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Mirpur University of Science and Technology

(Bhimber Campus)
Name: ____________________ Roll: ____________________
Paper: Business Research Methodology Exam: Mid Term
Semester: 4th BBA(Hons) Instructor: Maria Ghaffar
Time Allowed: 6 Hours Total Marks:45

Question 1
What are Research Instruments? Describe any two Research Instruments. Which one is more
effective state the reason. (5)
Question 2
a. List and label the variables in the following situation.
b. Explain the relationships among the variables and diagram them.
c. What might be the problem statement or problem definition for the situation?
The manager of Haines Company observes that the morale of employees in her company is low.
She thinks that if their working conditions are improved, pay scales raised, and the vacation
benefits made attractive, the morale will be boosted. She doubts, however, if an increase of pay
scales would raise the morale of all employees. Her conjecture is that those that have
supplemental incomes will just not be turned on‖ by higher pay, and only those without side
incomes will be happy with increased pay with resultant boost of morale. (10)
Question 3
A production manager is concerned about the low output levels of his employees. The articles
that he read on job performance frequently mentioned four variables as important to job
performance: skill required for the job, rewards, motivation, and satisfaction. In several of the
articles it was also indicated that only if the rewards were valent (attractive) to the recipients did
motivation, satisfaction, and job performance increase, not otherwise.
Given the above situation, do the following (10)
a. Define the problem.
b. Evolve a theoretical framework.
c. Develop at least six hypotheses.
Question 4
“Good models are complex. What’s more a good model should include both moderating and
Mediating variables” Discuss this statement? (10)
Question 5
What are the basic research design Components? Describe them in detail. (10)


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