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Chapter 3:

The Stuart Stress Adaptation Model of Psychiatric Nursing Care

A. The Model integrates ____ aspects of patient care into a unified framework for practice.
a. Biological
b. Psychological
c. Sociocultural
d. Legal
e. Ethical
f. Policy
g. Advocacy

** ↑ Remember per teacher ↑ **

B. Assumptions (Know that there are 5 assumptions)

a. (1) nature is ordered as a social hierarchy – simplest → most complex
b. (2) psychiatric nursing care is procided through the nursing process within (things
listed above)
c. (3) health/illness (**medical world view**) and adaptation/maladaptation
(**nursing world view**) are distinct concepts
d. (4) prevention, treatment, and recovery → included in the **4 stages** of psych
treatment ( → outcomes; KNOW THESE)
i. Crisis
1. Goal → stabilization
2. Assessment → risk factors
3. Intervention → enviro management
4. Outcome → no harm to self or others
ii. Acute
1. Goal → remission
2. Assessment → symptoms and coping responses
3. Intervention → mutual treatment planning, modeling, and teaching
4. Outcome → symptom relief
iii. Health Maintenance
1. Goal → recovery
2. Assessment → functional status
3. Intervention → reinforcement and advocacy
4. Outcome → improved functioning
iv. Health promotion
1. Goal → optimal level of wellness
2. Assessment → quality of life and well-being
3. Intervention → inspiration and validation
4. Outcome → optimal quality of life
e. (5) based on the use of the nursing process (ADPIE) and the standards of care and
professional performance for psych nurses
C. Criteria of Mental Health
a. Positive attitudes toward self
b. Growth → self actualization → resilience
c. Integration
d. Autonomy
e. Reality perception
f. Envrio mastery
D. Mental illness
a. ** Is a behavioral or psychological pattern demonstrated by an individual that
causes significant distress, impaired functioning, and decreased quality of life **
E. Facts
a. The greatest barrier to treatment for the mentally ill is lack of adequate insurance
F. Predisposing factors
a. Risk and protective factors that influence the type and amount of resources the
person can use to handle stress
b. They are biological, psychological, and sociocultural
G. Stressful life events
a. 3 ways to categorize life events
i. (1) Social activity
1. Family, work, educational, social, health, financial, legal, or
community crises
ii. (2) Social fields
1. Entrances and exits
iii. (3) Social desirability
1. Either desirable (promotion, engagement, marriage) or undesirable
(death, financial problems, being fired, divorce)
H. Life strains
a. Know the 4 common areas
I. Responses
a. See powerpoint (pg. 50 in book)
J. Neurosis
a. Define…
K. Psychosis
a. Define…

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