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I chose this growth mindset chart because it was simple to

understand. While I created this chart, the information was taken

from (as seen in the
reference). The chart was laid out in a clear way that I felt my
students would be able to understand. This is something we could
build together, as a class, as well. This shows the differences
between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. This also shows a
general idea and is not specific to any topic/subject area which I
think will be best when first introducing growth mindset. Further,
this is something that can be on the wall of my classroom year
round for a reference for students to look at and refer back to. I
purchased The Growth Mindset Coach which has a chapter for
every month from August to July. It gives information for each
month and lesson plans to incorporate it into the classroom. I also
included a video that my grade 2 and 3 students did to perform to
the class teaching them the basics of mindset growth.


Wenz, M. (1970, January 01). Discussing Growth Mindset Early in the

Year. Retrieved January 28, 2021, from

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