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Types of Magnetic Discs

Floppy Disc – 3.5”, 5.25” or 8.25” discs

Zip disk, jaz disk
Winchester [Hard Disk ]– Permanently fixed
microcomputers>>>> refer notes
Exchangeable Hard Disc – Used on mainfram
and can be removed

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Cheap, small, portable
Short life, slow, limited storage, damaged ea

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HD [read more on slides given]
Cheap, reliable, longer, capacity is more, fast
Head crash, fixed, sensitive to: dust, magnet

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3. Optical Storage
Two types of optical discs

CD ROM-Compact Disc ROM

A Read-Only Technology introduced in 1
Is similar in principle to compact discs u

WORM-Write Once Read Many Times’

It is more advanced then CD ROM. It is
alloy discs covered on both sides by plas
laser burnt holds in the plastic and absen
presence of burnt bits indicate the prese
otherwise of binary digits, bits.

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