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October 7-

-serving Narberth Town

and Lower Merion Town-
ship . . . An independent
newspaper dedicated to the
ideal of service to the East-
ern Main Line community. ':,'


VOLUME 24, No. 52
• J..
ptha Ahhott Plan' Ball Work of Child Woman's Guild Founder's Memory Honored I Earl D. Dickie
$3 a Year • ",:"I,,'r '"""Iillg ,,1' till' J,'ptha Ah-
1,,", ("I,al't,r, II A, IL, will he ~on- In School Told Bora To Hear Welfare Workn
Th,' :-":ar!>,'rlh Bran"h of tIll' w, c.l
'1', ,', ml'l at till' hllnll' of tl1l' pr<"i-'
Elected Commander
Will "lid Borollgh l·oll/llt ...." , I" 1 hi' 01"111, \11'" R, l'. K"lIn,'dy. Sa!>III" ave'! of Narberth Lcgion
da\ at :..:;0 III til' ,lin, ay 'C 00 I Parents-Teachers Among Chinese
fight Firn 1""'111' ,,1' till' (l\','rhrollk I'",',bvt.. nan' III;", \l1I1I<!ay aft,'I'nllllll to plan ("I'
. h t lit' ~t'a'lln':-- \\ llt"k.
TIll' \\o'lIrnan'~ (;1Ii1d 111' till' ~al'

(1,\11,'11. I'lall' wrll h,' mad .. fllr t e l ' ' I W. J, Iln'nnan "an' an Larl D. Ili"ki,', 1 17 For",t, was
A alllillllll hall til h,' 11l'ld at th,' Ikllt,-, rIlll'lpa... herlh I'n',hyt,'rian Chllrch will nll,,'t \1, '. ,I"hn \'an ~"'" d"\'lIlll1nal Ililaninlllu'I\' "I" .. I<'d ,,"mmander of
"'" "11','111'111'01, ~Ov"I)ll,,'r 4,
J.!rt·att·J' 11\11l11H'r 1':' ,'11111 t 1l1\ltlllg'
Ik 1\1 I
. iI IlI,t l'a14'd ta . : lin, ay en'nlTlg' lin in th,' "hurch Octllbn G, with \11'" 1,'a,l<-r. . lIj""ll'd With a ,hllr! pray,'r' 11ll' I1arlild' .D, "1ll'akll1all 1'1I~t, Anll'l'l-
IlIf'IlJi"'I',III,,' "' II" :\arh"111r F,,','
\ ('lIn1pan~' at $:\ a \1 ;11 :lIT Ilt'('lkd I f
\11"" 1-:. ("lark CI'I'a""r
that (lr~allizatltill 1~ tl1 111:llnt;llll. and .. ,-I' __ "t till' t"a tal>l,.,
,. wrll he tl", I\lIrk ,,1' "I,ildl'l'n in th,' :---larb"rth h'all Allhutt a, 'Ill'ak"r,
1'ld,I,,' " .. h,,"II,,'fll'l· till' "1"'nlng- m .."t-
" hy all 1I11,'r.."tlng a"cllunt 01 "all I
:\Ir. and ;.trs, Allbutt Ira"" 111"'11 I'ran,"'" \\ illard, th,' IIrgalllz,'r IIf th..
.,·gllln, T II"" Ia\' Il 'll!'h t.
It \\01' tl1<' ""',:nd honllr to be
'f I \\', (', '1', l'" whll,-" \1\llh b,rthda\' an- \1 I k·' 'I' h
. . l.t.k furth,·!" IJllI11"1'\I'nll'nt, III It ... IdaZt' '111" "j' tl1<' I "",,"g I1 an'nt- ,'a" 1<'1' workillg anlling tilt' p ..""I" III 111l' ' g,,','n, r, 111' 'I" III a >'!nl!" nil! t
til!htll'J.!' dli .. i,·nl"" A BTl,kcn Shoulder
I " 1 1
! A"""latilln. " pn'\'IIll'" of KW"ichow, Chll1a, a tnh,' 11I\l'I'''ry \Irli ,hill'll, I", ('('I"hrat"<1
111I',.r,c:I'III,1 th,' "OUlllr,', ",\11" \\ r1-
Iin'Il11'Il',' ,tor\'I,
TI1l' n,'\\· (,lIlllllla~,h'r. a l'l,,.,id,'nt of
' ("",
In lH'ltalf llf tljl' 1·;llllP;llt.;l) fIll' l11tll'I' .-\I,d ,,11,,1' 1I1.J1l1'I'" ,u'(;lIn,"

a"t ' \11'" ('harl<-, l.. \'lgIII'r" ,Jr" tlll'!knnwn a~ th,' "Bla .. k \1'01<' Th,'y 101,..1," 'tat,'d ~Ir,. \"n :\"-" "\\'a, 1 I l' Ie III a,!<lr', I
"1,"Ji"'r" Ill'. . \II",l't (', Ilal'llf", "11"" I,'I,,!:I\, \11"'n},I"""'IIlI11i' '
..dth,',,urh, I l't'-':ltlt'llt.l'l't'-'ltkd. In\'(lCatlPlll\..·tn t t II CI, n 1"'''1
111.a I,
'Inl 'II
.-. • ( . " l '
(l "tlll I III 1111'1'1\'111'1 lll"tll Ii' h IIIit' lI,r"uglr "r ' :',1 \"',lI",
"1'1",01"111, :11,,1 ('''llIlt '1'11'\;111 B, 0111 alld -III"'>;" 11"'" lin 1-:01-1 \\',nll"\I',,,,<1,II'" ,h"nll' IIIl tlwll' Ilr,t fllrillugh. \1,',." , " " "'tl"l1 I" hi' tir<' "lIl11pany and v.. tc-ran
''i "
:\lal'a:', l'I""I,j,.III, atldl" ",'-I tl,,' all' I "a.1. \1"1""11, an' k""llIllg \\'r11Ianl T'i \\;1- 1:1\"'n ',' I II' \1'\
I I I' ('I t S
" U' ,,'n "I FI'I'd .. rt"k II, ~,'al" wrll "onduct 111<" """111",
1'1 l' :--:Ill' l'l'l'all"d
to thll""
' , I ;),'1,,'111"', 1.- a n1<'l11ll1'r 111' thl' Ca,.,sia

llllal 1111'1'1 llR Ilf thl' (·1IIlljltlI1.\ Tljl' .... da~ Il"UI:I",I\, ';r,,\'" pia .. ", In 11,,1,1 Trll'it,\ \.lltl1<'ran Churl'h, ,a-',lt-votional l'x,'rei",'" T Ill' l'l' will I", 1I,:lr,",!',',ljl II", la-t w"ld, "I ~arl)f'rth,
\\Ii-' I "dIC" 'I" F 'Ind A., .-\rdllllll'l', Ill' ~II" ~I.,
t I' \",:1I111j'11i I" h,' \\'llh (;"d,'"
IIIL'lrt al 1-:1111 lIall. 1111' HI\1l \1:1\\,. 1I"'I"tal. ,Iut,· til th,' naghy Rowrt I (' ('
. ompton,I,p<'cia! music, :', a ,a",lllali IlIr 11ll' F,d ..lity In-
____ 'HII\ ""IIUt TI'IIIIP ~o, :!, willi .. 'Ii~s. 1\-Ir', C, C, T\',on a1ld h",. ,'ir.. 10- wrll :"',tll,,'nt A"",'i"ti"n, \11''', Ili"ki,' i,
nlllt' dlll·('llol .... Fq!hl

11·\·hl,-lll \\1'1""
Vlall"'-- Frl"k!- I"d till' >'!1Iglllg, Around the Town
', .. TV" a delightful ll1n .. h ..on, 1'1'1",,1<-111 "I'll", "1",,,klllan I'",t Aux- Cynwyd Man :
\\', ~, 11"\\;'1'01, Ilal'l,' 11,,11:11', ""1:11'" \\, II ('I",.k .. "I1II,lllIlI'nl,'d th" w"l'k (;uild (,in'I," will nlPI'! III till' h1l11l<'- til:Il'\, I'

T. "111".11,'" T H, oI"\L!,a,,, . \11"'1'1 I:' 1,,1\ ]J'g "j' 1I;I\"'rl",rd ""'II'li' :'rlllll "filii' d"n nl,,'h"I" III ""1","1 I" II", 111' lanoll' nll'll1h"I', (kt"l ... r :!\I, ,tlld, ChOH'1I Prt'S,,!c/lt 0/ \\'all" I' \1"",'11 :' lit" rl'llrlllg
:\lIlt\, (;",.r",' ';" 1', III 11:11111" .11101 II" ;. i,. 1,' :":lII ... rtlr a\,'I1I".. d,I:I\,'d,a,III"t"., ,,1' th,' :\arl"'l'Ih ('1111 l'al·~,·tOl'IC 1Il'Ilig "Vorgott"11 A,,'a' III (IIII' I'hi/adelphia 1:leetrl( '1"'"l1l1andeL
\\':\1t'1I11 II 11III' ",, :\"" IIWII1I" I " j 1,\ ,,,", ,'''11111'\1<'01 till' \\'".-\" ,':\II'III\C: ,\ '".-,al 11"111 1',,1 I,,\\...d , Clt;("," '111r" "l1i,""', "i,,, IIl1allllll"lhly
11 ;1': ':1 I :l\ _ \ 1;1 ,tll.tttle: IIcql~(' ----~-- J1hd;lIklplllH ~:II·l·t I'll' 'CJIlIJl;III~ ':-- ~'I -c'II. \\1'1 C' \\";llt,,)" (I ~,dli\·all. first
111l' hll"r.!:' Lall II, 111,h:, (,,,, \."
L'lt!Jl :--tCI''\). ;I Ilil Illl,f'l

"I' tllt· .\"11\1' 1:111", ':,," I'i '111'1';1('11'1:' \\'11,01,"1' :1\'"

1-:--\-, til 11111.1.
1:,,:11'01 of 11;1,,"'1"1'-, 1':111,,01 "1'''11 I" "I> ,","'"':1"'1>'-1'; .-\Iall hlrh, >""011"
I II" 1 H tll'\\' pn· . . . ld,·rlt Tli1· .... d;ly. IH;HII' \ Il'
Bridge Club
"llllll:lllt!t 1. ,tllli rl"l,lt'l't('d \Vl'n'
Rods and Guns
" ... Flrt·ll)t.II· .....\ " " l l l'.atol l '\.

JlI~lt'll I,{ \·ll.c·1 nt

II, L l k l ' lIT
F. ("11Iilllll~ll:t1l1,

t I I

.\dd t., 11111t:. 11 . . 1 of local pll/Y \\ 111-

11!"I~t (;, !':--=. ... !IIll!I·" . . elll II!" :\lr. I<",/:/('(t.', PIt/liS 1./111.-1"'0"
It I I

SlIan' Trophic" for Cilln

I"l Il\':--l~"ltl"'l
1.1\ I' I' .... H Il!('.
III ('111.ll .... IIlP HIII"at'l I'. ,1.JI/!111 .\ ,\JlI\\ /1'''. tin;lIh',' (dlit'l'r; the
,d' :.!ll:! ·l\\·~·d.
- ·~·JI\\:\11. I~l'\ 1~1,lfl'll E. 1\11)!lllllll. t'llaplain;
!ll·I·!1 lit I r tIll' .111:\ I li 11 nil II. \\! 1'1
,,'.,i ~II' (;,,11111'}, I-:--linl:"!'. :!:!~ (',,", .\·",\t H'ctI,,('5'/.1\ Memner.' i \ II,,', 11< ,-' (':,"lllnc:h:,,", ','rC:"allt-at-
1:;It! :t flll'lI!I'1 l·d t I :1 T 1 ( \', ,,;! ~d ]lilt lit"
"1,',\ 1,:1 I \\I>'k "' l'hlla,I.-I"III:<" :<11, -, ('1.:<11.-, ,I ('1:Irl-,', I"-t,,rian,
~d .II' I I) ;1111 I I' I ;I! I tip II:', t II~' -
1:1 III \ II ~il':ll:'I'l"d Ill" tlHd, lill' ~::~I ~:l:' ttl/l1l'~l \\:l~ fC11 1':Xl't'lIt1\,C
llll \\"( IIP'II, 1)1\ 1-11'11 (If 1111 '1'1.\\11 .lIlt! tll\\"n-hll' J!lIlltl l T:- ;11111 ()l,l.,

ill -1 :1 I.(.;~d ,lllllliit III l\:l~' l\~'''''I'I'':-: 101 Ill! It, ~lllnll~il 1111'\"
1:lldL'"I' ('lld, at tj . . lll'rJw.n dl:-pLlyt·d p:l,t11l1t' prtl. '1',11111"'1' \\ lit It 1111111111114',,-- for th'p
I,:, -, oIli II.' II I" I ' ,I'
~ I, ' I,:, --:'
.11 h1Illt'j.!l', I:..' I,:: Tllllr,d.l~ I't·tllt·I,~1 1111' 1"1,1- lil'II'n('.,,' Iwfl'll f:lllll 11t.- illHI frll'lld'1' 11"!~ ,\,,11 I).'. Fl!,,;tlll t-:1I'lll~"I',
,I, .111, ..\ \1: II, , , 'i " "I, ','
\\ ,1'1.11,. II, (;;<11, ...,,\\, ,II ':1:! I,:. 1,.\\.,,1.: ,,11'11"'1'" I' I'hall, - \1 1,,11"., 11:<11 TIlIll"I",
I ). I': I. i (·1, ~ I,ll. I')"t ':--11 I, 1.1 ~IIII ~~lt\ll'!:I\ :11 I~ld:"'I'\\a~ '- F~II 111. B,·tll .1:11"" IklL'I:I, ,Il"! Frank ('lrall.-ng"L
, "'1 I \ itT 1'1""'1111111. ~1,-. ( .1 l;(HIt!.\t'~II:
III I I' ..... ;1 I lei I ~(I LI'ld I:: ( I 1
.1.\ 1,'--. '1 ~.I \ I .!I1111;1 Ill! I' I \. i 1 ('1 .1 II 1'llllIt I·d II I l r -
III IIII' ,"', 1'""I.I,nl. \1", \1 ( 1I11i"hallL'h,
• 1:4' 1111l~' 11 ('4 \ II nc·. J
,I" ,,""[",\, ~I", ~lar" I,: ~1"1,,:tl',
. I II IlIJ '\1 •~ 11/1 1,1
T:d'"I1: lil'I', "'''1",,11\1,1,', III at'l' T ~Il\l dll'~ :1' 'l'i.ilJt:tIl1. tilt' I'0:--t
'l'llf' :1('11'.1 111/'1111 II. \\' .,. ,II l,j It I! II II
a t I l ' III 111111j! lJ I tt ':- t alld III I)!t·1. i.;I'! hi III ': ,1.1::..' till' la't YI'ar.
: III Jlln~ 1)l1'111 .-..:'·1 \ 11'1 ;l t ,Ii ,I 11,'a,I1)'(''', \1,,-, F II \1.-I':'lallll'lI, -1'1 I , l l I \\ ('t
111 .... 1:lli.l'1\,1 1 I i' II!rWI'r'" \\ ill bl'
d.I.\ II ig III . ~I ( II·d
III \\
.\ I ':1 I I~ . TI,,' I'all ,"a-Oil wlil I" r'''llIl1'.1 ; 1\ I ~ I I at I' 1h,' I., \1.'
,! (ll'I"ill'l
':' II j()
;\ ... ill It'~;l ~ I II I I tl'l 11 i '1)1\1'11 :,!.-I
~I \\ rl'~ .jl III ;t! ~,; :'\;lrht'lllik P;ll"h \\111111 -11;1\ \\1111 a Itllwi,,'I,f\ ;11 l~,·:,I.
1 tIl I

III ~ : I.' (;1111 I'I,,}, 1':,\1 ,,"IIIW, \\,,'1',' \ 11'1 1 till

'11 ·11 at I.I Iia '11 \\ II \ 11 , :"'-1 I,}I

I.. I', \1 V ,\,1,1<-, \1"I'lag-lI, '".I( \\. <I II \ I], II d. (':I 11 !'!.' I ~ I . \ ,:
( 'ill\ 1'l\111 1 11 .1 ('11\ it i('~.
:1]' )'" I1t I·d 111'''(1 ,f ;111:11 11 111.\· Ill' Iltlll 1- :lllcl t'l It 11.1 ;1 II' IJl\ .11 d
11J I I 1 ' 1I I i r 1! ~ 1 1. I I ~ :' \\ .I
I. ,<1,>1 LillI' I ,I "Hklll,"
11 1l.llll.llll;I!lll, 1"1.11111 \ I· \:1 \\ .1111 lId '!ll- \la)'t~ ;llld 'Idlll\\ ll'~"
11,1'1 I'; \' I
I ,.. 1-' I:, ,II, Ill"''''ILl~ ~;tllll' \\ 111l·lJ \\ til III h,·1.1
II ,,1\, I (I', I" I \llt',"n, "1"·,,klllall:
Narberth's School
\'111' \\ I
11 I i I ~ d! 11 ~ \·.;l- I', ~1. .\1111 I JI all I.'·~It1n l·llJlllll:llltkl'.:
I .I~dl· \111\ 11 J. "1,. ~;I!r.\· ~II t1\1 l'!\ILlllldll- ~It 111~ 1·:1111\\'1'1"
"11 ["":' \"1'11 j11 a(Tu)'atl' :-L1l'f (·a:-tJIle-. whilt, H'IIIIl'" \ 11/ Floll .. ,.
'1'.\11,;111. -;)'.\ ('.1)1111 1'( \:1, ]" I III.
illl\\ B.
H"",'j'\ "t I"ll' 11111'1 I... III

I" lllllt t"d (·11 II"

.( ! .. \\11 1

)1.1 ;Jlll 1 L :::: :\. ~a) IWI lit. ;t!'!:IZI. -;1111 1,\ 1111- \lilliday and 'h"ldd Ill' I' I,
\\''',\ 1((' p, Illlrn"d,', t', ll\\'Yol', ;1.'-
,,-Iallt 1"O'll1la'tl'r, "':I~ t0l'- ill 1,,>tJr:
,""on- :llIlIolI"u'd
I'~' 1111'"I·t! 1\l'II,\I~~1 till'lllt 11. I);IIH~I~I' IIt·ld 101""",.1 t" ~arl)('lth ,11~:l.
'I'l", <111",1,'1' 11.11 11 tr~lJl .... h(ljlllll).!· :lllli di:--tatH'4' t1~. (';1:--1
~;lt tll'da~ t'\'I'lIing tit' 1'(11' tir:-t pl:II'"
I" ;::,-)(1.
11, ," '11' I'all' :'<1 "n-l,,:- ! ' 1 ~' 11 1 Illg, lIi, hl'l,th,'r, Clar"I1I'" HIII'II'id,', \\'11,"'" - "' IJr,' ",1",,>1', a"",,al
", III t" \11', an.l \1 I'" C. ,J. (;"od~ ":11
('aptul'l'd di:--:talH'l' pill}.! c;\:--ting hu 1111 1'..... 1 11,.\\1']" ,111)\\ ~11"lday Wt'rt';
\11,,1, IiL \lark \lo1'l:an al1d \I,.~, II.
Ideals, Practices, The Political Pot \. \1,'C0I1I1<'I1.
()th,'1' award" \\'I'llt to ,:!:! ..alibI"',
I'tlh-, (;,'org-,' Floyd, ,II',; hor"c-,ho,"
1,,,,01"11 I'I"h 1I1l'1I1111'1'-: V,r>1. I':v,'-
!,IJ }"'flI'S of -,","'Tin
·1\ " \\"'''"''1: " ... "",1, 1/,,1"11 \\,,'id,'-
• : \ I ,,\ 1"1 1!1 .... 1 )';1 t loll lil!lll't' ~ Illd Il·;t1l· ~l(ll·~ia~· ('\'l'lllllg. t(l\) "'CUIT: ('har!I'
i :tcl.i:l;!. C,'or!,1' Floyd, ~I'" alld \\'al-~ II" I,a- ri"'ll ~tt'adlh' tliward till' ,"':(1,; 1,,,,,,,,,,1,1, 1111 1111"11. I,'I""! !\tIl'h-
IVaI' Sallllld r, J. 1I1'''''dt', ;IIH1dl .':.IX Itt'!llddictlfJ:- alt· t'llrllllillg' in il:lllllll<''' al1d \\'alt"r 1I'll'ri>: "'COli',
!I'I' 1I11Illphric-,: junior wat .. r boil.; , ,cllnt
,' th ' ' I " '''1' 1",
1'0 pic '1'11<".1(1) ~I'\\n and t('\\'II~l1iJl til (lilt I)I·lllIH,Tat. 1,1","', \\'illi;llll 1;''''''11\\,,,,01 ali.l \11', (. "-:t k l' I"r "'11\('(' .1 n.l! l' ('nn1pany In ~.;". 1"1 11\\'11- ;11 r;IJl~t·d III pit,'lll'l' ('011-
,1·tll'l!l' • t'e '('1'. . . r.: cqwn l'a I )]'(1 pl:---. :\11'. Lin.t°:-::i(l.l!'t', H J.!TadIlHt(1 lIt' I 111"1 ll~l n: :--t'C-
1/1 II' \\ )'11 \\ til 1"'('111111' ~l ~ val' . . .\1;1<' BI·jdl'.
".1, ,1 .. 111' !luB",>: a"l'uralf- II,' l':I,tlllg', III'" I !""titut" -"""",,01 .. 01 to 11111'"'''- .la,""I-, 1-'11-1, II<-I<-Ii \\'.
TIll j\,,'al 11] HI~I' tl';llIl \\ ;1'" \
'1'1" H:II:l-( > 11\\ \ d-:\ ;11111'1 : ('j lil, ". ). c'l 111'1"111'4' :\11\1'lllIH I ~I. In;IY :1-: I 'I l' II
\II', ,J, I. !lll't,.il'h, ' . " 1 1 . 1 , J-:!'I."i",tl, \1<-\1111: Ir III" .1I-an
• 11 II .1 t 1 I I:"" Ill'; I t I I tIll' I t i , I ~ ; I l\ I I I 1I I ; I
.!I I l\l"j4111 (1('1IdIt'1 ...... (\till )"\\ I_I'. tIll ( '111 ,t "1 110\11"11;1111 1 ' ~ T·1t ~ d.I.'. ,\1"'111 "11.:1<1, \\' n' pl'l'-" nl. ,,", -;rp, 1'\'-111',' I""t' Illltll 1.,- >' '"" ~"'''' ,>I,
'; , \':111'14,1 \(ftt' III ~\1\1 Illlll'Y' ______________ 11"11;1 ;l \It·I:·rq·I· .... It!I·,lt III 1~1:!1 "1'\\11 .\IJ;ll'L.'l 1111 Ilt 1,1 \\'lld :1"\\1'1"': FII'.-.t,

• I'" ;1 I I "'14!1 '111 I' r '\ 11 \\ '. I:. \'.; I - II 1 1 II Ii, 1:1·l!I . . lr:ltH'n ()l1il·t· at IIII ('ollrt
,I .ll"~ 1;111" ill' \\:1' ~·hl'''''( 11 \1 1'1 !,It·-.-, (';11"" :'(']ll'lll·dt I; t·erl/HI • • 11 ;111 :--='al'-
Ii 11("(·d 11\' (; 11 \ (. 1"1'.\ It-. 1~ .. t;\I".\" III (1 ,1 II 111 :\lll'l'l-t,l\\'n, I ... IIJlt'n dady
Women's Club Narberth Baseball dllll
d ;1

r:t1 Ill;lll:l.l!I'l'
Ill' thl
\\;1 ..... I gl'n 1

11. Ill.. \\';11 II II

\1"",11,,,,\ I-'! -I. 11,1"11 \\"',d"III:tll;


III. 1t JI I 11 ( !I : Ill' II .; I 1: I' I I ~ II II !I' I ~ .\ \ 'I I' I I \ \1 I" ~ I' \1, ""111101",,
I.' Iii 1l; 1 r ~. 1~ I;) I;.
;\1. ~1;111 l'II·-lrll·d. ;\1 d \. )"1 , !,. ..... \ .\1 t .. \ \ l l i l i . 1'111 1 t l! I,t ra111111 MtlIlOa IJltlSts Narberth Hopc" I
."",,",!. 1:"1'1,;"" 1-', \,,: II "I .. Hl't~y
I I'
H'ill 0P"" .";Ctl.<oll
.\1 ;1 1I11'('tlll~ II!' tIlt' hll;tld ,'"hll 1< \1(.l.II"!. \'II~'llI:;l 11111'11111
Ikllt F. 1':Jle-I,' "1';1" !,Il. cl ,: 1 1:1;11l III 11.1 for Chall/piollship
• Pl'lf~T:11l1 ("tdllIl111tl'l', t, \11 11 11'1I1,IL" t I' rt'L' 1.... -
!1Ic.<cI,n tit !ll" / 1111111'1111:11111 t'l"IJ,!llt'd a' {'II~III Illall

I] I C. 11 III I It· ; t " i - I 1 ,\ 1.,! ~; 1 \ I, till' I>1Ii1I'd, \\'11111"" II '1':\\ I,,, \\ ,I' I·:' ! ,,'1111\ I.t ",' I· :11111 I ~;ll'll 11 (·\;1 ... :--.1' ....
r 11l\'11'~ ('I'llll1llllllt~
I . \ I' I It..... \" I I I( . l' • - t ' )". 11 .
\ I •
1"11' \\'4 ().11, 4! (,11.1 {);I\ 1-' 1,lII'PIIL!l1 ll;l--I,!);tli 11';1111.
I( . 11 d til "'111' ·1·I·d 111111 ~1" Z:IIJ 11il'!'
Tilt ~d;I' 1,~ I:;t!l,j ~;I: .11:":' I, ,li- ia-1
'"I I i~ II I: i Id I I !I II \ I·t! III tilt'
J,1).~111- t\\I'1l1~ tll~l"d ~1.11 kill~·lll:.'" L~'
1\1 \t 11. III I '" , .... 1 (I 11.1.\ tl' 11;1\ I Hll j ( I \\!lI,
'\.L\ :1\'1"1]1 11, ptltlll·d .Iac'\.;. ,It'll'll'll'- 111,111tl \\'111 ('0111111111' a~ 1']\;lillll;llJ 1'1'
t I' It . t l-!" ; II 1 .j 1 \ l I 1I : I I I •! I ~I II~ !' "' '1'1,1,L' I, /11'1\11 11:1 1'111'Ill II)..!' II!' .... (·!I(lul
d.I,\ ~It 1\\11 l,·,·llll·\.;. ill lilt
1\ . I . 1 I I' 1 11 \\ll'll :t If .4/, .... 111/ tIl
:\;11 11.11·111l.!· tilt· 1·111·111(·1· .... Illtlt·:-- .... ('.1111,' 'j III
'11\ I":XITtl! 1\ I' ('I'lllllllt ""'. • i I." I I, ' T'Il',,J:r,,
I' I' :\ 1"1 I I III
• till'
(':111 I~
'I I' ('1111,.
1""11, ('''111111111111, ll"dd'llC: \\1111 il t;,ik, 1''''11'' d:lz,'d 011101 d"\\'nl'il-t :--::rlllrda,' '
'1,\ til 1 J )1'1 III :1 n-

\\' ,I Ilt"IIII:ln, 1'1 1111'1 Pill. "dd""""d

,falilt _ \\'hltt'lllllll I~I"'~ If;' I~I". I'\'('IIIIIJ,!" aftt'l a :--tlrpri.-4' t!(·f(':lt by
\'1 .... 11;'1, \\11'1 '111/:"'1 I, ,II 'f I I

Boy Scout Column

:l.l Ilal"l'llt·T'·;1l111 I
,J""'I,h :---1"'11"'" ,:01, 1'"1\\;,,.1 " '.1 (lit/to" to (Oil/pet .. 5th ~1111"'1 II. :"i .. h"I" 1,:r"I'" ,,1' I!" .-\,.,,,' 111l' ""n"a c-nd"r! th .. ~arlJl'l'tlr',
:\ ....... III·latIHII of

01",,1, I{"I"., t I,: I:"II!--, ~ '1' .. 111, lid :1. 1'111'-1,,111\\.,1,1 :"'1,,,,,1, Ila\,,·rrll,.d
I ". I 1:'\ 1'11: 1:1 nt' 1 Tl t h, ll;tl I( 111-\\ ,dt' "tr""1 ~It,tltlldi,t t'ItUITIr 01 I'hila- 111111'\ IH'I"" 1',,1' tlll·ir fifth ,traig'ht
Z,,,,J,, Itl \\ :1\ I,,· ILiI,,',., I" ,\, 1,-- 01.1 tlllll 111 ;1111/ I(',tl 1·111!t1· ... t "'lllljl:--lll"t·d hIll ROlllld-U P '1'''\',11-1111', TIII"d",' "\l'llIlH~' "n "The
d,'lphl:l f",. tift""11 y,'a,.,. : \lain Lin" !... agu,' challlpion,hip.
111.-1,"1:-"11 ,J. I.. 11,,11,\, ('IIII' H"l" 1-, t :1' )ltllll:..!. I:l'jlllldll':lll ... · \"atlllllal Starts Tomorrow 1'1,11'" "j' till' I', T. A, III th,' ",'h",,1
'1'\\'1.1\'" ""\\' ,,1,,1. 1l1'·IlII",,., wdl I,,·: \\'11 It \Ialloa Il'adll1l!' :l-O ill th,':
II. I. Il!ldllp,,: and Pilil 1{llt!IIIII;lllt l
1-'1""11 11ll' T""I'I"'I", \'1"\\ I",illt."
I. ':11:1111111 \\ iii
,,-.-I""IlH'd: \11'" l'alIi :\"Iil ('"IIII1',! Illnth, till' IhlVi:'llll'll ~tro\'" \'aliant!,'
('(IIllIIt'tt' fill" the

'\ 1'I';\II'i'I"n"hip \\','dll,'"la,' at ~1,." lla\'id (', t'al'lllll'iI'"'!. \1r" 1I,,_l tli Will, hut tilt' b""t l'lfort, of Tanll'·: (Idllh,,. I will " ... tl1l' ,\;ll't ,,1' lit"
Church News ,I" (;, (I, I', III,,,d'1uarll'r,. :\la,.~lrall Illall \)wy,'r, \lr', Thollla, (;il.,,,n,I Hal"tlln, Hal'l'Y Fox, R"g 1\lal",..d, , tltil'd ullllual r:JlI Hound l'p, til"
;dJ'! :' \\ til'. ~Iq I"I:'tllWII. aC(,tlrdltl).! to
\11', lIoward I1",.bl'u{'k, ~'\r,:, \\'dliall1! Claud" Bail,'y and .10..1 Rubicam ,.."uld, f"urtlt pa,.t III' tit,· ('"uII"d ..\,'tl\'11 I'"
Main Lines
BAPTIST CHURCH 0/ the EVANCH ,1 .. 1 II :\1.-1;,,1'\ ",', Bryn \Ia\\'r. "hail'- ), lIutch,":,,,", \II'" A, 1, Kirk, :\11',. ollly put over two CIIUllt",." \\alt"r Award lIf till' \'all,'~' Forg,' ('oUIlI'll. :""'" II" (letol",r on parade,
Robl'l't E. !,~",g-hton, Minister Illall ,,1' ""llIlty Y"ung R"puhlican" ""Iman F, Kuch, .II'" \11", 1I"rl,,'rt Azpl'lI wa, tilt' \\'innin~. AI Ilt-I'r- . \11 trllop, in till' ;\Iain Lilli' I)i~tl'll't \\','dlll'"I:ry Ilight tlH' Ardnlol'l' lller-
\llI~ic:J1 Ihl"'ct,,,, I!"liry lI"t, F, (bt"y ..", \1"" "allllH,j 1"'1'1"'1'. :\11'- llIalln the losing, pitelwr. ; an' "xp,'ct,'d t" participall' III 1111- "ll:llIt" ",II "tag,· tlll'ir aut UllIn open-
F,.ida~'. ~"fltellll)l'r :\11: lkl'llal'd \\', Sallllon and :\11''', Fl'l'd- \lanoa pJ'('viou,ly hlld t,.lIunl",d :rl'!"'lt~, It I' ",gg,·,t,'d hy 11I':rd "W 1'1'''('''''11111, TI1<' f"l1owillg Sat-
li,l;, p, ill. Chur"h Birthda~' nill'
,'rlt',k 1', \\'iboll', ' , Ih'l'\vyn, 7,~, who, in turn, ou,t,'d I 'Iuart,'r~ that tIll' 1{lIund t'p I", d, ul'day till' ;\lalll Lilli' "o"t, \" F, W"
IH'r, A II "\','ning "I' lInu,ual int"r",t, I nd,'r tIll' Chall'llIan,h,p IIf \Ir-, t:ladwyn,' from th" runl11ng, lIlanoa \ id"d I.y "a"h individual tl'l"'P 1111" will ll1arch "I) it, ,ixlh birthday, And
1';\"1',' 1ll"IllI".,. ,,1' tIll' .. hll1'(,11 i, 1I1'J.~,'d r:. B, lIo,kin". tIll' nt'\\' Il1I'1ll111'I'"hil' no", ha~ a onl'-ganll' "dge "n H,')'-' tlt,.«, part,,- till' troop, th,' Il'ad"r", on ('"IUlllhu~ \l:ry "'\"'I'al \Iain Lin..
to att"llll and "njll~' tlH' ,,,,,ial pro- Continued Oll Page TIll'f'e wyn for thl' titll', land th .. '!,onsoring body, Eaclt ,.,CIIUt Italian "'l'idil" will parad'" After
gram arrang<,d hy tl)l' \\'on1l'n', A"
" * * , . 111I:r,t,'r is to pit th,''',' thn',', di\'i,,"''', Ihat, Hallowe'en,
SlInda,'. (l"t"bl'r :!:
~howlllK plenty of power In th"lr'agaln~t each other III alll1lnl!' at a
initial ganH', Coaeh AI Adam', Lo\\'('r! Ill'rfl'et scon' ill their
r\ :\Ialll Lilli' ,'ull1lllllnlt\, C('lIter will
n',p"di\'(': I", orgalliz,," in .-\rdll1or,' Octob,'!' I hy
10 A.~!. I{ally \lay ~,'j'\'I"l' 111' till' 1\It'rion High football team won from ~_harl" of the i{ounrl Up, Sounds till' Hoard of Din'ctors of th" I'hila-
Rczollcd to Perm;t Erectioll
cllllrch ,cho,,!. Pl'lln Chart,'r, 1:1,0, Saturday, A ,Iik" an "xeell('nt way for troop" to d,'lphia y, :\1. C. A, A lo"al board
II A, \1. lIlorning wor,hlfl, A of Apartments.
70-yard drive down the !l"ld scorl'r1:gaill a high rating in the la~t activity "I' nl<lIlag','r, will 'lIlH'rvi~,' the
:-;t')'\'I('t ' (If C"ll1lllunloll, TI1<'n1<':
thp fir,t touchdown, with the !lnal: IIf 1 flaK branch,
"I'athwa~', 10 (;"d,"
For a decade hil!hest an'rag(' in,
pointH cominl!' in the laHt <lllat'U'r,! Till' third annual ('ubb;ng ('0"1',,1' I So long Iws tl1<' Y, \1. \.. '('n vacant,
'Youllg Pt'llplt·l~ :-;('I'vi('(', COl)1(' community on the Main LilH'
7 P. ;\1. Captain Dick Miller and Mal Kinl!l""('(' for pan'lIt,., alld ,I<-n moth,'r,. Ihat \\'11<'1I ,nwk.' can1<' out of it:-;
TIll' fl,1'tor It.'ad~ a qtll' ... t iun hox ~t'l'\'- :1".1 I':lnking ,ocially with Ha\'('rford,
madc- niee KlIins for til(' Maroon, 'pal'k I,'ad,'r, and commitl",'nH'lI or: .. himn.'\' :\Ionda\', ,omeonp (ul'lI ..d ill a
Wynnewood rec"ntly took two qui .. k
.. "" ~l't1h paeks \vill bt' hl-'ld ~alul'day. (ll'_1 tirt' al~rn1. Til(' !\1t.. rton Fin' Com- 1

step:" away from its "xclusin' p,,,i-

:\Ionda,', Octol,,,r :1: Allother victory of high over pn'p'tob,'r If" at thl' Uni\'('r~ity of I'l'lIn· i pall\' found th .. h,'at"r being put into
~ 1', M, lIleetinl!' of the Board of tion,
school was scored when Upp('r Darby. -ylvania Christian ASHuciation. lo-! ope;ation. ,
To\\'n,hip approval has bp,'n forth,
Tl'l1:--h'l"s. ran rouKhHhod over Episcopal Acad-Il'at..d at :lGth and Locu,t, from 2 to i Ardmor.. hranch of th .. AnH'rican
TIH'"Ia~'. (It'!ober 4: ,'ominl!' for a $1.125,000 apartn\('nt
emy to win l\l 0 on the Upidah Fil'ld,'!! 1'. 1\1. : !{ed Cross, lH'ad'luart,'rs in Times-
10,:;0 A, 1\1, Me"tillg' of till' Whit" project on the Mary K, Gibson prop,
Eaeh pack iH lIrl!pd to hold a par-' :\!t'dical BuildillK, has iSHued an ap-
('ros;;, "rty in Wyno,'wood, a beautiful es,
"Candlelight" Posters Wanted l'nt's Illl'"tinl!' bdore October 1;' to peal for money, canned goods, cIoth-
12 Noon, Devotional ,l'r\'ice, tate for some time on the market.
Community artists are invitf'd by di, .. us~ thl' conl!'erl'nc,' program and illg', bedding, etc., for the ~ew l':nK-
~ p, 1\1, Meetinl!' of th .. Church Will R,· JudyI' It, zoninl!' is changed from an "A"
William H, Muller, president of thl' arranl!'e for a larKe delegation to at, lanrl flood destitute,
School Counci!. ,I udg", for the county l'untest arc \0 a "e" elassification by Hoard of
Adjustment special exception, Narberth Players, to Hubmit art tend the conference. Garden days at the Pennsylvania
W('dnt'sday, Oe!olwr ;,: Ill', !."roy King, of NarbNth, and
TIll' Gibson property uf about 12 posters on the organization's n"xt! The Main Line District ha~ b,'en State Cullege will bl' held October
~ p, 1\1, A study cia" in Bibl" (;,'org" I\. Bennett, Jenkintown news-
acres, along N, Wynncwood avenul' play "Candlelight." Ten memhers,l honon'd in this month's issue of Boys' 5, 0, and 7, reports E. I. Wilde, pro-
tl'aching, Theme: "The Life of ""I,,'rman, . ':;~
• and north of the Pennsy tracks, wiI1 ~e says, already are working on tlll'1 Life by having a troop program fessor of ornamental horticulture, A ','
Pau!." Idea. prmted which waH suggested and Wille ranl!'t' of garden topicH has been
Valley Forge Park 1)(' the site of twelve buildings 1'001-
The posters will be exhibited at I pruved by Orion E. Kline, Jr" a mem- arrllnged for discussion by a commit-
NARBERTH METHODIST \\'a, 1\la;n Lilw Kiwanis' topic Tues- pl'ising a total of 216 apartments. .::.'
EPISCOPAL Approval also is due for a pro- the PlayeTli' next meeting Tuesday. b"r of Gladwyne No.1. The idea was Continued on Page Two
Rev. W. Vernon Middleton. ,'o1inister day at Merion Cricket Club. The October 11, in Elm Hal\. u:-;ed by Green Bar Bill and Scout ':i
\!()sed apartment project on the Short-
• Sunday, October 2: : s!wakt-r, Gilbert S. Jones, is the new Klim' is given credit for the idea Democrats to Dine i5th
RALLY DAY :-;heriff of Montgomery County, and
ridge property on E. Wynnewood
road to include six buildings and 223
i Main Line Post, V. F, W., will, which has proved successful in the County Democrats will dine Octo-
9.46 A. M. Church school. Special I ~I'cn'tary of the Valley Forge Park bcr 15 at the Bungalow Inn, Jeffer-
apartments. A resolution in favor of hold its sixth annual parade October I meetings of Gladwyne No. 1.
opening exercises. ~ommissio~, Despite an appropria- the latter proposal was taken before 8, from Ardmore to Rosemont along I WM, E. FERGUSON, sonville, hear Senator Guffey, State
11 A. M. RaI1y Day worship serv- tlOn-reducbon from $60,000 to $35,- Secretary Lawrence and State and
• ice. Promotions. Presentation of Bi- I 000 three years ago, he told of many
the Lower Merion Commissioners by Lancaster avenue, for $600 in prizes.
Narberth's football coach this sea county party candidates.

. bles. Sermon: "The ChaI1enge of improvements inaugurated at the

Christian Service." park, including a guide service. . , .
6.45 P. M. Intermediate Epworth Narberth Players remember Mr. Jones
E. W. Semans on behalf of the
Wynnewood Civic Association.
Both apartment
operations, as on
Six new stores are being erected son will be George Gazella, former
the north side of Coulter avenue, Villanova star and Main Line League paign funds.
Price $60 per plate to raise cam-
Chairman, James J.
basebaIl luminary. He succeeds the Kane, Bridgeport; publicity, lIlagis-
planned, will be the latest in swank Ardmore, by The Suburban Com-
• League. Topic: "Abraham, PiOneer\as their courteous bost at their picnic late James Sanford as mentor. trate Joe Crimmins, Norristown.
for that type of colony. pany.
OOnUnllea on Pal'e Four in the park this past summer.
, .. '
Page Two OUR TOWN September 30, 1938

OURToWN Robinson Has Unusual Role'

In 'Dr Clitterhouse'-Narberth!
. --- I
Attend District Meeting
Thp Women's Community Club of
Narberth Wl\~ represented at the six-
Mrs. Friel,e's PROGRESSIVE
Jackson and Foltz
A tinp hlend of comedy anu dra- Ite"lIth annual meetin~ of the Pennsyl-
A CQ-operative Community Newspaper
'Co.u'!derl in 19t1.4 by thde Na/r/bffhfJh, matic ~uspensp "Thc' Amazlllg ))r.' vania Federation of \Vomen'~ Club~
lV1C A ."'Sorla lon, an pit ) IS e \ I . , .
every Friday at ,Vllrberth, Po. CI,I t "rhousp,' ~ta rn ng bdward (,.: of the Southeastern DlstTlCt, held In
, I . . . . ,
will carry
First Grade and Nursery School
- -- Robin~on and hrought to th .. l\adH'rth the chapel of the State Teachers' Col-
ThomaR A. Elwoorl. 1-:,1Itor & f ' u h l l " h e r ! , . " a complete Line of
Anne MQrgan Hoberts. Sol'lal Edilor I fh"atl'r thl~ w""k-end, should provl', Il'~e at \\ pst Chester, yesterday, by
I a w"il'onlt' ,It-pal'lun' from n'cl'nt ·thl' followinl{ members: Mrs. C. J.
Office: 110 Forest Ave., Narberth
-- P. n. HOf .T1fi Imovil'trl'nds. Robinson, in his usual: (;oodyear, Mrs. E. W. Heymann, Mrs. Women' s Hosiery
Icompdt'nt marllH'r, plays Clittl'Thous('",J. .J. Marti n. ~I rs. Chester McKib-
TP/eflh","': StIr/Jed" .Yfi.17 'th,' top-notch ~urgc'un, who~l' obspssion: bm, Mrs. JO~"ph H. Miller, Ml':-l. A. with
--- ) h : i" to writl' a book on the phy~icl\I,i ('. ~Iulll'r, :\trs. William H. Muller,
Entered as seconc1-claS8 m(ltter ( cto f'f i ' . . I ... .,
U. 1914. at the Post Ofllcp at Narh~rlh. \nwntal n'at'lllJns of cnmlllais. lit·, \11'>. H. r. Stev,'ns anu Mrs. J. D. Bonus Card Pri'Yileges
Pa., under the Act of March 3. 187!1 1 commIts rohb,'ri,'s for ~cientitic curi- i Suthl'rland.

Friday, September 3D, 1938

o~itVt lu·cnnH·...; thl" head of a g-ang. : Harclay Acheson, associate editor
\\'twn hIS " rl'search" not,·s ar,·' of th,' Rpadprs Digl'st, spoke on "Frce- Woman's Oub, BaJa Ave. a:

======----= ,compll'tl'd, he qUits to return to Ills' dom and Progress." Levering Mill Rd., Cynwyd 205 Haverford A VI'.
i pr·adic('. Ilumphrt·y Bogart discovl'rs Narberth (Opposite Station)
This is the 52nd 'his Illt-Illily, attl'mpt~ to blackmail' Resigns From Curtis MrJ. Helen K. Fricke
N umbl'r of th,' :!·lth . volunw of . ()IIY I· 11m. 1'1 In'at"rH" I by 105S 0 fl· lIS no t l'S" :\ npw director for the Curti~ In- 441 Anthwyn Rd., Merion
T,}/cn, folks. :-.;pxt. wl'"k's IS.~U'··I ol"'·'H·d by curiosity to know thl' ul- stitutl' of Music is expected to be (Narberth Post Office)
widely (lIstnbut"d, will hI' thl' first; timat,. thrill, h,' poisons Bog-art. TIlt' n"nlt'd in thi' nl'ar fLIture to ~ucc('{'d Phone Merion 273
number of tIll' 25th voluml' "f 0,,)",I po I·IC" j' 0 II' up ,I. 1olH , 1
cUP, w I·
lie'I1 ,Josef H(lfmann, :'ofl'rIon,
. . .

TOlrn. and, als" th(' fir~t numher of 1 Implicat<·s th(' not"rious f('nc", Clair,· who n'sig-n ..d that post aftl'r twelve
noted plUntst,
Associate Teachers---- The Village Store • • •
Tou'lj "lid rOll'IIJ1hl)). 1\;ot p.. rfect, It! Tn'\·(lr, and It-ad,· to thl' doctor. I VI·llI·'" ser'vic" becau~I' the in~titute Marion Elva Taylor--Cyn. 1759
Will}e, a ~t,'~. t(}\~'ar,~ nwn' ~i'~('sp.n'a,~I R"bins"n e"nfid,'s to his lawy .. r i :, Int "rf,'n'd with oth"r of my mU>iical H"len Oine--Rox borough 1356 Announces the opening of an up-to-date
senlc\. to l\arhl rth ~ churth,~, club.. IThur,.ton Hall), who proml"'s to g-I't ID Maim'
and businc',s pt'oph', and ,'specIally I
, , him off on an insanity, plea. - Firml\' , Food Shop
to th" n'adc'rs of O"Y Town . .. ]\101'1', h"!i"ving him~I.lf ,.anl', howt'v"r, in October first,
news to n'ad, pn's"nted a" brlt'tly andl his crinllnal pursuits and murd"r of' conforming to Ihe needs and dignity of a discriminating community.
Schools and Colleges Mrs. J. R.
brel'zdy as pos"lbl,', plus f('at un's to I Bogart, J{ohinson upst'ts th" insanity
You'll like it here Phone Narberth 2149
be ad'!<'d from tlnll' to tlmp, th,' "n·! I'I£'a of hI." lawY"r hy dC'e1aring- him·,
This is a Coupon McLaughlin
semh1t' rdkctlng-soll1"thIDK of th(' s..lf sanl'. But the jury acquits him.
Bring it for free first lesson Montgomery Pike and Meeting House Lane, Narberth
good tastt' and varll'd I1ltt'rt'sts of th,· Tbi" climactic court room se,'ne is »·ill reopen her Studio
Eastern :\lain Lin... v£'l'y c(Hnical, and will have most sub- for instruction in
u rlnlll thl'a in st itc hI'S. Studio: 305 Grayling Avenue PIANO
Church Home-Coming
Ministers of Phila,It'lphia and ~ub EGYP1-/AN
Narb. 4109, '" Mar are' S uier RHYTHM BANDS and Specials, 3 for $1
urbs, rt'prps"nting tW('nty-two d.. - As Tony McCoy who foug-ht his way -Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
no~inations, sponsor this ~tat ..nll'nt·1 from th,' slums to the heights, Rob:rt Phone, Ardmore 1408-W See our modern new shop, over Cotter's.
"\\ ,. aRn'I' that In thIS hour and, Taylor prt'sents the finest, most VIg--
('Vl'ry hour tllf' sUprellH' ta~k of till': orous acting- job he ha~ pver p~sayed INSTRUCTION e Narberth
Ch ri~t ian Chu rch I" t hat of hri ng-illR , in "The Crowd Roars," which comes
mt'n, Wo!1l.. n, b".\"s and gi rls into PI'I'-! to thp Egyptian Theatre Friday, Sep-
Ronal f,·llowship with tl1" Living-Itl'mbl'r :W, for a five-day enga~pment.
Ballroom-also tap, ballet and
rhythmic, resuming October I st. BUSINESS Beauty Shop
REGISTRATION TODAY- 22.3 Haverford (second floor) . Narberth 256'5 Miss Helen Farrell
Chnst. W,· I... IIl·v\· that th,·rt· ". no I lJuring this time there will be mati- Classes in Wynnewood. Cynwyd -- ---------
For 34 years, S tra,." J BUJin.u - -

s"lution of till' prohlPms that now· n,'es Saturday and Sunday at 2:15. and Overbrook. School hal been ~ivinjt practical
confront individuals, church ..s, (·duca- \ Along- with Robert Taylor the RUp- Private Instructions any time, and exceptionally thorough
tion, business, politic..; and national' porting' cast reveals such names as
r{,lalionship", "tlll'l' tiwn tlw Christ, :\Iaur"f'n O'Sullivan, Edward Arnold,
by appointment--$I per lesson. traininjt for positionl as ....cre-
tary, 8leno2rapher, stenotypist,
bookkeeper, typist and e"ecu· Il•• d SU,J,J.·r
Way of Lif,'. . Lionf'1 Standpr and the likable, pn-
"We, th,'rd"n', rl'd,'dicat" oursl'1ves Ijoyable, npvf'r-failing Frank Mor~an.
Wynnewood: Phone Ard, 4436 rive's assistant.
• • • • • Ba•• (~intl
Stenotypy h.. been tauRht for over daily . . . at
as minist"rs of .I,·sus Christ t(l this As an added attraction there will ten year. at 5',,,,..("r'.. where 200
atenotype machine. are in un and
our supr"m,' ta,.k. W" h"li,'vp till' call lit, a Pl'te Smith Sp,'cialty, "Anaps- J~O .rudentt aft .tlendin~ day and
to be urg-I'nt and we propos" as ill- th ..sia," which deals with th!' develop-' The Philadelphia night ,tf'nolypy dauel.

dividuals to adopt in our church,'s a nwnt from th.. crude f'arly methods to f CIVIL SERVICE New Modl'rnized Cocktail Bar
a~grt'ssivl' one~.
Hundred, of SI''''Yrr~'rtJin..d studeDU
definite, and positiv,' Pro I tllP present streamlined Conservatory 0 Music have received appointmentll to Gov·
emmeot po.itloM at aalariee from Newly decorated
gram of Evang..lism. ; \\'ith all the native thrills, sw('pt· Chartered by the Commonwealth 51260 10 $1620. yur.
"WI' rl'comn1l'nu that as far a,.. ness and power, Kate Douglas \\"ig- of Pe"nJ)'lvania EMPLOYMENT Marine Dining Room
SUllyera BUline.. School finct. em-
possiblc' this sppcial program shall! g:in~' endearin~ ~tory, "Mother Carf'Y's Mrs. D. Hendrik Ezerman ployment for ih graduate.. Unem- Ph. Narberth 3799 Montgomery Pike east of Wynnewood Road
beg-in with til<' fIrst Sunday in OetO},"I·' Chickpns," comes to the Egyptian Managing Director ployed Rraduate. of high IIChoot. and
colle Ie. would do well to for
which is to be the Church /-/Olll"-('Olll- Tht'atre Wednesday and Thursday, Courses Leading to DegreeJ baamea poettion.. New d ••su Itan:·
ina DOW. both day and Diahl.
inn Day throll[JllOut the city, and tltat October 5 and 6. The character~ that, Exceptional Training of Children
1f.1t For '''/0''''''''011
it Rlwll contimu III/til t:(l.~t,.,. S,Olrillll, for two decades have warmed the Facultll Headed by It has always been said there are two
April .4, 1!i.J9." Iwarts of countlesR thousands of fic· Dr. Olga SamarofI Strayer's Business School sides to everything-In talking about
EltabU.hed 1904
t ion rt'adprR stepR from these epic, 216 S. 20th St. Loc. 1877 807 Cbstnat St., 'hlla., 'a. Windows, the outside calls for
PUg'ps in the talented persons of A nne ' .1lB:!r~a:.!:n~c]:h!.:.:...:!T:!h~e:..lR~i~t!t~e!2n.l2h~o~u~s~e.!..,.l.A~rd~m~o~r~e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!-, .1

Main Lines Shirl"y, Ruby Keeler, James F:llison, STORM S.ASH to give you real pro-
.... \

Continued from Page On.. Fay Bainter and \Valter Brennan. The tection during the Winter. They may
tee of which Anne B. Wertsner, field charming story of "Mother Carey's be installed to open at the bottom Ii
Miss Margery Cowin
representative of Th" P"nnsy)\'ania ('hickpn~" dppicts the joys, sorrows for ventilation. Let us take your I'
Horticultural Society, is chairman. i and romances of a bravp littlf' Nl'W announces lessons In
measure now.
John Haubl'rt, 90, who retin'd tl'll England. fatherlf'ss family at the ;1:",I
years ago aftl'r conducting a florist time of the Spanish-American \VaL A R T This is the inside of it-Well pro-
business in Hala for fifty-five yc'urs,
portioned, streamlined or scroll type
died at hi~ home in Bala Saturday. i Art Classes Are Forming for children and adults.
Dr. l':dward Howard Grigg-s, Cyn·,.\ t ~I i~s Marg'ery Cowin's studio, 20li Valance Boards. Wide one piece
Your class can be day or
wyd, will lecture on the humanitil's, \ :\1('rion, with It'ssons, day or ,'v('lling.' window sills neatly fitted over your
night. Groups forming
beginning October 6, at thl' Colonial' 'III' childrt'n and adults. Thi' instruc-' radiators.
Dames House, 1fl:lO Latinlt'l' stn'd. t ion is individualized and includps
206 Merion Ave.-Narb. 2764 now.

Harrison Edsall is unoppos,'d nomi· fH~hion illustration, commpr"ial ad- '~;:;;;~~~~~~;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;~~~~~;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;:;; PICTURE FRAMES, as we've said before, made In
nee to succeeu John Ryan as l'ol11- vertisinJ!, posters, and so on. l\1is,," --------------- our own shop.
mander of John Winthrop Post, Anwr- Cowin, who is a fdlowship ~l'aduatpi
iean Legion, Bryn Mawr. of thp Moore Institute, has in the l MARGIE E. HOFFMAN Shull Lumber Company
Mrs. Mary Scott McShane has t hl'
new ~unning licens('~ at thp Township
past. ('levpn years studied undpr such!
\\'t'll-known artists as Paul Gill,l ANNOUNCES THE
D anclng
. Cl'asses T he Link Between Forest and Home
Building, 75 E. Lancaster, Ardmore. Gporg'p Harding', Henry H. Sn(·11 and I
John L. Vandiver, 80, customs au- ('onstanc" C()chranl'. ' Llttleneld Method Taught
29 Bala Ave., Bala-Cynwyd CYNWYD 6 6 2
thority, who died Sl'ptember 1!J at his ' ~7 N. NARBERTH AVE., NARBERTH OPEN SATURDAYS UNTIL J P. M.
home in Cynwyd, was the father of Sunday \Vas no day of n'st for i\
Thoma!' B. Vandiver, war veteran, Rala-Cynwyd firemen. Rptul'ning' Registration Day
for whom the Rala-Cynwyd AmPrican from a blaze at the home of H. S.: BALLET FRIDA Y, SEPTEMBER ~Oth, at four
Clothes are Cleaner

Lpg-ion Post was named. Croft, 435 Conshohocken State, wh('l'p) CHARACTER NINETEEN HUNDRED THIRTY·EIGHT
County aid highway projpct.~, num- several pieces of antique furnitul"': TAP For information call Hilltop 771·W and Last Longer-at
bering 145, costing
and 24 $RI4,995,
have IIwere damaged, they were callpd al- ~;;~~~~~_~~~=~~_~.~
mo~t immediately to exting-uish a
17 boroug-hs
been initiah'<.1, accol'ding- to thl' Mont- blazing awning at the Eugehill Court
St. Mary's Laundry, Inc. '
gomery Board of Peters, Hilll'g!ls~ Apartments. KnoJJl Where Your Laundry Goe.
and Pott'·r. County pays flO p"r cent, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
municipality 40 pet· n'nt of l'ost. Award of the I{eneral contract for Afternoons, Evenings and Saturday Mornings PHONE TODAY ARDMORE 4400
»I'rcy Lukens is Rr)·n Mawr's new Radnor Township's new high school'
postmaster. He is the East Bryn gymnasium has g-on!' to J. Marcellus:
M:lwr District \)('mocratic committee- & Co., Philadplphia, for $69.222.;
~ ~~, •• ""~'. •"" _, ,••, w •••",., ., .~ '"_.
- •

man and succeeds Bernard H. Ker!'i- Sub-contracts. land and equipment: ,r~ cunrlllc.. d by the University tacully tor persun8 unable to Here's a Real
gan, Democrat, whose term had 1I11tii will make the project total abollt I atlpnd fUll-time. Courses and teachin6 starr are tdenUcal with
thotie aVRllable to full·ttme IIItudenta. Special for You! I

next A ugust to run. $125,000.

James C. Bell, Jr., Wynnewood at- Township's share of the Statp's HIOH "CH(H)L OKAIIIATEIl may seCure B degree by parl·llme worl<. l/Z gal. Johnson's Glo-Coat
torney, is in charge of the Pennsyl- foreig-n insurance tax for 1936, $4,- I TEAt'Ufo}KS may use credits obtained tOI State Certificates. FLOOR POLISH. $1.69 •
vania Republican Campaign Speak- 321.55, was received last week by I may 8ecure credits for deKre.) tn Nurstng ~dt1catton.
Tn ..: hIl.;NI';KAI. PllIU.IC· may take courses tnal Intere!t them. Applier .29
ers' Bureau, it is announced by Peter C. Hess. treasurer fOI' th!' AlllJlTOKN are udmltted to all part-tlmt! classes on VaymcDt ot usual tees. Mop.............. .69
James F. Torrance, State Republican Lower Merion Firemen's Relief Asso- K~UIH"'KA'I'IUN on weekdays rrom 9 to 1 and 2 10 D; lmturdaYI from
chairman. ciation. I 9 to L t::Iept :l4- Uct. 1 inclusive. Clas8t!8 be~ln OCtober 3. I£vento& bOUt8.
Regular price: $2.67
6 to ·t:30 weekdays except l:laturoayB, sept. 26- Oct. 7 inclusive.

Monday &: Tuesday

For complote lnfurmatton and catalogue al1dreae
Director, COllege Collatcral Coutlles, Room 116, College Hall,
SPECIAL-only $1.69 •
or call EVErgreen 0100. Extenolon 948.
Nowl- •
A slight case of murder is Barbara Stanwyck
nothing at all to this hilarious Herbert Marshall in Get Your School Supplies
comedy •
Edward G. Robinson in

Next Week-End

Edgar Bergen in
203 Haverford Avenue -
Narberth 2555 - We Deli..-er

DR. CLITfERHOUSE' 224 Haverford Avenue Narberth 4035
'WI 1

. "!. , ....
' ,..'J., !?' ~!f •• J ~.",

. '~"'"
\, H ... r., " ....
. ,", '. ,t:. ','~,"'. '. " ";', ~;. " . .,':;,'
\", .' .:~ ,'~ ,

Page Three
Sf'ptember 30, 1938
. The Fireside
11g" from h"r rl'cpnt ,,\,,,ralion in
I', "'1.) t"rian lIo~llltal.
Women's Club International Relations is meeting
this afternoon at the home of the as-

sociate chairman in charge of In-

loret Gill
EGYPTIAN !til" \Iar) \\". ("IIWln, of \\"('stfield.
:.;. ,J .. I, VI,'lIllg; hl'r grandmothpr,
:\1 r. and :'oIl", II. C K"illl, ~I\~
Dudl,'y, arl' att"nu,ng; till' AnwfI,'all wa,; inereaseo to 78 last year. Mrs.
In'lillltl' of AccountinK ('<lnv('ntion at II,,;-kins, continuing the chairmanship
('olltlnued from Page One
:<'rnational Relations, Mrs. C. E.
-For expert care
of .kin and hair.
5 DdY', Jtdrting Friddy, September 30 :'Ilr~. Walkr Cowin. ~06 Mprion, and The Fellowship Committee met last 216 Dudley - Narb.,rth 2324
Cinc,nnati. t hi' year. has 1\1 rs. Chester C. Mc-
Matinu Sunday at 2:15 her aunt, \llss !'tlargt'ry Cowin, this
wlntl'r Id1t11' attl'ndlng- thl' Moore In- :\11',. Allwl"l II. :';ulty, ;\, ()I It "1',,\\ '"
\\<"11 til prt·~" was 1'l"ltiCally ill at Ill'r
,b011l a~ h,>r assistant chairman.
TIlt' fir,;t mpeling of the Hospitality
i, week at the home of the chairman,
Mrs. Carl L. Wells, ano plans wer!' E. C. GRISWOLD
"1I t UtI'. mad!' for fi\"l' bridge parties of six
'lc'lllt', ::1;) ~1t'l·tlnJ.! Hnu:-,l'. ('<immittpI' was held yeslerday after- i. now associated with
. \I r. and :'>11', A. W. :'Ilolt,'rn. of
Kl'ntlwtlrth r"ad. :,>I'·rlon. ~pI'nt thl'
'"",n at the homl' of Mrs. Robert
tables !'ach to be Kivpn throug-h thl'
yl'ar ann the annual party of tw!'nty Fidelity Investment Ass'n
wl'(.k-I'nd III Wa~hingtun and \\"yl' Engaged
:\1 r. and ~h~. William I.. lIendl'r- .,·a,.
:\ ash, vil'l··chai rman in charge of
1\1 1'.0;. ,I. D. Sutherland, first
tables in February. Mrs. A. E. Davi" I "Fidelity Income Plan"
• !'t11l\:<, \1.1.
''''''-pr!'~idl'nt of th,' club. becomes
will hold the first party Oct"b('r 2H. Chestnut Ave. Narberth 4095-J
\Irs. Sydn"y .I. Trottl'r, of ~. Nar· s"n. "l' I.odg"s lam', Cynwyd, an- htl'l',tality chairman this year to fill with M rs. Wells as co-host!'ss.
n"unl'l' th" ,'ngagl'nll'nt of thl'ir
"!~!!~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!~b"rth U\"I·nUI·. wa, host'·"" to Iwr club dalll!htl'r. :'oli,.;,.; C"cilia M. 1I,'nlj('rson, ,Ill' vacancy Idt by Mrs. R. C. Heath
~ : at luncil""n and bridgl' \\"l'dlll·stlay.
til :\Ir. \\"1I11am .I. :--':"wl",rg, Jr., ,wn wl"'n ~hl' moved to New Jersey.
Prompt neighborly S<'rvice
~Ii" Hl'lty ()rr, of Elmwolld, ,'ntl·r·
tailll'd at a party Fnday I·n·nlng.
"I' :'Ill'. and :'III'S. William :';l'wh"rg, IIf
\\'II"dl'ill" a\·,·nuI'. :';arhl'rth.
\11'''. E. J. Town, of Amhler, who
l!il\"I' ~ul'h a valuable outline for read-
Ye Oddity Shoppe
Thl' gou, ,.;t.- W"IT hl'r ela"smat~',.;. I"go and r!'vil'win~ npw books at the
Harry H. Hollar has Lots of gifts for every occaSIon and plac{'--come see!
!\II' and \Irs. Char"'~ E. lIarndl'n, lir,t mel'ling of the group on Litera-
\1 r. an I \1 r-. Charl,·s E. Ilarnd,'n,
NARBERTH PRINTING CO. of l,:lil ~lor"n", ga\"I' a dinlll'r party IIr" and Int!'rnational Relations last
Ill' fj::1l :'I1<lrt·I.II. PI'nn \'all .. y, unnllun,'I'
109 Fore!ll AV<'. - Narb. 2618 ~I"nday "vl'ning In announcing; the I·,·ar. ha~ bppn procured by Mrs.•Jo- Particularly plt'asing is thc nt'w lay-out of
thl' l'ng'ag"n1l'nt l,f tl\l·ir daug"htl-r,
l'ngoagl'nll'n~ "I' lhl'lr daught"r, :'II,~ ""'ph (;urbarg, chairman of the group,
I EI",,,,. lIarnt!,·n. t" Ill'. Chari .. " F . \I",.; EIlli,,' Harndt'n, to Pr. Charll's ttl ~p!'ak at thl' first nWl'ting this yl'ar. Children's gifts . •. for showers, etc.
• F. OWI·n, .I r., "f Ph1lalh-lphla, ";lln of

(lwI·n. Jr, of Phtladl'lphia, "on of :'11'. ThiS will hl' Iwld Tuesday. October II,
Store hour> 9. W to 5.,0
and :\11',. eharl,'s F. Ow,'n, of Cantoll, \1 r. and \11''';. Charll" F. OWI'n. of at till' homl' of thl' nl'w club trl'asurer, 209 Haverford - Phone Narbt'rth 2882
(·;\llt"n. :0:. C.
:.; C.
\ 11-" II a rndl'n '" a grad ua It' of \11'''. III'nr) F. Dever.
..• Mr. and :'11'" Iknjanllll II ()g;d'·Il .
of ('I1l'~(nl'(. -pl·!'t thl' wI'l'k-"lld ilt
,Twin \1:'1t1,·". lI<in l·yltr,,,,k.
:'II"ril,n lIigh School, clas~ of
Sh.. attl'nd"d PI'nn Stall' Col-
The commitlpf' on Literature and

:\1 r. alld \1 r~. Paul II. J:,,:,d. of 1,·1.:" alltl g"raduat,-d frolll th,' Frank-
I"na. will I'ntl'rlaln at a ,'h1ldr"n's
lin Sdllllli of Arts and SCIl'1H·I·";.
Ilr. (lw,'n I, a g;raduatl' of thl'
I'! Hurry! For 26 ycar- the

1112-24 CHESTNUT 5T
party :'aturda\ at'tt.'rnoOIl to l't,lt··
I,rat.' th,· t"lIth 11I1·thday III' lh.·,r 1'lIlvl'r~lty of \\'ak<' 1"01"('''( anti th('
.Iallght,·!". 1'"lIy.
\11",. Walter ilavi,. llf Chl·,.;tnut. 1~ l: : -; ,
l'n1\"'r";lly of Pt'llTI~)·I\"ilnla. elas, of
Last call for a ft'w fine
Eaglt' Shirts .. a nice vari-
Ii Goodwear Shoe Repair
cty of colors and patterns.
PHILADELPHIA will II'avI' Satllrday fl,r Chicago to III
. ... 'sr t· nd a month l'j,ltillg" :\1 r. und :\11'.- . Sh-h-h .. , (Jr.)
Chiltln'n f"rn1l'rl) ",•. .1 l'ilalk 1111 1,1
for just a few days $ 1.69 I
has done "particular work fl'r particular peoplc"-with
reasonable prict's for good work 011 any kind of shocs,
. William ("Iarh.
cach . . ($1.9'5 values).
ill'. and :'Ill',. William A. j'1·ar,,,n. walk. hut mllllt-rn ylluth n,li,'" on the Specializing in corrt'ctive \\ ork.
. "f I.akl-\"i,·w Apartments, hal"!' a,.; I'"WI'r "f thl' pn''',.;. .Jaml'." and :,1
And now, ladies, cOn1pS thc sea ....'n when >'our white shot's
, I:II\·.-t, ~lr,. Pearson's ",,,tel', :\11''';. F. Paul. IO·ish. dr0I'I'"·d In at 1'",,'" II"d !
II. Handall, "f \"an \\','rt, ()hlll. Ilr. 1''''''1",11,1'''< llmCI' t·, il,.;k thl' ,·tlit"r to
;{lId \11,. I',·ar.-tlll ~pI'nt ~"\'I'ral day" 1'111 It 111 tilt' pap"j" Ill'll "1','1,'1' 1,,\1'"
The Narberth can ht' converted to winlt>r IISl'.
slippt'rs dycd,
Drl'ss shot'S and cvening
And work and material guaranteed.
lil'( wI ... k at th,· ~k)top Clult III till' :\Iln," I.a:-;t n;llllt':-- \\'('1'1' g-i\·l'n. alld
Pllt'(lnCI~. att"lldlll~ thl' Jll l llll'{Ipathll' ad.I ... ·s",... hilt your ",h'H"Il"r," wh"
(,(lJl\·(·tl t ion. :\1 r;-:. Pt'(l r~tlil. aC{'u1l1 I"'ar- all. dlll·,.;n't 1t·11 all. II! Narb. 2772 Jim Stanton 252 Haverford Avenue B. G. Constantine
paninl uy :\11'''. Handall. ,.. ill kan' ,'
/If(. Ir.-H,TU\" sOlis:
i Thc Thcatre IS near us
"\I'I-t i.\ for lin auto tn!, to (lh", and III
I: I
That I'y" ~train 1I";1', all ahllormal
\I ichig"an.
~I rs. IIt'rl",rt II. Barton. of Wynn ..- ailloulll of nt'rn' force.
lI'ood and :'Ilpri"n. I." ,;pI'lld,ng thiS
\11'l'k in Atlanta. (;a.
:\Irs. II. F. Darnl's. "f (;rayhnl!. ESTATE NOTICE
,·nll·rtairll·t! Informally la"t Thur,.;day
aftl'rn,,,,n in hOllor of 1\11''';. R. E. 01,·,1'::--"1'.-\'1'1': ',F .I' ',,1':1'11 11.\:'-::'-:1';.-\:'-:.
Ilamiltoll. "f Taullton, 1\Ia,~ .. form- 1"'1(1-1:-. 11·:"'lLlIll'·~I1.lrr "1\ III,· ;11."\",, ,'''''-

"1'11 "I' :'\"rlll'rth. who wa, th,' l'UI'St Cll.' 11:\\'- 111""11 J.:lalllc·d til I tit· 11l1dt'r-
~I!...:tl"d. \\llCl t",'ltlll-",! all IH'I~cHI.s ha\111~
IIf :\Irs. Itllhl'rt C. C"mpton, of \\'ood ":~IIIlI~ It! dl'lJlalld~ a~alll:-;t th.' ,,:-:ta(" Ilf', 111,' d,','colI"111 til lilah" kl,flWtl th ... ~;ITl\l'.
,Utd all 111"1-s"o:-: illl!t'ht"d til tll.- dl'l'.,d,'nl
:\Ii,.- (;'1"1":, :'\",.;h, \\"a:"lill.~tllll (,,,1- lq Il,ahl' payllit'IlI, \\ lltlOl1t flt-Iay, til
I,·g'!' ~tUd"lIt, had a,.; gUI'sb ~,'vI'ral "f t; .. ;(J1{I;E T ~lt)~T;\C;I'E,
" Ill'r .. lassmat.·s at lhe homl' of t hI' :!-Illi ~t :lTlrl Lt·ilh:h .\\·t'
l'hl1adt'lphia, I'a
part'nts. :'Ilr. and :'II r~. n"lll'rt ,I. II," In hl~ Att(lrtl.'~·R BE GLAD TO
:O:a"h, of \\"1,,"I1('y, ;\j('rion. :'-:1':1.:-<' ,:'-: ,. FI·:,;I,I-:Y
alII ~\\'prlf' ,st,. f';OITlslr,wn, Pa. MAKE FRIENDS!
I l\Ir><. William H. Hughes mo\"('d Yl'';- '"111 FH.\~"I:-< :-< 1·.-\:'-:TltELL. .II(.
I terday from Bryn Mawr to her new :II~~ ('Il~ ('t.>lItr" BldL.:" I'hila.., Ita.
II ). 1 'I-~S , Enjoy the self-confidence
homl'. :144 Old Gulph, Penn VallI'\".
'Mrs. Hughl's entertained at a lunch- -'1
a smart appearance gives,
,'on Saturday. NOR' THE GREEN ROOM
••• 1 hy keeping your apparel
Mrs. Arthur L Cooke, of Lanlw\,n Charming Home-like always spotless.
• I will entertain her club at bridge Tu'es: MRS. EVA L. ROWLEY, Ho,tm
! day "venillg'. Thl' gue,ts will be Mrs.
Geor~!' BUrIll'tt, Mrs. Herman Dwyer,
,:\11',. H. :'If. Griest, Mrs. John C. Nash,
239 Haverford Ave.. Narberth
Phone: Narberth 4080

:'Ill"s. Allell Daly, Mrs. Gary Bend,'r-
• Mink Plastrons SOli and !\Ii,s Emma Prince. 'r!"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mr. Jack McCrery, of New York, ----I
front this coat 'spent thp week-end with his parents, H. C. Fritsch, Jr. I
Fire & CaJualty In.urance

§~~~~~~~[L~ Wll[~
Custom Tailors
$129.50 I: M\\"ynnedalc.
". and Mrs. J. L. McCrery, of.
A. M. Fritsch I
Mr. and 1\1 rs. Charles E. K,'n- Notary Public Real E,tate Cleaners· Dyers. Furriers
High strip collar, w,rthy, Bryn ~Iawr, havp mO\'t'd into _ _lp~Forrest Ave. Nar. 4112-J __ 102 Forest Ave. Narb.2602
triple plastrons of th·ir IIl'W home un Rightpr's Mill, 228 Bala Ave. Cynwyd 928
, minl"-t',, hrown boom: Penn Vall!'y.
• to black, Lt'g 0' mut-: ,1\Ir. ani :'tlr.,. T. L{'amin~ Smith. Anything lor the
' ,SPrIllg :'Ildl, Wynnewood ent"rtailwd HOME AND GARDEN
t '111 s Iet'ves, fi art' d S k·lrt. : at luncheon Tuesday. '


netter Coats,
Secolld Floor

I n"b'·I·tIh'inhart,

,;on of ofMr.Heath,
H. Rl'rnhart,
I\l.,.•Jack R!'inhart, son of Mr. and
:'tlrs. GI'orgl' R. Reinhart, Jr., of S.
lIig"hland, :\-Jprion, alld hi~ cousin, Mr.

and Mrs.

241 Haverford Avenue

"pe'-lltly f"l" Franklin and Marshall Narb. 41 J4 lor deli..,ery
.... . Colll'g,'_
~II". and \11',. A Ian McCool and
Il1I'ir tw" childn'lI ha\"I' moved to Wil-
liams an'IIUl'.
1\11'. and :'Ilrs. Fred M. Robb, Jr.,
.,1' ~lf) F"1"l·~t, ar(' ueing congratulated
1Ip"n the birth of a uaughll'r, Joan, I'
lIn A llg"ust!1. l\I rs. Robb was till'
.r"rn1('1" \Ii", Ingeborg- Thays('n,

r ~~Ready on Your dallg"hll'l' of :\11'. and Mrs. Carl Axel

Thays('Il, of Brookhurst. M rn. Roho
rllrml'r!y was an a8sistant librarian
Call ..." al th!' r-;arbl'rth Community Library.

Years ago, when you placed a IOD8

distance call, you waited several
:\11'. and ;\Irs. Eb<orhardt Mueller,
or i'~sSI'X, who ha\"e been on a motor
trip to ,';ug-usla, Ga.; Rl'rea, Ky.; Chunb or Individual Cubes
. Williamsburg, Va., and other histor-
minutes until the Operator called you
back to say, "Ready on your call ••• I t ical plapps in Virginia. will return on
(lctol1l'1' I.
Today, more lhan nine times in ten, That music from the James W. Er- Chester Jones
Jour long distance connection i. made i vines' home in ~arbrook Park last
200 Woodbine, Narberth
while you hold the line. : Sunday wa", from singers of Phila- Hundreds of families, like this one, are going to enjoy the care-free con-
,delphia anti vicinity, and especially Phone Narberth 4058
This improvement in service came ver.ience of clean, healthful. automatic gas house heat for the first time
: from members of All Saints' Church
because Bell management said that it this year. And why? Surveys have proved that this all· satiSfying heat will
choir in \\'ynm>wooo, which Mr. Er-
should come - and found the men,
vinI' direct.~. cost less than they anticipated.
methods and machinery to make it
• possible.
Mrfl. Claude K. Stahl, 516 Essex,
• 'who has mo\"ed to Bausman, in Lan- Let us make a survey of your horne. On your small down payment we'll
Whenever you need to talk to some-
caster County. visited the John C.
223S-J install ~ither a Janitrol, Bryant or Welsbach Gas Conversion Burner-$195
i Bachelors, Essex avenue, this week.
one out of town-think of Long Dis- : Friends of Miss Ida Wieland, of each"',iO,:tl~lh:.4.SligQd.y...higlJ_er .9.n.1?l1c;1getplan-.. 3 years to pay. Ask about
tance. Think of its speed, its ease- avenu~,
! Woodside Narberth are . our m.onthly plan for operating a heater and our low combio'ation gas rate.
bow pleasingly personal it is. Think
of the time and money il can save you.
I pleased_14>. lcarn that she is recuperat- i
Prices Subject To Cha'lge Without Notice
Think of the low night and Sunday
rates for friendly chals. And remem· Dr. Wm. G. Walton
• ber, please, that we are always"read y
on your call" -eager and able to serve

rf JOu well. The Bell Telephone Company Phone: Narberth 2464 CJjIfS CilUItII""
IlNI1 116LJr,rul>
At Our Suburban Stores or See Your Plumber or Healing Contractor
of Pennsylvania. If no an.wer, Narberth 2570-J
Office Hours b" Appointment

"C.;~L~~'''.'~~,:t.';~~:!i'';C~t~:~-~-2~j;(.~':'''i}~'~~::ii ~.~~;::·~,.~~'~~i;ir,~-!:l.iLg~'~~;L~~;:~\£.:~'~~"~l~~~~~i-l;4'~~~;,,\,~"i4l~Di~~t~i¢itl:;:"4~~~':*~;;
.-~ , '
,":' : "'.'~'

OUR TOWN September 30, 1938

Page I-our

1!,'gllll1inj! SlInday nlOrnlnJ.(', Oc'to 1'111' lll:·t'llll~ of th,' YIIUlIg 1"'''1''''',

\'(,' illiam F. Hagenbuch, Church News 1",1' ~I. thl' I',,-t"r 11I'gil1~ the ~ .. r('" (If ('hri"llall Elld"avllr will b., I"d h,\ I
IllI'd oil Sunda\' at hi" IWIlH', :!l:!, -,'I'1I1"n, on "\"hy \\,,' An' LlItlll'ran," Btil Furl ... r, and :\Iargarl'\ Tayl" .. : fhe
Hampd"II, afll'r 'a hngl'fing illn,'s,:,' \\',11 pl'l',,"nt til/' tllI'IC, "TIll' Bibit-: III
La"t !'Iay IH' ",a~ n·tlr... d from tlH' (If {;lld."
l"'nn,Y!uIIIIIl f{ailrolld, aft"r f"rty- ,; I;, I' ~I S,'III"r Epworth L"lIgu,',
~t'\' 'yt'ar< ~t·r\'il"l·. Hl' \\'a:--: III tl1l' SI"'a!-."r' ~h" II. A, Fryf',
H,"', ,,\reh.', ,'\, ...,,,d,,., ,", '1'1,
'III I,d

II , ",t:, I', \1.

llr Clld."
:---;arh"l'th'-, lIappy III
I"", 11,,111, :'I'1'1ll1l1l hy th., I'a.'tllr: "Tilt'
i National Bank of Narberth I
Ill'('"Ulltlllg dl'[lUrtllll'lI1.
,I;, I', ~I I:, \ .1"1,,, \"111
1);1 .... 1 Ill"

\:"'" II II. j',,'I,',. 11'-I,'I"a'l, Il IIf Autlt<>rlty" T,'xl: • l)'I'<l~il~ In~ul'l'd undel' the ;,O\l'rnn",nf Pl.lll •
Mr, lIag"nlJul'h, r""lIknt of ~ar­
lJt'rth for lift"1'1l yl'ar", i" "urvlvl'd lJy
~l' r\'\Ct'.

Tllt'"lay. (lel"I,,'r 4: I-' I "1;,,,

I' 1'; t II'
"'1'".'11' "1'1' I" tilt' nanll' (If II
ILillI'I.' (;1 nl,~i:, 11 :~ •.
.. allt'd
• \11'/1//,.r ,,/ Fedt'ral Rt'~"Tlt .... "~tt'm •
hi" \\If,', Clara L, lIal!,·nl,ul'h. t",,,
""n", I.aru,· and
Church " .. ho,d W(lrkl'r~'
Il"nald, alld f"lIr
'j I', ~I, :>'::11 I' \1. .Jllilillr 'lin tl<'" I':n \\'" n,'-"Ia~. (ktll!wI' :,:
• ()\,I'11 ,It H :\, ;\1. daily for YOllr .-on\ l'I1II'nn' •
dt'a \ ~ I' \1. I'raY"r nlI'l'ling, 1'1,,· -,'n
-llJ'I"'r, C"lIf,'n'lIl"" Sp"akl'r: H"v, Ill',
grandl'hlldn'II, ~llllday, (klldH"1' :2: It'l wdl tH' a I:n'paratnry :--torvjcl' ill
\\, .J, 1."1'1'1'1'1.
Fun"ral ,,'nl""- w,'r,' IlI'ld \\'"dn,,- :',1:> .'\ :\1, nild,' -"Ito,,!. ardltO,palioli IIf ('llilltllUnilllL Tilt, 1l11'~­
\\' ,'dn""lay, (ld"I,,'r ;):
day fn'1I1 tl,,' SllIard FUIII'Ial II "njo'. 11 A, ~1. \I"rning- wor~hlJl, S,T- 'ae'" \\'111 I... tak"1l frllnl I'htl"II1Oll,
",1:, 1', \1. W""t dl"trwt n1f>l'tlllg
Ardl11 o r,', IIII<-rlll,'nt \\ a- at \\'ilkill--
bu J'l,!;,
ii' th,' \\'a,'Il.' ~I E, Church, Ilion I,y th.·
I""tor: "Th .. ~If'-"ag" "f
T"xt: ":-;a\'I"ur, -hall
'I'hlll'",jay. (ktol ... r I;:
111 A, ~1. to :l 1', ~1. \\'"'11'''''
Crematory Service Available
TI,ur"day, (ldnlH'r 'i:
1i,,1;, P. '\1. ,JUllll1l' dwir, ,'om" IIi' "11 :\IOllllt Zi"n to judg-(' tIll' (;utld IllITI,n.!: at th., dlur .. Ii, '1'1", :\ '''od''rnly ''''juipr'',j crematory and chard has just he"n
Sdma L. Sdl. 111"11111 "I' ~>:J1I; alld t hI' kingdom II'" " .. , \\ ill I ,. ~II'-" (. (. 'I',,,,n :1,,01 ..o·lll'l,....d h\ this long-.'stahlish"d c"m"t"ry. 1'h" building
'i,I;) I', \1. YOIIIIg p,'"p""- .. holr, ",IS d"sign"d hy Frank R. Watson. wl'll·known church archi·
\\' ,f,' ,,1' \\'ililarll II. ~,'11. f"rll" I' ",x ~ I', \1. ('hllir fl,llt·ar,al. -h:11I t", till' I."rd'~," Ohadiah:!1. II, ,1"'"II"n:1 1,,:,,1,1'. ",-, FI",j, 11,,1
r I (. r~I:' ('yu~pnH'nt ""'.:IS .1d«.lt·d in r£·sponst.' (0 rf'4 u f'
tOil ,,1' th,· \arl"'rth Pfl·,It,I,'riall II ..\ ~1. .111111<'1' l'hur .. h, und .. r tIll' \:' ,II", "Ill' ch"lwl mak.·, possihl.· a digniti"d serviC!' away from
Chul'l'h. dll'd Salllrda,' at 111'1' h"nl" ;It HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN ,llr",'II"" "f \Ir', IJig-hy, \\'"nd .1nd r.lin .1nd glarin.~ 'illn, in h.1rmoniou~ surroundings
1-:", (·I.,tu~ II ..\ ~1. ('!tIidn'n', nur,,'ry, ulld"r 4/.L SAI.'\fTS CHURCH \.\'Il!l <,(1:'( r~ll!!'i'c The Co ... t is \'(''-Y rrasonablc.
10, Conway. afl"1' all dIn"'" "f flOur A S"lIft, l-'a,tor
J\II'~ :\1:lrgal'l'l ~'1l1iPr, Organi"t 1111 --LIJIl'I"YI jedl elf :'\1 i~~ Tihlll'll. :'\1, Iltglltllll";'; Pild', \\"\'nlw\\,cl(lr!
yea r~. !: It' >, >II; . \ \ '1111('. bc' 'l1d Cilr Line, Bala-CYIl\\ yJ
;Ill'"s,·11. \\h" had 11\',·01 111 \ar ~llllcl;I~. ()('!(lhf'r :!: 1;,1:, I', ~1. 1'111' C!tl'i,tian I-:nd"a,'or E.,\', Cr!I'oll 1'",11. H.",t"r
IJl'rth 1'111' f(lrt~- ~T:lr ..:. 1:- :--U\"\ )\"\·d II~' ~ ;\ ~1. 11"ly Communion,
111'1 hll,I,alld alld d;llll!ht"r. Alllla S"II.
~I, 1:, ,\, ~1.
11 .-\, \I
!llhl.· ,,'ho,,], Ill""'! 11:", Th' ',wak .. r at th,' S"nior
'1'111' morlling ,,'1'\1<',' and ('111'1-tl<1I1 l-:'I<I.'a\'"r will I", Alan :1, :', A ~I Slllld",' ~,'hnol. West Laurel Hill Cemetery
'1 \1 \T'lrllinc ~pr\'l(,(,.
Sh,' \\a" a 1I1"IIII"r ,,1' 11\1' lI,dy 1l,,Jy C"mlllllnIOn. Th,' 1I11r"'ry for ~111111 ",
TI'IIIi\\ I.llth,·r'1I1 Chur .. h. :\ar\oI'l'llJ, 1'1'1' ""lio,,1 children in .. liargv of ~r:;,
Fun"'ral ""rvI""" W"I'I' Iwld Tu,',,- '1'1'11';"1:111 i, h,'ld (·\'.'ry ~lln,]ay ll1"rn-

dav al till' Stll;l,d 1-'1I11"ralll"III". Ard Ill/.! dlll'lll)'! ,hI' ~t'r\·it'l'.
1ll':I'I" \\ Ith 11I1,rnll'nl ;It Phil,,,I,,lpllla ,; I:, I', ~1. LlIlh,'r I."<ll!;II,' 01"\'0-
~l<-I","I;t1 I'arh 'I'.!;:II Jllt'1"lIIJ,i!.

~ ::, i' ~I

\""1'1'1' HIi,J,- 11"111 ,llId
D. \\'il,oll B, Y(llln~
S"J'\ll"'" ""'rt' 1",ld Tu".tay at I h" II" "" 1'1.,' ,'llllfl'h 1\" \\ Iii t"k,' III' I h,'
JI"I:, I "lIllllllll",n, III '''II' .'11Idl'" "f
,,'2 AI
1"1 ;ltlkt'llrll·ld Fllnl ral 1101111', :\rdllllll't'. t lilt d t"! :IlJfl"r lit" ~·\I·t-..
1'",' II, \\'il""l1 H, Y"lllll!;, pH'.'I,J,-lIt "f I kl"I"'1 :, t" I~. II", ,'I,'\"'IIII HI
111 1 Cll;tl"it ..... \\", Y.)llll).[ ('(I" ";11;lJ1 ])litllli 1'11111:111'1>11\1'11111111 PI" tLt· ('11111-41 l.t1th~
1',"'1111"1", \\iI" d"'d l-'rld,,~, /10- "", ,'1':111 ('/'"l'('h 111 H"III1I1""", \\'<11,'1,1111'
,t:lJll'1 - fC11" radlll 11l'11:tdC:l:--!":,

\11 Ytillll).!, ",'!lel--'" lltdlll \\;\- :11 \\ , 01 '" ,,J,,~ :

:\ 111 !I\\:I II :llid \ltllllg'Ollll'I'Y. :\1"1"11,11. ~ I', ~1. .IIII,i"1 ,'!t"lr r,'I\I'ar,al
'1:1' 111'1111" r "f 1I:t1'l1l"ny CIt:tI'\>'I',
'1'1111,,01:1, :
1::';I.I,'HIl!l 1.:;'! tlj' tht' :\1 a:-:lI11ll' ()rd"I. 1",:;11 ,\, ~l. :-; I" ,,' I:,j """ ,I IIIl!; "f II".
;1 lllt'lldll'l' 11\ ,hi' I'iJilad"]plll;l ( ' l i l l .:111 'I - . \ II ~"('ll'l:" 1,1;L"t, t i l III' ;111
~ I" ,11 ;.:; i l l 1 LI ~ ,
," :'",! "I' LIIIII '1"'1111"" Sill Ill' ,,j

II : ; t: III I. ('11:1 r]t·.... \\'. 1" l Li Ill-:'. \\;1 I I, '!'"

! I;, I' 'lll,11 I l,r t til" :-( I:IJI l'lll1q I;ll I~ l' , I' ~I
\\ 11:\ tl Iii \\;\- lLt, j 1 r l ':--tt!I·11t.
II. 1, ",-- I", Wld,,\\, :\"IO'~ I:
~. , . I II i ~', ; I l Ill, til r't 'i (I: LII L' 11 t I I' ; III CI
.!, I
! ... 'I \ 'f'l 1'1" I' 1\ ~'I' \ Ill, (,'1:'" I.; I Il\\!

I J. \ I 1'1 1\ :-':T.\ 111.) II, ,j

,I, \'11 !;l-l \\ l'l,k I 1111 1, j .' , ,f \ ,Ill I 1I I .....' 1 1 ,I I I'" I l I. ~ ~ I Ii" L ( .
, , '", ,,~ I 1 I:. :( I " •\ 1 l'" \ , I 1, ' II . ( \ I
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", :td \ l d I~ il!Lt 11,\·11 r, " ! I : I 1" , .... , , I , ~- I ; ,( \ JI I :. ,I ,1 I 1I '"

; 1 C l ,jl ' \ l II 111'11 r- II, ~" ,l' ,I '-.[! III • LII' ,If 1II, .[,-
" I!; 1 I,l~\' t hI.' ]lIIT'1:111 ;11 1'"
.!' '! 1, r,:, I"
I' ,1, I,!, ,I
1,'·(, '.\ " ,Ill' ~,' II."
!', 11,1· ll'l (',I, ',1
;1 1

I" !! "II d' 11 \ 1"

I ,\1 \1 \ H "''I'' III
Classified .\ oj 11 III I ....: t J , I I ! 1 \
~d I; 1:-· <..,
"\,';l rlll'l III
\ \

\ \


Advertisements III',I,\' \ FI:\'I: I:",

11;""'- \\';llllllt ~I
\\:' I, ;t', 1 \ ' : ' \ 'il , 1'llil.11klplI1;1 ";1
~ . " .... '! ' 1' , , I• (I )"111-11

d. ' ' , 1 ' : " " ' ; \ 11,' ~ .1 j'

I II' ,11"1", dill !' ,

3c a word
........ et"ks for the price of 2

From 1822
Rooms for Rent
I \', ',I; '"
I '
to 1938 ...
, ,'I .. "I, ',' .,1 <en'ia t ha/
" I I " !', I ~'" I :!. 15 II I'll klloJ) II.
.....: ,:'.,1,1, '",
I ' , , ~, ,'.' I I" ' , I, ~'.l' •••
,\ 1 .! I : 'I' ~ .r , 1 l. 1 1I; I " I '
R. R. Bringhurst

" , : I,,! fl. !f

eel), Inc.
I .I I " "I ,I,' t" ~"'. "-
I......' I

.',111, :--\1;111011 1:.,\\',lrd I'I',I~I I'IHJlII'

.''::tl)'''' I II
-----~- --------- I '}24 Arch St. RITtt·nhollS<' ';690
,. ill 'all' I."cal RCf'rc\r'ltati,'r:
FII ~ J-: 1'1. \1 'I: \\'( II I I' 11 :-':", II ,\ RA YMOND L WATROUS
~l',,~ II.: I,;llll\\""d ;1 \. ~,111" 1111
;\" •I ,1'1 : ~, ~ " \.-'1 21 ~ Avon Road. Narb"rth
Naro"rth 2216
At 'Your Service
In:LlAI:!.I'; ,'.\I(I'I';:-;1'I-:H, alterations & America's Outstanding Quality Oil Burner Ends the Drudgery
J' .\,1'1 1\" 1'1';1 --'I' pill lIlt' f ;.)1 llit'll l':l"~llllgt~r,
1~:.! C'lI:I\\a,\' ; I H ' , I"arh. :riIR-IL
~~(~1- l'I,I-:.\~~:I~-:"':·-'I'flllil'l'd like new,
of Furnace Tending-Now Gives You Completely Automatic
tl ';;-1 up I'll, :\"al"l), ~:tlf),
FI;\;I'; I '1:~:i<"'~l,\ 1.;-r~-I;-.-r-,'-n-,-o~oI-e~lI-n-g-,-al- Heat at lowest Price in its History
tf'lall(oI1~, 11l111(lllllllloB nlflde, I\taterlnl~ Unr. Ro-..... C....,.A CIt-
for ~a1l- :\11~!'; :\1ullt-lt::.jIJe MieBPJl, 209 Ha\'- pM. Bob7. 0/ :11405 S• ..... dIe
SI., . " Ia. Now you can have TOPS in auto- outstanding quality oil burner. Irs
prfol'd ;1\1', ~arh ~an;)-,J. (tf)
i"A \\. :'\~ti I\\:I':"({ n'll;lln~ H ncf J:'lllHlinJ::, matic oil heat at 110 e:':lra (oJ I ,'You simple, rugged construction IS your
1~.,h\llll "ll\\I'I!.:: (CII ~'I" " get the famous. high qualIty Delco assurance of uninrerrupteJ per-
n \e"
THE DELCO OIL BURNER GIVES YOU ALL THESE Oil Burner-built and backeJ by formance, There are no driVing
hP"1 h ~~lfHi
10 I

'.:1)ll0LSTJ-:HI'-I; ;~rJd 1t']I ..... 1·,1111:8 or

(to "THERE'S A ADVANTAGES FOR JUST A FEW PENNIES A DAY General Motors-for no more lha~ gears. no couplings, OIl belts 10
3.ple('e suite. repulrerl, $10, ('hlllr re- Delco Burner burns fuel com- you would expect III pay for an wear-to shorten its life. InsteaJ a
227 ,.;
~5, no, Il)'\\'herf. Ca II Lewis,
LRncaRter h"e, Wayne 1196,
WEALTH 1. Stans Your Fire-Relieves
you of all furnace tendi ng- pletely, saving you backoreak, ordinary burner. And herl."s news. single moving unit turns ... and
you have low-cost dependable aulO-
automatically turns on the beat ing work, too! A Delco Oil Burner is now
matic heat for years to come, And
Situations Wanted
whitt' WOnl:l1l \\'i:-:Il.,~ day'.!"
OF when your home starts [0 cool.
2. Turns Heat Off-When
6. Adds Room to Your
House-With a Delco Burner,
t,t1.lier to ou 11 than ever bet', Ire, Just
a few pennies a day installs it in Delco facwry [[ained men make
1\-'orl~ ('all :'-:arhf'rth :l:I;I~I-.1 aft,'r 5 your home is warm enough, the no ba,ement space is needed your present furnace. Your spare sure that you get the extra savings
p, 1tt, (f,2) HEALTH Delco Burner shuts off auto·
matically-rurns on again when
for bulk\' fuel storage. You can
transform this space into an-
change converts your present hand- of an eflicient installation, All This
fired heating plant into complelely fur "pin-money" paymenls,
needed, Saves you from waste- other livable room and make
IN ful overheating. a recreation room of your
automatic oil heat- no shovelling
-no ashes-no dampers to regulale Phone for free heating sun'ey
3. "Regulates" the Dampers
-No more "fiddling" with -110 jr,m'l(e lendillg al all! And Ask for proof that this thoroughly
7. Engineered for Long Life
dampers. The Delco Burner reg- _ The Delco Burner is engi. your basement is IransformeJ into modern burner Sdt'fS YOll money as
ulates yout heat automatically. neered by General Motors for another livable room in your home. it frees you from the din anJ
4. Feeds Its Own Fuel- No long life-no belts. no dtiving drudgery of furnace tending. Phone
more shovellin,g, The Delco gears. no couplings to wear out, Why take a cballce?
for a free survey of your healing
Burner fuels Its fire - and This proved leader can be had 011
plant-no obligation at all. Phone
8. The Delco Burner gives
.ar' Mn. Helen 7'. Rober... its Thin~Mix Fuel Control as-
you all this Comfort. Con- "Pin-Money" paymellts now I
Mother 01 Crand Champion B"",. sures economy in fuel use, venience, Cleanliness, •
Rou>elUL 5. Ends A5h Nuisance-No Health, and Added Room In thousands and thousands of
more ashes to handle. The for "Pin-Money" Payments. homes throughout the country
l3ROOKMEAD Delco has proved itself America's
(Licensed Producers &. Dlstrlbutore
under Trademark)
Wayne. Penna. 'Phone Wayne 1121

Frankenfield Funeral Home
Simpson Road at Athens Avenue
Telephone Ardmore 9
.. .. 2646
Ardmore ' Pa •
108 Forest A"enue, Narberth Phone Narberth 2376 .. j


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