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How to solve 3*3 cube

A 3*3 rubiks cube, has 6 faces or sides, thus has six colours:
White, Red, Green, Blue, Orange, Yellow.
Pair of colours on the opposite sides: White = Yellow, Red = Orange, Blue = Green
It has three types of pieces:

Centre piece have single color, and they do not move with respect to each other.
Edge pieces have two colors and corner piece have three colors.

Denotions of the sides for the algorithm:

 F= Front
 U= Up/ Top
 R= Right
 L= Left
 D= Down/Bottom
 B= Back

When Only the letter is written, you turn the side clockwise, when there is ‘ next to it, you
turn it anti-clockwise. Eg. R – Turn right side clockwise, R’ – Turn right side anti-clockwise

Steps to solve the cube:

I. Make a white cross
1. Connect all the white edges with yellow centre. (white part should be connected to
the yellow centre)
2. Connect the other colour of the white edge with respective centre ( by rotating the
top only), and then turn front 180 degrees. The edges will connect to white as well
as respective centres.
II. Put white corners in proper place
1. Find corner piece that has white colour and position it in the first layer such that it is
between centres of the rest of the two colours.
eg. If a corner piece has white, red and green in it place it between red and green
2. Align the corner piece with white on top as per the position of the corner. At the end
of this step, white face along with third layer should be completed.
III. Complete the second layer.
1. Find non-yellow edges and connect the colour in the first layer with its respective
2. Look at the colour at bottom and turn the first layer away from the side on which the
colour has centre. (If the edge has blue and red, blue being on the first layer, connect
blue to blue centre. Now if red is on the right of the blue, turn the bottom leftwards.)
3. Bring down the side on which the other colour’s centre is. (Here, the red is on the
right so we will give an R’. Had the red been on left, we would have given an L.)
4. Now undo the bottom and undo the side that is R’ or L
5. Now bring back the misplaced white corner and you are set with the edges. Repeat
this on remaining edges.

Note: If there are no non yellow edges, fir a yellow edge in the gap and then put the
correct edge.

IV. Algorithm for connecting yellow edges (creating a yellow cross)

F R U R’ U’ F’
Tips: Use this algorithm repeatedly till a yellow cross is formed.
When an L is formed hold the cube so that the L is in right corner. (On top)
When a line is formed hold that horizontally on top before you apply algorithm again.

V. Positioning the yellow corner pieces (here, placement is important even though the
dimensions can be varied.)
L’ U R U’ L U R’ U’
Tips: Use this algorithm repeatedly till all the corners are positioned correctly.
When you find a properly placed corner, hold the cube so that the placed corner is at
right bottom corner (on top) and then repeat the algorithm.

VI.Last Algorithm
R U2 R’ U’ R U’ R’ L’ U2 L U L’ U L
When all the corners are in their place, use this algorithm to finish the cube.
Tip: Put the disoriented pieces on the right side, to finish the cube quicker.

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