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Suggested Answer Key

The topic of GM foods is controversial because people have strong opinions on it. However,
which argument is the strongest: for or against?
GM food technology definitely has advantages. Firstly, it can help fight world hunger. It can
produce crops that can survive droughts and pests and so prevent famine. Secondly, it is
environmentally friendly. It does not require the use of chemical pesticides so it reduces
pollution. However, there are also some disadvantages. Firstly, GM food production is an
unnatural way to grow crops. Modifying the DNA of a plant is interfering with nature. In
addition, GM foods could cause health problems.
They have not been around for long enough to see if there are any long term health effects of
eating them.
All in all, although there are disadvantages to GM foods, I think they are a good idea. I think
they can solve the problem of world hunger help the environment and reduce the use of
chemicals and pesticides on crops so they are healthier.

1. Did you know that in Britain any new medicine must, by law, first be tested on two different
species of animals? Without a doubt animals play a major role in medical research, but animal
testing is a controversial topic.
2. There are a number of advantages to animal testing. Firstly, a number of lifesaving medical
treatments have been successfully developed using animal tests. This means that more people
can be cured from certain diseases. Moreover, animal testing ensures the safety of new drugs as
tests can predict the effects on humans. As a result, unsafe drugs do not get onto the market.
3. On the other hand, using animals in medical research HAS ITS DRAWBACKS. To begin
with, it is cruel to animals. This is because many animals are killed and the tests cause a lot of
pain. Secondly, some people claim that animal testing is unreliable. This is because animals are
different from humans and so they have different reactions to certain drugs.
4. To conclude, although there are disadvantages to animal testing, I consider that the benefits
OUTWEIGH them. There are still many incurable diseases in the world today and animal
testing can save countless lives.

for instance/for example-pentru exemple

A). Online learning is very popular now that more people have access to the Internet. In my
view, it is an excellent way to obtain extra educational qualifications.
B).In the first place, online learning offers a flexible study programme. This is because you can
study at any time and in any place. You can even do lessons when travelling and study periods
can be as long or short as you want.
C).Secondly, studying via the Internet is cheaper. For example, you don’t have to spend money
buying textbooks, as usually all the materials you need are supplied online. Costs are also lower
since there is no travelling to and from university.
D). However, some people say that online courses make it more difficult to share and discuss
ideas. For instance, there is no teacher present to answer your questions.
E). To conclude, studying online is not without its problems. However, I believe it is very helpful
as it allows planning and adjusting studying schedules to fit one’s lifestyle.

1). “A comfortable old age is the reward of a well-spent youth,” Maurice Chevalier said.
Nowadays, more and more old people spend their elderly years in care homes. In my opinion, the
elderly should not spend their later years away from their families.
2). Firstly, people in care homes do not have the best quality of life. For example/ for instance
they have to follow an imposed daily schedule. As a result, they have no freedom to do as they
3). Moreover, care homes damage people’s emotional well-being. For instance, living in a care
home can make people feel unloved and unwanted. As a result, they may feel abandoned by their
families and lonely living with strangers.
4). On the other hand, care homes can sometimes be the best option. For example, when an
elderly person requires around-the-clock care or medical attention, a care home can offer
professional help. In this way, they can be better looked after.
5). In conclusion, I feel that care homes, although sometimes necessary, are not beneficial to the
majority of elderly people. Care homes can never replace the love and security provided by a
caring family.
After a class discussion on the subject of celebrities, your teacher has asked you to write an essay
giving your opinion on the following statement: Famous people should be given more protection
from the media. Write your essay, justifying your opinion (140-190 words). Write about:
attracting attention •affecting personal life• ……….. (your own idea)
A). “There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being
talked about,” playwright Oscar Wilde once said. I completely disagree/agree with him.
Celebrities do not require any special treatment to protect their privacy.
B). Firstly/Secondly, facing the media is part of being famous and comes with the job. If
someone doesn’t like being in the limelight and being pursued by the paparazzi, then they
shouldn’t choose to follow a celebrity career.
C). However/Additionally, many celebrities actually court the media to attract attention to
themselves. They know that the media makes them the famous personalities they are.
Therefore/On the other hand, seeking to avoid it would work against the interests of their
D). What is more/Nevertheless, some claim that exposure to the media may adversely affect
celebrities’ lives. For example/For this reason, the children of famous people can suffer from
undesirable publicity.
E). Last but not least/To conclude, I believe that Oscar Wilde was absolutely right. Celebrities
should welcome attention from the media as part of their job.

Reviews are short descriptions of books, films, plays, TV programmes, concerts, etc. They are
written to inform readers and to give them our opinion recommendation about whether (or not)
they should read the book, see the film, etc.
A review consists of:
• an introduction in which we summarise all the background information (e.g. title of book/film,
genre, author/director, type of concert, date & venue, etc).
•a main body consisting of two paragraphs:
One containing the main points of the plot/main features of the concert, etc and another inciuding
general comments on plot, characters, acting, music, special effects, etc.
•a conclusion in which we give our opinion/recommendation.
Reviews are normally found in newspapers, magazines or as part of a letter. The style varies
depending on the intended reader. Reviews are usually written using present tenses. Past tenses
can be used when describing an event, e.g. a concert, that we have attended. A variety of
adjectives/adverbs should be used to make our review more informative and interesting.

Useful Language
• The film/book tells the story of…
• The film/story is set in … was written by…
• The band were playing live at/in…
• Main points/features
• The story concerns/is about begins…
• The plot is boring/thrilling, etc.
• The programme regularly features …
• The plot has an unexpected twist,
• All the songs were fantastic superb, etc.
General comments
• The cast is excellent/awful/unconvincing.
• The script is dullexciting/fast-moving, etc.
• The special effects were (absolutely)
• stunning/sensational etc.
• It is beautifully/poorly/badly written
• The costumes and set were magnificent
• Don’t miss them. They’re well worth seeing.
• I wouldn’t recommend it because…
• It’s bound to be a box-office hit.
• It’s a highly entertaining/dreadfully boring read
• They’re a must-see.
• I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.

Readers of your English school magazine are invited to send in reviews of a musical
performance they have attended. Write your review for the magazine, including your
recommendation (140-190 words).
A). Last December I was lucky enough to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers play live in Barcelona,
Spain. It was the alternative rock band’s final performance of their European tour.
B). The concert began with a rousing opening song from the band’s new album, which was
enthusiastically received by the fans, Then, when the lead singer launched into one of their old
hits, the crowd went mad clapping and cheering. The band continued to switch between old and
new songs, creating an interesting range of pace and mood. All the numbers were fantastic with
their characteristic vocals and superb guitar playing.
C). The audience was treated to close-ups on the huge video screens. The lead singer and bass
guitarist bounced around the stage like live wires and the drummer performed an unforgettable
D). In spite of being together for over 25 years, the Chilis are still ‘red hot’. They’re a must-see
band and I wouldn’t have missed them for the world.

(Para 1) background information about the event (where, when, who, what)
(Para 2) main details of performance
(Para 3) additional comments on performer(s), stage set special effects, etc
(Para 4) your opinion/recommendation

You have taken a job at a planetarium in your town where visitor numbers have been dropping.
The planetarium’s manager has asked you to write a report suggesting ways the planetarium
might start to attract more visitors. Think about: advertising, special offers, exhibits (140-190
The purpose of this report is to suggest how the Royal Planetarium might increase its visitor
To begin with, the Planetarium must change its current advertising strategy to encompass social
networking sites. I suggest the planetarium set up a main website, Facebook Page and blog, as
well as get a Twitter presence. Doing this would mean the Planetarium would start getting
‘word of mouth’ advertising via the internet.
Special Offers
Secondly, I am convinced the planetarium would benefit from weekly/monthly specials. For
example, free star maps of the night sky could be given away to visitors one month, and 3-for-
the-price-of-2 deals could be offered another month. Doing this would make the Planetarium a
more enticing(attractive) destination.
Lastly, the planetarium needs more interesting exhibits. For instance, it would be a good
idea to offer a virtual reality trip through space. In this way, more children would want to come
to the planetarium.
To conclude, by advertising(I paragraf), offering specials(II) and introducing different
exhibits(III), visitor numbers to the Planetarium could increase dramatically.

My global lifestyle
Have you ever made plans about what you would do if you were rich? I have, and they aren’t
what you might expect. My ideal lifestyle would be rather unusual.
For a start, I love travelling, so I wouldn’t want to live in one place. I’d own homes in different
countries each one would be in a different style. For example, there would be a spacious town
house in London for me to come and stay and a simple wooden hut on a beach in India where I
could be quiet and think.
Would I give up working and just do what I liked? The answer is no. I’d have lots of work
because I’d start charity and help people in all the countries I lived in. It would be very
rewarding to help a poor farming family to get a tractor or a group of unemployed teenagers to
start their own small business.
Apart from working, I’d spend lots of time with friends just meeting up and chatting. After all,
money isn’t everything, is it? People are much more important in the end.

Influences on teenage behaviour

Would you be too embarrassed to use your mobile phone in public if it wasn’t the latest model?
Our behaviour as teenagers is affected every day by what other people think.
The main influence on teenage behaviour comes from our friends/peers We all look for people
who will accept and support us. Sometimes, though, the desire to be part of a group can mean we
agree to things we don’t want to do, like playing truant or even breaking the law.
We often say we don’t care what our parents think, but they do have an effect on what we do.
How often have you thought about what your mum or dad would say when you are trying to
make a decision?
Advertising/The media is also a major influence on young people. We are told all the time
about the latest products we should buy. This can make us feel dissatisfied and moody if we
can’t afford them.
All in all, we have to deal with a lot of outside pressures as teenagers. No wonder we don’t
always behave as well as we should!
A Dear Karen,
Thanks for your letter. I was really sorry to hear you’re so unhappy at the moment and thought
I’d drop you a line to cheer you up and pass on some friendly advice.
First of all, it seems to me that both your problems are closely linked. Because you feel lonely at
school you are unhappy at home. Why not join the school sports team? I know you’re fond of
sports so that would be an ideal opportunity to make new friends with people your age. And have
you ever thought about joining an after-school club? I did that when we first moved to the city
and believe me it works!
Now, as for the situation at home, I really think you should talk to your parents. Just explain how
you feel; you’ll be surprised how understanding they’ll be. As the situation is now they can only
guess at why you’re so sulky all day and they certainly can’t help! Trust me, it will clear up the
tension and they’ll probably have some useful tips too!
If you follow my advice, I’m sure you’ll feel much better soon. Anway, let me know
how it goes.
Lots of love,

B Dear Lee,
Thanks for your letter! It was great to hear all your news. Since we last spoke I’ve been
really busy too.
First of all, I finally got my driver’s licence! You can’t imagine how relieved I was after
failing four times! I’m now working overtime to save up for my own car. Remember I was
thinking about starting Spanish classes? Well, I finally decided to enrol in a language school in
my area with lessons on Saturday, I’m really enjoying it but as you can imagine there’s hardly
any free time left!
Fortunately, it’s already May and I’ve got my summer holiday to look forward to. On 1st
June I’m flying to Ibiza for a week and I’ll probably hire a jeep there. I know it’s rather short
notice, but would you care to join me? It’ll be great fun! After my holiday I’ll be very busy with
some conferences I have to organise for work. Then, in December I’ll have my Spanish exam, so
I’ll really need to study hard after the summer!
Well, so much for my news. Don’t forget to let me know if you can join me on Ibiza.
Lots of love,

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