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So, as you can see I am quite active when it comes to reporting toxic players and

toxic community in general. A player named "Drahwekas" who played Ao Kuang in game
number "1120721454" of clash was very toxic and abusive , didnt play the actual
game due to typing and a perfect example of a toxic member of community other
players such as me are complaning about.
My ingame name is "Heressy" and I played Ra . I usually report through normal
channels after the game but this was just excessive.
In the aftergame chat he was also cursing my mother.

I am playing for 7 years now and think this is one of the major problems affecting
your game, player count and some players leaving. Pls enforce reporting quicker so
that the players actually "fear" the reports rather than just scoffing at the
mention of it. Thank you!

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