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Aidan Frasier


Senior Writing

10 Sept. 2020

I am a senior in highschool and I will be graduating in May of next year ( if everything

goes according to plan of course).I have Grade point average of 2.5 which is not the best and I

know that but i do try my hardest, I have ADHD so that is a little stepback but it is nothing I can

not overcome.I was born in southern Illinois and nearly as soon as i was born my family and I

moved to Indiana when I was 2, we stayed there for about one year. After about one year in

Indiana we moved to Alaska and we lived there for 7 years before we had enough of the weather.

Once we moved from Alaska we moved back to Indiana once again, for about 3 years this time

around. Once those short 3 years had ended we moved to Michigan and we have been here ever

since. With all that moving I have gone to many different schools and places, I have been to I

believe 9 different schools and 4 different school districts. Some weaknesses that I have include

Spelling,staying focused, and I have a slight stutter. These weaknesses hold me back a little bit

but once again it is nothing I can not overcome. As of right now I am a cart pusher at the Norton

Shores Meijer and I have worked there for nearly 11 months.Due to my parents' big influence on

me when they were metal working, and the classes at CTC, I want to be a welder in my future.

When I saw the flame through my hood when I welded for the first time, I instantly knew

that I enjoyed it and I saw it in my future. My first experience of welding was at CTC (Career
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tech center ) and I picked the class because of how much influence my parents have on

me.Welding has opened up so many doors that I could never have imagined , and it gave me a

new look at life. Welding has made my mind look at something as simple as a shopping cart and

see nearly hundreds of welds on it, and it does that for so many other small or big objects.One of

my favorite parts of welding is after I quenched the metal, and I chip off the slag and see a crisp

and fresh weld it boosts my dopamine.Welding is so useful and life and it is a great skill to know,

you can use welding in so many other job positions including : Mechanic, Army, Heavy machine

operator and so many more.Welding is truly a wonderful skill to know and have. My time at

CTC has convinced me to pressure a career in welding after school.

My parents both have a deep history in the trades, although they were never committed to

one career they both had a dip in metal working. Their experiences in metalworking were

relatively brief lasting about 2 years. My mom was a welder and my dad builds houses and his

roughly 2 years in metalworking was when he was building a large building in Alaska. I was

about 7 at the time and I was just starting to understand what my parents did for a living, and I

believe that is why it impacted me so heavily. There were a few days here and there where my

parents could take me to work with them for a few hours of the day. It was very fascinating to me

watching everyone work and create a structure from nothing but metal and bolts. Although I

could not participate in the work I was more than entertained by just watching. Roughly then was

the very first time I welded, I was with my mom and we just had two scrap plates of metal and
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she taught me how to create a bead and keep my hand steady.But there was too long of a time

from then and today where I did not weld so I lost the little touch I had. Since I have recently

been enrolled in CTC welding has taken a new aspect in my life.

Now that I am in my senior year, it is time that I begin thinking about my future. I plan

after I graduate high school, to take CTC for one more year and then after CTC I plan on finding

an apprenticeship in the welding field. I plan to stay in welding as a lifetime career and I hope to

find a nice well paying job soon in my life.

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