrolled in distance learning
level, and that review sessions primarily focused on courses by the year 2002. However, the impact of
content. distance delivery, particularly on learning in the sci-
The overall trend in the distribution of questions ences, is not yet clear. There is apparent need for
among lower and higher levels was comparable for asynchronously delivered science courses to meet the
both the on-campus lectures and on-line classes, al- demands of students who cannot attend on-campus
though the percentage of high-level questions asked laboratories during the day. The issue of whether or
by both students and instructor was greater in the not it is possible to teach science at a distance without
Journal of Science Education and Technology PP177-340588 June 11, 2001 11:34 Style file version Oct. 23, 2000

Do No Harm: Effects of On-Line and Traditional Delivery Media on a Science Course 265

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