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- Mathematics comes from the Greek word, “mathema” which means knowledge.

- Math is the language of the universe. (Galileo)

- Math is a conceptual system. (David Hilbert)
- It can also be viewed as a process of thinking, a set of problem-solving tools, an art, a study of
patterns, and as a LANGUAGE.
- Proposition is a declarative sentence which is either true or false.
- If the original proposition is true, then the negation is false.

Binary propositional connectives

- Conjunction, Disjunction, exclusive or, Implication, Biconditional

- Bit Operations

Compound Propositions

- Tautology is a compound proposition that is always true

- Contradiction is a compound proposition that is always false
- Contingency is neither a tautology nor a contradiction
- Logical equivalence is a biconditional which is a tautology


Ex. If today is Thursday, then I have a test today.

- Hypothesis (antecedent), Conclusion (consequent)

- Converse
Ex. If I have a test today, then today is Thursday.
- Inverse
Ex. IF today is not Thursday, then I do not have a test today.
- Contrapositive
Ex. If I do not have a test today, then today is not Thursday

Propositional Functions

- Statements about a variable

- Predicate, Argument


- Universal quantification- For all x, P(x)

- Existential quantification- There exists an x such that P(x)

Ex. P(x): x>3

-True or False? P(5), P(2),

Negation of a quantification

- There exists an x such that not P(x)

- There e

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