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Commemoration of our Father among the Saints, John Chrysostom,

Archbishop of Constantinople.

After the Opening Psalm we recite the 1st Section of the 1st Kathisma
of the Psalter. At Lord, I have cried, we insert 6 Stichera and sing 3
Prosomia, doubling them.

Tone 4. As noble among Martyrs.

Let us praise in song the golden trumpet, the instrument inspired by

God, the inexhaustible ocean of doctrines, the support of the Church,
the heavenly mind, the depth of wisdom, the mixing bowl of solid
gold which pours out rivers of teachings that flow with honey and
which waters creation.

Let us fittingly honour John of golden speech, the unsetting star

which lights with the rays of its teachings the whole wide earth; the
herald of repentance, the all-golden sponge that takes away the
sweat of dread despair and moistens hearts wasted by sins.

The Angel of earth and man of heaven, the sweet singing swallow of
many notes, the treasury of the virtues, the unbreakable rock, pattern
for the faithful, rival of the Martyrs, in rank the equal of the holy
Angels, in living one with the Apostles, let Chrysostom be magnified
in hymns.

Glory. Tone 6.

Thrice-blessed, holiest, venerable Father, the good shepherd and

Disciple of Christ the Chief Shepherd, you lay down your life for the
sheep. Now too, all-praised John Chrysostom, by your prayers ask
that we may be granted his great mercy.

Both now. Theotokion. Same Tone.

Who will not call you blessed, All-holy Virgin? Who will not sing the
praise of your child-birth without labour? For the only-begotten Son,
who shone out from the Father beyond time, came forth from you,
pure Maiden, ineffably incarnate. By nature he is God, by nature he
became man for our sake, not divided in a duality of persons, but
known without confusion in a duality of natures. O honoured and
all-blessed, implore him to have mercy on our souls.

Entrance, O Joyful Light, the Prokeimenon of the day, and the


The Reading is from Proverbs.


The memory of the just is praised, and the Lord's blessing is upon his
head. Blessed is one who has found wisdom; a mortal who knows
understanding. To import her is better that treasures of gold and
silver. She is more valuable than precious stones; nothing of value
equals her worth. Justice proceeds from her mouth; she carries law
and mercy on its tongue. Therefore, my children, listen to me; for I
speak weighty things; and blest the one who keeps my ways. For my
goings out are the goings out of life, and favour is prepared from the
Lord. Therefore I exhort you, and utter my voice to the children of
men. Because I, Wisdom, have prepared counsel, I have called upon
knowledge and understanding. Mine are counsel and sureness; mine
is prudence, mine is strength. I love those who are my friends, while
those who seek me will find grace. You innocent, understand
cunning; you untaught, take it to heart. Listen to me, for I will speak
weighty things, and I will open right things from my lips. Because
my throat will meditate truth; lying lips are abominable before me.
All the words of my mouth are with justice, there is nothing crooked
in them nor twisted. They are all straight for those who understand,
and right for those who find knowledge. For I teach you what is true,
that your hope may be in the Lord and that you may be filled with

The Reading is from the Wisdom of Solomon.


The mouth of a just man distils wisdom; the lips of men know graces.
The mouth of the wise meditates wisdom; justice delivers them from
death. When a just man dies hope is not lost; for a just son is born for
life, and among his good things he will pluck the fruit of justice.
There is light at all times for the just, and they will find grace and
glory from the Lord. The tongue of the wise knows what is good, and
wisdom will takes its rest in their hearts. The Lord loves holy hearts;
while all who are blameless in the way are acceptable to him. The
wisdom of the Lord will enlighten the face of the understanding; for
she anticipates those who desire her before they know it, and is
easily contemplated by those who love her. One who rises for her at
dawn will not toil, and one who keeps vigil because of her will be
without care. For she goes about seeking those who are worthy of
her, and shows itself favourably to those in the ways. Wickedness
will never prevail against wisdom. Because of this I too became a
lover of her beauty and became her friend, and I sought her out from
my youth, and I sought to take her as my bride; because the Master
of all things loved her. For she is an initiate of the knowledge of God
one who chooses his works. Her toils are virtues; she teaches sobriety
and prudence; justice and courage, than which nothing is more
useful in human life. If anyone longs for much experience, she knows
how to compare things of old and things that are to come. She knows
the twists of words and the explanations of riddles; she foresees signs
and wonders and the outcomes of seasons and times. And to all she
is a good counsellor. Because immortality is in her, and fame in the
fellowship of her words. Therefore I appealed to the Lord and
besought him and said from my whole heart: God of my Fathers and
Lord of mercy, who made all things by your word, and established
humanity by your wisdom to be master over the creatures that had
come into being by you, and to order the world in holiness and
justice; give me Wisdom who sits by your throne, and do not reject
me from among your children, for I am your servant and the son of
your maid servant. Send her out from your holy dwelling and from
the throne of your glory, that she may be present and teach me what
is pleasing before you. And let her guide me with knowledge and
guard me with her glory. For all the thoughts of mortals are
wretched and their ideas are unstable.

The Reading is from the Wisdom of Solomon.


When the just is praised, peoples are glad; for immortality is his
memory, because it is known both to God and men, and his soul is
pleasing to the Lord. Therefore, O men, desire wisdom, and long for
it and be instructed. For her beginning is love and keeping of laws.
Honour Wisdom, that you may reign for ever. I will declare to you
and not hide from you the mysteries of God Because he is both the
guide of Wisdom and the One who sets right the wise; and in his
hand are all prudence, and knowledge of works. The artificer of all
things, Wisdom, taught me; for in her is an understanding holy
spirit, brightness of the eternal light, image of the goodness of God.
She makes them friends of God and prophets. She is more lovely
than the sun, and beyond every order of the stars; compared to light,
she is found before it. She delivered her devotees from toils, and
guided them in straight paths. She gave them holy knowledge and
protected them from those who lay in ambush for them, she awarded
them a mighty contest, that all might know that true religion is more
powerful than all, and that wickedness can never prevail against
Wisdom, nor will justice in passing sentence overlook the evil. For
they said in themselves, not reasoning correctly: Let us overpower
the just, let us not spare his saintliness, nor feel reverence for the
aged grey hairs of an elder; let our strength be law. Let us lie in
ambush for the just, for he is a hindrance to us and he is opposed to
our works and alleges the sins of our upbringing. He claims to have
knowledge of God, and calls himself a child of the Lord. He has
become a reproof to our thoughts. He is grievous for us even to look
at; for his life is not like others and his paths are quite different. We
are reckoned by him to be counterfeit, and he keeps away from our
ways as from filth; he calls the end of the just blest. Let us see if his
words are true, and let us test what will happen to him at the end.
Let us examine him by insult and torture, that we may know his
forbearance and make trial of his patience. Let us condemn him to a
shameful death, for by his own words he will have protection. This
was how they argued, and they were deceived; for their wickedness
had blinded them. And they did not know the mysteries of God, nor
did they judge that you alone are God who have authority over life
and death, and who save in time of tribulation, and deliver from
every ill; pitying and merciful, giving grace to your holy ones, and by
your right arm resisting the proud.

At the Aposticha, Prosomia. Tone 5. Hail of Ascetics.

Hail instrument of the Church, lovely and gleaming like gold; the
tongue which with love for mankind traced out for us the many-
sided ways of repentance; mind formed of gold; golden-mouthed
swallow; dove, whose pinions, as the Psalmist says, are shining like
gold with the golden pallor of virtues; stream like gold, pouring out
waters; godlike mouth and entrusted with love for mankind: entreat
Christ to send down to our souls his great mercy.
Verse: My mouth will speak wisdom; and his tongue will speak

Hail Father of orphans; sure help of the wronged; provision for the
poor; righting of sinners; most skilled and revered physician of souls;
lofty precision of theology; clarity of the Scriptures of the Spirit; most
effective law; straightest rule; contemplation and action, the summits
of wisdom. entreat Christ to send down to our souls his great mercy.

Verse: The mouth of a just man will meditate wisdom; and the
meditation of my heart understanding.

You made yourself into a consecrated house of the sacred virtues; for
in you, Father, as in a holy and most pure temple, they made their
dwelling; for you governed wisely the body’s senses and guarded
your mind, purified of the passions, as in a secure treasure-house;
therefore you became most godlike, All-blessed, and presided over
the Church, adorned with the priesthood, implore Christ to grant the
world his great mercy.

Glory. Tone 6.

You were revealed as golden-voiced trumpet, O Golden Mouthed of

golden words, making the hearts of the faithful golden by your
teachings worked in gold. For the sound of your doctrines went out,
Venerable Father, and enlightened the ends of all the world.

Both now. Theotokion.

My Maker and Redeemer, Christ the Lord, by coming from your

womb, All-pure Lady, and, clothing himself in me, freed Adam from
the former curse. And so, All-pure one, as to her who is truly Mother
of God and Virgin, we cry to you unceasingly the Angel’s ‘Hail’:
Hail, Sovereign Lady, defence, protection and salvation of our souls.

Apolytikion. Tone 8. Model Melody.

The grace which shone from your mouth like a torch of flame
enlightened the whole earth; it laid up for the world the treasures of
freedom from avarice; it showed us the height of humility. But as you
train us by your words, Father John Chrysostom, intercede with
Christ God, the Word, that our souls may be saved.
Both now. Theotokion.

You were born for us from a Virgin, and endured crucifixion, loving
Lord; by your death you despoiled death, and revealed resurrection
as God; do not despise those whom you fashioned with your own
hand; show us your compassion, O Merciful; receive the Mother of
God who bore you as she intercedes for us, and save, our Saviour, a
people in despair.

After the Polyeleos, Kathisma.
Tone 4. Today you have appeared.

The Church, watered by you golden words, gives golden streams as

drink for all and heals diseases of those who sing your praise, all-
blessed Chrysostom.

Glory. Tone 5. Let s believers.

Neither the lawless enmity of a synod, nor the mindless hatred of an

Augusta quenched the virtues that were in you, Father. But tested by
trials, like gold in the fire, you intercede unceasingly with the All-
holy Trinity, for which you struggled, fervent in the spirit.

Both now. Theotokion. Same melody.

Show your servant your swift protection and assistance and your
mercy, and calm the waves of vain thoughts, and raise up my fallen
soul, pure Mother of God. For I know, I know that all that you wish
you can also perform.

The Anavathmi, the 1st Antiphon in Tone 4.

Prokeimenon. Tone 4.

My mouth will speak wisdom, * and the mediation of my heart


Verse: Hear this all you nations.

Let everything that has breath… Gospel according to John. One who
does not enter through the door.
Psalm 50. Glory. Tone 2.

Today let companies of High Priests in spirit leap for joy, as with us
they honour your memory, venerable Hierarch Chrysostom, beacon
of the Church.

Both now.

At the prayers of the Mother of God O Merciful One, wipe away the
multitude of my offences.

Have mercy on me, O God, according to your great mercy; according

to the fullness of your compassion blot out my offences.

And the Idiomel. Tone 6.

Grace was poured out on your lips, venerable Father, and you
became a Shepherd of Christ’s Church, teaching the rational sheep to
believe in a consubstantial Trinity in one Godhead.

The Canons: of the Mother of God to 6 [from the Little Paraklesis]

and that of the Saint to 8.

The Canon of the Saint, of which the acrostic is:

I sing you, golden mouth of the Spirit. By Theophanes.

Ode 1. Tone 8. Moses’ wonderworking staff.

As you became a most fervent herald of repentance, Father

Chrysostom, intercede with God that I may repent with my whole
heart and implore that I may be cleansed of the wounds of ancient
falls by your compassion.

Having received the whole radiance of the Holy Spirit, venerable

Father, you appeared as a pillar all of light guiding the Church, and a
cloud of light overshadowing the companies of the Orthodox, O all-

Chosen by Christ as a Teacher, with your tongue of gold and your

mind inspired by God you became a rich source of divine teachings;
for you appeared as a river of God, full of the waters of the Spirit,
Chrysostom, revealer of God.

Adorned with the adornment of grace, O blessed one, graced by God,

you gave birth to the Word of the Father, become flesh through
ineffable compassion beyond mind and beyond reason, yet you
remained a Virgin undefiled.

Katavasia. I will open my mouth.

Ode 3. Christ who established.

Enriched with the mind of Christ, by your pure way of life you
became his fellow worker for the salvation of mortals, teacher and
orator, Chrysostom, inspired by God, pouring out saving teachings.

From the safe treasures of the Spirit you became rich, and having
drawn the inexhaustible source of teachings from the springs of
salvation, you watered the whole face of the Church, Venerable

You truly cleansed the overgrown ploughland of souls with your all-
wise husbandry, and watering it with heavenly showers you made it
fruitful, O inspired by God.


In you, all-blameless Virgin, there is no spot or stain at all, rather you

appeared as a dwelling of heavenly virtues, for in you all the
hallowing of the virtues made its dwelling.

Katavasia. O Mother of God.

Kathisma. Tone 8. The Wisdom and Word.

As one who saw God having drawn the wealth of the knowledge of
the ineffable wisdom, you treasured up for all the waters of
orthodoxy that inspired by God make glad the hearts of the faithful,
but fittingly drown the doctrines of the faithless. Therefore through
both you have been revealed by the hard labours of true religion as
an invincible champion of the Trinity, John Chrysostom, intercede
with Christ to grant forgiveness of faults to those who celebrate with
love your holy memory.
Glory. Both now. Theotokion.

Tremble, my soul, and groan as you think on the flame of Gehenna

and the burning, and the weeping and most wretched lamentation
there, and the most bitter separation from the inheritance and
company of the Saints. Hasten eagerly to wipe away with tears of
compunction the records of your ten thousand debts, having as a
fellow worker who cannot be put to shame the only pure one,
through whom forgiveness of faults is given to those who with right
belief glorify her as Mother of God.

Ode 4. You, Lord, are my strength.

Christ, who with providence arranges for all things as he is good, has
given you to us as another of like manner to the Apostles, herald of
the heavenly initiation and godlike instructor in the mysteries on
high, all-blessed John Chrysostom.

Let us honour John, shining like gold, golden of speech, making all
golden with the gold-formed beams of his teaching and making the
world radiant with his tongue, brighter than gold and filled full of
light, pouring out inspired grace.

You became wholly a dwelling place of God; you appeared as wholly

an instrument of the Spirit raising a melody inspired by God of every
virtue and a foundation of salvation, and showing forth the beauty of
the kingdom of heaven, all-blessed John Chrysostom.

You proclaimed the compassion of God, setting out ways of

repentance; and teaching excellently and most completely the flight
from evils, O all-blessed; and showing forth counsels for works of
excellence, all-revered Father Chrysostom.


After God we have gained you as protection, for you were declared
Mother of God, of the Maker and Creator, who took our form, O all-
blameless, and saved it from corruption and death and glorified it
with divine glory.

Katavasia. The Prophet Avvakoum.

Ode 5. Why have you rejected me.

We all know you to be a most resplendent beacon of the Church and
saviour of souls, snatching them from the death-bearing maw and
guiding them to eternal life, honoured Father.

Armed with weapons of true religion and courage of soul, most holy
one, you routed the ranks of the heretics; but with joy you
outstandingly rally the choirs of the Orthodox with the bond of the

Your cheeks, full like fountains with inspired fragrances, make the
inhabited world glad with spiritual scents by the aromatic initiation
of your thoughts and the beauty of your words, O all-wise.


As you conceived God, the creator and maker and Lord, all
generations of mankind call you blessed, pure Virgin, and the
immaterial Captains of the Bodiless Powers glorify you as Mother of

Katavasia. The universe was amazed.

Ode 6. Have mercy on me, Saviour.

With spiritual wisdom you enriched the whole world, becoming a

rich bestower of the word; for rich grace from on high was poured
out on your lips, O Hierarch.

Your sound has gone out into all the earth like lightning, while the
power of your words, O Chrysostom, like a well-sounding trumpet,
has echoed throughout all the ends of the inhabited world.

Clothed in a tunic of the virtues woven from on high, all-blessed one,

and adorned with the splendour of words, you appeared as a skilled
support of the truth.


The Lover of mankind who carries the universe by his almighty

power, clothed himself in the weakness of flesh from you, all-
blameless Virgin, for the benefit of mankind.

Katavasia. Come godly-minded people.

Kontakion. Tone 6.

You received divine grace from heaven, and through your lips you
teach us all to worship one God in Trinity, venerable John
Chrysostom, wholly blessed. Fittingly we praise you, for you are a
teacher who makes clear things divine.

The Ikos.

I bow the knee to the Maker of all things, I stretch out my hands to
the eternal Word seeking the gift of words that I may sing the praise
of the Saint whom he magnified. For he who lives to the ages said to
the Prophet: I glorify those who glorify me with faith. He then, who
among those of old exalted Samuel, has now glorified his Hierarch.
For having traded well he brought the talent with which he had been
entrusted to the King. Therefore the One above all being also exalted
him. For this reason I the unworthy ask that words be given me that I
may have strength to sing his praise. For he is the instructor of the of
the world who makes clear things divine.


On the 13th of the month, Commemoration of our Father among the

Saints, John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople.

Closing his mouth in death, the golden John
Another mouth has left to us: his books.
On the thirteenth of the month the lips that were golden fell silent.

Commemoration of the holy new Monk and Martyr Damaskinos of

Constantinople, he was martyred in Constantinople in 1681.

At the prayers of the Golden-worded, Christ our God, have mercy on

us. Amen.

Ode 7. The Youths from Judea.

Initiated into the depth of goodness and compassion of God, you

appeared pledging salvation to those who fervently repent and cry
out with their whole soul: Blessed is the God of our Fathers.
By your teachings, Chrysostom, you train every mind and in your
great compassion heal the sicknesses of souls, and joyfully you chant
with those who live well: Blessed is the God of our Fathers.

You were exalted, becoming a chosen, holy, innocent priest of the

Most High, resplendently clothing yourself in justice and crying out
with joy: Blessed is the God of our Fathers.


Immaculate Virgin, you conceived the God and Lord over all things,
who was well pleased to save the race of mortals from the corruption
of death. As we fittingly sing his praise we cry: Blessed is the God of
our Fathers.

Katavasia. The godlike Youths.

Ode 8. The King of heaven.

As with understanding we attend to your words, O Chrysostom, we

are initiated into the mystery of theology and pluck all the enjoyment
of good thongs, and flee the harm of wickedness; for you have
become the general guardian of salvation, crying out: Highly exalt
Christ to the ages.

Entreat the Master, Chrysostom, on our behalf, employing your

compassionate freedom to speak, Father, and your merciful and
benevolent love; for with faith we put you forward to the Saviour as
mediator, champion and fervent advocate, inspired Hierarch, all-
blessed John.

To rulers who acted unjustly you showed a young man’s resistance, a

mind not to be humbled, warmly championing those who had be
wronged, Venerable Father, and orphans, widows and paupers with
a loving disposition, as you cried: Highly exalt Christ to the ages.


The Prophets foretold in bodily forms, manifold riddles and

symbolic and figurative stories your wondrous birthgiving beyond
nature, O Virgin. And so with joy we devoutly sing your praise, as
we highly exalt Christ to the ages.
Katavasia. The Offspring of the Mother of God.

Ode 9. Heaven and the ends of the earth.

As you truly enjoy the life for which you struggled according to your
power on earth, conspicuous by your angelic way of life, and gaining
a the tongue and gentle mouth of Christ, intercede, inspired Father,
that those who with faith especially called you blessed may be saved.

Your words, thrice-blessed one, are words of life, procuring

unending life; for Christ revealed you to be a source pouring forth a
river flowing with streams of divine teachings, truly a torrent of
delight, a channel of forgiveness and bright herald of repentance.

You were revealed, High Priest, as a resplendent mediator between

God and mortals; for you appeared as a shining beacon of true
religion, and you became a teacher of almsgiving. And so, O golden-
worded, with fondness of heart we now fittingly magnify you.


Pure Mother of God, who have been glorified, save those who sing
your praise with love, in compassion banishing a crowd of
temptations; for since you gave birth to God, all that you wish you
obtain and can perform, O Virgin. And so we all magnify you.

Katavasia. All those born of earth.

Exapostilarion. By the sacred Spirit.

By your words of shining gold, Father Chrysostom, the Church of

Christ is bright and resplendent; while the souls of the faithful are
filled with joy as they honour your all-holy memory, for you
appeared to all as guide to salvation and herald of repentance.

Another. Women hear.

The mighty voiced herald of repentance, the treasury of the poor, the
golden and eloquent mouth of the Church, the clarification of the
Scriptures, John the all-wise, let us praise, for by him we have been

All-blameless Virgin, my Lady and Mistress, with far-famed
Chrysostom implore your Son to deliver from trials of every kind
those who sing your praise and make them all worthy of eternal
good things, for can do whatever you will.

At Lauds we insert 4 Stichera, and sing the following Prosomia.

Tone 4. You have given as a sign.

Pouring forth your sacred teachings more brightly than gold, all-wise
Chrysostom, you enrich minds that are poor, and you dispel the fog
of the passions and the bitter winter of the love of money. And so, as
is fitting, we call you blessed and honour the dust of your relics as a
source of sanctification.

Let the fiery pillar, the river that flows with waters of doctrines, the
heavenly mind of theology, the mouth of solid gold, guarantor for
sinners, inspired herald of repentance, brightly shining beacon,
heavenly mortal, the blessed Chrysostom be praise today.

You have become a sun with many lights, irradiating the inhabited
world by your words, dazzling star, brightly shining lamp, torch that
ever summons those who are storm-tossed by the worldly sea to the
calm haven of salvation by grace, O Golden-worded, Golden-
mouthed, intercessor for our souls.

Unjustly driven from flock, venerable Father, you became familiar

with afflictions and bitter exiles, by which you were counted worthy
of a blessed end as a noble Athlete, throwing down the one of many
wiles, and Christ crowned you with a diadem of victory, John
Chrysostom, intercessor for our souls.

Glory. Tone 8. By Anatolios.

With golden words and teachings inspired by God you adorned the
Church of God, storing up in it spiritual riches, your words received
from God, and so, having woven for you with songs a crown of
unfading flowers, she offers it to your sacred memory, O John, wise
in God, all golden of soul and tongue. But as you freedom to speak,
venerable Father, intercede on behalf of our souls.

Both now. Theotokion.

Sovereign Lady accept the supplications of your servants, and rescue
us from every constraint and affliction.

Great Doxology and Dismissal.

Holy oil is given to the Brethren.

At the Liturgy, Typika and Beatitudes from the 3rd and 6th Odes of
the Canon of the Saint.

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