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Threat of overpopulation in Pakistan

Albert Einstein said, “Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the
well-being of many people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organize peace on this planet
of ours.”

Helicopter view on population of the world

10000-foot view of Pakistan’s population explosion

Grounds responsible in tricking off population bomb

 Population: a red hot button, to be tackled later.
 Polygamy due to longing for male child
 The demand for children in nearly every developing country.
 Corruption and mismanagement in population programme
 Mismanagement of family planning
 Early marriages further add fuel to fire
 Technological advancement in fertility treatment
 High birth rate and low death rate
 Burgeoning illiteracy day after day
 Misinterpretation of religious lessons
Unimaginable and unthinkable repercussions of population explosion
 Growing population because of poor, but poor due to high birth rates
 Acceleration of unemployment in the land of pure people
 Depletion of national resources
 Impacted education and joy of childhood of many Mahnoors due to failure in family
 Pakistan’s youth bulge below age of 30 a potential ticking social time bomb.
 Rolling up of terrorism, crime and social unrest
 Poverty and inequality because of overpopulation
 Decelerating economic growth.
 Condensation of agriculture sector
 International migration
 Deteriorated current status of state’s pollution
How to control ever-increasing population?
 Persuade people to have smaller families
 Enhance family-planning programme
 Doubling Ehsaas (PM’s poverty programme) effectively, efficiently and diligently.
 A reduction in infant mortality through expanded public health programs and better
nutritional status for both mother and child, and better medical care.
 Manipulate economic incentives and disincentives
 Positive role of media in curbing population growth
 Scholar’s role in correct interpretation of religion
 To give women control over their bodies and involve men in it.
 An increase in the education of women and a consequent improvement in their role and
 World resource depletion and environmental destruction
 Population distribution
 Attempt to coerce people into having smaller families
 To raise the social and economic status of women


How can parents know how many of their children will survive to adulthood? Pakistan’s
population growth rate according to 2017 census is much higher than expected, the poverty is
harder to fight, our young people are uneducated; 16 million children are out of school, the
majority of them are girls. According to Edward Abbey, “A crowded society is a restrictive
society; an overcrowded society becomes an authoritarian, repressive and murderous society”.
Sincerely, the failure of population planning has robbed many of the joys of childhood. In fact,
from mobility to health to loneliness, a number of issues plague the lives of citizens of the
country due to growing population. First, this essay would bring forth various factors
aggrandizing population. Next, it would pinpoint its horrific offshoots and in the end would offer
some workable and implementable recommendations to get the better of overpopulation.


Every 37 minutes a Pakistani woman was dying of pregnancy-related causes. Dan Brown said,
“Ozone depletion, lack of water, and pollution are not the disease – they are symptoms. The
disease is overpopulation. And unless we face world population head-on, we are doing nothing
more than sticking a Band-Aid on a fast-growing cancerous tumor”. Moreover, the state does not
provide affordable access to decent qualitative education facilities. Likewise, the poor do not
have access to savings, investment instruments and to credit. Grudgingly, a lot of them do not
possess bank accounts. Even, social protection, for most people, is non-existent. Aforementioned
essay deliberated upon various grounds augmenting population, threw light on some of its
ramifications and in the end suggested some doable and out of the box strategies to wipe out
Infant mortality rate in Pakistan is 95 per 1000 and for 100k live births, women die of
pregnancy 350 to 500.
The reason for higher fertility rate in Pakistan is early marriages, desire for larger
families and low use of contraption.


Men begets, but land does not beget. Cecil Rhodes

A crowded society is a restrictive society; an overcrowded society becomes an

authoritarian, repressive and murderous society. Edward Abbey

Ozone depletion, lack of water, and pollution are not the disease – they are symptoms.
The disease is overpopulation. And unless we face world population head-on, we are
doing nothing more than sticking a Band-Aid on a fast-growing cancerous tumor. Dan

When it comes to tackling climate change and extreme weather, we ignore population at
our peril. Emma Woods

The problem of the growing food shortage cannot be solved without in many cases a
simultaneous effort to moderate population growth. U Thant
Every year, more than 75 million people are being added to the world’s population. But the
problem of population growth is not simply a problem of numbers. It is a problem of human
welfare and of development. Rapid population growth can have serious consequences for the
well-being of all humanity.

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