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Appendix F: Analysis of Alternatives - Options for U.S Armed Forces Response to President Trump’s Refusal to
Leave Office

Status of Indicators for U.S. Armed Forces Response to President Trump’s Refusal to Leave Office
(As of 5 October 2020)

Elevated Risk to Transition

No Information to Assess
Severe Risk to Transition

High Risk to Transition

No Risk to Transition

Risk to Transition
Military Stays in the Barracks
(Best Case Scenario)

Military Supports President Trump Against His Political Opposition

(Worst Case Scenario)

Military Officers issue a ‘Pronouncement” supporting the U.S. Constitution

and take affirmative actions.
(Additional Scenario)

Risk Levels


Options for U.S Armed Forces Response to President Trump’s Refusal to Leave Office

Military Officers issue a ‘Pronouncement”

Military Supports President Trump Against
Military Stays in the Barracks supporting the U.S. Constitution and take
His Political Opposition
affirmative actions.
(Most Probable Case Scenario)
(Worst Case Scenario)
(Other Scenario)

The CJCS/JCS and senior military officers declare the military’s Trump military loyalists express their willingness Constitutionalist military officers signal their
neutrality and treat this as a constitutional crisis to be decided by the to support the commander-in-chief and swiftly unwillingness to support presidential orders to
courts and legislature. Senior military leadership, seeking to preserve deploy regular and national guard military deploy the military forces to quell dissent, and
the military’s integrity, backs the CJCS/JCS position. It is possible some forces to quell radical, left-wing Democrat actively seek to defend the U.S. Constitution
commanders may disagree with this course of action. opponents (insurrections). If the worst-case from right-wing extremists. The CJCS/JCS may or
scenario occurs, it is very likely the military will may not support the actions of the
It is assumed State governors would retain control over Army and Air
be supported by DHS paramilitary forces and Constitutionalist military.
National Guard forces making them available to support State Active
irregular militia/vigilante groups.
Duty (SAD) or Military Support to Civilian Authorities (MSCA) missions. Constitutionalist US military forces and DCNG
Military units under Joint Force Headquarters will deploy to protect key government
National Capital Region (JFHQ-NCR), including institutions in the NCR.
While most military units will follow the CJCS/JCS declaration of Washington Military District (WMD) and the
It is assumed State governors retain control over
neutrality, it is possible that some units led by Trump loyalists will DCNG are rapidly deployed to secure key
their Army and Air National Guard, making
rebel against this position and chose to support Trump. government facilities in the National Capital
them available to support SAD/MSCA missions.
Region (NCR) (White House, Congress and the
Whether they support the Title 10 missions may
Supreme Court, etc.), as well to detain
depend on the individual state.
opposition politicians, and secure key critical
communications facilities required for the
continuity of operations of the government.
US Military throughout CONUS will increase
readiness, conduct force protection for their
respective facilities, and prepare CONUS-based
US Army and Marine Corps quick-reaction force
(QRF) for deployment.
Loyalist Republican governors in states where
there is a clear Republican majority would very
likely support Federal Title 10 (Active Duty) /
Title 32 (Full-Time National Guard Duty) call-up
orders to deploy State guard if requested.
Opposition Democrat governors would very
likely refuse federal Title 10/32 activation orders

Military Officers issue a ‘Pronouncement”

Military Supports President Trump Against
Military Stays in the Barracks supporting the U.S. Constitution and take
His Political Opposition
affirmative actions.
(Most Probable Case Scenario)
(Worst Case Scenario)
(Other Scenario)
for State national guard, stating they are need
for SAD/MSCA missions, thereby putting them
at odds with the federal government.
DCNG would almost certainly be called up by
the president, however, it is possible on an
individual-basis, members may not report for


Indicators for U.S Armed Forces Response to President Trump’s Refusal to Leave Office
Comments in GREEN indicate positive action supporting peaceful transition.
Comments in RED indicate negative actions in the transference of power.

Military Officers issue a

Military Supports President Trump Against ‘Pronouncement” supporting the
Military Stays in the Barracks
Political Opposition U.S. Constitution and take
(Best Case Scenario) affirmative actions.
(Worst Case Scenario)
(Other Scenario)

SecDef, CJCS, and JCS issue statements that President Trump refuses to relinquish the Office of ‘Constitutionalist’ military officers issue a
the contested election and transition are a the Presidency citing the illegitimacy of the ‘pronouncement’ throwing their support
matter for Congress and the Judiciary, not the election. behind the opposition Biden
military. Administration.
CJCS Gen. Mark Milley, told members of
In the run up to the election, Trump calls the
Congress that the military would steer clear
process flawed and seizes power in defiance of the
of the upcoming presidential election
U.S. Constitution.
process, refuse to obey unlawful orders, and
will not help settle any disputes if the results President Trump’s relentless efforts to sow doubts
are contested.1, 2 about the legitimacy of this year’s election are
forcing both parties to reckon with the possibility
that he may dispute the result in November if he
loses — leading to an unprecedented test of
American democracy.3
Comment: Critical Indicator

CONUS and OCONUS military force readiness President removes SecDef Esper and CJCS Milley The Pentagon and NMCC are seized by
conditions (DEFCONa and FPCONb) are almost from their positions, making way for compliant the Constitutionalist military forces; the
certainly increased to show our adversaries replacements who will support the president’s PFPA is very likely relieved of their
course of action. responsibilities at the Pentagon.

Defense Readiness Condition (DEFCON) system is an alert state used by the U.S. Armed Forces. The DEFCON level is controlled primarily by the U.S. president
and the U.S. Secretary of Defense through the CJCS and the Combatant Commanders; each level defines specific security, activation, and response scenarios
for the personnel in question.
Force Protection Condition (FPCON) is a counter-terrorist threat system that describes the number of measures needed to be taken by security agencies in
response to various levels of terrorist threats against military facilities. The commander of NORTHCOM sets the FPCON level for CONUS military installations.

Military Officers issue a

Military Supports President Trump Against ‘Pronouncement” supporting the
Military Stays in the Barracks
Political Opposition U.S. Constitution and take
(Best Case Scenario) affirmative actions.
(Worst Case Scenario)
(Other Scenario)
we have resolve. Military forces are very likely On 4 June 2020, SecDef Esper told President
restricted to their respective bases. Trump he did not support invoking the
Insurrection act and use of active-duty military.4
On 4 June 2020, White House insiders noted
SecDef Esper risks being sidelined as White House
floats replacements.5
According to 7 September 2020 NBC News article,
the White House has talked to VA secretary
Robert Wilkie about taking Pentagon job if Trump
fires Esper. Trump has told aides for months he's
unhappy with Mark Esper and wants to fire him.
Trump's allies have told him doing so before the
election would create turmoil.6
On 7 September 2020, during a Labor Day press
conference, President Trump took aim at U.S.
military leadership, separating them from the
rank-and-file troops, saying “I’m not saying the
military is in love with me; the soldiers are. The
top people in the Pentagon probably aren’t
because they want to do nothing but fight wars so
that all of these wonderful companies that make
the bombs and [make] the places and make
everything else stay happy.”7
On 8 September 2020, White Chief of Staff Mark
Meadows defended Trump’s attack on military
leaders amid uproar over fallen solders remarks.8
Comment: Critical Indicator


Military Officers issue a

Military Supports President Trump Against ‘Pronouncement” supporting the
Military Stays in the Barracks
Political Opposition U.S. Constitution and take
(Best Case Scenario) affirmative actions.
(Worst Case Scenario)
(Other Scenario)

In addition to Pentagon Force Protection President Trump calls for or invokes the Constitutionalist QRF units are alerted
Agency (PFPA),c military forces from the WMD Insurrection Act of 1807 and directs U.S. Northern and deployed to secure government
are deployed to secure the Pentagon complex Command (NORTHCOM) to deploy CONUS-based institutions within the District of
and the National Military Command Center active-duty military forces “to suppress … any Columbia.
(NMCC). insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful
Note: The DCNG is assumed to be loyal
combination, or conspiracy.”
As of 8 September 2020, the Pentagon is at to the District.
FPCON BRAVO.9d On 1 June 2020, SecDef Esper and Vice President
Pence reportedly advised the president on to
invoke the Insurrection Act,10 though Esper has
since said that he does not favor invoking it. 11
On 28 August 2020, Trump said to consider
invoking 'insurrection' law after demonstrator’s
attack on Senator Rand Paul outside White
House.12, 13, 14
On 30 August 2020, hashtag #InsurrectionAct is
trending across social media platforms such as
Twitter with POTUS Donald Trump's supporters
calling for Trump to invoke the Act.15
Comment: Critical Indicator

Military weapons and ammunition stockpiles Increased rhetoric on protest-related violence and Constitutionalist QRF are deployed to
are secured to prevent theft by militia threats to use active-duty military to suppress civil seizes control of major telephone, radio,
elements. disturbances. and television networks.
Much of the RNC focused on the topic of crime,
particularly decrying violence in Blue states and
cities, casting Trump as a bringer of law and order
and slamming violence-ridden cities.16

The Pentagon Force Protection Agency (PFPA) is responsible for protecting and safeguarding designated DoD personnel, resources, and facilities.
FPCON BRAVO applies when an increased or more predictable threat of terrorist activity exists.

Military Officers issue a

Military Supports President Trump Against ‘Pronouncement” supporting the
Military Stays in the Barracks
Political Opposition U.S. Constitution and take
(Best Case Scenario) affirmative actions.
(Worst Case Scenario)
(Other Scenario)
On 27 August 2020, in a FOX News interview
Kellyanne Conway, Counselor to the President,
said "The more chaos and anarchy and vandalism
and violence reigns, the better it is for the very
clear choice on who's best on public safety and
law and order."17
On 28 August 2020, Trump escalates rhetoric on
unrest in cities, looking for a campaign
On 29 August 2020, in New Hampshire, Trump said
he might invoke the Insurrection Act to put down
leftist thugs.19
On 30 August, Trump's tweets to his followers
send a clear signal, violence and chaos are my only
hope for reelection.20
On 30 August 2020, Trump praised a caravan of
about 600 vehicles entering Portland on Saturday,
despite videos of his supporters driving into
protesters in pedestrian walkways, spraying
people with pepper spray and shooting citizens
with paintballs.21, 22
During a September 10 appearance on far-right
conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ Infowars network,
Roger Stone urged Trump to consider several
draconian measures to stay in power, including
having federal authorities seize ballots in Nevada,
having FBI agents and Republican state officials
“physically” block voting under the pretext of
preventing voter fraud, using martial law or the
Insurrection Act to carry out widespread arrests,
and nationalizing state police forces. Stone’s
efforts and his aim appears to be to spread

Military Officers issue a

Military Supports President Trump Against ‘Pronouncement” supporting the
Military Stays in the Barracks
Political Opposition U.S. Constitution and take
(Best Case Scenario) affirmative actions.
(Worst Case Scenario)
(Other Scenario)
conspiracy theories about voter fraud and call for
actions that would likely intimidate potential Joe
Biden voters. 23
On 11 September 11 2020, right-wing talk show
host Mark Levin said that Trump “will have to…
put down the enemy” after the election, using the
Insurrection Act, which permits the president to
use the military against citizens to stop civil
disorder and rebellion. “The enemy is antifa, the
enemy is Black Lives Matter, and the enemy is
anybody that is going to use rioting, arson, looting,
violence against our country to try to overthrow
our country,” he said. “Those are traitors. That's
treasonous.” He continued, “It wouldn't be hard to
put down these punks…. They run around in
masks because they're frauds. They cover their
faces because they're frauds. They don't want you
to know what they are and who they are.”
On 10 September 2020, President Trump said
Thursday that he would “very quickly” stifle riots
on election night if Democrats organize protests
against his potential victory, suggesting he would
do so by employing a law [the Insurrection Act of
1807] allowing him to deploy active-duty troops
domestically, according to the centrist Hill
website.24 When President Trump was asked by
Fox host Jeanine Pirro how he would respond to
rioting should he be declared the winner on 3
November 2020, he responded, “Look, it’s called
insurrection. We just send in [the military], and we
do it very easy…I’d rather not do that because
there’s no reason…but if we had to, we’d do that
and put it down within minutes.” In the same Fox


Military Officers issue a

Military Supports President Trump Against ‘Pronouncement” supporting the
Military Stays in the Barracks
Political Opposition U.S. Constitution and take
(Best Case Scenario) affirmative actions.
(Worst Case Scenario)
(Other Scenario)
interview Trump defended the police killing of
Michael Forest Reinoehl, a man who identified
himself as an anti-fascist and who is suspected of
killing a pro-Trump far-right activist in Portland,
Oregon. Trump, at least, seemed to think it was a
deliberate killing in which officers took the law
into their own hands, and he approves. Then he
spoke approvingly of a backlash against alleged
left-wing violence in the cities. “You will see a
backlash the likes of which you haven’t seen in
many, many years.” 25
On 14 September 2020, Michael Caputo, the
assistant secretary of public affairs at the
Department of Health and Human Services said
that Trump is on track to win in November, but
that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden
will stoke violence rather than conceding. “And
when Donald Trump refuses to stand down at the
inauguration, the shooting will begin,” he said.
Caputo claimed that the Trump supporter killed in
Portland, Oregon was “a drill” for what was to
come. “The drills that you’ve seen are nothing….
[T]here are hit squads being trained all over this
country” to stop a second Trump term, and they
were, he said, “going to have to kill me, and
unfortunately, I think that’s where this is going.”26

Largescale callup and activation of National Guard National guard units will be activated by
units are activated under Title 32 and deployment their respective Governors for SAD/
under NORTHCOM command and control. MSCA missions.


Military Officers issue a

Military Supports President Trump Against ‘Pronouncement” supporting the
Military Stays in the Barracks
Political Opposition U.S. Constitution and take
(Best Case Scenario) affirmative actions.
(Worst Case Scenario)
(Other Scenario)

Nationwide callup and activation of National Guard Widespread, spontaneous civil

under Title 10 (SAD) with parent-state Joint Force demonstrations supporting the
Headquarters retaining command and control. Constitutionalists occurs, as well as
violent counter-protests by militias
groups loyal to Trump.

Activation of National Guard under Title 10 (SAD)

and deployment under Emergency Management
Assistance Compacte (EMAC) agreement to support
civil unrest mission.
Note: It is almost certain that some, but not
governors will refuse the call-up, stating they are
needed to support state-level SAD/MSCA missions.

DHS paramilitary forces deploy to metropolitan

areas under Democrat control, possibly bring them
in conflict with state and local law enforcement.
On 30 August 2020, Acting DHS Secretary Chad
Wolf said on ABC's This Week on Sunday that "all
options to continue to be on the table" regarding
sending federal troops back to the city. 27

In addition to Pentagon Force Protection Agency

(PFPA), military forces from the WMD are deployed
to secure the Pentagon complex and the NMCC.

Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) is a mutual aid agreement that allows governors to provide state-to-state assistance during declared
states of emergency. It will enable other states to provide resources such as National Guard troops and equipment to the requesting state. National Guard
troops from other states mobilized do so in a State Active Duty status – not in a federal status. Those troops would fall under the operational control of
Wisconsin’s adjutant general during their mobilization but remain under their respective State’s administrative control.

Military Officers issue a

Military Supports President Trump Against ‘Pronouncement” supporting the
Military Stays in the Barracks
Political Opposition U.S. Constitution and take
(Best Case Scenario) affirmative actions.
(Worst Case Scenario)
(Other Scenario)

CONUS and OCONUS military force readiness

posture are increased. CONUS-based QRF and
other units are alerted for or deploy to the NCR.

QRF units secure key White House and other

federal buildings in the District of Columbia.

QRF units secure alternate government and military

command centers.

Government declares a Cybersecurity Emergency

and seizes control of non-governmental computer

Government seizes control of major telephone,

radio, and television networks.

Widespread civilian militia (vigilante) forces deploy

in Democrat-controlled cities, sparking violent civil
On 30 August 2020, a caravan of about 600
vehicles entering Portland where they drove into
protesters in pedestrian walkways, spraying
people with pepper spray and shooting citizens
with paintballs.28
Right-wing militia groups on social media, along
with conservative media commentators, are
saying armed civilians are the only thing
protecting innocent citizens and their businesses
from violence and destruction.29


Military Officers issue a

Military Supports President Trump Against ‘Pronouncement” supporting the
Military Stays in the Barracks
Political Opposition U.S. Constitution and take
(Best Case Scenario) affirmative actions.
(Worst Case Scenario)
(Other Scenario)

Theft(s) of weapons and ammunition from military

facilities and/or armories.



Website; CNN; Top US general tells Congress the military won't play a role in the 2020 election; 28 August 2020;; The Cable News Network (CNN) is an American basic cable, satellite television
channel, and website. CNN is rated Left Biased based on editorial positions that consistently favors the left, while straight news reporting falls Left-Center
through bias by omission, according to the MBFC website. They are also rated Mixed for factual reporting due to several failed fact checks by TV hosts.
However, news reporting on the website tends to be properly sourced with minimal failed fact checks.
Magazine; Forbes; Top U.S. General Promises Military Will Stay Out Of The Election Process; 28 August 2020;; Forbes is a
bi-weekly American financial and business magazine, according to the MBFC website. Forbes is rated Right-Center biased based on story selection that tends to
favor the right and the political affiliation of its ownership and Mostly Factual in reporting, rather than High due to some misleading or false stories related to
climate science.
Online newspaper; The Washington Post; Trump’s assault on election integrity forces question: What would happen if he refused to accept a loss?; 22 July
loss/2020/07/22/d2477150-caae-11ea-b0e3-d55bda07d66a_story.html; The Washington Post is a major American daily newspaper published in Washington,
D.C., which has distinguished itself through its political reporting on the workings of the White House, Congress, and other aspects of the U.S. government. The
Washington Post is rated having a Left-Center biased based on editorial positions that moderately favors the Left and factually High due to the use of proper
sources and a reasonable fact check record, according the MBFC website.
Website; CNN; Pentagon chief on shaky ground with White House after breaking with Trump over protest response; 4 June 2020;; The Cable News Network (CNN) is an American basic cable, satellite
television channel, and website. CNN is rated Left Biased based on editorial positions that consistently favors the left, while straight news reporting falls Left-
Center through bias by omission, according to the MBFC website. They are also rated Mixed for factual reporting due to several failed fact checks by TV hosts.
However, news reporting on the website tends to be properly sourced with minimal failed fact checks.
Website; Politico; Esper risks being sidelined as White House floats replacements; 4 June 2020;
house-replacement-302174; Politico is a news and opinion website who’s coverage includes the U.S. Congress, lobbying, media, and the presidency. They also
have their own bi-monthly magazine that covers politics, news, and opinions. Politico is rated Least Biased based on balanced coverage of news stories and
High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact check record, according to the MBFC website.
Website; NBC News; White House has talked to VA secretary about taking Pentagon job if Trump fires Esper; 7 September 2020;
news/military/white-house-has-talked-va-secretary-about-taking-pentagon-job-n1239007; NBC News is the news division of the American NBC broadcast
television network. NBC News is rated Left-Center biased based on story selection and word choices that moderately favor the left and High for factual
reporting due to proper sourcing and a reasonable fact check record, according to the MBFC website.
Website; WAMU 88.5; Trump’s Attacks Put Military In ‘Presidential Campaign Minefield’; 10 September 2020; 20/09/10/trump-vs-
the-military-the-presidents-mounting-attacks-on-the-top-brass/; WAMU 88.5 / American University Radio is a NPR public news/talk station in the Washington
D.C. metropolitan area featuring local news on education, transportation, and politics. The station is owned by American University.
Website; TPM; WH Defends Trump Attack On Pentagon Leaders Amid Uproar Over Fallen Soldier Remarks; 8 September 2020;; TPM (Talking Points Memo) is a liberal web-based
political journalism website covering a broad range of politics, policy, and national news. TPM is rated Left Biased based on story selection and editorial

positions that frequently favor the left, according to the MBFC website. They are also rate Mostly Factual in reporting due to proper sourcing of information
and one failed fact check.
Website; Pentagon Force Protection Agency; FPCON: BRAVO; 29 August 2020;; FPCON Bravo applies when an increased or more
predictable threat of terrorist activity exists.
Online newspaper; The Washington Post; The Battle of Lafayette Square and the undermining of American democracy; 3 June 2020;
11ea-b473-04905b1af82b_story.html; The Washington Post is a major American daily newspaper published in Washington, D.C., which has distinguished itself
through its political reporting on the workings of the White House, Congress, and other aspects of the U.S. government. The Washington Post is rated having a
Left-Center biased based on editorial positions that moderately favors the Left and factually High due to the use of proper sources and a reasonable fact check
record, according the Media Bias/Fact Check (MBFC) ( website.
Website; CNN; Pentagon chief on shaky ground with White House after breaking with Trump over protest response; 4 June 2020;; The Cable News Network (CNN) is an American basic cable, satellite
television channel, and website. CNN is rated Left Biased based on editorial positions that consistently favors the left, while straight news reporting falls Left-
Center through bias by omission, according to the MBFC website. They are also rated Mixed for factual reporting due to several failed fact checks by TV hosts.
However, news reporting on the website tends to be properly sourced with minimal failed fact checks.
Online newspaper; The Washington Times; Trump to consider invoking 'insurrection' law after demonstrators attack Rand Paul outside W.H.; 28 August 2020;
The Washington Times is a daily newspaper concentrating on politics and news. The Washington Times has an overall Right-Center biased based on a very
strong right editorial bias, their straight news reporting has a much lower bias, according to the MBFC website. We are factually Mixed due to poor sourcing,
hold editorial positions that are contrary to scientific consensus, and failed numerous fact checks.
Website; The Hill; Trump decries DC protesters as 'thugs'; 28 August 2020; administration/514229-trump-decries-dc-
protesters-as-thugs’; The Hill is an American political journalism newspaper and website that focuses on politics, policy, business, and international relations.
Their coverage includes the U.S. Congress, the presidency, and election campaigns. The Hill is rated Least Biased based on editorial positions that are currently
balanced and news reporting that is low biased, according to the MBFC website. They are rated Mostly Factual in reporting, rather than High, due to previous
opinion columns promoting unproven claims.
Website; PJ Media; Trump Again Threatens to Invoke Insurrection Law After Attacks on Supporters at White House; 29 August 2020;
house-n863515; PJ Media (originally known as Pajamas Media) is an American online media company and operator of a conservative news, opinion, and
commentary collaborative blog. PJ Media is rated Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracies as well as
numerous failed fact checks, according to the MBFC website
Website; MEAWW; #InsurrectionAct trends as Trump supporters urge him to invoke infamous Act used in LA riots: 'Enough is enough'; 30 August 2020;; Media, Entertainment, Arts (MES)
Worldwide is an India-based media-tech company. A review of Twitter confirms #InsurrectionAct hashtag is widely used by left- and right-wing poseters.
Online magazine; Forbes; Does Trump Benefit From Civil Unrest? That’s Not What Polls Show; 30 August 2020; 11 September 2020; andrewsolender/2020/08/30/does-trump-benefit-from-civil-unrest-thats-not-what-polls-show/; Forbes is a bi-weekly
American financial and business magazine. Forbes is rated Right-Center biased based on story selection that tends to favor the right and the political affiliation
of its ownership, according to the MBFC website. They are rated Mostly Factual in reporting, rather than High due to some misleading or false stories related to
climate science.

Twitter; Aaron Rupar;; Kellyanne Conway makes a case that the killings of peaceful protesters will
benefit Trump politically.
Online newspaper; The Washington Post; Trump escalates rhetoric on unrest in cities, looking for a campaign advantage; 28 August 2020;
a414-8422fa3e4116_story.html; The Washington Post is a major American daily newspaper published in Washington, D.C., which has distinguished itself
through its political reporting on the workings of the White House, Congress, and other aspects of the U.S. government. The Washington Post is rated having a
Left-Center biased based on editorial positions that moderately favors the Left and factually High due to the use of proper sources and a reasonable fact check
record, according the MBFC website.
Website; Townhall; President Trump in New Hampshire: I Might Invoke the Insurrection Act to Put Down These Leftist Thugs; 19 August 2020;
thugs-n2575294; The Townhall is an American politically conservative website and print magazine pulls together political commentary and analysis from over
100 leading columnists and opinion leaders, research from 100 partner organizations, conservative talk-radio, and a community of millions of grassroots
conservatives. The Townhall is rated Right Biased and Questionable based on consistent one-sided reporting that always favors the right and numerous failed
fact checks, according to the MBFC website.
Website; Salon; Trump's signal to his followers is clear: Violence and chaos are my only hope; 31 August 2020;
signal-to-his-followers-is-clear-violence-and-chaos-are-my-only-hope/; Salon is a progressive/liberal news and opinion website that publishes articles on U.S.
politics, culture, and current events and has a left leaning editorial stance. Salon Left Biased based on story selection that strongly favors the left and
endorsements of political positions that are affiliated with the Democratic Party, according to the MBFC website. Salon is rated High for factual reporting due
to proper sourcing of information and adherence to the consensus of science.
Online magazine; Forbes; Homeland Security Secretary Says It May Deploy Federal Troops Into Portland After Protest Fatality; 30 August 2020;;
Forbes is a bi-weekly American financial and business magazine. Forbes is rated Right-Center biased based on story selection that tends to favor the right and
the political affiliation of its ownership, according to the MBFC website. They are rated Mostly Factual in reporting, rather than High due to some misleading or
false stories related to climate science.
Online newspaper; The Washington Post; ‘Great Patriots!’: Trump lavishes praise on supporters amid deadly clashes with social justice protesters; 30 August
2020;; The
Washington Post is a major American daily newspaper published in Washington, D.C., which has distinguished itself through its political reporting on the
workings of the White House, Congress, and other aspects of the U.S. government. The Washington Post is rated having a Left-Center biased based on editorial
positions that moderately favors the Left and factually High due to the use of proper sources and a reasonable fact check record, according the MBFC website.
Website; Media Matters for America; Roger Stone calls for Trump to seize total power if he loses the election; 11 September 2020;; Media Matters for America is a politically
progressive media watchdog in the United States. Media Matters is rated Left Biased based on selectively checking right-wing sources and High for factual
reporting due to proper sourcing of information and a clean fact check record, according to the MBFC website.
Website; The Hill; Trump says he would put down riots on election night 'very quickly'; 11 September 2020;
516020-trump-says-he-would-put-down-riots-on-election-night-very-quickly; The Hill is an American political journalism newspaper and website that focuses
on politics, policy, business, and international relations. Their coverage includes the U.S. Congress, the presidency, and election campaigns. The Hill is rated


Least Biased based on editorial positions that are currently balanced and news reporting that is low biased, according to the MBFC website. They are rated
Mostly Factual in reporting, rather than High, due to previous opinion columns promoting unproven claims.
Website; Politico; ‘We’ll put them down very quickly’: Trump threatens to quash election night riots; 2020/09/11/trump-
election-night-riots-412323; Politico is a news and opinion website who’s coverage includes the U.S. Congress, lobbying, media, and the presidency. They also
have their own bi-monthly magazine that covers politics, news, and opinions. Politico is rated Least Biased based on balanced coverage of news stories and High
for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact check record, according to the MBFC website.
Website; TPM; Dem Sen Demands Caputo Resignation After He Reportedly Accused Scientists Of ‘Sedition’; 14 September 2020;; TPM (Talking Points Memo) is a liberal web-
based political journalism website covering a broad range of politics, policy, and national news. TPM is rated Left Biased based on story selection and editorial
positions that frequently favor the left, according to the MBFC website. They are also rate Mostly Factual in reporting due to proper sourcing of information
and one failed fact check.
Online magazine; Forbes; Homeland Security Secretary Says It May Deploy Federal Troops Into Portland After Protest Fatality; 30 August 2020;;
Forbes is a bi-weekly American financial and business magazine. Forbes is rated Right-Center biased based on story selection that tends to favor the right and
the political affiliation of its ownership, according to the MBFC website. They are rated Mostly Factual in reporting, rather than High due to some misleading or
false stories related to climate science.
Online magazine; Forbes; Homeland Security Secretary Says It May Deploy Federal Troops Into Portland After Protest Fatality; 30 August 2020;;
Forbes is a bi-weekly American financial and business magazine. Forbes is rated Right-Center biased based on story selection that tends to favor the right and
the political affiliation of its ownership, according to the MBFC website. They are rated Mostly Factual in reporting, rather than High due to some misleading or
false stories related to climate science.
Online newspaper; The Washington Post; Police can’t control armed militias. Trump’s incitement makes it worse; 28 August 2020;; The Washington Post is a
major American daily newspaper published in Washington, D.C., which has distinguished itself through its political reporting on the workings of the White
House, Congress, and other aspects of the U.S. government. The Washington Post is rated having a Left-Center biased based on editorial positions that
moderately favors the Left and factually High due to the use of proper sources and a reasonable fact check record, according the MBFC website.


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