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Our school does not follow the RTI in reading nor does our district. I have our reading groups.
The resource teacher takes two of those groups out of the classroom, however, one group is
low, while the other is at grade level. This clearly doesn’t follow the RTI guidelines.
I do tier one and two in the classroom, using UDL principles, In tier two, I have small reading
and math groups. I feel it would be more beneficial if the resource teacher would take my
lowest groups.

Tier 3
Student (or small groups in
our school) would work
outside the classroom with a
specialist teacher. Intensive
one on one learning, would be
generally about 5% of the
classroom students (Most
often this is for emotional and
behavioural intervention).
Tier 2
Small group in class instruction where a teacher,
resource teacher or specialist teacher would be
working with limited groups of children to give
them further instruction. This may include small
reading groups or focus math groups for students.
Typically, there is about 15% of the students in
classroom would be in this category. Students in
our school have 45 minutes 5 days /week.

Tier 1
Core Class Instruction
The teacher tests all students in a classroom. In this
tier we use differentiated learning and UDL. This is
inclusive learning for all. We would use inquiry and
project based learning, incorporating Aboriginal Ways
of knowing and being, and assessment for, as and of
learning. Those students that may need more support
would then go to tier 2.

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