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Didactic: Learning Scenario: Teacher shares a math problem on measuring the

perimeter of three different shapes.

Teacher Students listen and Teacher checks for

introduces the all complete the understanding and
task. same task. students respond in


• Easy to organise. • Uses more bandwidth. • Operate camera and
• Minimum tech skills needed. • Low engagement (students microphone settings.
• All students are together wait for their turn to speak). • Set up a ”Teams” meeting and
simultaneously. • Students interact less with one share the invite.
another. • Share your screen or
• Individual and group feedback PowerPoint presentation.
more challenging or absent.
• All learning is screen based.
Interactive: Learning Scenario: Teacher shares a math problem on
measuring the perimeter of three different shapes.

Teacher Students listen Students work Teachers check for

introduces the to the task. individually offline and understanding in small
task. reconvene at a given time groups using their team
with an assigned group. classroom and either the
online video or chatroom.


• Increased group engagement. • Requires a little more • Operate camera and microphone
• Decreased screentime. organization. settings.
• Promotes feedback. • Requires more tech skills. • Set up a ”Teams” meeting and share the
• Suports differentiation • Students might not join a group. invite.
• Promotes greater individual responsibility in the • Share your screen or PowerPoint
learning. presentation.
• More than one teacher can interact with • Organize and operate the “breakout
groups. room” for your groups
• .
Interative - Dynamic: Learning Scenario: Teacher shares through “See-Saw” a small number of math problems
that offer choice and different levels of challenge.


Students view Students organise Teacher assigns Teachers check for Teachers check for
the task their time aand time slots for drop understanding and understanding,
through See- prepare their in sessions. The meet with individulas individuals drop-in,
Saw in their response / answer. class “teams” space or small groups at teacher manages /
own time. is used for the drop appointed times. assigns groups ongoing.
in meetings.


• Increased individual and group engagement. • Requires a little more In addition to the other two scenarios…
• Screen time kept to a minimum. organization. • See-Saw management.
• Promotes feedback + feedforward for further • Requires more tech skills.
learning. • Students might not join a group.
• Suports differentiation
• Promotes greater individual responsibility in the
• Promotes more engagement with ATLs.
• Offers more voice and choice.
• Uses less bandwidth.
• More than one teacher can interact with
How might I plan for learning through MS Teams?


See-Saw - Math: MS TEAMS – Math See-Saw Math
Students assigned a open office: 9.00 – Independent:
number word problem 10.30am. Using the class Students create a word
on See-Saw. They solve platform, assign problem and post it on
the problem in as many students to groups. This See-Saw for others to
ways as they can and can be based on how solve.
post their response on effectively they solved
See-Saw. the problems.
Conference with groups
and give feedback.
The learner: further considerations:
• Students are often more confident than adults at exploring and problem-solving technology.

• Students can feel self-conscious about turning on their camera and speaking, particularly in a big group / class.

• Students learn effectively from their peers.

• All students are unique one size does not fit all.

• Learners thrive when both challenge and support is high.

• “Less is more” be mindful of how much time is spent online behind a screen.

• “Less is more” creating tasks that are open ended, high on Blooms taxonomy and promote multiple perspectives, offer learners
opportunities to share connections and perspectives.

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