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(SOLVED) The farmers in Whitman County are concerned

about the prices

The farmers in Whitman County are concerned about the prices they are receiving for their
crops. They decide to create the Whitman County Farm Commission, whose purpose is to
encourage farmers to band together when selling their crops, educate legislators on farming
issues, and instruct farmers on methods to control […]

Julie is a professional singer in the non-profit City Symphony Chorus (CSS). CSS requires that
all members wear traditional formal wear (i. e., $ 500 tuxedos for the men and $ 300 long black
gowns for the women) during performances. In addition, because of her annual $ 15,000
contribution to […]

Donna’s and Albert’s children attend a parochial grade school. The school charges $ 1,500
annual tuition and $ 200 for uniforms for Donna’s children, but only $ 500 tuition and $ 100 for
uniforms for Albert’s children because he is a member of the congregation. Albert contributed $
800 to […]

Phyllis, a Virginia resident, owns some property in Florida. Every year, she travels to Florida
(coincidentally, during baseball’s spring-training season) to inspect the property, initiate repairs,
interview new tenants, and search for new properties in which to invest. She also attends
approximately 20 ball games. Determine Phyllis’s deductible travel expenses.


At gunpoint, Roger lent $ 2,000 from the cash register at his hardware store to four large youths
who told Roger that they wanted a loan to set up their own business. Not having the phone
number of any of the sprightly entrepreneurs, Roger could not recover any of the […]

Karla is a single parent with two children, ages 7 and 11. She is a full-time student and earns $
12,000. Both children receive dividends and capital gains from mutual funds acquired for them
by their grandparents. Karla has elected to include her children’s income on her return for the

Hugo was planting a tree when he unearthed 100,000 certificates of ITT bearer bonds, with a
current value of $ 4 million. He speculated that they had been placed there by the home’s
former owner (now deceased), at a time when they were worth nearly $ 400,000. Hugo did not


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