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Prezentul simplu

Se foloseste pentru:
- o actiune care se petrece in mod obisnuit
ex.We play tennis every day. Noi jucam tenis in fiecare zi.

- exprima o stare, un fapt care ramane neschimbat o perioada mai lunga de timp
ex. She works in Canada. Lucreaza in Canada.

- exprima un adevar permanent

ex.Water freezes at 0C. Apa ingheata la 0 grade.
The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain. In Spania ploua mai mult in zona de campie.

- exprima actiuni care respecta un anumit program

The bus for Bucharest lives at 12.15 on Monday.
I have Maths Friday at 11.30.

- situatii emotionale
Exemple: I love my parents very much.
He dislikes cats.

De retinut: Verbele la prezentul simplu apar de mult eori insotite de adverbele de frecventa:

always întotdeauna
usually de obicei
regularly în mod regulat
normally în mod normal
often deseori
sometimes uneori
occasionally ocazional
rarely rareori
seldom rareori
never niciodată

I often play tennis.

I am never impolite.

Expresii cu care se foloseste adesea Prezentul Simplu:

every day/ week/ month/year - in fiecare zi/saptamana/luna/an

every morning/ evening/ afternoon/ night, - in fiecare dimineata/ seara/ dupa-amiaza/ noapte
usually, - de obicei
always, - intotdeauna
sometimes, - cateodata
often, - deseori
never, - niciodata
in the morning/evening/night - dimineata/ seara/ noaptea

1. He goes to the gym every day.
2. I play football every week.
3. We go to the dentist every year.
4. She watches TV every evening.
5. She usually studies hard for her exams.

Affirmative Singular Plural

1st person I like chocolate. We like chocolate.
2nd person You like chocolate. You like chocolate.
3rd person He likes chocolate. They like
She likes chocolate. chocolate.
It likes chocolate.

Interrogative Singular Plural

1st person Do I like chocolate? Do we like chocolate?
2nd person Do you like chocolate? Do you like chocolate?
3rd person Does he like chocolate? Do they like chocolate?
Does she like chocolate?
Does it like chocolate?

Negative Singular Plural

1st person I do not like chocolate. We do not like chocolate.
2nd person You do not like chocolate. You do not like chocolate.
3rd person He does not like chocolate. They do not like chocolate.
She does not like chocolate.
It does not like chocolate.

 Exprimăm negația prin do not sau does not (persoana a III-a singular).
 Verbul de conjugat (like) are aceeași formă (cea de infinitiv) la toate persoanele, inclusiv la
a III-a singular.
 Do not se poate prescurta ca don't, iar does not ca doesn't.
e.g.: I do not like chocolate. = I don't like chocolate.
e.g.: She does not like chocolate. = She doesn't like chocolate.

Exercitiul nr. 1
Treceti urmatoarele propozitii la forma interogativa:
We remember that, at Present Simple, in the interrogative:
 we use the auxiliary verbs do or does;
 we do NOT add s or es at the end of the main verb for the 3rd person sg.

1. You eat bread daily. _______________________________________________________

2. He often drinks wine._______________________________________________________
3. You go to the doctor twice a year. ______________________________________________
4. She plays video games weekly. ________________________________________________
5. The ship leaves at 6 o'clock. ___________________________________________________

6. The holiday starts in July. _____________________________________________________
7. They like spaghetti.__________________________________________________________
8. He likes oranges.____________________________________________________________
9. Girls talk a lot. _____________________________________________________________
10. Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius.______________________________________________

Exercitiul nr. 2
Treceti urmatoarele propozitii la forma negativa:

Vom folosie do not si does not. Pot fi inlocuite intotdeauna de don't si doesn't.
Ne amintim ca la Prezentul Simplu in forma negativa:
 Vom folosi verbul auxiliar do not (don't) sau does not (doesn't);
 NU adaugam s sau es, pentru pers.3-a, la finalul verbului principal.

1.The plane lands at 5 o'clock.____________________________________________________.

11. They wake up early in the morning.____________________________________________

12. She likes fruit salad. _________________________________________________________
13. We like jogging. ____________________________________________________________
14. Sportsmen eat healthy food. ___________________________________________________
15. He leaves for work at 8 o'clock.________________________________________________
16. You go out every evening._____________________________________________________
17. He takes karate lessons on Tuesdays. ____________________________________________
18. We take a nap in the afternoon._________________________________________________
19. She takes a break at 2 o'clock.__________________________________________________

Execitiul nr.3
Adauga propozitiilor de mai jos adverbele din paranteze:

1. My sister wakes up at 10 o'clock. (usually)

My sister usually gets up at 10 o'clock.
2. We play football on Sundays. (sometimes
3. I go out with a stranger. (never)
4. She listens to music in the evening. (always)
5. He goes to school by bus. (often)
6. I eat a hamburger in the morning. (never)
7. I read the newspaper in the evening. (usually)
8. In the morning I play on the computer. (sometimes)
9. Mother washes the dishes in the evening. (always)
10. They go skiing in the winter. (often).


Exercitiul nr 4.

Formulati propozitii folosind conjunctia but:

1. Julia washes the dishes. (I)

Julia washes the dishes, but I don’t.
2. He doesn't want to go to the seaside. (his girlfriend)
3. I go to the cinema every week. (they)
4. She doesn't swim. (her sister)

5. We have breakfast early in the morning. (Paul)

6. I don't play football. (my best friend)
7. Me and my brother play on the computer. (Michael)
8. John doesn't read the newspaper every day. (we)
9. My mother likes to go shopping. (I)

10. You don't travel by plane. (she)

Verbs – Daily activities

(to) wake up (a) (se) trezi

(to) take a shower (a) face un duș
(to) brush one's teeth (a) (se) peria pe dinți
(to) brush one's hair (a)(-și) peria părul
(to) wash one's face (a) (se) spăla pe față
(to) shave (a) (se) bărbieri
(to) get dressed (a) (se) îmbrăca
(to) eat breakfast (a) lua micul dejun
(to) drink a coffee (a) bea o cafea
(to) read the newspaper (a) citi ziarul
(to) leave for work (a) pleca la lucru
(to) go to work (a) merge la lucru
(to) get on the bus (a) se urca în autobuz
(to) ride the bus (a) merge cu autobuzul
(to) get off the bus (a) coborî din autobuz
(to) drive the car (a) conduce mașina
(to) work (a) munci / (a) lucra
(to) take a break (a) face o pauză
(to) return home (a) se întoarce acasă
(to) do the daily (a) face cumpărăturile
shopping zilnice
(a) trage un pui de
(to) take a nap
(to) go for a walk (a) merge la plimbare
(to) go out (a) ieși în oraș
(a) se întâlni cu
(to) meet with friends
(to) watch TV (a) se uita la TV
(to) go to bed (a) merge la culcare
(to) sleep (a) dormi

Pozitia adverbelor

 Cand formam propozitia, plasam adverbul, intotdeauna dupa subiect si verb Exemplue.: I
walk every day. Do I walk every day? I don't walk every day.

Exercitiul nr. 1

Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii, alegand din paranteza adverbul de frecventa potrivit:

1. Mă trezesc întotdeauna la 7. (often never always)
2. Te trezești, de obicei, la 8. (usually always rarely)
3. El se trezește adesea înainte de 6. (often sometimes normally)
4. Ea se trezește uneori după 11. (sometimes often seldom)
5. Ocazional, pisica mea se trezește când mă trezesc și eu. (usually regularly occasionally)
6. Ne trezim rareori la prânz. (never rarely always)
7. Vă treziți rareori în cursul nopții. (seldom sometimes usually)
8. Niciodată nu se trezesc devreme dimineața. (never sometimes rarely)
9. Faci exerciții dimineața în mod regulat? (occasionally often regularly)
10. Ei nu joacă, în mod normal, baschet iarna. (often sometimes usually)
11. El studiază de obicei noaptea? (often sometimes usually)
12. În mod normal, ea nu are cursul acesta în ziua de joi. (normally always often)
13. Uneori, duminica, stăm în pat toată ziua. (regularly sometimes often)
14. Voi mergeți rareori în vacanță în iunie. (never often rarely)
15. De obicei, el nu mănâncă de trei ori pe zi. (occasionally sometimes usually)
16. Acest tren nu pleacă niciodată la timp. (rarely never always)
17. În mod normal, îmi displac filmele, dar, ocazional, îmi place să văd filme de acțiune.

(occasionally often seldom)


18. Ne vizităm prietenii în mod regulat, dar vara ne vedem rar. (sometimes, normally, rarely)
We visit our friends regularly, but in Summer we ______________________see each other.
19. Moș Crăciun vine întotdeauna în decembrie. ( always usually never)
20. Soarele răsare întotdeauna la est și apune la vest. (sometimes occasionally always)

Exercitiul nr. 2

This exercise is about daily activities. Choose the one that fits best.

1. I always .......... at the wrong station. 

get on the bus  ride the bus  get off the bus
2. It is very difficult for her to .......... – she never knows what to wear. 

take a nap  get dressed  wash her face

3. You love your bed the most in the morning, when you must ........... . 

wake up  return home  watch TV

4. To .......... or not to ..........? – That is the question. 

work  shave  sleep

5. My boyfriend doesn't ........... ……. He just pays for it. 

do the daily shopping  read the newspaper  brush his teeth

6. I don't think they ........................... daily. This place smells like onion tea. 

take a break  meet with friends  take a shower

7. A: Does he .......... early enough? B: No, he doesn't. This can't be his normal face. 

go to bed  go out  leave for work

8. A: Do you like to ..........? B: Yes, we do, especially on Friday. 

go for a walk  drive the car  go to work

9. I am afraid to ........... . My hair falls out a lot and I'm too young to be bald. 

wash my face  brush my teeth  brush my hair

10. In the evening, he ........... . Strangely, all the paths lead to his favorite pub. 

does the daily shopping  goes for a walk  watches TV

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