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The topic discussed by Sir. Jaycar Turla about the proper execution of formations, drills, types of
command and performing guard duty. It is the expected action that have been practiced for so long in the army
the reason that duties must be followed and need to be done is for safety, not just for the officers on duty but
also his fellow service members too. I’ve learned that, when guarding your assigned post you must assure the
safety of your fellow men and complete your task successfully without putting all your members at risk because
you leave something half-finished or do something sloppily.

I picked this camouflage because it represents the hardship of the men in military by practicing and
developed disciplines. It also means excellence of good manners and politeness when you’re wearing this
uniform. It helps keep discipline and order in a military organization as what Sir. Turla mentioned earlier, the
distinction between civilian and military discipline is that military discipline was developed in a military
atmosphere and it has become an integral part of serving in uniform. One of the army strengths and military
effectiveness is the pride you wear in uniform and self-discipline that Filipino soldiers bring to their service
through a conservative military image and discipline.
Taking pride in your uniform is also part of the military customs as it is the proper way to wear
Philippines military uniform and other forces uniform in our country because military job is a uniformed service
where discipline is judged. Therefore, all appearance of the officers is fundamental to the military and it
contributes building the pride and essential to have effective military force.

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