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Improving Job Performance with goals, Feedback, Rewards and 1

Positive reinforcement

Organizational Behavior

Improving Job Performance with goals, Feedback, Rewards and

Positive reinforcement

Submitted to
Dr. Shaukat Ali Raza

Submitted by
M. Ali Qureshi 2009-1039
Nauman Abdullah 2009-1007

Dated: January 19th, 2011

Improving Job Performance with goals, Feedback, Rewards and 2
Positive reinforcement

Improving Job Performance with Goals, Feedback, Rewards

and Positive Reinforcement

Main Idea

Performance management
“Continuous cycle of improving job performance with goal setting feedback and
coaching, and rewards and positive reinforcement”

The Performance improvement cycle involves goal setting, feedback and coaching and
then rewards.

Goal Setting
Performance outcome goal: targets a specific end result
Learning goal: Encourages learning, creativity, and skill development

Objective information about individual or collective performance shared with those in a
position to improve the situation

Two Functions of Feedback

• Instructional
- clarifies roles or teaches new behaviors
• Motivational
- serves as a reward or promise of a reward
Improving Job Performance with goals, Feedback, Rewards and 3
Positive reinforcement

Sources of Feedback
• Others
- peers, supervisors, lower-level employees, and outsiders
• Task
• Oneself
- Self-serving bias and other perceptual problems can contaminate this

Behavioral Outcomes of Feedback

• Direction
• Effort
• Persistence
• Resistance

Non Traditional feedback

• Upward feedback
Subordinates evaluate their boss
• Degree feedback
Comparison of anonymous feedback from one’s superior, subordinates
and peers with self perception

• Extrinsic rewards
- financial, material, or social rewards from the environment
• Intrinsic rewards
- self-granted, psychic rewards
Improving Job Performance with goals, Feedback, Rewards and 4
Positive reinforcement

Thorndike’s Law of Effect

• Behavior with favorable consequences is repeated; behavior with unfavorable

consequences disappears

Positive Reinforcement
Making behavior occur more often by contingently presenting something

• Respondent behavior
- Skinner’s term for unlearned stimulus-response reflexes
• Operant behavior
- Skinner’s term for learned, consequence-shaped behavior

Major Players
• Thorndike
• Skinner

To improve job performance one should must have to focus on goals of the organization ,
feedback system , motivation through rewards and positive reinforcement.
Improving Job Performance with goals, Feedback, Rewards and 5
Positive reinforcement


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