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INSTRUCTIONS: Anoten las preguntas y respuestas en un document de word , las respuestas van en color

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The Hero and the Minotaur
How does the author help you understand Poseiden’s character and his role in the myth? 

What closely related noun has a meaning that has to do with imagination? 

What do you think the subtitle means? 

What does Theseus want? 

What is the setting on this page?

The author uses the phrase “earth-shaker” to describe Poseidon. Why did he choose that phrase? 

What natural phenomenon takes place in the first paragraph? 

After reading the author’s description, what natural phenomenon that formed Greece is being described? 

What causes the earth to shake? 

What causes earthquakes? 

What is sometimes made when tectonic plates move? 

Read pages 336 and 337. What events occur? 

 How does Theseus’ problem get solved? 

How does the author help you visualize Theseus’s journey to Athens? 

Point out the phrase “the evil grappler” on page 336. 

Identify context clues to figure out what grappler means. 

What is a grappler?

Based on the myth of Theseus, what beliefs and values are important to the Greeks? 

On page 338, what new problem does Aegeus tell Theseus about?

What does Theseus plan to do about it? 

What attitude did the ancient Greeks have about death and mourning?

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