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Class: Entrepreneurship Behavior.

Group Assignment Outline and Evaluation Rubric

No. Concept Applications

1. BETSCA (Bricolage, Effectuation, Explain group BETSCA based on its members
Thinking Structurally, Cognitive combination.
2. DISRUPT Explain the source of product ideas happening within the
group. How you come up with the product idea that you
think has the highest probability of feasibility.
3. Value Proposition Create the Gain, Pain, and Job of your product
4. Market Survey (Google form or Survey result from potential customer about the rank of
Monkey survey) Pain, Gain, and Job of your product. Measuring the
important and satisfaction of your product.
5. Business Model Canvas (BMC) Create the BMC of your product.
6. Product Market Fit Pyramid Create the problem space and the solution space of your
7. Visual Design Create a visual design can be presentation files, video or
other presentation techniques. The idea is to make the
product true form, benefit of the product can be seen.
8. Build – Measure – Learn Loop Explain the product concept process of your group in
9. Converting to Financial Statement Create the Actual Financial Statements from beginning
until now. If there is no sales yet, please record as is.
Then create the Forecast Income Statements dan balance
sheet, say for 1 periods.

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