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Movie Review: Erin Brockovich

The movie Erin Brockovich is based on true life story of Erin Brockovich who is a hard worker, a
mother and seeks justice when something is wrong. She handled challenges in her life bravely
and fight for what is right to do. Her hard work paid off and save tons of people because of her
bravery. In the movie, they show scenes where law is discussed and explained for the common
people to understand. Hence, we can study the movie to learn and educate ourselves in law. I
will state the scenes where there is an article or law involved.
In the beginning of the movie, Erin Brockovich, the protagonist, driving her way at the road
then she suddenly got hit by a car. The driver committed culpa aquiliana (Article 1172) because
he hit Erin, damaged her and her car by negligence. Erin filed a case in the court and met
Edward Masry a lawyer who lied to Erin that they will win the case, but they did not thus fraud
is the outcome of his action (Article 1170). Erin who is determined to have a job go to Edwards’
firm and worked unofficially and eventually Edward hired her legitimately creating contract
between them. While Erin is working, she leaves her children to a nanny creating another
contract. But the nanny took her kids back to their home without Erin consent and knowledge
and therefore she committed contractual negligence. Fortunately, Erin’s neighbor took care of
the children as the nanny left which is a personal obligation (Article 1156) and quasi contract
(Article 1159). The next scene where there is a law committed is when Erin left her job for a
week to investigate about the case of Mrs. Jensen with Edward’s consent to investigate the
case further but it resulted to her being fired, in this situation she committed negligence. Her
neighbor George committed another quasi contract, when Erin came home after getting fired,
she saw George fixing the sink. Eventually, Edward hired Erin again because he is intrigued to
the case because Erin has the information about. Erin made a condition od a raise of ten
percent and a benefit to Edward and he accepted it, this is called conditional obligation (Article
The story progressed and focused on the case of PG&E company who is committing a crime
because of their water contamination which causes health problems to the resident of Hinkley
like cancer, miscarriage and many more. Erin worked hard to get samples of water and
trespassing PG&E private property without their consent just to present a factual data to the
court. PG&E has been also committing culpa contractual causing damages since they have been
poisoning the residents who has no knowledge that they are being harmed. As a result, Erin
Brockovich who worked hard to get 634 plaintiffs filed to PG&E, with also the evidence from
Charles who worked before in PG&E, these records showed the PG&E is guilty and won the
case. PG&E had to pay $333 million dollars to the residents affected which is a joint obligation
(Article 1207). Erin received her bonus of 2 million dollars and lived a respectable life with her
kids and George.
In the ending of the story, it shows that hard work pays off. Erin Brockovich handled her
challenges with determination and courage for her family and loved ones. She also has
leadership qualities which made the resident of Hinkley follow her ideals and reassure them
that there is hope and victory. Her passion to what she strongly believed made her a dignified
and respectable woman even without prior education in law. Erin Brockovich proved everyone
that if there is hard work and passion to thing you believe in, will make your desire come true.

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