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Directorate of Sport, Exercise, and Physiotherapy, The University of Salford, Salford, United Kingdom

ABSTRACT Participants accredited by the ASCA had a greater psycholog-

Radcliffe, JN, Comfort, P, and Fawcett, T. The perception of ical skill use than those accredited by other bodies.
psychology and the frequency of psychological strategies used KEY WORDS psychological skills, goal setting, confidence,
by strength and conditioning practitioners. J Strength Cond Res motivation, imagery, professional development
27(4): 1136–1146, 2013—The study aimed to first examine the
frequency of the psychological skills and strategies of strength INTRODUCTION
and conditioning practitioners and second distinguish between

trength and Conditioning has developed from an
demographic differences in relation to psychological skills and
amalgamation of various long-standing disciplines
strategy use. The Strength and Conditioning Sport Psychology with the strength and conditioning practitioner being
Questionnaire was developed to measure the frequency of use required to draw on knowledge from ranging disci-
of 11 subscales. These consisted of goal setting, imagery, self- plines such as psychology, biomechanics, nutrition, and exercise
talk, mental toughness, attention control, relaxation, stress physiology. To date, the National Strength and Conditioning
management, adherence, activation, self-confidence, and ego Association (NSCA) has conducted 2 studies into the job anal-
management. Each subscale demonstrated acceptable internal ysis of strength and conditioning practitioners (7,64), which has
validity ale (mean interitem correlations ranged as 0.227–0.427). been used to determine both the NSCA professional guidelines
The instrument allowed up to 5 open-ended responses concern- and the examination criteria to for the Certified Strength and
ing skills considered most important to strength and conditioning Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) examination. As published by
practice and up to 5 psychological attributes considered detri- the NSCA, the Strength and Conditioning Professional Guide-
mental within strength and conditioning. One hundred and two lines state that the ability to “use sport psychology techniques
participants met the inclusion criteria (90 men and 12 women; to enhance the training and/or performance of the athlete” is
a scientific foundation required by certified strength and condi-
age 34.7 6 9.7 years; experience 7.4 6 5.2 years; part time
tioning specialists (64). In addition, as a sport training practi-
36.5%; full time 63.5%). The respondents were registered with
tioner in regular contact with the athlete, the strength and
the following organizations: United Kingdom Strength and Con-
conditioning specialist is in an ideal position to contribute to
ditioning Association: 41, National Strength and Conditioning
the psychological aspects of training (5,33,53). Furthermore, the
Association: 48 and Australian Strength and Conditioning Asso- coach, rather than psychology titled professionals, has been
ciation (ASCA): 48. Goal setting was found to be the most previously identified as the favored provider of psychological
frequently used skill with mental imagery the least used with support (53). As such, it would be beneficial for strength and
significant differences identified in the frequency of skill use. conditioning practitioners to have knowledge of select psycho-
The strategies deemed to be most important were motivation logical techniques and applications within applied practice.
and confidence with the most debilitating factors identified as The multifaceted role of a strength and conditioning
a lack of motivation and a lack of confidence. When comparing practitioner has been examined in various contexts (21,22,24–
demographics, overall skill use varied between practitioners with 27,56,57,68,77), ranging from the practices within various North
different experience with more experienced practitioners having American sports (22,24–27,77), the sources of scientific data and
greater skill use, both overall and particular individual skills. training upon which the strength and conditioner’s practice is
based (24), to job analysis, and demographics of coaches work-
ing at differing levels of competition (21,56,57,68). Despite the
Address correspondence to Jon N. Radcliffe, exploration of the responsibilities and practices of strength and
27(4)/1136–1146 conditioning practitioners, the research has focused predomi-
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research nantly on physical training strategies with a dearth of research
! 2013 National Strength and Conditioning Association examining the use of psychology within applied strength and
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conditioning practice. This is emphasized by the widely used to quantify the frequency to which practitioners use psycholog-
“Strength and Conditioning Practices of Professional Strength ical skills, the particular strategies perceived to be most impor-
and Conditioning Coaches” survey instrument (22,25–27,56,74), tant to strength and conditioning and to identify possible factors
which focuses on various physical training practices with only such as experience, and practitioner accreditation programs that
the miscellaneous section of “unique aspects” offering scope to account for variations in the use of psychological strategies. It is
examine psychological skill use; consequently, such studies have through analyzing such previously neglected variables that pro-
failed to yield data indicating the use of psychological strategies fessional development can be targeted toward promoting the
within strength and conditioning practice. use of such key psychological strategies.
Academic interest in psychophysiological research has led to
a wealth of research exploring how psychological interventions METHODS
affect variables pertinent to strength and conditioning with Experimental Approach to the Problem
psychological interventions such as mental imagery (50,62), To address the research question, this study had 3 objectives:
attentional focusing (34,54,82), video modeling (15,71,72), (a) To quantify the frequency of psychological skills and
increased self-confidence (32,59,83), goal setting (8,38,80), and strategies used by accredited strength and conditioning
arousal-increasing strategies (58,79,81) examined. Holloway practitioners, (b) to identify the most important psycholog-
(45,46) suggested that it would be beneficial for strength and ical strategies and the most debilitating psychological
conditioning specialists to apply key psychological self-regula- characteristics as perceived by practitioners, and (c) to
tory and self-expectancy theories and concepts such as imagery, identify if any difference exists in terms of frequency of use
goal setting, motivation, and self-talk to their clients individual- between varying participant demographics.
ized programs; however, there is limited research suggesting the The study required the construction and validation of a suit-
use of such skills. Literature has examined the behavior of able survey instrument, the Strength and Conditioning Sport
strength and conditioning professionals without objectively Psychology Questionnaire (SCSPQ). A sample of accredited
exploring the extent to which key psychological strategies strength and conditioning practitioners were requested to
(45,46) are implemented, or the perceptions towards the impor- complete the instrument regarding the frequency of selected
tance of such strategies. Such studies have used a combination psychological strategies and open-ended questions allowing
of self-report inventories (12,52) and observation (37,55) with space to identify the most important and the most debilitating
focus on coaching styles and behaviors. Through observational strategies and characteristics for their athletes. Through quan-
techniques, Massey et al. (55) led the way in determining the tifying, the frequency of psychological skill usage measured
frequency of psychological skills used by strength and condi- using the SCSPQ comparisons could be made between the
tioning coaches. The study highlighted the value of perceived frequency of psychological skill usage depending on
motivational techniques within strength and conditioning with both participant demographics and the psychological strategy in
behaviors such as “hustle” and “praise” being observed however question. Nonparametric statistical analysis identified significant
served as a concern that particular psychological strategies such differences between the frequencies of psychological skill use.
as positive modeling were neglected in the observed sample. The alpha level from which to identify significant differences
The examination of how the psychological interventions are between subscale scores was set at ,0.05. Open-ended ques-
used by the strength and conditioning practitioner and the tions invited participants to list the 5 most beneficial qualities
perceived importance of psychological components are vital and the 5 most detrimental qualities with the strength and
steps in facilitating the development of strength and condition- conditioning environment. Subsequent qualitative analysis adop-
ing as an expanding discipline. This would therefore offer ted the thematic analysis approach (28).
guidance in regard to scope for practitioner development. This
study hypothesized that because of the documented benefits Subjects
brought through the utilization of particular strategies, strength Before commencing the study, the Ethical Review Board of
and conditioning practitioners will indeed use psychological the University of Salford provided approval for the experi-
strategies as part of their applied practice. It would be expected mental procedures. Before participation, all subjects received
that strategies such as those to increase adherence to exercise an invitation containing participant information including clear
and motivation will be valued as important and will be expected explanation of the potential benefits and risks associated with
to be used frequently reflecting the existing work of Massey the research, how the data will be handled, the dissemination
et al. (55). Conversely, it is to be expected that because of of findings, and voluntary nature of the study. An e-mail
a perceived lack of awareness and time restraints particular contact was provided for the lead investigator should any
strategies will be perceived as unimportant and underused. potential applicants request additional information. Subsequent
However, owing to lacking previous studies, it is unclear as to to receiving the participant information, participants’ informed
which skills will be neglected and the mechanisms for which consent was received when participants clicked they wished to
the selection of psychological skills is based. This study will take part in the study (3). Participants were recruited through
consider the perceptions of accredited practitioners from lead- practitioner databases in which the participants were registered
ing strength and conditioning professional bodies with an aim as an accredited member of either Australian Strength and

VOLUME 27 | NUMBER 4 | APRIL 2013 | 1137

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Perception and Frequency of Psychological Strategies

Conditioning Association (ASCA) level 1 or above or United low number of items within each subscale (51). Subsequent
Kingdom Strength and Conditioning Association (UKSCA) item reduction was conducted to increase internal reliability
Accredited Strength and conditioning Coach (ASSC). Mail (19). Thirteen items were removed resulting in a 31-item
shots were distributed via the NSCA through distribution chan- scale resulting in acceptable internal consistencies (a .
nels that requested response from only accredited strength and 0.6) for goal setting (0.677), ego management (0.679), imag-
conditioning practitioners accredited by the UKSCA (ASSC), ery (0.684), relaxation (0.658), stress management (0.608),
the NSCA (CSCS), or the ASCA (ASCA level 1 or higher). and activation (0.675) subscales. Authors have documented
The survey instrument directions reinforced that only strength the difficulty in achieving acceptable Cronbach’s alpha levels
and conditioning practitioners were eligible to take part. One with small number of items (42,51); therefore, Briggs and
hundred and four participants responded. Two participants did Cheek (11) recommend examining interitem correlations
not meet the eligibility criteria of being accredited as a strength with mean interitem correlations ideally between 0.2 and
and conditioning practitioner by a recognized strength and 0.4. All subscales were deemed to have adequate internal
conditioning association (UKSCA, NSCA, and ASCA). One consistency, correlations ranging from 0.227 (attentional
hundred and two participants met the eligibility criteria control) to 0.427 (imagery and ego management).
comprising 90 men and 12 women with a mean age of
34.7 6 9.7 years. Participants had a mean experience of 7.4 6
Before approaching participants, ethical approval for the research
5.2 years working as strength and conditioning practitioners;
procedure was granted by the Research Ethics Panel of the
36.5% of respondents were working part time, whereas 63.5%
University of Salford. The survey was administered in electronic
as full-time practitioners. Participants were registered with the
format using the Bristol Online Survey instrument (Bristol
following organizations: UKSCA Association: n = 41, NSCA:
University, Bristol, United Kingdom). Convenience sampling
n = 48, and ASCA: n = 48. A number of participants were
used contacts collected from publicly available databases
affiliated with more than one organization. Participants had
(UKSCA, n = 101; ASCA, n = 425) and through distribution
ranging educational backgrounds (bachelors, masters, and doc-
on behalf by organization administration staff (British Association
toral qualifications in addition to vocational qualifications in
of Sport and Exercise Sciences [BASES], n = 111). The instru-
related disciplines); however, there seems to be no relationship
ment was e-mailed with a covering letter introducing the research
between the accredited practitioners affiliation and their educa-
stating the demands, potential benefits, potential risks, and the
tional background.
voluntary nature of the study as well as dissemination procedures
for the research findings. Participants received 2 follow-up re-
minders via e-mail and were thanked upon completion. The
The SCSPQ initially comprised 44 items measuring the
National Strength and Conditioning Association distributed
frequency of goal setting, imagery, self-talk, mental toughness,
the survey in the NSCA December e-bulletin to members on
attention control, relaxation, stress management, adherence,
the mailing list (NSCA, n z 26,000). The survey was active for
activation, self-confidence, and ego management. Responses
a 7-month period (August 2010 to February 2011).
were on a 5-point Likert scale from “not at all” to “all the time.”
The subscales were composed after a review of literature Statistical Analyses
indicating the salient psychological strategies to strength and Descriptive statistics including mean values, SDs, and mean
conditioning. Questionnaire content and wording was validated ranks for each of the subscales and subsequent a posteriori
through expert critique of both a Chartered Sport Psychologist analysis with appropriate nonparametric tests was con-
(BPS C. Psychol.) and Strength and Conditioning Specialist ducted using SPSS 16 (SPSS, Inc.). Nonparametric analysis
(CSCS*D, ASCC). Subsequent pilot testing used a sample of was used because the data failed to satisfy criteria for para-
students from the MSc Degree in Strength and Conditioning at metric analysis owing to the wording of the Likert scale
a United Kingdom university. Subsequent minor changes were being subjective and not applicable to interval-level measure-
made to the wording of questions, for example, “increasing ment, the convenience sampling methods used, and the data
arousal” was changed to “psyching-up.” An additional open- not having normal distribution (44). The Holm-Bonferroni
ended question required the respondents to identify up to method was used to counter family-wise type I error (47)
5 skills they felt most important to strength and conditioning because it is more powerful yet less conservative than the
practice and up to 5 psychological attributes that are detrimen- traditional Bonferroni procedure (1,30,75). The debate over
tal within strength and conditioning. Participants were asked to the need for multiple comparison corrections is documented
provide select demographic data including age, years of expe- with advocates for and against using corrected levels of sig-
rience, accrediting body, and the sports they were predomi- nificance (30). Multiple comparison corrections serve to pre-
nantly involved in (individual, team, or both equally) before vent the family-wise type I error; however, dispute lies with
completing the survey. the apparent extent of the family (14,30) with the conse-
Using SPSS 16 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA), internal quences of excessive corrections threatening type II error
consistency of each subscale was measured using Cronbach’s (70). For the purpose of this study, a family is termed as
alpha. The reliability criterion was set at .0.6 because of the a number of comparisons directly relating to a single null
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hypothesis (30); statistical power was calculated using

G*Power software, version 3.1.3 (29).
TABLE 1. Descriptive mean frequency of skills
The Friedman test was used to identify significant differ- used by strength and conditioning specialists (n
ences in the frequency of psychological skill use with the = 102) with SD. Split by subscale and global
critical value for significance set at ,0.05. Subsequent analysis psychological skill use measured by the
of variance between the frequencies of skill use was conducted Strength and Conditioning Sport Psychology
using the Wilcoxon signed-ranks test with a Holm-Bonferroni Questionnaire.
correction to control for family-wise type I error (47). The Subscale Mean* SD Mean rank
pairs were nominated for analysis on the basis of the observed
difference in the mean rank scores with the intention to iden- Goal setting 4.21 0.58 8.76
Adherence 3.99 0.72 7.60
tify the differences most relevant to this study on the pre-
Self-talk 3.89 0.72 7.55
sumption that larger z-values, effect sizes, and smaller alpha Activation 3.76 0.76 6.75
values will lie within other comparisons. The stringency of the Stress management 3.63 0.66 6.20
criteria to be nominated for analysis was on the basis that Attentional control 3.57 0.62 5.64
excessive comparisons will be detrimental to the adjusted Relaxation 3.48 0.67 5.31
Mental toughness 3.47 0.73 5.50
alpha value and risk type II errors.
Self-confidence 3.45 0.83 5.27
Subjects were then categorized based on demographic Ego management 3.25 0.73 4.28
criteria. This included experience, working predominantly Imagery 3.07 0.78 3.32
with teams or individual athletes, and accrediting body. The Total† 112.44 0.40
Kruskal-Wallis test identified the presence of significant Mean total of items 3.41 0.40
differences between the groups when split by experience, *Rating scale: not at all = 1 to all the time = 5.
accrediting body, and working with team or individual †Total skill use minimum possible score = 33 to max-
athletes. Mann-Whitney tests highlighted location of the imum possible score = 155.
differences using the Holm-Bonferroni correction.
Open-ended questions asked respondents to list up to 5
psychological skills critical to the athlete’s successful perfor-
mance and up to 5 psychological factors that are detrimental
and activation (z = 21.728, p = 0.042, d = 0.17, power = 0.53),
to the athlete’s performance. The responses were subjected
activation and attention control (z = 22.892, p = 0.002,
to thematic analysis using NVivo 8 [QSR International Pty,
d = 0.29, power = 0.88), stress management and relaxation
Ltd., Version 8, 2008 (69)].
(z = 22.750, p = 0.006, d = 0.23, power = 0.71), self-confidence
RESULTS and ego management (z = 22.005, p = 0.023, d = 0.27, power =
0.83), and imagery and ego management (z = 22.270, p =
Frequency of Use of Psychological Skills Measure Using the
0.012, d = 0.24, power = 0.75). It must be acknowledged that
Strength and Conditioning Sport Psychology Questionnaire
additional larger differences are assumed to exist between
The results identify the rank order of the psychological
strategies used by strength and conditioning practitioners.
To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first article to rank the Comparison of Strategy Use Between Experience Levels
order of the frequency of psychological strategies use as When comparing differing demographics, there were signif-
perceived by practitioners. icant differences in the frequency of skill use depending on
Descriptive statistics were calculated for the 11 subscales the respondents’ experience thus fulfilling a subsequent aim
and the total subscale scores (Table 1). The Friedman test of the study by identifying differences between demograph-
identified that there were significant differences between psy- ics relating to skill use. Table 2 shows the comparison
chological skills in terms of frequency of use in the frequency between the frequencies of psychological skills of practi-
of psychological skill use (x2 = 293.053, df = 2, p , 0.000). tioners with differing levels of experience.
This therefore supports the hypothesis that differences exist When grouped by experience, 0–4 years (n = 33, age 29.21 6
between the frequencies of use of particular strategies. 8.1 years), 5–9 years (n = 34, age 32.86 6.1 years), and 10 years
Subsequent pairwise analysis was performed with pairs and more (n = 35, age 42.5 6 9.4 years), the Kruskal-Wallis
selected subjected to the Holm-Bonferroni correction. Six pairs between groups test yielded significant differences in the fre-
were identified on the basis to identify the smallest significant quency of use of imagery (x2 = 15.293, df = 2, p , 0.001),
differences while preserving an appropriate significance value. attentional control (x2 = 6.669, df = 2, p = 0.036), stress man-
Thus, after scrutinizing the data for apparent mean and mean agement (x2 = 9.327, df = 2, p = 0.009), self-confidence (x2 =
ranked subscales differences, 6 pairs were identified for a poste- 8.746, df = 2, p = 0.013), and total skill use (x2 = 12.927, df = 2,
riori analysis using one-tailed Wilcoxon signed-ranks test. p = 0.002).
Significant differences existed between goal setting and adher- Subsequent a posteriori analysis using Mann-Whitney test
ence (z = 22.678, p = 0.004, d = 0.38, power = 0.98), self-talk with a Holm-Bonferroni corrected significance values

VOLUME 27 | NUMBER 4 | APRIL 2013 | 1139

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Perception and Frequency of Psychological Strategies

23.499, p , 0.001, d =
0.96, power = 0.99) was
TABLE 2. Descriptive mean values 6 SD of skill use by strength and conditioning
practitioners with different levels of experience. Split by subscale and global significantly greater in the
psychological skill use measured by the Strength and Conditioning Sport Psychology 10 years and more group
Questionnaire. compared with the 0–4
years experience group.
Experience in years
Self-confidence (z =
0–4 y, n = 33 5–9 y, n = 34 $10 y, n = 35 22.088, p = 0.019, d =
Subscale Mean* 6 SD Mean* 6 SD Mean* 6 SD 0.52, power = 0.66) was
used significantly more
Goal setting 4.04 6 0.62 4.22 6 0.61 4.36 6 4.47 by the 5–9 years experi-
Adherence 3.76 6 0.80 4.07 6 0.69 4.12 6 0.65
Self-talk 3.84 6 0.52 3.83 6 0.90 4.01 6 0.70 ence group than the 0–4
Activation 3.61 6 0.77 3.69 6 0.82 3.97 6 0.64 years experience group.
Stress management 3.39 6 0.67 3.60 6 0.69 3.90 6 0.55 Imagery (z = 22.828,
Attentional control 3.40 6 0.63 3.53 6 0.60 3.77 6 0.58 p = 0.003, d = 0.67,
Relaxation 3.35 6 0.68 3.44 6 0.74 3.65 6 0.58 power = 0.67), stress man-
Mental toughness 3.33 6 0.74 3.58 6 0.74 3.51 6 0.54
Self-confidence 3.11 6 0.78 3.54 6 0.87 3.69 6 0.74 agement (z = 22.050,
Ego management 3.17 6 0.72 3.17 6 0.74 3.42 6 0.73 p = 0.020, d = 0.48,
Imagery 2.75 6 0.67 2.92 6 0.75 3.49 6 0.55 power = 0.60), and total
Total† 106.91 6 12.83 111.59 6 13.26 118.49 6 11.53 skill use (z = 22.216,
Mean total of items 3.24 6 0.38 3.38 6 0.40 3.59 6 0.35 p = 0.019, d = 0.56,
*Rating Scale: not at all = 1 to all the time = 5. power = 0.71) were used
†Total skill use minimum possible score = 33 to maximum possible score = 155. significantly more in the
10 years and more group
compared with the 5–9
years group

identified that the imagery (z = 23.700, p , 0.001, d = 1.21, Comparison Between Respondents Accrediting Bodies
power = 0.999), attentional control (z = 22.480, p = 0.007, With respect to identifying potential difference between
d = 0.61, power = 0.78), stress management (z = 22.951, accrediting bodies, a subsequent objective of the study
p = 0.002, d = 0.83, power = 0.96), self-confidence (z = 22.953, was achieved by identifying potential factors relating to
p = 0.002, d = 0.76, power = 0.92), and total skill used (z = the use of psychology within strength and condi
tioning practice.
Respondents were grouped
into categories according to
TABLE 3. Factors listed by practitioners as important to the athlete’s successful the respective accrediting bod-
performance and the percentage of respondents (n = 102) stating such factors
ies. These were ASCA (n = 36,
as important. Measured using open-ended questions within the Strength and
Conditioning Sport Psychology Questionnaire. age 36.6 6 10.2 years, experi-
ence 9.22 6 7.4 years), NSCA
Percent consensus of respondents (n = 24, age 33.75 6 9.8 years,
Factors critical to success (%), n = 102 experience 6.58 6 5.5 years),
Motivation 63.37 both NSCA and ASCA (n =
Confidence 51.49 12, age 35.8 6 8.3 years, expe-
Commitment 48.51 rience 11. 3 6 6.3 years), and
Focus 38.61 both NSCA and UKSCA (n =
Mental toughness 32.67 20, age 33.8 6 11.5 years,
Positive attitude 23.76
Goal setting 23.76 experience 8.0 6 7.0 years).
Correct level of concentration 22.77 Using the Kruskal-Wallis test,
Routines and organization 20.79 the results yielded significant
Mental rehearsal 18.81 differences between the frequen-
Comparisons with others 16.83 cies of total psychological skill
Relaxation 16.83
Review of performance inc feedback 13.86 use of respondents from differ-
ent accrediting bodies (x2 =
10.220, df = 3, p = 0.017).
The Kruskal-Wallis test show
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Factors Important to Success and Factors Debilitating

to Performance
TABLE 4. Factors listed by practitioners as
detrimental to the athlete’s performance and the
Table 3 shows the most commonly cited psychological aspects
percentage of respondents (n = 102) stating critical to an athletes’ success and judged by the sampled prac-
such factors as important. Measured using titioners. Respondents highlighted that the most important
open-ended questions within the Strength and psychological attributes relevant to strength and conditioning
Conditioning Sport Psychology Questionnaire. were motivation, confidence, and commitment with 63.37,
Percent consensus of 51.49, and 48.51%, respectively, of respondents identifying such
Factors detrimental to respondents (%), characteristics as important for success within strength and
performance n = 102 conditioning. Table 4 presents factors considered detrimental
to strength and conditioning training by strength and condi-
Lack of motivation 54.46 tioning practitioners. This showed that a lack of motivation,
Lack of confidence 45.54
Stress and anxiety 32.67 a lack of confidence, stress, and anxiety were the most often
Ego 31.68 reported causes of a poor performance with 54.46, 45.54, and
Not focussed toward 26.73 32.67%, respectively, of the respondents stating such issues.
training objectives
Lack of commitment 19.80 DISCUSSION
Burnout and depression 15.84
Negative attitude toward 14.85 As was hypothesized, it was apparent that strength and
training and conditioning coaches use and value psychological skills;
competition however, as expected, an imbalance between the use of
Inappropriate goal 14.85 particular strategies was observed. As predicted, adherence-
increasing strategies and goal setting were widely used, whereas
Poor planning and 13.86
organization complex strategies, namely mental imagery, were used the least.
It was highlighted that there is a difference in the frequency of
using psychological strategies within the prescribed practice of
strength and conditioning practitioners. Furthermore, when
comparing between groups, it was apparent that there are
differences in psychological skill use depending on the level of
experience of the practitioner and also the body through which
that significant differences existed between the frequencies the practitioner gained accredited status.
of select psychological skill usage of respondents from The most used strategy was the use of goal setting. This was
different accrediting bodies. Differences existed in the fre- in line with the existing research showing that short-term goals
quency of attentional control strategies (x2 = 10.865, are among the most commonly used psychological skills in
df = 3, p = 0.12), relaxation strategies (x2 = 10.673, df = 3, physiotherapy (4,5,43) and in athletic training (84). The per-
p = 0.014), stress management strategies (x2 = 8.129, df = 3, ceived increased use of goal setting is most likely owing to the
p = 0.43), and ego management (x2 = 13.351, df = 3, p = nature of strength and conditioning practice using established
0.004). targets and physiological benchmarks from which to deter-
One-tailed a posteriori Mann-Whitney test with the mine the effectiveness of a training intervention. It is also prob-
modified Holm-Bonferroni correction (47) identified differ- able that the increased use of goal setting is dependent upon
ences between the ASCA group and both the NSCA and the strength and conditioning specialists’ perception of the
UKSCA groups with ASCA having a greater total psycho- previous success using the strategy. Indeed, Sullivan and Hodge
logical skill (z = 22.892, p = 0.002, d = 0.94, power = 0.95), (76) have previously identified goal setting as a strategy
attentional control (z = 22.904, p = 0.002, d = 0.88, power coaches had most success using. Furthermore, with the
= 0.95), relaxation strategies (z = 22.295, p , 0.001, d = 1.00, reported lack of time to use psychological strategies (17), it is
power = 0.97), stress management strategies (z = 22.571, likely that coaches will focus their use of psychological strate-
p = 0.005, d = 0.74, power = 0.82), and ego management gies on those perceived as most beneficial to the neglect of
strategies (z = 23.153, p = 0.001, d = 1.01, power = 0.97) other skill sets. The high frequency of goal-setting strategies is
than both the NSCA and UKSCA groups. encouraging with numerous academics advocating such strat-
Furthermore, differences existed, although not achieving egies with the use of goal setting being a major determining
significance when subjected to the modified Holm-Bonfer- factor between successful and unsuccessful athletes (23,66).
roni correction (47), between the ASCA and the NSCA Conversely, the least used strategy was imagery, mirroring
groups. The ASCA having a greater total psychological skill the existing knowledge that imagery was considered
use (z = 22.348, p = 0.019, d = 0.61, power = 0.71), with use unimportant and difficult to prescribe by athletic trainers
of greater attentional control strategies (z = 22.323, (40,84) and underused within physiotherapy (4,5). The lack
p = 0.020, d = 0.59, power = 0.70) than the NSCA group. of prescribed imagery interventions could be for numerous

VOLUME 27 | NUMBER 4 | APRIL 2013 | 1141

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Perception and Frequency of Psychological Strategies

reasons. Primarily, it is possible that there is uncertainty of the lacking knowledge in the techniques to increase self-confidence.
applications of imagery within strength and conditioning, either Likewise, it is possible that the respondents are using strategies
the benefits of imagery interventions or the methods of promoting confidence that are not included within the survey
instructing imagery. The lacking promotion of imagery is sup- instrument. The survey instrument focused on established
ported by the widely documented reason for neglecting psy- sources of self-efficacy such as vicarious experiences and past
chological being a lack of understanding (5,20,40,43,63,85) with accomplishments, the latter being regarded as the most
sports coaches and athletes previously reporting that among influential source of self-efficacy (9,10,88); however, the use of
other skills, imagery and visualization are areas in which they verbal persuasion received limited coverage within the self-con-
would like more information (39). An important consideration fidence subscale. The effects of verbal encouragement have pre-
is time demands required for the athlete to become adept at viously been shown to benefit lifting performance significantly
using prescribed imagery strategies. Consequently, athletes may (60), and the use of “hustle” and “praise” have been observed
perceive imagery as an ineffective tool causing practitioners to previously within strength and conditioning (55). Despite not
have a negative attitude toward the use of imagery as was observed in this study, it is therefore probable that practitioners
observed in a sample undergoing physiotherapy rehabilitation use verbal persuasion as a source of increasing confidence;
(35). The lacking use of imagery is problematic, notably however, they are not using additional strategies to increase
because of the benefits elicited through imagery training to- athlete’s self-confidence.
ward increased strength (50,89), electromyographic activity As hypothesized, it was apparent that the use of psycho-
(87), technique development (65,73), stress regulation (86), logical strategies is related to experience. Various reasons
and program adherence (61). could account for this. First, it is possible that as previously
The lacking use of imagery, and indeed additional identified practitioners develop their skills “on the job” as
psychological strategies, may be accounted for because of observed in physiotherapy and sports coaching (49,76) as
the nature of the discipline; previous studies show that such gain more experience and confidence in implementing
coaches working with athletes in both practice and compe- psychological strategies and consequently prescribe more
tition were reported to encourage the use of imagery in than their less experienced counterparts as reflected in the
a competition setting compared with practice (48). Thus, practices of athletic trainers (40). As a result, despite having
with the strength and conditioning practitioner being con- the prerequisite knowledge of psychological skills and its
cerned with training, it is possible that use of particular psy- importance, practitioners may not have sufficient confi-
chological strategies are undervalued and perceived less dence, fostered through experience, to implement such strat-
relevant to training compared with competition, reflected egies. Second, strength and conditioning practitioners are
in various studies when mental skills have been shown to required to maintain their respective accreditation. For
be used less in training compared with competition (36,78). example, the UKSCA, the ASCA, and the NSCA have the
The perceived lack of importance of psychological strategies “Continual Professional Development (CPD) model,” the
in practice has been identified previously and serves as a con- “updating procedure,” and the “Continuing Education Pro-
cern that skills are being used less in a practice setting. gram,” respectively. An accredited practitioner must demon-
Durand-Bush and Salmela (23) have identified that the use strate advancement to maintain their accreditation status,
of psychological strategies by expert performers are shaped usually via documented hours of practice or though attend-
through practice, during daily activities, and in conjunction ing relevant training (64). As a result, practitioners are
with training activities. This would suggest that the strength required to attend training and reflect upon successful and
and conditioning practitioner could play a critical role in the unsuccessful aspects of their practice, thus potentially shap-
development of psychological skills with transfer of such ing their applied practice. It should however be noted that
skills into competition to compliment physical development. the training sessions attended are at the discretion of the
Therefore, education into the importance of psychological practitioner; there is no requirement to attend CPD sessions
skills in training and indeed transfer to completion should with an emphasis on psychology per se. Furthermore, it has
receive increased emphasis within practitioner development. been documented that despite an interest in psychology and
In identifying critical psychological strategies, motivation an awareness of the benefits of implementing such strategies,
and confidence were among the most important, whereas few physiotherapists, similarly having to maintain a CPD
correspondingly a lack of confidence and a lack of motiva- record, have attended training concerning the use of psycho-
tion were the most debilitating factors. Although the logical strategies (49). The effectiveness of CPD training and
importance of motivation was reflected in the frequent use procedures concerning the use of psychological strategies
of certain strategies such as goal setting and increasing and indeed the sources influencing psychological skills is
adherence, there is an imbalance between the perceived an area worthy of further investigation.
importance and the frequency of use of self-confidence When drawing comparisons between practitioners
shaping strategies. Possible reasons for such a disparity accredited from various accrediting bodies, the NSCA,
may be either that practitioners feel that confidence is an UKSCA, and ASCA, it is apparent that respondents accredited
innate characteristic unable to be modified or that there is by the ASCA had a greater global psychological skill use, using
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such skills as imagery, self-talk, attentional control, relaxation, psychology techniques to enhance the training and/or perfor-
and stress management strategies more than their counterparts mance of the athlete.” Conversely, there is no apparent assess-
accredited by other organizations. Unfortunately, many of the ment of psychological competencies in the UKSCA Strength
respondents had duel accreditation; consequently, this study and Conditioner Practitioner assessment. It has been reported
cannot differentiate between those accredited by the NSCA that when exposed to the use of psychological strategies, in
and UKSCA. Further research is required to ascertain if turn gaining more understanding, practitioners are more likely
a difference exists between the psychological skills and strategy to implement such psychological skills (33). This would indi-
use of those practitioners having been accredited with the cate that strength and conditioning practitioners accredited
UKSCA and those accredited with the NSCA. There are through the ASCA may have increased exposure to psycho-
proposed reasons for the increased use of psychology by logical strategies though either initial training or applied prac-
practitioners. First, it is possible that culture has a pivotal role tice, and CPD consequently may be a more beneficial CPD
in the use of psychology with the majority of UKSCA model to adopt to promote the use of psychological strategies.
accreditations practicing in the United Kingdom and similarly It should be noted that this study had limitations.
most ASCA practitioners surveyed being located in Australia Importantly, it is noteworthy that completion of the survey
(44 of 48 ASCA accredited practitioners). For example, was voluntary; therefore, it could be assumed that the
Sullivan and Hodge (76) documented that coaches and ath- findings are biased toward practitioners with an interest in
letes from New Zealand considered psychology as very sport psychology and possibly having an increased percep-
important devoting on average 12% of their contact time to tion of skill use. The study was based on the perceptions of
teaching psychological strategies to their athletes with some the respondents. Consequently, the subjective nature could
coaches reported to spending up to 30 hours per week teach- have caused discrepancies of the rating scale with respond-
ing psychological strategies, despite 73% of coaches perceiving ents potentially having different perceptions of time
themselves to have insufficient knowledge. Conversely, it is demands. The self-report survey could present a social
apparent that within certain areas of sport in the United King- desirability bias. Further research should consider using
dom such as Association Football in which with coaches por- a multidimensional approach with triangulation including
trayed a negative perception of psychology (67). The disparity observational techniques to verify the responses. Addition-
between cultures has previously been identified with athletes ally, the survey instrument subscales did not offer scope for
from New Zealand being more open with less stigmatization assessing specific method of goal-setting strategies, the
toward the use of psychology than those observed in the various styles of imagery, or methods of increasing self-
United States and in the United Kingdom (2). Indeed, athletes confidence. Furthermore, it was beyond the scope of this
from New Zealand demonstrated a greater positive perception study to identify the quality of the psychological skills and
toward using psychology than those athletes from the United strategies used. Although it is encouraging that strength and
States and the United Kingdom; furthermore, Anderson et al. conditioning practitioners are implementing psychological
(2) identified that “subjective norms” were predictive of ath- strategies, future studies must address the effectiveness of
letes’ likelihood to be receptive of psychological skill use sug- implementing such strategies. Furthermore, additional
gesting cultural influences shaping the use of psychology. The research would be well directed to the reasons why
reduced receptivity toward psychology use may have two particular strategies are implemented or neglected. This
implications. First, it is likely that the Strength and Condition- would provide important consideration regarding the train-
ing practitioner may share a skeptical perception toward psy- ing and CPD that the strength and conditioners undergo and
chology fostered within cultural influences and thus be provide direction for future strategies to promote psychol-
reluctant to use psychological strategies. Second, it is possible ogy within strength and conditioning.
that the athletes’ reduced receptivity will reduce the effective-
ness of any psychological strategies consequently resulting in PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
a reduced perception toward the effectives of psychology and The strength and conditioning practitioner is a valued
subsequent reduced use of particular strategies. member of the sport support team and coupled with being
A second potential explanation would be the perceived lack in a critical role should be well equipped to develop the
of understanding toward implementing psychological strate- psychological skills of the athlete, both to facilitate strength
gies. This is broadly cited as a major cause inhibiting the use of and conditioning training and to offer a valuable environ-
psychology (5,20,40,43,63,85). Thus, it is pertinent to examine ment in which to rehearse assorted psychological strategies
differences in educational procedures between various accred- in preparation for competition. Areas should be addressed
iting bodies. The ASCA Strength and Conditioning coaching through CPD to offer a greater scope of strategies to the
course is split into 3 levels with stage 1 having a component strength and conditioning practitioner thus benefiting the
regarding “modifying training programs to suit the psycholog- athletes and the profession as a whole. Practitioners would
ical development of the athlete” (6) with competence measured be well advised to attend sessions to gain confidence in using
via direct observation. The NSCA CSCS assessment contains psychological strategies and likewise organizations should
multiple choice questions to assess competence in using “sport make such sessions readily available to attend and endeavor

VOLUME 27 | NUMBER 4 | APRIL 2013 | 1143

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Perception and Frequency of Psychological Strategies

to promote the use of psychological strategies. Respective performance within competition. Furthermore, skills such
CPD programs should endeavor to promote the use of as mental imagery and self-talk have been shown to facilitate
psychology within the discipline though offering training power exercises (50,81) with both methods identified as
methods that incorporate the active practice of psychology. adaptive strategies to increase confidence, motivation, focus,
Strength and Conditioning professionals should critically and technique (18,41). Thus, while particular skills can be
reflect on the use of psychological strategies within their used in training, for example, to improve motivation or to
practice, identifying positive aspects brought through psycho- facilitate technique acquisition, such skills have direct appli-
logical interventions and areas in which improvements could cations toward competition, with parallels existing concern-
be made. Through critical reflection, “on the job” learning can ing the need to focus attention, increase confidence, or to
be enhanced. Reflection would promote a greater awareness regulate anxiety during competition. Consequently, the ben-
and development of currently used strategies, for example, the efits of being adept at using psychological skills in competi-
use of goal setting, and encourage a problem solving mindset tion is a crucial component of success and as such should be
needed to select appropriate beneficial psychological strategies afforded time during practice to refine such skills.
within the strength and conditioning field. Practitioners should
be given the opportunity to attend active training sessions
whenever possible in which the practitioner is exposed to There are no conflicts of interest associated with the present
practical scenarios and role-playing situations because this research. There are no professional relationships with the
has many proven benefits at least in providing the practitioner authors and any potential organizations benefiting from
with confidence to implement strategies and is the approach the present research. The results of this study do not constitute
recommended for athletic trainers (16). endorsement of any of the accreditation or professional
Strength and Conditioning practitioners should collabo- development programs processes discussed in the present study
rate with additional support staff and athletes to foster an by either the authors or the National Strength and Condition-
atmosphere receptive of psychological interventions liaising ing Association. The authors are grateful for the help in
with additional support staff including coaches and psychol- distributing the survey from the British Association of Sport
ogists where applicable to facilitate the psychological and Exercise Sciences and the National Association of Strength
development of athletes. To promote the benefits of and Conditioning.
psychology, strength and conditioning practitioners should
incorporate an education phase regarding the benefits of
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